Hot for Talia: An Erotic Transgender Romance

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Hot for Talia: An Erotic Transgender Romance Page 188

by Bloom, Julian

  Anne's daughters got her to join “Golden Dates” about two years ago, she met her male companion (Dan) through the website about a year and a half ago. He too is Scottish, like Anne, he owns a “Scottish shop” where he sells all kinds of things from British foods, to kilts. Little did Violet know that two years later she too would be joining “Golden Dates” looking for companionship that might lead to an exciting romantic relationship—something she had missed out on in her life the past ten years or so.

  She thought back to when she visited Brian and Morgan at their universities and how she loved the surprised looks on their faces when she bought them each a new car, two Volvo SUVs, she had a good price on them from a client. They both were doing well in their studies and she wanted to give them an extra special gift. She had surprised them with first suggesting taking them for a birthday lunch, and then she took them to shop for a car—she wasn't going to tell them what they were shopping for, until they pulled into the car lot. She was excited about giving each of her children these great surprise gifts.

  The passion in her marriage had disappeared about ten years previous to Joel's passing, all her passion and energy was pretty much invested in her company. She had made it a great success, she was at a point in her life where she needed more in her life besides big profits in her company. She couldn't believe that it had actually taken the death of her husband Joel for her to realize how precious life is and how at any moment we could depart from this world. No matter how much monetary wealth we obtained it would not give us everlasting life here on earth. So the main thing to do is to make sure that what precious time you do have, invest it in doing things that will give you immense pleasure and satisfaction. Violet wanted to find someone that she could spend some intimate time with to experience that special feeling of bonding with another person in the heat of passion, this was something she wanted to rediscover.

  She was surprised to realize just how much she missed making love. Violet had buried her personal physical and mental desires down so deep within her that she had almost completely lost touch with them. Instead, she had spent the last decade of her life putting every ounce of her energy into developing her business to a point that it was a company that was one of the top 10 of graphic design companies within the San Francisco area. When they had conquered the San Francisco area, they moved forward to take on Manhattan, New York as their next place to conquer in the world of graphic design, which they were also taking by storm. This largely due to Jenna Todd and her skills in successfully running the Manhattan branch. It was all very exciting and exhilarating when Violet and Joel had planned the Manhattan expansion together over seven years ago. But Joel's unplanned death was like the wrench being thrown into the working machine that ran their company, it all came to an abrupt halt.

  Violet knew she had to get it up and moving once again, it was time to oil the machinery and get it running smoothly. Once this was set up Violet decided that she was going to train “Jim Thatcher” another executive of “U-PIC Designs Inc.” to run the main branch of the company in San Francisco. She first wanted to make sure that both branches were running smoothly before she would hand the reins over to Jim Thatcher. Now she was preparing to totally hand over the reins to Jim Thatcher, and thinking about stepping down, she only shows up for the occasional company meetings in Manhattan once in awhile to see how things are going there for herself. Eventually she would completely step away, and sell company shares, but keep enough shares of the company, until she decides otherwise. Violet got up to pour herself another cup of tea, and checked to see if there are any messages for her on her “Golden Dates” account—there was a message waiting for her—she felt a level of excitement as her mind buzzed thinking 'could this be her future companion that has left her this message?'

  Chapter 3. Violet & Neil's Night at the Opera!

  Violet jumped out of her cab nervous and excited about meeting Neil for the first time after chatting with him for the past two weeks by phone, she had met him through “Golden Dates” they finally decided they needed to have a proper date. They had arranged to meet outside the War Memorial Opera House on Van Ness Avenue. Neil had made reservations for them to dine at the Café at the Opera before they went to see the opera “Carmen.”

  Violet had gotten a new dress, it was a lovely light lemon color that had a bit of a silver shimmer to it, she had also gone to her salon and had a whole new makeover for the occasion. She felt such a rush to be out on a date—involved in something that was not somehow work related felt so good and almost foreign to her. She spotted Neil walking towards her, he was tall with pepper colored hair and lovely dark blue eyes and clean shaven. When he smiled down at her, two dimples appeared at the sides of his cheeks. Violet thought they looked so adorable and sexy. Neil complimented Violet on looking so lovely and ravishing as he escorted her towards the Café at the Opera.

  After the opera, Violet and Neil went into the bar at the Opera House, to enjoy a nightcap together. Neil was a marine biologist, his research ship and personal yacht were both parked at Berkeley Marina in San Francisco Bay. He asked Violet if she would like to join him for a day of sailing on the following Saturday. He was leaving for a week on the research ship, but he would be back next Thursday. Violet was delighted at the offer to go for a day of sailing on Neil's yacht. They continued to chat and have a couple of drinks, then they called it a night and Neil dropped Violet off at her door. He even got out of the cab and walked her right up to her door. Violet had asked Neil to come in—but he had an early morning, he was heading out on his research ship for a week. He thanked her for the invite, and complimented on her lovely home, said he would love to take a rain check. They said their goodbyes, Neil stating as he headed down the stairs looking back “until next Saturday” he said with a wave. “I will give you a ring to make the arrangements tomorrow, good night Violet” called back Neil as he stepped into the cab. “Thanks for the lovely evening Neil” called out Violet to Neil. She walked into her living room and twirled through the room with a dance in her step, thinking of the tall and dashing Neil and those sexy deep blue eyes of his. It had been literally years since she had such an enjoyable evening, where she was getting compliments and attention from a handsome man all evening—Violet hadn't realized just how much she missed getting treated like a Queen by a man. She certainly loved the feeling of pleasure that it gave her. She couldn't wait to see Neil next Saturday, it will be so romantic sailing out of San Francisco Bay with Neil, heading out into unchartered waters, so to speak. Her possible future prospects with Neil left her full of excitement.

  The next day she spoke to her daughter, Morgan that called to see how she was doing. She told Morgan all about her date at the Opera, and how she had a second date lined up for a day of sailing, on the following Saturday. Morgan was happy to hear her mother with an air of excitement in her voice. It seemed to Morgan the only time she remembered hearing her mother sound this excited was when her profit margin was going through the roof with the success of “U-PIC Designs Inc.” Violet was relieved to hear that her daughter was supportive of her decision to move on with her life, and getting out of the confines of her office. Morgan and her brother Brain were not blind to the fact that their parents had been more business partners than husband and wife. They had even got used to the fact that their father was having affairs for many years. Brian had told Morgan about a time, about eight years ago that he went to meet their father for lunch and walked into his father's office where he believes he caught their dad in the midst of some kinds of sexual behavior, with one of the girls that worked in the office. When he walked in the girl was leaning across the desk facing their father. When Brian walked in the two jumped up, in a startled manner. The woman rushed out the office past Brian with a look of shame on her face. With their father announcing that he wasn't expecting Brian so early, Brian looked at the retreating woman stating “apparently not, I hope I wasn’t interrupting anything important father?”

  Of course he
knew that he most certainly did walk in on something, especially when his father made a point of asking him over lunch, not to mention anything to his mother about the little office incident that he had walked into. Brian agreed, but only because he did not want to be the one to tell his mother this saddening news. Even though deep down inside, he knew his mother was well aware of what his father was up to, when it came to his extra-marital affairs. One thing he knew was his mother was an intelligent woman, but for some reason she turned a blind eye to his father's cheating behaviors. He figured even with this flaw of his father's his mother knew he was a good business partner and was willing to live with the fact that he was not a good husband. She tolerated this imperfection because he helped her make their company a great success. Having a male business partner had helped her gain some clout in the world of dealing with businessmen, especially those that were old school in their beliefs—which often included disliking dealing with a woman in business deals. So these clients were left for Joel to deal with, for the most part. Violet and Morgan discussed how little Kiley, and Ryan were doing, and how life in general was. She told Violet that she had just bought her daughter some new outfits for their upcoming trip to the Grand Canyon, which was in a week’s time. Morgan told her mom how excited her husband Ryan was when he came home yesterday after booking the motor-home for their trip.

  Violet wanted to make up for all of the things that she missed out on when her children were growing up. She loved spending time with her two grandchildren, precious moments she missed out on with her own children. When she bought the new cars for her son and daughter, it helped her feel less guilty. But, she realizes that she cannot change the mistakes she has made in the past with her children, by buying them these things. Violet desperately wanted to show how sorry she really is for not being a better mother. Violet understands that she could not buy the love and respect of her children, but over time she hopes to earn them.

  She also reconnected with herself, she did not want to be the all-businesswoman anymore. She wants to rediscover her needs as a woman, who wants passion and romance in her life. Violet wants to discover those desires that are found in the simple pleasures in life, such as enjoying making love, with a companion who will want to hold her and love her. But, for now it feels great just to be able to go out with another person and experience things in life that do not revolve around closing business deals. The front doorbell begins to ring, she quickly says her goodbyes to Morgan and rushes to answer the door.

  Chapter 4. Love Comes Knocking On Violet's Door

  She opens the door and there, standing before her, is a tall East Indian man, with black shimmering hair, and large dark eyes and full lips, with a lovely pearly white smile. “Mrs. Violet Fulton?” he says with a sensual voice. “Yes I am she, what can I do for you?” replies Violet, to the god of a man, standing before her. “My name is Anurag Topra from “Mindful Therapies.” We had an appointment for today to set up a weekly planner for some private sessions—I hope that I have not come at a bad time?” replied Anurag with a touch of concern in his tone. “No, No—not at all Anurag, I have been expecting you, please come in” smiled Violet as she opened the door to welcome Anurag Topra into her home. They sat down in the kitchen, on chairs at the big island in the kitchen, where Violet loved to sit. They drank some herbal tea, while working on a weekly planner for Violet to begin her training with Anurag. As they worked out a plan, Violet asked what Anurag's name meant. Which he replied that Anurag meant “love.” She could see that it was very fitting, as she sat and looked at this handsome man working on her planner, she thought he was indeed lovely to look at. They were going to start with three yoga and meditation sessions a week and go from there. They would meet here at Violet's on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 10am, starting the following week. After setting up Violet's planner Anurag got up and said his goodbyes, as he had a class to teach in half and hour, he headed back to his studio, leaving a pamphlet of all the services that the Mindful Therapies Centre offered.

  After Anurag had left Violet went back and looked at the pamphlet he had left for her. What caught her eye was a class that was offered in couples counselling, it was an introduction class to Tantric sex. Violet began to imagine the handsome Anurag performing some private lessons with her on Tantric sex positions. She thought that was a course she wouldn't mind studying for, she imagined having some one-on-one lessons on Tantric sex with the handsome Anurag. It was certainly something for her to consider for the future. But for now she would just have to content herself with getting some yoga lessons from Anurag or also known as “Love.” Violet had a funny feeling that she was going to learn more from this man, whose name means love, than just yoga. She thought with a grin 'indeed love did come knocking on her door!'

  She had been invited that evening for a barbecue that Anne McTavish was putting on. Anne had told Violet that Dan and his brother, who was visiting from Scotland would be joining them, who Anne pointed out as being an eligible bachelor that was immigrating here in two months time. He had come on this trip to purchase a home. Violet decided that she would go out and get some nice flowers for Anne, and a nice bottle of wine. She also decided to swing round to Sophia's boutique on Plum St., hoping that the lavender colored long peasant skirt was still there that she liked, and the nice light mint colored top that would go nicely with it. It was such a glorious day, her morning was spent enjoying the company of the handsome Anurag, and now she was looking forward to spending the evening in the company of some delightful Scottish people, one of which was apparently an eligible bachelor, according to Anne. Violet gathered her things and rushed out the door to do her shopping, with a feeling of light and positive energy. Violet jumped in her BMW, just then her cell phone started to ring. “Hello, Violet speaking.” It was Neil on the phone calling to confirm with Violet that they were still on for next Saturday. He told her he would email directions to her on how to get to where his boat was located. He was unable to pick her up himself because he was having some work done on his Lexus. It would be in the shop next week. They arranged to meet at Skate restaurant at 10am on the following Saturday.

  Of course Violet had no problem driving herself, something she was more than used to doing. She told him that the directions where not necessary, she knew exactly where Neil's yacht was moored at Berkeley Marina. She and Joel had dined at the Skate restaurant there a few times over the years in the past. So Violet confirmed all the plans for the following Saturday with Neil. He asked what she had planned for this evening, which she told him she was going to her neighbours for a barbecue, nothing too exciting. But she mentioned that Anne and Dan were good company, both had a great sense of humor, one of those Scottish traits many adore about the Scots. Violet said her goodbyes to Neil and hung up her cell phone, putting her car into drive. Violet headed down the steep street of Birchcliffe Ave, wearing a grin on her face as she started off down the road on her little shopping spree!

  Violet was sitting outside “Henry's Tea Shop” enjoying a tea biscuit and blueberry herbal tea, watching the people passing by. Suddenly from behind her she heard a familiar voice saying “so this is where you like to spend your time hanging out.” Violet looked up to find there standing on the sidewalk was Anurag. “Oh hello Anurag, fancy running into you?” “Yes, I think great minds think alike, I was just coming to have a quick bite and a tea, here at Henry's, I come here often” replied Anurag with a warm smile. “You are more than welcome to join me if you like” replied Violet with a smile at the handsome man. “Yes that sounds great, I will just pop into the shop and place my order” replied Anurag.

  As they sat sipping their teas and enjoying a chat—all of a sudden Violet brought up the topic of the introduction course that he offered on Tantric sex. Anurag explained to Violet that it was part of couples counselling that they offered at the centre. It basically introduces different Tantric sexual positions that the couples could try to help improve their physical relationships. Violet smiled over with a misc
hievous, sexy grin, replying that she was disappointed to hear that it was only offered to couples. She suggests to Anurag that she would have been interested in adding that to her weekly private lessons. His deep dark eyes looked into hers and he quietly replied to her that he was sure they could work something out. He suggested that he could bring a book that shows various Tantric sexual positions when he comes on Monday for her yoga and meditation session, if she was agreeable to that. Violet smiled over at Anurag and said that she would be delighted to see just what Tantric sex was all about.


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