The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy)

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The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy) Page 20

by Janie Marie

  He licked his lip. “Apologies, my love. I do not get the chance to have your blood as often as I would like. I shouldn’t have.”

  Jane shook her head. “It’s okay. You just surprised me.”

  He gestured with his head toward the main room. “Jason is here.”

  “Oh,” she said, turning to her kids one more time. She didn’t know what tomorrow would bring after their meeting with Hades.

  “Let’s go. You will see them again.” David placed his hand on her back and led her out of the room. They immediately found themselves standing opposite Jason.

  “Hi, Jason,” she said softly. “Um—we fed them and just put them to sleep for the night.”

  “We?” Jason asked, not looking at David.

  Jane glanced at David briefly and stood a little taller when David’s fingers flexed against her back. “David helped me. I don’t feel comfortable on my own with them.”

  Jason laughed bitterly. “How nice of him.”

  “Jason,” David said. “If you have something to say to me, say it.”

  “I have nothing to say to you,” Jason said, walking to the kitchen. “Are you staying with him again?”

  She bit her lip and stepped away from David. She could feel him moving closer as she approached Jason, but he was letting her do this on her own. “We have a meeting to go to. The others are all up at night. Vampires, remember?”

  Jason glanced at her, his eyes losing some of their coldness. “Do you really need to be at this meeting?”

  “Yeah. Another group of immortals is coming.”

  “Ryder?” he asked.

  She shook her head as her chest suddenly ached. “No. But they will probably have news about him.”

  He sighed and crossed his arms before directing his gaze to David. “Have fun playing daddy?”

  “Jason,” Jane said, moving between the two men. “It’s not like that.”

  “Sure it isn’t.” Jason walked toward her. “Just remember we haven’t decided to end things between us, Jane. He’s supposed to keep you safe, as well as everyone else safe from you. You’re not supposed to forget about us—about our marriage.”

  “I haven’t forgotten,” she whispered as her heart pounded painfully fast.

  Jason gave her a tight smile. “Try to get a hold on things so you can be alone with us. That’s the only way we can work on us, Jane. I want to. You should, too. You shouldn’t want to be with him. You shouldn’t want to be away from our kids. And think about the burden you’re putting on him if he means so much to you. He had a life before you, just like you did. Figure out how you can get back to yours so he can go back to his.”

  She stayed still as he came up to her and kissed her cheek. “Have fun at your meeting, but try to rest a little so you’re not too tired to see the kids tomorrow.”

  “Okay,” she said, watching him glare at David for a second before walking to his room.

  She was shocked to see her two cats run out from under the sofa to follow him in. Jason hated their cats, but he let them in and shut the door behind them.

  David took her hand. “Are you okay?”

  Jane stared down at their hands. She loved the heat that spread between them. “I’m sorry about Jason. It’s just hard for him.”

  David intertwined their fingers. “You did nothing wrong.”

  She smiled sadly. “He has every right to be angry with us. With me.”

  “Maybe,” he said, pulling her out of the room and shutting the door quietly before leading her down the hall. “I get his anger, but I don’t like watching someone trying to turn you against anyone, or making you feel guilty or bad about yourself. You’re not staying away because you want to. I see how much you want to be with them, but you know the danger, and you’re committed to your duty as my Other in fighting evil. You’re doing this for them, not for fun. And you’re not my burden. It pisses me off that he would try to make it seem that way, and right in front of me. He’s got balls.”

  Jane didn’t reply. She knew he’d only get upset, and he was clearly angry with Jason. She didn’t blame either of them. Her existence fucked up everyone’s lives.

  “Sorry, baby,” he said as they turned down a corridor. “I don’t mean to sound angry.”

  She smiled and leaned her head against his arm for a second. It wasn’t really a thought-out action, and she always realized afterward that she had comforted or sought physical comfort from David and Death. It probably added to her problems with Jason, but she needed a break. If she stressed about Jason while going to meet Artemis, she’d have a meltdown.

  “Don’t apologize,” she said. “Jason has the ability to piss me off more than anyone. Lucifer is probably more pleasant company than Jason.”

  David’s hand tightened around hers briefly. “Well, I don’t know about Lucifer being more pleasant, considering he tried to take you from everyone, but I do not doubt how Jason’s actions affect you. I do not wish to criticize him, though. So, let me prepare you for what is about to happen.”

  She pulled her head off his arm. “Prepare me?”

  “I meant to earlier, but I didn’t want to ruin our day . . . Besides the small gathering of immortals upon arrival, you have not come in contact with others like us. Vampires, basically. Like you saw with Apollo, Melody, and even the donors, you will see they are very different from the other knights and myself.”

  “Probably more like the paranormal romance books I’ve read, right?”

  He smiled down at her. “Did you already have a thing for vampires, baby?”

  She blushed and turned her head forward. “No.”

  David chuckled as he took another turn. “So, you liked King Arthur’s knights, you still believe in dragons and unicorns, and you read about vampires falling in love with females . . . Interesting.”

  “David,” she said, laughing. “Shush. Not all of them were vampires.”

  “Oh, that is right . . . I forgot you also believed werewolves had mates they claimed and ran around like packs of wolves at night. And I think you wanted to be tossed over an alpha werewolf’s shoulder.”

  Her cheeks were hurting. “I did not say anything about being tossed over a shoulder.”

  He tapped his chin with his free hand. “I am pretty sure you thought Lancelot would claim you, and he’d toss you over his shoulder.”

  “No, you said when the time was right, you would . . . Oh, shush! Just tell me what’s going to happen.”

  Although he laughed again, she could tell he was feeling uneasy because he spoke in the firmer tone he used whenever he was preparing her for a fight. “We have to go through the main hall. The other immortals—vampires—will be gathered there. Arthur is very traditional when it comes to court at his palace. This isn’t just our home, they come here very much like you might see in your movies that involve royal families.”

  “Oh, wow.”

  He squeezed her hand. “It’s not pleasant, Jane. They gossip and vie for higher statuses. I am the main attraction as far as the prize goes. Females from all over flock here to seek my attention. I give them none,” he added quickly. “But this is what you will likely notice most. However, more original bloodlines like Apollo are often guests here, and they come to find companions. Arthur knows better than to push me into their daily nonsense, but I am a part of the game, you could say. What no one realizes, though, is I never planned to join them. They all think I’ve been waiting things out, or I’ve been too focused on my position. They had no idea I already loved another . . . I just hadn’t met you.”

  Jane found him smiling down at her. “Oh,” was all she could say.

  “Will you let me show them I’m off-limits from now on?”

  Jane stopped in her tracks, causing him to stop as well. “What do you mean?”

  David sighed and released her hand only to cup her face. “Jane, these women have thrown themselves at me for centuries; I’m tired of it. I am very aware you and I are not together, and although my hope for us has gr
own since last night, I understand my chances with you romantically are slim . . .” His gaze drifted over her face before he looked back into her eyes. “But I am taken, my love.” He kissed her forehead. “I have been and will always be yours—I want them to see that.”

  “David,” she said, not sure what she was going to say next.

  It didn’t matter. He stepped closer and spoke before she could. “Jane, I’m yours, even if we are never together as man and woman.”

  She exhaled softly as the thought of them together as a couple flickered in her mind. It made her tummy tighten as her heart yearned for something greater with him.

  “Let me put an end to their chase,” he murmured, sliding his hand into her hair. “It will relieve any extra stress that may arise because of them. You have no idea how persistent they are.”

  Hearing that made her angry. The blissful feeling she’d started getting from the mere thought of them together vanished, and she clenched her jaw to stop herself from saying something stupid.

  David gripped her face tighter. “Do you see? Even hearing this, you’re becoming upset.”

  She knew what he meant and closed her eyes to concentrate on his soothing touch and scent. It helped. He always helped, but the thought of anyone coming near him with those intentions infuriated her. There was no way she would be able to stand by and watch another woman fawn over him. It was already difficult enough preparing to meet Artemis.

  The sound of the walls creaking faintly reached her ears.

  David let go of her face, and she opened her eyes to find him staring down at her. Those sapphire eyes brought her back from her brewing rage, back to him.

  “There you are.” He put his arms around her waist.

  She couldn’t help herself, and she pulled him against her.

  “This is what I mean, Jane. Not only do I want everyone to know I’m yours, but I want you to be okay. Will you trust me?”

  “Okay, but what am I supposed do—if they . . . still pursue you?”

  David rubbed her back and chuckled. “Show them my brave Jane.”

  She smiled, finally calm. David grinned, smoothing her hair away from her face. She felt her monster weaken whenever he looked at her like he was now.

  “Brave Jane?” she asked.

  “Yes, my brave Jane,” he said. “Don’t forget that you hold more power than all of us. Just like no one is foolish enough to cross me, they will be the same with you. You just have to show them.”

  “And if they’re not?” She didn’t want to hurt anyone, but mainly, she didn’t want to be humiliated.

  A cold, heartless expression fell over his face. “Then they will learn what happens when I am angry. I won’t let anyone hurt you.”

  Despite his obvious fury, she smiled. “I know you won’t.”

  His posture relaxed. “So, will you let me show them I am yours?”

  As her mind raced, the constant images of Melody and the donor woman popped in her head. The jealousy and fear of losing David—the pathetic feeling of not being pretty enough—it all caused violent thoughts, horrible deeds. She would kill for him without even realizing she’d done so until it was too late. He wasn’t hers. She wasn’t worthy, yet she refused to let him go now.

  “Okay. If that’s what you want, I’m ready.”

  He smiled and grabbed a hold of her hand. “Thank you, baby.”

  “David, Jane,” Gawain called out.

  She peered over her shoulder to see one of her favorite knights.

  “What is it?” David asked.

  “I came to warn you both.” Gawain’s gaze focused on her for a moment before he returned his attention to David. “Word has gotten out about Jane.”

  David pulled Jane closer. “What’s happened?”

  Gawain rubbed the back of his neck. “Nothing, except every unmated immortal has come to see for themselves . . . The single women, and the men.”

  Jane felt David’s body heat up, and she began to rub his side.

  Surprisingly, the hostility he’d been displaying disappeared, and he smirked down at her. “I’m yours?”

  Her heart told her to say yes, but another part of her screamed not to do this.

  Before she could respond, Gawain spoke again. “The boys are ready to help however they can.”

  “What should I do?” she asked.

  “You don’t have to do anything, Jane,” David said. “But if you want to show who I am to you, don’t be afraid to mark your territory. Show them you’re not going to be pushed aside, even though I’d never let anyone do that. But seeing a strong Other at my side will put fear in them.”

  “I do not think that wise, David,” Gawain said.

  He shrugged. “Why? If we don’t claim each other publicly, in some form, females will continue to pursue me, and you know the males will seek her out.” He bared his fangs for a fraction of a second. “Our bond has grown. If either one of us witness that, there is only one outcome: we will fight and kill off the threats.”

  “I understand you both have a difficult time allowing anyone close to the other, but you are playing with fire,” Gawain said. “You shouldn’t pretend to be something you’re not.”

  She and David both gripped each other tighter.

  Gawain sighed. “Do it your way, then.”

  Jane let go of David and tried to step back, but David held her hand.

  “You can do this,” David said.

  “I know.” She smiled up at him as he intertwined their fingers.

  “That’s my girl,” he said. “Don’t be afraid—your dominance will come naturally. Now, let’s get this over with.”

  Gawain turned without waiting and headed down the long corridor.

  She recognized the opening ahead of her, and her heartbeat accelerated once whispering reached her ears.

  Gawain stopped just before stepping out of the hall, but David jerked his head toward the opening. “Go.”

  Her brotherly knight glanced at her one last time before leaving with a sigh.

  David tugged her to him and took several deep breaths as he shut his eyes. She watched him for a few seconds and realized he was calming himself.

  He suddenly lifted his free hand and held the side of her face. “My Jane,” he whispered, not opening his eyes.

  Jane sighed and nuzzled his palm. Home. She closed her eyes and breathed his scent just like he was doing with her.

  His nose brushed hers all of a sudden, and she truly struggled not to tilt her face so their lips would touch.

  “I need to touch you, baby,” he said softly.

  Her breath left her in a quiet gasp. “Okay.”

  He moved a tiny bit, and she felt him kiss her nose, then her forehead, still breathing her in. Then he pressed his lips against her closed eyelids before ghosting tiny kisses until he reached her cheek.

  She parted her lips, shaking as goosebumps erupted along her arms.

  David’s lips curved up against her skin, and he kissed her cheek. “You are so beautiful, my love.” He dropped one hand to her waist. “No one will ever compare to you in my eyes, Jane. I see only you.” He kissed her cheek again. “Do not listen to what they say. Only remember my voice, and what I tell you now.”

  “Okay,” she breathed.

  “I love you, Jane. You are my everything, and I will never want another. I would have you and call you mine right now if I could, but for now, I will wait for you.” He paused, just breathing for a second. “They will say anything to seduce you, but do not listen to them. They will lie and say they have been mine, but that is not true. You know that, don’t you?”

  The fear of that being true hurt, and she whimpered.

  David pressed a firmer kiss on her skin. “No, my love, you know the truth. I have waited for you, and I will only wait for you. I’m yours.”

  Jane gripped him tighter as one word left her mouth. “Mine.”

  David nodded, lowering his lips to her neck. “Yours,” he murmured before kissing the spot wher
e he’d fed from her.

  Complete silence greeted Jane as she and David stepped out into the grand hall. She held her breath as she took in the numerous pairs of eyes all fixed on her. Some were vibrant in color, just like the knights, while others were black. None of them were welcoming.

  She tried not to linger on any single set of cold eyes, and she finally breathed a little easier when she found the gathering of knights at the far end of the hall. Why they had to be the farthest from the entrance, she didn’t know, but she was calmer upon seeing their familiar faces.

  The slight comfort didn’t last. When she continued to feel the stares, she glanced back at the silent crowd and instantly felt vulnerable and inferior. She looked nothing like them. While she never considered herself pretty, she immediately labeled these women gorgeous and regal. She was just a simple Texas girl, and they were probably all nobility during their time as humans. Their stylish and revealing clothing didn’t help her confidence, either. Every woman had a figure she had envied all her life, and they were showing it off.

  Jane glanced down and took in her jeans and T-shirt. She wanted to cry as a sense of déjà vu washed over her. She’d been in this situation many times, laughed at because of her looks and lack of style. Her mother wasn’t there to teach her how to be a girl—a woman. And her aunt never cared to even tell her how to deal with puberty. She had no idea how to fit in with girls, and they always made sure she knew it.

  A few snickers from around the room broke the silence, and she winced, pushing back tears as David gently squeezed her hand.

  “Come, my love,” David said, his tone clear and proud.

  Jane darted her head up, her glassy eyes meeting his beautiful blue pair that only saw her. “Be brave,” he mouthed, not looking away at the sound of the gasps and whispers. She didn’t know if she could be brave, but when he smiled at her like that, some of her anxiety melted away.

  The approval in his gaze was instant, and she smiled at him, her entire body warming as though she were suddenly standing under the glowing sun. She turned at the sound of faint hisses and glared right back at the many pairs of hate-filled eyes.


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