The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy)

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The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy) Page 15

by Janie Marie

  Jason slammed his hand on the table, yelling, “Our relationship doesn’t concern you.”

  “You don’t have a relationship!” David yelled louder. He took a deep breath before continuing. “I know it infuriates you to see us together, but you have no idea what she’s going through. I won’t let you attack her for something that isn’t her fault—for something she isn’t doing. We haven’t fucked! For once, get over your self-righteous ass and listen—pay attention to what is happening to her instead of thinking about your damned self. She has enough to deal with without all your shit.”

  Jason sat there dumbfounded, but David didn’t stop. “Do you know what you saw last night? I’ll tell you. You saw her lose control because she didn’t want to disappoint you. She was afraid of hurting you, so she let herself grow unstable by refusing to feed from me. Every time she makes a choice, she thinks about you. She chooses to hurt herself, sacrifice herself, and give up any happiness she receives for you.”

  Everyone was still, and no one could look away from David’s threatening stance as he stood across from Jason.

  David laced their fingers together before glaring back at Jason. “I know you two are married, but I am her Other. I will not let her destroy herself for you anymore. You may be fine with watching her turn into a shell of a person, but I am not.

  “You have no idea what she is dealing with. She has been fighting something you cannot comprehend—something evil and powerful, and I need to be there for her. She has fought me on helping her because she is trying to remain loyal to you and honor your marriage, but last night is something neither of us is willing to have repeat itself. We cannot be separated. If she hurts your children, or you, she will be devastated, and I will not be able to help her.

  “But don’t you dare disrespect her again. I’m not telling you this because I am stronger than you. I’m telling you this because I love her. You already know that—she does as well. I love her more than you can possibly imagine, and I will do everything in my power to protect her and her children. I will even protect you. But I will not let you tear her down again.”

  Jane’s heart was pounding away as he paused, but she could only stare at the side of his handsome face as he started talking again.

  “Now, she has to have my blood and my presence to help her remain calm. I am going to make sure she has it. If that means I have to sit in her room all night, or she has to sleep with me in mine, then it will happen. She has finally accepted me for this. I will not take advantage of her; I respect her and your marriage, but I will give her affection and attention. Blame her need for it from me on yourself—she clearly has not had your affection for some time now.”

  “David,” Arthur said, shaking his head.

  “I apologize,” David said quickly. “I do not wish to bring up your faults, Jason—but I only mean to stress that she has been driven to this point by you. Not me. Not her. You. You know damn well I speak the truth. You drove her away from you through your actions over the years. She just never left you because she was willing to die inside of herself for you and her children. That won’t happen while I am around.

  “Now, I will not lie, we have been intimate, but not in the sense you may think. While I desire more with her, anything that has happened between us—physically—has been enhanced because of what we are, and what is inside Jane. I will not let it take her from me. So by her side is where I will be from now on.”

  Jason and David stared at each other for a little while before Jason lowered his gaze to the table. David’s body was still tense, and he was staring fiercely at Jason. His chest was rising and falling, so she tugged his hand to get his attention.

  David looked down at her quickly and calmed. Jane squeezed his hand as a way of saying thank you. He took his seat again, and she looked back over at Jason.

  She felt awful for him. He always argued back in the past, yet David just left him speechless. A part of her really understood Jason’s rage. Had this been the other way around, and Jane had to watch Jason with a female vampire like she was with David, she would be furious. Actually, she would just be sad. She was sad now. She’d still been with David way more than she should have been. She was in the wrong, too.

  “Jason,” she said softly.

  “What, Jane? Are you going to tell me it’s over for us?” Jason lifted his gaze. There was anger but mostly sorrow. “I’m sorry for the shit I’ve done wrong. When I thought you had died, I hated that I couldn’t make anything up to you. I told you I wanted us. You apologized for what you did with that Ryder asshole, and you said you wanted to stay my wife—are you changing your mind now?”

  Jane stared at him in silence and David squeezed her hand when she felt herself going in a trance. She blinked, shaking her head. “I’m choosing to keep you all safe. I need him. Not just because I require his blood and that he’s the strongest one to stop me, but because he makes me feel better. You have no idea what it’s like for me. I have felt like a monster for the longest time in our marriage, and now I am one.”

  “Because he made you that way,” Jason snapped.

  David’s hand shook in hers.

  “I was already one!” She shook her head. “You make me feel bad, Jason. You make me hate myself more than I already do on my own. When you look at me, I feel worthless. My only worth to you has been taking care of the kids and sex when you wanted it. Do you even realize that’s the only time you ever kissed me? All of that brings out my monster.”

  Her hand began to tremble and her eyes watered. David’s hand tightened around hers.

  She rubbed her eyes with her free hand and whined. “You never even cared when I cried because I was having flashbacks or—” She groaned. “I can’t even say it.”

  “It’s all right, baby,” David whispered softly enough that Jason wouldn’t understand him.

  Jane blew out a breath as she stared into Jason’s eyes. “I was willing to give him up to keep us together. I was willing to give up the happiness he makes me feel just because we’re married. But I’ll fall apart without him, Jason. If I fall apart, I will kill everyone. Like actually kill everyone.

  “Now, I’ll admit that I like him. I like him a lot. But that’s not why I’m doing any of this. I haven’t fucked him. I was practically possessed and tried to rape him, but he and Ryder stopped me. God, David even told me to remember you when I wasn’t the one controlling my body.”

  “What the hell are you talking about?” Jason yelled.

  “I’m not human, Jason. I mean—I was, but I’m something else now. I’m not even like them. I’m worse. But he can help me. The last thing I want is to hurt you or the kids. You know I have always wanted you to be happy. I’ve told you so many times I’d rather be dead than see you unhappy.”

  She could feel David’s stare, but she kept her eyes locked on Jason’s.

  “I wouldn’t be happy with you dead, Jane,” Jason said, sighing. “I don’t know what you want me to say. Are you choosing to end our marriage so you can be with him?”

  Jane sighed and stared down at her and David’s hands. She didn’t know what she was saying. She just knew she needed David. “I’m choosing to keep you all safe. The only way to do that is to accept David as my Other. I swear, even though I have feelings for him, and he loves me, we are not together like that. I wish I could say I haven’t liked his attention, but I have. I’m sorry.”

  Jason’s expression didn’t change, and he looked at David. They watched each other, neither breaking eye contact.

  “You promise to keep her safe?” Jason asked him.

  David glanced at her briefly before nodding and turning back to Jason. “I will, or I’ll die trying.”

  “I’ve hurt her,” Jason said as Jane’s heart pounded so fast it hurt. “I wish I could take it back. I can’t . . . I’m not giving her up, though. She’s still my wife. But I will step back and let you help her through this. I’ve made lots of mistakes before, but one thing I did wrong was forcing her to stay away fr
om others.” He ground his teeth together. “I hope this shows I’m trying to make up for that.”

  Jason looked back at Jane. “I still can’t watch you all over each other, though. Whatever you need to do as Others, do it privately. And remember I’m still here before you decide to take your relationship any further.”

  Jane bit her lip as David spoke. “We will be discreet, Jason. She doesn’t always have an easy time controlling herself because of what she is experiencing, but I will do my best to make things less painful for both of you. Like I said, though, I will show her affection.”

  “Right.” Jason stood up, a glare flitting over his face as he met her gaze. “I need time.”

  “Of course. Thank you,” she said quickly.

  “Yeah.” Jason glanced at David one more time before walking away.

  Arthur let out a loud sigh once Jason turned the corner. “He plans to check on the children and ask Gawain to watch them for the day. Are you all right, Jane?”

  Jane kept staring in the direction Jason left. “I don’t know.”

  David pressed a kiss to the back of Jane’s hand. She tore her eyes from the spot she’d watched Jason leave and looked up at him.

  He smiled with his lips still on her skin. “Are you all right?”

  “I will be,” she said, sighing as the heat from his touch spread up her arm. “Thank you for saying what you did. I didn’t want to hurt him, but it helped to say those things to him. He always yelled whenever I tried to explain anything, and it hurt so much.”

  David grinned, kissing her fingers again before lowering their hands. “Always, sweetheart.”

  “You did very well, Jane,” Arthur said. “It will do you some good to express your sorrows and fears with others.”

  She and David turned to Arthur. He smiled at them both as he grabbed his wife’s hand. Jane didn’t know how to feel about Guinevere. The woman was staring at David with the widest smile Jane had ever seen.

  “It’s hard,” Jane said.

  “It will get easier, baby.” David leaned over and kissed her temple. “You were very brave.”

  An excited giggle came from Guinevere as David was leaning back. Jane and David both sat straight in their chairs and stared wide-eyed at the queen.

  Guinevere was beaming at David before she whispered to her husband. “Arthur, he called her baby!”

  Jane’s face grew hot, and she spied a little pink tinge on David’s pale cheeks. This made his sister even giddier.

  Arthur chuckled at his wife as he placed a gentle kiss on her hand. “My queen, I believe you are embarrassing your brother.”

  Guinevere gave Arthur a sheepish look before addressing David. “Oh, forgive me, brother. You as well, Jane.” She smiled at Jane. “I am just so happy that you are finally here with us. You have no idea how long David has waited for you. It fills my heart with joy to see him smile and dote upon you.”

  “Sister,” David said, looking more humiliated by his sister’s behavior. “We are not a couple.” He peeked at Jane quickly, adding, “Right now, at least.”

  Guinevere didn’t seem to care about that fact as she grinned even more madly than before. “Look, Arthur, he’s acting like a teenage boy.”

  David glared at her.

  “Oh, how wonderful,” she whispered with a blissful sigh.

  Jane wanted to laugh at her teasing, but she was far too humiliated herself being the source of David’s distress. She squeezed the hand he had lowered below the table. He looked over at her apologetically, his blue eyes practically begging her to forgive him. It was beyond cute, and Jane wasn’t even aware of what she was doing as she leaned up and kissed his cheek.

  David froze just as all the cooing from Guinevere stopped. Jane slowly withdrew her lips from his face and touched them. She couldn’t look away from him, but she realized she’d done something she’d never done with him—something she’d avoided doing with him. Sure, there’d been several times where she’d kissed him somewhere—but never while she was herself, or while David wasn’t near death.

  Her lips ached in a good way. She could almost taste his sweet skin on her tongue. It made her crave him far more than she already did.

  For some reason, it was different from her other kisses to him. She really felt him this time. She felt all his love, tenderness, and longing, along with his intense craving for her love and touch. All his desire poured into her, increasing the flames already sparking beneath her skin.

  She studied him, taking in the straightness of his nose, the curve of his perfect lips, his handsome face—and the way his stunning blue eyes grew more intense whenever they settled on her eyes or mouth. It was so different from the way Jason, or even Death, looked at her.

  Jane saw David’s commitment to her every time he looked at her—his faith that she was the one for him. He never pressured her and always reassured her he’d be there, even if she never returned his love. He made her feel good about herself. At her absolute worst, he had stayed but not because he felt obligated to. Because he wanted to. She’d even begged for another man, and he had stayed—held her—as he tried to comfort her by saying Death would come back.

  It still didn’t make any of this right. She had already broken her word to Jason. It was becoming harder to accept that she could save any part of her marriage when she felt her feelings growing stronger for David. Still, she should try to control herself.

  You can have him—happiness—a while longer.

  Yes, just for a little bit, she agreed with the first thoughts.

  It took tremendous effort not to smile like a crazy person, but he caught her lips twitch slightly, and he gave her a brilliant smile. Jane couldn’t help it after that, and she smiled back. Neither of them broke eye contact until Arthur laughed.

  Jane blinked away her delighted daze and looked at the couple across from her. They beamed back at her, making her unsure of what to think. She was still very aware of a pair of eyes on her face and found David still watching her with the same ecstatic look he wore moments earlier.

  “Well.” Arthur cleared his throat. “I am sure you’re ready to eat now.”

  David and Jane regarded him with confusion, but she quickly remembered they were still sitting at the table, waiting for lunch. Arthur let out a little laugh, and she watched David give him an unhappy look before darting his eyes to his sister, who was smiling even more insanely than she was earlier.

  A nervous smile appeared on David’s lips. “Jane, what would you like to eat?” He seemed eager to pull her attention away from his sister.

  Jane glanced at the cleared table. It felt strange to ask for food at a moment like this. So many emotions and developments were running through her head—but most of all, she could still taste David on her lips. Remembering his sweet taste, she rolled her lip into her mouth.

  She knew he was watching her, so instead of being a weirdo and trying to suck it to taste more of him like she wanted to, she bit it to keep from making a fool of herself.

  “Why don’t we let you two eat alone,” said Arthur. “We will go check on the others.”

  Guinevere looked ready to protest, but Arthur silenced her with a brief kiss.

  “Come, my darling wife. Let them eat in peace.” He stood and led her away as David gave him a grateful look.

  “The children requested hamburgers and fries,” Arthur said over his shoulder. “I am sure William can whip you up two more without a problem. Come meet us in the game room when you are done. The others will be joining us soon.”

  David nodded to him and watched them disappear out of sight before he turned back to her. “Do you want a hamburger?”

  The movement of his lips entranced her, and unknowingly, Jane wet her lips. David groaned, making her look up. She found him squeezing his eyes shut as though he was in pain.

  “David, what’s wrong?”

  He shook his head, smiling, and then opened his eyes. He let go of her hand and held her chin with his fingers. “Sweetheart, I�
��m fine.”

  “Why are you groaning, then?”

  He chuckled softly as he leaned down and placed a kiss on her nose. “Because you make it difficult for me not to kiss you.”

  Her eyes widened, which only seemed to amuse him as he laughed again. She averted her eyes in an attempt to make him stop. When he didn’t release her chin, she had to look back at him.

  He stopped laughing and groaned again. “Jane, stop.” He let go of her chin and covered her mouth.

  She gave him a weird look while waiting for him to remove his hand.

  He slowly took his hand away and stared into her eyes. “Do you know how beautiful you are to me?”

  “No. I kinda just think you’re being nice like everyone else.”

  He frowned before leaning his face closer to hers. “You are the most beautiful woman I will ever lay eyes on. If I could only see one thing for the rest of my life, it would be your lovely face.”

  “Oh,” she whispered.

  “Oh.” His face came closer as his gaze fell to her lips.

  He’s going to kiss me.

  Jane closed her eyes. Her heart wanted this even though her mind knew it wasn’t right. It didn’t matter, though. All she could feel was the wonderful heat from his body as it surrounded her.

  “Master David,” a male voice interrupted.

  Jane opened her eyes quickly. David was an inch away.

  He lifted his eyes to hers, longing and annoyance flitting across his face.

  She blinked, backing away as she glanced over at the intruder. It was a young—human—man who appeared in his early twenties. He was good-looking, with straight brown hair and soft gray eyes, but he had nothing on David.

  David sighed before he leaned back. “Yes, William?”

  Jane turned back to William, and she was quickly surprised to find the man staring at her a little too intently.

  “William?” David’s harsh tone made Jane jump, along with the young man.

  William darted his gaze to David and paled. After noticing William’s obvious fear, she glanced over, surprised to see David glaring at the man. A muscle in his jaw twitched as his eyes narrowed.


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