The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy)

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The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy) Page 32

by Janie Marie

  This announcement was another thing she didn’t want to do. It had been nice to wake up wrapped in David’s arms. It wasn’t some cruel trick played by her mind after all. All she wanted to do tonight was stay close to her children and savor the security the castle provided with David by her side. Arthur told her he understood her feelings, and he promised she’d have all day tomorrow to relax, but he felt it was important the kingdom saw her well and fully embracing the role as David’s Other. Rumors of her attack against the other vampires the night Hades came and her unstable mental state had run rampant through the kingdom. He, David, and the knights all told her it would be wise to show her in a completely positive light before they left, and they each promised to be on the lookout for anyone wishing her harm.

  Jane darted her eyes over to the gathering of women who continued whispering behind their hands as they looked in her and David’s direction. She didn’t feel threatened, but she didn’t like their eyes continuously ravaging David. She’d realized many of the vampires seemed accepting of her as David’s choice, but it was hard to ignore the little packs of women who clearly didn’t like that she was there.

  Jane leaned against David as she lightly nuzzled his chest. It wasn’t much, but she felt it was a way of showing she was allowed this contact with him. Not them.

  “Enjoying yourself?” David asked as he put his arm over her shoulder, pulling her even closer.

  Her lip twitched as she fought smiling and looked up at him. “I don’t know what you mean . . . I’d enjoy being alone with you and the kids, not here.”

  He chuckled, casting a quick glance behind her. “But if we’re alone, you don’t get to show everyone you’re my Jane. Do you have any idea how happy I am to be able to say that and it be true?”

  She smiled this time. “I know; I feel the same, but those groups keep staring and whispering. I was just—I don’t know.”

  “I am sure you have been admired often, Jane. Unfortunately, being my Other as well as my girlfriend”—he gave her a sexy grin—“is going to draw more attention to you. Those who seem unhappy are delusional hopefuls for the title as my Other. Some of the males, however, have other reasons for staring.”

  “Delusional hopefuls,” she said with a bitter scoff. He frowned at her, so she explained her attitude before he could ask anything. “Artemis is right across the room. She’s been staring at you the entire time we’ve been here, too. And she wasn’t so delusional.”

  David let out a sigh as he studied her face. “Stay still.”

  “Why? Is there a bug on me?” Jane tried to look without moving too much but stopped when she noticed he was doing his best not to laugh. “Don’t laugh. Get it off!”

  He smiled and quickly cupped her cheek before lowering his face and capturing her lips with his.

  “Oh,” she whispered, her skin lighting on fire as she began kissing him back.

  Every kiss between them was magic. David always controlled their kisses, guiding her—dominating her—and it wasn’t long before Jane forgot all about her bitter feelings toward Artemis and the crowd.

  Jane’s hands shook as she gripped his waist. All she wanted was to be closer, to feel more of him. The fact that she fell asleep during their bath, and the time they spent with her kids, had made it impossible to do the things she’d fantasized about with him. Having his attention to herself now, she forgot everything and tried to push his shirt up.

  A low growl rumbled within his chest. It reminded her where they were. She was disappointed, but she secretly loved being scolded by him. He knew it, too, which was evident when he suddenly smiled against her lips.

  David slowly ended their kiss by sucking her bottom lip. She didn’t want it to end, but she opened her eyes when he released her.

  He was smiling, his eyes happy even though he looked like he wanted to devour her right there. “I love you so much.”

  Her cheeks almost hurt from the smile that formed on her face. “I something you so much, too.”

  David chuckled and pecked her again before he straightened. “I am going to start keeping track of your teasing, Jane. I promise, your punishment is coming.”

  She bit her tender lip as she wondered what he’d do. As much as she craved to do more with him, she was terrified too. What if he didn’t like her afterward? What if he said the same things Jason did?

  “You’re getting yourself in more trouble, baby.” His teasing tone was still a threat, but she didn’t know what she was doing now; her mind had started to take her somewhere dangerous.

  When she looked up again, she gulped at the predator staring at her.

  “Stop biting your lip,” he said in a low voice, his gaze completely focused on her mouth.

  Jane squeaked and released her lip; she hadn’t realized she was biting it. When he continued to stare at her mouth, she looked away.

  He chuckled, lightly pinching her side. “She’s a kitten and a mouse.”

  She didn’t dare look up at him. Instead, she just hugged herself to him and looked around the large gathering of vampires. Maybe if she concentrated on them, she’d forget her worries over David being disgusted by her.

  After letting out a breath, she took in the different faces but suddenly found herself staring into the faces of demons. It was her they were cowering in fear from, though. She knew she was superior.

  You’re still a monster.

  “Jane, stay here with me,” David said softly.

  She closed her eyes and leaned on him as he brought a hand to cover her face, shielding her from the others.

  “Come on,” he said, taking her hand as he looked over to where Arthur happened to be entering the front of the hall. “We will be back. Maybe.”

  Arthur took one look at her and smiled sadly. “Take your time, but try to come back before I dismiss everyone.”

  David didn’t respond to him and quickly lifted her. “Wrap your legs around me and look me in the eye, Jane.”

  She still had her eyes closed, but she secured her grip and took deep breaths as she brought one hand to his face. The images of her wearing a wicked smile as she stood beside a man with a demon army behind them wouldn’t leave her mind.

  “Stop thinking about it, baby.” David finally stopped walking and cupped her cheek with his free hand. “Open your eyes.”

  “I’m afraid,” she whispered when all she could see was blood.

  “Don’t be afraid. I’m here.” He gave her a tender kiss. “Do you feel me?”

  “Yes.” She kissed him back, whimpering when he quickly pushed her mouth open, deepening their kiss.

  Her back met the wall, and David squeezed her hip before taking her hand that still trembled against his cheek.

  He intertwined their fingers and pulled his lips away but kissed her cheek, nose, then lips once more. “Jane,” he whispered, brushing his nose against hers. “Open your eyes.”

  She still saw flames and herself standing before them with a man at her side, but it was dark, shadowed now. So, peeking one eye open first, she saw David’s face and whined as she opened the other. “I’m sorry.”

  He shook his head. “What are you seeing?”

  “I don’t want to say . . . You’ll think badly of me.”

  “Jane, even possessed by your entity, overpowering me, kissing Death, attacking my brothers and me, have I thought badly of you? I certainly will not think badly of you for seeing things you cannot control.”

  “You don’t know what kind of things I see, though.”

  “Because you don’t tell me, Jane.”

  She sighed, trying to soak in as much of his presence as she could. As much as her mind ordered her not to tell him, her heart urged her to confide in him. Her heart won. “I see me. I’m leading an army of demons. There’s blood and fire, and I’m smiling beside a man, but I can’t tell who he is.” Slowly, she looked back at him. He was frowning, but he didn’t look upset.

  “How often do you see this?” He slid his thumb back and forth along
her jaw.

  “Only today. I saw something similar when we spoke to Arthur earlier. I was looking at that painting of you, and I suddenly saw myself, but I looked insane—evil. Normally I see other things.”

  “Like what?”

  She stared at him for a long time, not wanting to tell him, but she let out a harsh breath and told him a little bit. “I see my past—the bad things, only the bad things. I see myself hurting and killing you and the knights, or I see myself as I commit suicide.” There was no way she was telling him what she often saw herself doing to her children, or the details of what her past actually inflicted on her.

  His expression morphed into something she didn’t know how to describe other than he seemed to be in agony. “Oh, my love.” He quickly kissed her and rested his forehead against hers. “I knew you saw things, but I never imagined that.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “No. Don’t be sorry. Have you always seen these things? Or has this started recently?”

  Jane was too stunned to respond. He wasn’t looking at her like Jason or the others had. He was staring at her with love and holding her tight.


  “You believe me?”

  He looked between her eyes. “Of course. I can see when your mind is torturing you, baby. I just had no idea what you saw . . . Has it always been this way?”

  A tear slipped from her eye as she shrugged. “It was worse this past week. I couldn’t tell what was real . . . You really believe me?”

  David kissed her over and over again. “Yes, baby. I believe you.” He kissed her cheeks and nose. “This was why you shut down before, wasn’t it? You couldn’t see those things anymore, so you hid from them.”

  Jane cried and threw her arms around his neck as she nodded. He understood, and he wasn’t judging her. He wasn’t looking at her like she was crazy or calling her a liar. He cared. He believed her.

  David sighed, hugging her as he rubbed her back and murmured soothing words into her hair. “I will always be here. You can come to me, okay?”

  She nodded again and squeezed him. “You believe me.”

  “I believe you, and I will always believe you are stronger than those images. I will always believe that even if you are afraid, you are brave enough to overcome these nightmares. But don’t be afraid to lean on me when it becomes too great. I cannot fight these battles for you, but I can hold you together through them.”

  Gawain’s voice made her tense and hug David tighter. “David, Jane . . . is everything all right?”

  “No,” David said, placing a kiss on the side of her head. “But we are getting there.”

  Jane turned her head to see her brotherly knight, and she smiled when he walked forward and rubbed her back.

  “I am here as well, Jane.”

  “Thank you,” she said as she looked back at David.

  He kissed her cheek but quickly addressed Gawain. “Is he almost done?”

  Gawain sighed as he nodded. “If you both think it is okay, you should return now as a strong unit.” He smiled at Jane. “Just do what Elle does, Jane. She calls it resting bitch face.”

  Jane laughed loudly as David chuckled and lowered her to her feet.

  “I cannot believe you just said that.” Jane rubbed the remaining tears from her face with one hand as David took her other one.

  Gawain nudged her shoulder with his as they started walking, grinning his usual carefree smile. “She does it really well. I saw one of those memes and showed her . . . She wasn’t amused. She would not let me feed from her for an entire week.”

  She chuckled and rested her head against Gawain’s arm for just a second. She knew he was saying this to cheer her up. “Thank you, Gawain.”

  “Of course, love . . . Now, chin up, no smiling unless you are baring your fangs, and initiate resting bitch face.”

  David shoved Gawain away. “Go, you buffoon. We will join everyone shortly.”

  Gawain winked as he walked away to rejoin the others in the main hall.

  “Just stand tall, baby,” David said as he smoothed her hair in place.

  She rolled her eyes but smiled. “Is that a joke about my height?”

  He kissed her forehead. “Baby, most of the time, I look at you and think you are taller than me because of the brave things you do.”

  Her heartbeat raced, and her entire body warmed. “Only you could make me feel happy about being short.”

  He grinned and lowered his face to kiss her once more, this time on the lips. “Embrace you, my love. You are so incredible if you just allow yourself to see what I do. Now, allow me the honor of announcing you as my Other and woman.”

  She blushed but straightened her back as he pulled her into the main hall.

  “As many of you are aware,” Arthur was saying as they entered the huge hall, “our recent mission resulted in returning home with four individuals. One of them is Sir David’s Other.”

  The whispers overtook the hall as David placed his hand on the small of her back. He stared at the crowd without an ounce of emotion, reminding Jane of the times she’d caught Death looking at anyone but her.

  Arthur continued, gesturing in her direction. “I am pleased to announce Jane is transitioning well to immortality. She was bravely battling the plague before David claimed her as his Other, and his added strength and skill to her bravery has only made her a more invaluable member to our kingdom. She is a fierce warrior. Only few, if any, can defeat her in battle.”

  Jane had to try really hard to keep a straight face; she couldn’t believe he said that! Nor could the gathering of vampires by the way they looked at her. She didn’t know what she was supposed to do, but David clearly didn’t like the way they were staring because he bared his fangs, causing everyone to look back at Arthur.

  Arthur spoke again. “Jane is the most gifted made immortal we have ever witnessed. The rumors that she possesses power and abilities unlike any other are true. So are the rumors that her human family lives within the castle. They are a cherished addition to our kingdom. Each of my knights have sworn themselves to Jane and her family.” The whispers grew again. “Since Sir David and Jane have recently taken their relationship beyond maker and made, and even Others, I consider Jane and her children family to the crown. They will be respected and treated as members of the royal family from this day forward.”

  “She’s married to a human!” someone shouted, drawing shocked gasps and conversations.

  “SILENCE!” Arthur snarled and took a step forward. “The matters involving Jane’s marriage are none of your concern. She is David’s Other, his mate; she and her children are family. Any threat to them, or her estranged husband, will not be tolerated. Exile and death await any who test my patience.”

  Immediately, the hall quieted and Jane relaxed a little against David.

  “Now.” Arthur composed himself and spoke calmly. “As I informed you of our upcoming departure, a full guard has been placed inside the castle. They have been authorized to eliminate any threat to this family with or without my queen’s prior approval.”

  Jane felt herself shaking, but she kept her expression neutral and met each pair of eyes aimed at her. She hadn’t planned on looking at Artemis, but Jane didn’t like that once again she was on the receiving end of an undeserved jealous glare. Artemis shifted her eyes from Jane to where David’s hands rested against her back.

  Honestly, Jane was tired of all the drama she was having to go through with these women. She had enough problems, and she’d already dealt with this shit when she was younger. She knew the stories of gods and goddesses were filled with jealousy, sex, and murder, but she was surprised to see they truly did behave that way.

  Jane realized the first impression she’d made with Artemis was an abuse of power before becoming an emotional mess. She hadn’t been brave or confident like David had told her she should be. Maybe that was why her first warning seemed to be disregarded.

  She shifted her stance so she was in front of
David, facing Artemis. Their eyes met, and Jane tried her best to look unaffected when Artemis glared at her.

  When Jane didn’t react, Artemis snarled, only to be abruptly silenced by her uncle. Hades yanked his niece to his side at the same time David hooked a finger in her waistband and pulled her back to him.

  At first, she thought he was holding onto her in fear she’d attack Artemis, but she quickly picked up how tense he was, and the low rumble within his chest.

  She glanced up and saw he was glaring in a different direction. Fucking hell, Jane thought upon seeing Melody watching David. It wasn’t like every single woman was blatantly interested in David, but these two women weren’t showing any sign they respected David had chosen someone other than them. Not just that, but Jane had a gut feeling—and her gut feelings were usually right—that Melody had done something to cause those other vampires to attack her.

  “Let’s go,” David said, pulling her closer.

  Jane looked up at him, shocked to see the hostility he was looking at Melody with. Then again, he’d just found out she was seeing things, and maybe he was thinking the same thing about Melody being behind the attacks on her. The poor guy really got dealt a bad hand by having her as his Other.

  The enraged glare on his face wasn’t leaving. While Jane was glad he was on her side, she didn’t want him to be upset before they’d have to leave for their mission. So, standing up on her tippy toes, she kissed his jaw before he could walk them out of the hall.

  He practically jumped, and she smiled when he quickly turned his attention to her and away from Melody.

  “What was that for?” he asked.

  Jane gave him her best puppy dog eyes. “I only want you looking at me tonight.”

  David went from looking ready to murder someone to sexy vampire in a single second. He grabbed her chin and smirked. “No falling asleep tonight, then.”

  She pressed her palms against his stomach and peered up at him. “No clothes, either.”


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