Hot for Talia: An Erotic Transgender Romance

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Hot for Talia: An Erotic Transgender Romance Page 205

by Bloom, Julian

  "I know, me too.” Ethan grinned. “Try not to let yourself go without me.” He joked.

  “Haha. Not funny.” Alex playfully slapped his hands causing Ethan to cry playfully and he in turn planted little kisses on his hand. Who would have thought that these two would be here right now, enjoying each other like this? When Ethan had decided to take a chance working at an up and coming fashion designer a few years back, he didn't expect to meet someone who would change the way he saw the world forever.

  Alex had been so truthful to the point that it came out blunt. It had grated on his nerves while leaving him lusting like crazy over him, but in the end, true feelings bloomed between the two of them.

  "Calling for all passengers leaving to Dubai.” A voice came from the airport speakers.

  “Your flight is about to load,” Alex said as he looked into Ethan’s upturned face, strong square jaws and dark features that had drawn him in like a magnet from the first time they met. He was tall, lean and polished, yet Alex knew how to make him scream and cry out his name in pleasure. He felt a little powerful that he alone could do that. This powerful man that had more than thirty thousand workers under his control was mere mush in his hands.

  “I'm going to miss you baby.” Ethan smiled kissing him one last time on the lip.

  “Yea me too, hurry up and come back.” Ethan couldn't wait, if this trip wasn't so important to his business, he would have had no issue with not going, but his mother was going to be there and it was essential to the future of the company.

  As he boarded the plane, the only thought that crossed his mind was that he couldn't wait to be back where he belonged, beside his man.


  No, he wasn't going to do it…not again, not even if every cell in his body was pushing him towards that direction, if he did it again, this would be the tenth time today of calling Ethan with no reply, no call back, nothing.

  When Ethan had first landed in Dubai, they had talked constantly from the airport to his hotel room and even prior to his first meeting. But right after that, the calls stopped, no call backs, no phone calls, nothing. Alex had been worried at first that something had happened to him. He called the Hotel to see if Ethan was still checked in, but was told all calls are on hold. Then he went to Ethan’s house and then to his office to make sure he was okay, but when Ethan's secretary refused him entry to the office, he became deeply disturbed. Was this to be Ethan’s subtle way of breaking up with him?

  But why? Things had been wonderful between them, so why was he dumping him without saying what the problem was and not even trying to fix it? Just like a typical coward, he was totally ignoring the conflict that comes with break-ups.

  "You’re still at it Alex?" Said his best friend Maggie, as she poked her head into his new corner office. They had come a long way from their first meeting till now. Ten months ago he had not only been her personal assistant, but was also in charge of the new fashion pieces that came out from the company. After the tremendous success of his line, he had been given a double promotion and an office of his own.

  Life couldn't be any better, his dream job, his dream man, his dream life…that had been how he felt before Ethan took a giant stake and stabbed him in the heart, when Ethan dumped him without so much as an explanation or a lie. Now everything was amok.

  "I just want to know why.” Alex replied. "I can't understand the sudden pivot; we were fine before he left for Dubai and now this?" Maybe they could work on whatever the issue was, if only Ethan would just pick up the damned phone!

  "Alex, you can't beat yourself up about this, otherwise you won't be able to move on.”

  "But I don't want to move on Maggie! I love him.” She rolled her eyes.

  "Love is so over-rated honey.”

  "That's easy for you to say, you fall in love constantly but he's the first guy I have ever said those words about,” Alex said solemnly. He was solemn, he had never thought those words would be associated with him but that was how he felt at this very moment...solemn. “I thought he loved me back.” His voice cracked. “I thought he cared.” Ethan had said he did, had expressed it too, through affection, care, even gifts! When they were together, he had made sure he showed his love in different ways. So why did he cut me off all of a sudden? He thought.

  This just didn't make any sense.

  "It's been three months Alex.” She moved to the cushion in his office and sat down. “Isn't that a long time in the gay community to be whining over another man?"

  What did she know? She went through men like I go through hair products. To her he replied; “He's not just another man Maggie, he's my man.” Why couldn’t she understand that? Why couldn’t any of his friends understand that he had found the man he was destined to love for all eternity? They tried to make him get over Ethan, told him he was no good and Alex could do better, but Alex didn’t see it that way. To him there was only Ethan.

  Alex heard Maggie visibly sigh then reach into her pants pocket and bring something out. “I didn't want to have to show you this.” She said dropping an envelope on the table. "But it seems like this is the only way to bring you out of this zombie state you have landed in.”

  Alex looked curiously at her, then at the envelope wondering what could possibly be inside that would convince him to change his mind about Ethan. Cautiously he took the envelope and opened it…and suddenly it all made sense.

  You Are Cordially Invited to The Union Of:

  Ethan Carter and Penny Summers

  The rest was a distant blur; he was getting married? Ethan was getting married?

  He stared.

  And stared.

  He was unable to believe what he had just read. At least it wasn't to another man, that had to count for something, right? A small tiny desperate voice whispered in his head, trying to bring him out of the cold dark pit he was falling in, but Alex wasn’t sure it counted for much, because if it did why was his heartbeat elevating and his anger boiling over? But most importantly, why did he feel so…betrayed?

  “I'm sorry Alex.” Maggie said. “I'm sure it’s some kind of family pressure or something."

  “Then why would you show this to me Maggie.” Alex whispered, the stabbing pain in his chest increasing the more he thought about what he had just read. “Why would you show me that Maggie?"

  “Because I needed you to get back to your senses, get back to the guy I used to know.” He could feel the truth and worry in her voice, which prevented him from getting angry at her. “Ethan is from a wealthy family; old money, and he was probably pressured to get married by his mother, he may still love you but that doesn't change the fact that you will always play second fiddle to his family and his responsibilities. He's not going to be hanging around showing his love for you when his family is involved, you need to realize that before it’s too late.” She finished.

  Alex looked at her, looked at the sincerity in her eyes and nodded. He had promised himself when he had first come out, that he would never allow anyone to make him feel bad for who he was. As long as he loved himself that was all that mattered, and right now it felt like a test, a test he was going to pass.

  He wouldn't put himself in a position to get hurt, not now, not ever.

  Chapter Two

  “Remember you have an eight ‘o’ clock with Alex tonight.” His PA said causally, causing his heart to skip a beat. He looked at his Rolex, 7:30.

  He hadn’t been aware of any meeting with Alex, where had this come from?

  “I wasn’t aware that I had a meeting with Alex.” He said causally to his secretary, trying to hide the panic in his voice.

  “I wrote it down in your reminder.” She said. Damn! He hadn’t checked the stupid thing, had been so busy planning his farce of a wedding and trying to avoid Alex’s calls that he hadn’t been aware of much else.

  Alex. He hadn't seen a missed call in a while, had been too chicken to tell him he was calling off their relationship because of things like family and responsibility, it e
ven sounded ludicrous to him but Ethan knew he had had to do it. He was the first son of his father and no matter how much he didn't care, his mother did seem to care very much about it. He cared dearly about her and could not do anything to upset her.

  He cared enough to be sucked in when she cried to him about getting married, in order to salvage their fathers name and his inheritance. His father had been dead for more than a year now, but he still seemed to be in control of his life, from the stupid will he had left on his passing that stipulated that he get married and have children within a limited time frame or his inheritance be passed on to the next in line, the bastard!

  He remembered the day his mother had clearly taken matters into her own hands, as though it had just happened recently instead of months ago.

  They had been on the balcony of his penthouse Dubai hotel room and he had been having breakfast when his mother started again with her woes of having a grandchild and such.

  "Why do I have to do anything that man says… mother?" He had asked, totally irritated that his mother was still bringing up this nonsense. When his father had passed, he had stipulated in his will that his first child had to be married and produce an heir or risk his wealth and birthright being transferred to the next in line. Left to Ethan he couldn't give a rat’s ass about his father's wealth or reputation, but his mother meant so much to him so the mere fact that she cared made him care too, even if it left him a little irritated.

  "Do you want to see your birthright stolen?" She had been infuriated. He couldn't remember ever seeing her like that. “Because it seems like you don't care about me or the family.”

  "You know I care about you mother, so please let's drop it.”

  "How can I drop it when you won't give me grandbabies Ethan? What have I done to deserve this?” Ethan could remember being on the verge of saying “I'm gay mother” and letting her know once and for all who he really was, but she had continued. “Do you know what the other wives are saying about us? About you?"

  “I don't care what they have to say mother; they are free to say whatever they please.”

  "But no Ethan, this is really bad! They are saying that you are… that you are a homosexual, can you believe that? That my own son is gay!" The way his mother had said the word with such disgust and hatred had grated on his nerves, she made it seem like it was the most perverted thing in the world to be.

  Ethan had felt ashamed at that very moment and angry that he had to hide who he was from the woman he loved, but most of all he felt fear, fear that if his mother found out who he was, she wouldn't love him anymore, wouldn't care for him and would insist on no longer being a part of his life. For Ethan, that would be unthinkable.

  That had been too much for him to bear so he had kept quiet, hadn't said a word and instead somehow found himself sucked into this horrible vortex that was marriage to a woman.

  “Thanks.” He said to his PA coming back to reality. Ethan was certain that Alex just wanted to terminate their contract, nothing more nothing less. They couldn’t work together if Ethan insisted on dodging his calls, but Ethan was a little hurt that Alex had given up on him so soon. Anytime he had seen Alex’s number flash on the screen it gave his heart a little nudge that at least he still cared and maybe everything would be alright in the end.

  But 30 minutes later with Alex sitting across from him, Ethan knew that nothing would ever be the same, either things would get way better, or way worse. He feared the latter was more plausible.

  Ethan couldn't wrap his brain around anything except to see the cold way Alex looked at him, like he hadn't said he loved him, or like all the intimate moments they shared had only been a dream. It hurt Ethan to see him that way, but he didn't know what to say to make anything better.

  "We need to figure out a way to work together.” Alex said. So, he wasn't here to terminate their contract?

  "Alex..." Baker was cut off by Alex's raised hand.

  "It doesn't matter that we are no longer dating or that you are getting married soon--congratulations by the way--our partnership is important to the future of our line, so I'm willing to put all else behind me if you are. Let’s work together."

  How could he be so rational about this? Had he really ever cared for him? Had it all been a ruse? At first Ethan's temper boiled over, but then he remembered he had been the one to end the relationship without an explanation. If Alex looked calm it was probably because he didn't want to show his hurt in front of him.

  "Did you ever care about me?" he asked, his voice growing cold. “Or was it my money that drew you to me?”


  “Did you ever---"

  "I know what you asked!" Alex stood up from behind Ethan’s desk and advanced angrily. "And I'm shocked that you would even ask that.” He reached him and Ethan could see the anger in his face. "You want me groveling at your feet? Begging you to come back to me? When you didn't care enough to even break up properly with me?" Ethan stood up and Alex pinned him against the wall, his breath on his face as he spoke.

  Somehow with all the bitterness and hurt in the air, this felt intimate, and all Ethan could think about was pressing his lips against Alex’s full ones and tasting him one last time.

  "I didn't have a choice.” Ethan whispered. He could feel the hurt straight through his heart, the pain in Alex’s eyes. He had caused this, the great pain he was seeing was his fault, and all he had to do was end it by sticking it to his mother. But was he ready to do that? Did he love Alex enough to go against his mother?

  "We always have choices.” Alex whispered back. As he looked up at him, the anger suddenly vanished from his expression and his eyes revealed a new look of lust and passion. And then he reached in to kiss him gently on the lips. The kiss was soft and wanting, seeking entry, seeking truth and seeking…answers. Ethan leaned in closer, deeping the kiss. He had missed this, missed Alex. For months, he had stopped thinking about him but now here he was, in front of him, his body pressed against his and it felt like nothing had ever changed.

  He could feel Alex’s bulge growing, pressing against his abdomen. He moved his hands down, rubbing it up and down his cock, and reveling in the sounds that escaped from Alex’s lips. He wanted him badly, to feel his naked skin pressed against his, as he called his name. But no, it wasn’t the same anymore, something had changed between them, everything had changed.

  Ethan broke free. "Damn!" He whispered as he ran his hands through his hair ignoring his throbbing lips and his aching dick. He desperately wanted to say fuck it and bury himself deep into Alex, but that would be irresponsible, especially knowing that nothing could come of it, he still had to keep his promise to his mother.

  “I will be going to Dubai for my wedding preparations this week, next time you want to talk business get a lawyer to do this transaction for you.” He turned his back to Alex, and maybe that was why he missed the look that flashed in Alex’s eyes, the look of determination, but determination of what?

  Chapter Three

  “It's not like he dumped me for a guy, right? So, there's still hope.” Alex said to Maggie as he packed his bags.

  “Is there hope?" She asked sarcastically rolling her eyes. They were in Alex's loft and he was getting ready to leave on a one-way ticket to Dubai.

  “You didn't see that kiss Maggie, you weren't there.” In her expert opinion, when a guy tells you he's getting married even after sharing a kiss with you, the kiss couldn’t have been all that. But what did she know?

  “I don’t think this is what the company had in mind when they issued us that vacation time.” She said. “You can’t just stalk someone into accepting who he is, this plan isn’t going to work!” she was certain of it, she didn’t know why she cared about Alex so much, but she did, and to see him hurt twice by the same man wasn’t in the agenda. That was why she had agreed to this ridiculous plan, she was going to be with him every step of the way making sure he didn’t lose it.

  “Of course, it’s going to work!” he said right
back like she was crazy to even consider its failure. “You were invited to the wedding and I’m your plus one!” he smiled. “If I can change his mind before he says his vows then it’s a success.” His confidence scared her, made her think that if his plan didn’t work before the wedding; he would be the one waving his hands saying ‘Me! Me!’ when the priest asked if anyone was against the marriage.

  “All set!” he said, zipping the now fully packed bag. God help us! Maggie whispered before rolling down from the bed, at least he had her to slap some sense into him.


  Ethan knew Alex saw him leave the wedding rehearsal party and walked straight at him. Temporarily forgetting himself, he angrily got to Alex, and still saying nothing, he took Alex’s hands and dragged him all the way from the church, across the road and to the back of the opposite building. Here, they were out of view of anyone crossing the street.

  “What the hell are you doing here?” he asked. He had been with his wedding party, getting ready for the wedding with his mother and everyone in the bridal party when he had seen Alex at the back of the church. He hadn’t been sure at first that he was seeing properly but when he looked back again, Alex had still been there. “Trying to oust me to the world? Blackmail me for money?” Alex then landed a blow on his face that nearly knocked him to the ground and succeeded in wiping the sneer off his face.

  “There you go again with that mouth!” Alex said sarcastically. “Trying to rile me up, are we?” Ethan touched his jaw, looked at Alex and spat out blood.

  “What the hell man!” he said “What’s wrong with you?” even like this, even with all the anger trying to force its way out he still saw this man as sexy. Who else could rock in just a plain tee and blue jeans and look ready to eat? This was stirring up feelings in all the right places.


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