Oceans Apart 3

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Oceans Apart 3 Page 6

by Amanda Heartley

  One of Tristan’s arms was resting on the back of the couch while his other hand slid down to take hold of his cock. His slow deliberate pace made me glance up and the look in his eyes almost melted me on the spot. His gaze was heavy, eyes half hooded. He knew what he was doing to me and he loved it, relished it even. I loved it, too. I loved how sexy he made me feel with one glance. I loved knowing my body, with all its flaws and extra weight, turned him on.

  “Come on baby, don’t tease me,” Tristan groaned. I leaned over burying my nose in the curls at the base of his cock and inhaling his manly scent. Taking hold of his cock, I started with the sensitive skin of his sac and traveled upwards. His skin was as soft as silk against my tongue and his taste was indescribable.

  “There, baby…bloody hell, you’re so good for me.”

  I moaned as his hand buried itself in my hair, not gripping, but providing a steadying weight. When I reached the tip, I circled my tongue around languidly just to hear him groan. He was leaking a little precum and I quickly lapped it up, eager to have the taste coat my lips. I enjoyed the way his legs trembled underneath me with each pass of my tongue over the slit of his cock, but I decided I’d teased him enough. Opening my mouth wider, I took his hot shaft deep into my mouth humming at its heat.

  “Fuck! Baby.”

  The hand in my hair tightened. I was determined to have Tristan lose control. I wanted to wreck him as surely as he had wrecked me over the past few days. I didn’t know how I was going to function without Tristan once I got back to LA, so I was determined to enjoy every minute with him.

  It wasn’t long before his hips were thrusting upwards and I knew he was close. Humming again slightly, I moved down further on his shaft until I felt my gag reflex trigger. I pushed it down and swallowed quickly massaging his cock as it slipped into my throat.

  “Gin!” Tristan’s shout was the only warning I got and I quickly pulled back until only the head remained in my mouth as his cock spurted. His hips bucked uncontrollably as he cried out “Oh my God! Fuck!” I could feel his hot cum spreading thick on my tongue and I savored the taste before swallowing it.

  When his cock began softening, I slowly withdrew letting it slide back between my lips. I was satisfied for now. I knew by the look on Tristan’s face that he felt the same. I rested my hot cheek against his inner thigh and reveled in the feel of his fingers stroking through my hair. My eyes closed and I relaxed, drawing my legs up and underneath me on the couch.

  “So other than blowing me, literally, on the couch, what would you like to do today?” Tristan asked after a few minutes.

  “I really want to go to that Ferris wheel you guys have on the river. I think it’s called the Eye or something?” Although we’d been to a few sights and had driven by it, we hadn’t actually been on it. “Then maybe we could go out tonight? We haven’t gone to a club since, well since we met actually.”

  Tristan chuckled. “True and yes, it’s called the London Eye. That’s what we’ll do then. Perhaps we could go shopping and find you something to wear for tomorrow night as well. My parents are having a dinner party and my mum would be gutted if we didn’t show up.”

  “Tomorrow night? How fun. I’d love to meet your mum.” I smiled and tried to be nonchalant about it, but truthfully, I was nervous about meeting Tristan’s parents. I knew I couldn’t hold out forever, especially being in London. I was worried what they’d think of me, especially compared to what was sure to be loads of other high-society type girls they were familiar with.

  Tristan must have sensed my apprehension because he tightened his grip around me. I tried to push those thoughts from my head and just think what Kari would do. Kari always had it together when the shit got deep. She’d probably walk in with her head held high and own the place before the night was through. I’d just have to practice channeling some of her confidence until I could maybe believe it myself.

  “Don’t worry about them. You’ll be fine. Plus Mike will be there if he’s up to it, so at least you’ll know someone else besides me. The fact he’s limping around now means he won’t be able to run away from you either, though you could always just put a leash on him.”

  “Hmm, he might like that a little too much. Don’t you think?” I teased, looking up at Tristan. The shocked look on his face was soon replaced with amusement.

  “Funny thing is, you might be right. He’s a bit perverse that way.”

  “And you’re not?” I teased, scratching a nail softly through Tristan’s stubble. I found myself being bolder and bolder each day I was with him, and I knew we both enjoyed it.

  “Touché.” Tristan smiled “And now we’d better get up. If this conversation continues on in this direction, then there’s no way we’ll get out of here anytime soon.” We kissed and both shifted up off the couch. “You’d better take a shower first. I need to check up on some work emails before we go.”

  I gave Tristan another quick kiss before shutting myself in the bathroom. I knew if left to myself for too long, I might start over-thinking things again so I washed myself as quickly as possible. The hot water and powerful pressure helped soothe some of the small aches my body had after days of non-stop loving. God knows, it wasn’t something I was used to and I reveled in the pleasurable pain of every little ache. Each time I moved I felt the sweet bruising between my legs. It made me remember each thrust and push Tristan made inside of me. I knew it wasn’t something I’d soon forget.

  A knock on the door pulled me out of my daydream. “Honey, are you almost finished in there?”

  “Yes!” I called out.

  There was silence from the other side of the door and I thought Tristan had moved away until I heard the doorknob turn. “You sure you don’t need any help?”

  I peered around the side of the curtain and smiled when I saw him standing naked at the door, his cock hard as a rock and a smirk on his face.

  “Well, when you ask so nicely.”

  Chapter 10 — Tristan

  I didn’t know why I was so nervous. The past few days had been nothing but bloody perfect with Ginny by my side…and in my bed, and on the couch, the table, the car. There was practically nowhere in my flat that hadn’t been christened by us at least once. Some places two and three times. I knew Mike would be grossed out by the places our asses had touched. It was bloody brilliant!

  The day before, I’d enjoyed seeing the London Eye from a real foreigner’s perspective, something I always thought I’d hate. But with Ginny, it was as if a whole new world was opening up for me and I really enjoyed it. Even Mike commented on how relaxed I was now that Ginny was here in London. It was refreshing to have my best mate and the girl I was so wrapped up in, actually enjoying each other’s company. It made me realize how out of touch I was when I dated Vanessa.

  “What do you think about this one?” The sound of Ginny’s soft voice drew me away from my thoughts and I refocused on what our mission was. The sight of her in a soft cream colored dress that hugged her curves in all the right places made me want to do nasty things to her. I imagined pressing her against the mirror as I ripped the back of that dress. The material would feel so soft against my chest as I took her from behind. I imagined the rosy glow on her cheeks as she realized she could see the way my cock filled her completely—


  “What, yes?” My gaze slowly panned up Ginny’s body until it met her smile. Her eyes twinkled with amusement and I knew I’d been caught.

  “So is this one good?” She asked again with a soft smile. It never ceased to amaze me how naïve she was about her own sex appeal.

  “You look positively delicious, baby,” I drawled. Right on cue, a flush bloomed on her cheeks.

  “Thank you Tris, but I meant is it good enough for meeting your parents for the first time? I don’t want to scream strumpet or anything.” Ginny turned back to the mirror. She ran the palms of her hands down her supple hips. I was jealous. I wanted to be the one touching those hips right now.

I think you look amazing, hon,” I answered honestly. The beaming smile she threw over her shoulder made me feel good. If she needed me to boost her confidence so she wouldn’t feel nervous about tonight, I’d have no problem doing that. “Don’t worry so much, baby. Remember, Mike will be there tonight as well, and my mum will adore you. So don’t worry. It’ll all be good..”

  “True, true,” Ginny chuckled. “I think I’ll get this one then. I can always wear it to work if I’m feeling extra va-va-voom.” She walked back into the dressing room, shutting the door behind her. I could hear the sound of the zipper as she took the dress off and my hands twitched, wanting to walk right in there and touch her newly bared skin. I coughed softly before glancing around.

  “Need any help in there?” I asked.

  Ginny laughed. “Not unless you’re trying to get us kicked out and banned from this store.”

  “I could probably buy the store and just fire the manager or something,” I joked. I imagined Ginny stepping out of the dress and it excited me. I’d never wanted a woman so much before, and right now, it was getting damn near unbearable. It was only the thought of how nervous and anxious she was about tonight’s dinner party that kept my raging libido in check…barely.

  “Yeah, because that would make a great impression on your parents. You buying a whole store just so you can sex me up in the dressing room without us getting kicked out.”

  “The store would be a good investment property. Women, and women’s clothing is an all-around win-win situation, don’t you think?”

  “You’re ridiculous,” Ginny laughed. “Absolutely bloody mad!” The sound of her terrible British accent made me laugh. Since we’d been together, I’d discovered I actually had a sense of humor. Laughing with Ginny was easy and our banter came naturally, like we’d been together for years.

  “Mad for you maybe,” I replied without thinking. Suddenly, Ginny was standing in the doorway of the changing room. Her cheeks were flushed but her lips were ticked upwards in a soft smile. “Ready?”

  “Yeah, I am.” She walked over to where I was standing and for a moment, we just stood there, side-by-side, the sexual tension circling around us. It was like we were both waiting for something to finally break between us.

  I reached my arm out to wrap it around her shoulder and pulled her into the hardness of my chest. I enjoyed the small shiver she tried to suppress. I loved how sensitive and loving she was and wondered if she was like this with everybody or if it was just unique to me. I selfishly hoped her reaction was for me and me alone as I leaned down and pressed a kiss into her fragrant auburn waves.

  I didn’t know how long we stood there, our bodies pressed tightly together with my face buried in her hair. One minute? Five minutes? It didn’t matter. I just wanted to savor every moment we had together . I’d been telling the truth when I said I’d planned to return to LA but I just wasn’t sure how long it would take me to get those plans set in motion, especially with Mike being laid up for a few more months.

  With those thoughts swirling in my brain, I walked her over to the checkout and despite her protests, I wasn’t about to let her to pay for the dress. I liked the idea of providing for her, especially because I knew she wouldn’t ask. Without the constant pressure I’d felt with Vanessa, I found myself genuinely wanting to buy things for Ginny and make sure she’d be as comfortable as possible for tonight. I had a feeling it wasn’t going to be a lot of fun for either one of us.

  “Tristan, seriously, thank you.” She looked up at me with her big grey eyes and then said, “The past few days have been amazing. I mean, honestly, I’m terrified about tonight because I know your father doesn’t like me, but then again, how bad could it be? We are going together and I’m sure you’ll take care of me.”

  I laughed a little because I was wondering the same thing. How bad could tonight possibly be? I knew my mum would keep things civil, but I didn’t know whether or not my father would keep quiet. What I did know was…I didn’t want Ginny to feel awkward or second best.

  “Did you bring your driving license?” I asked abruptly when we got to the car. The questioned seemed to throw Ginny.

  “Of course. Why?”

  I smirked as I opened the driver’s door. “Get in, you’re driving.”

  “I—what?” She squawked, her eyes were as wide as saucers. “Tristan I don’t have a British license, or even an international one. And this is an expensive ass car. Can’t you drive?”

  “I just want you to feel how liberating it is to finally drive on the right side of the road,” I said, “You’ll love it and an American license is good enough to drive here as a visitor. If you crash it, we’ll buy another one.”

  “That’s not the point at all! What if I hit someone? Or kill them?”

  “Honey, you’re not going to kill anyone. I won’t let that happen, now get in the car.” I laughed. Her protests were funny. I really liked how feisty she was in her reactions.

  “Fine! Damn!” she huffed. I watched her stomp around to the right side of the car, which made me laugh even more, and after laying her dress on the back seat, she settled into the driver’s seat with a “hmmph.”

  “I can’t believe you’re making me drive. And on the wrong side of the car and the wrong side of the road!”

  “Most people drive on this side of the road over here. You Americans are just strange,” I teased. I could see her hands shaking when I dropped the key in her palm and closed her door. I walked around to the left side of the car and sat in the passenger seat. “Don’t be nervous. You already know how to drive a car and this is no different.”

  “Okay, so how many kilometers per hour equals one mile per hour?”

  I couldn’t help it, I threw my head back and laughed. “How the fuck should I know, baby? This is England. We drive on the left and we’ve got miles per hour, just like America. It’s those crazy Europeans that have kilometers and drive on the wrong side of the road like you lot do.” I looked at Ginny and sobered when I saw how flustered she was. I put my hand on her thigh and gave it a soft squeeze.

  “Seriously baby, relax. It’s just like driving back home in LA only on the opposite side of the road. The pedals, indicators, wipers, everything except the gear stick and the steering wheel are in the same place as it is back in the States so you’re good to go, okay?”

  “Good to go? Like that’s so easy!” she protested.

  It took a little more coaxing, but finally, I managed to get her to start the car.

  “Oh my God! Oh my God!”

  “Relax , baby. It’s just a car.”

  “Yes it is, but it’s a backwards car!” I could see the sweat beading on her upper lip and I had to laugh. I didn’t realize getting her to drive would be such a big deal. It was fun, though.

  I enjoyed helping her get a feel for how we drove here in the UK and soon enough, we were cruising along the streets like she’d been here forever. Ginny’s worried expression faded away and she grew more and more confident the more we drove, her face turning into a beaming smile.

  She patted my leg frantically, “I got it! I finally got it!”

  “Yes, you did baby girl. You got it.” I felt like a proud father teaching his daughter how to drive. The innocence and naiveté was refreshing.

  My phone rang and I figured Ginny was doing pretty good on her own, I went ahead and pulled it out of my pocket to answer it.

  “Hello son, where the hell are you?” The sound of my father’s voice made me want to hang up without even answering him. Unfortunately, I knew I couldn’t.

  “Don’t worry father, I know what time dinner is starting. Ginny and I will be there on time.”

  “See that you are.”

  The click of the phone pissed me off. After having such an excellent day with this beautiful girl, it all came crashing down thanks to the man I should look up to as a role model. How fucked up is that?

  “You okay, Tris?” Ginny asked tentatively. I tried to change my mood for her. I smiled, o
nce again placing my hand on her thigh and squeezing softly.

  “Peachy,” I replied. I knew she didn’t believe me, but she simply put her hand over mine and squeezed back. I was thankful she knew me well enough not to pry for more information and the remainder of the drive went by in a slightly awkward silence.

  When we got back to my apartment, I gave Ginny a quick kiss to let her know my depressed mood had nothing to do with her. The smile she gave me before walking into the bathroom made me feel slightly better. When the door shut firmly behind her, I pulled out my phone and called Mike.

  “Mate, don’t tell me you’re going to be late or something? I’m already in my best suit and you wouldn’t believe how hard it is to get one of these on over this bloody cast!”

  Talking to Mike was always a great idea. I could already feel my mood improving. “No, nothing like that,” I replied. I could hear the sound of shifting fabric on the other end of the line. “Are you using your crutches like you’re supposed to?”

  “Aye, of course I am. Now as much as I know you love me, I can tell by the tone of your voice that you didn’t call me up to check on the state of my crutch use. Now I’m a busy man as you know, so rather than beating around the bush and talking about the price of cauliflower, why don’t you just tell me why the fuck you called and why you sound like someone just put a melted chocolate bar on the seat of your car?”

  The mention of what Mike had to do to my car just to get me out of a ticket made me laugh. “Fuck, did you have to remind me of that?”

  Mike laughed. “Oh please, I’m sure it’s already cleaned and nobody could even tell anything was there.”

  “Not the point, mate. That cost me nearly two hundred quid to have that sorted out,” I groaned.

  “You’re right, it isn’t. Now, tell me the point of this call? It must be something important since you’re supposed to be picking me up in a few hours anyway.”

  I paused. “I’m worried…about tonight.”


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