The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy)

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The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy) Page 55

by Janie Marie

  David kissed the back of her neck sweetly but snapped right back at Arthur. “LEAVE! We’re coming.”

  Jane smiled as she listened to Gareth laughing in the distance.

  “I don’t think he needed to tell us they were coming,” Gareth said.

  “I feel nauseous,” Gawain said.

  Gareth laughed louder, and David chuckled as he smacked her ass before pulling her pants up. He lifted her up on her knees again, holding her neck as he kissed her. “You’re mine, and I’m yours. If we want to be with one another, that is for us. Anyone who has a problem with it can piss off.” He kissed her once more before buttoning his pants. “If you desire words with her, you better go because I am about to tell everyone to leave us behind.”

  For a split second, she was turned on until she remembered what she was so angry about. She growled and pushed the tent open. The icy wind stung her eyes, but she quickly pulled herself up and started toward the brunette sitting off in the distance.

  “Now you’ve done it,” Apollo muttered, standing and holding his hands out. “Jane, she didn’t mean anything by it.”

  Jane stopped in front of him and barely flickered her eyes over to Artemis, who was behind him. David was already behind her, sliding a hand across her stomach. She was briefly distracted by his hard body pressing against her back, but she stayed focused and looked back at Apollo. “Oh, she meant all of it. And I’m sick of her shit.”

  Apollo looked at her for a moment before glancing at David. “What do you want me to do?”

  David kissed Jane on the top of her head. “Let them talk.”

  Apollo sighed before glancing back at Artemis as he moved aside. “You’re on your own, sister.”

  Jane locked eyes with Artemis, but neither of them moved or spoke yet.

  David leaned down and kissed her temple. “Remember what I said, all right?”

  Jane didn’t look over at him, but she gave him a stiff nod and enjoyed Artemis’ gaze narrowing at the sight of David kissing her temple.

  “David, are you sure about this?” Apollo asked as he looked between her and his sister.

  “Jane can control herself.” He let her go. “It’s your sister who, despite her significant age over Jane, cannot control her mouth.”

  “Oh, snap,” Gareth said, stopping beside Apollo.

  Gawain and the others gathered around them.

  “Jane, David, we don’t have time for this,” Arthur said, pushing everyone out of his way.

  David waved him off and crossed his arms. “Give them five minutes. If they get out of control, I will step in.”

  “This could have been avoided if Arthur gave you two five minutes. I’ll stop him next time, brother.” Gareth nudged David.

  David just stared at him but said nothing.

  Not even when Gareth smiled and said, “That’s my boy.”

  David turned his gaze to her. “Get on with this, my love.”

  Jane ignored them and walked right up to Artemis. “Why?”

  Artemis crossed her arms, throwing David a dirty look when she inhaled Jane’s scent. “Why what?”

  “You know what!” Jane took a calming breath. “Why would you draw attention to us? You knew I almost had her free. So why?”

  “You were not going to free her in time. He was going to find us. I had a shot, so I took it.”

  “You didn’t have the fucking shot! Don’t tell me you’re so stupid to believe one of your little arrows could kill the fucking WOLF KING!”

  Artemis glared at her. “My little arrows have destroyed millions.”

  Jane smiled sweetly. “Well, it didn’t do shit to Lycaon, but guess who the fuck did with her bare hands?”

  “Jane,” David said, chuckling. “Baby, say what you need to say.”

  Artemis scoffed and spoke before she could say anything to David. “You relied on that monster inside you to kill Lycaon. You did nothing but cry and crawl around.”

  “You know nothing about what actually happened.” Jane balled her fists.

  “I know you are evil incarnate.”

  Jane took a deep breath. “Maybe I am, but I have control over that bitch for now, and I was the one who let her out. You, however, ran as soon as you could. You’re a fucking coward!”

  “I did what I was told to do.”

  “Bullshit!” Jane bared her fangs. “I can’t fucking believe you. I was weak, but you knew I wouldn’t leave her. You knew that fucker was looking for me, and you took the chance to get rid of me. You were willing to sacrifice her to watch me die from wherever you were hiding.”

  Everyone was silent as they waited for Artemis to respond. She didn’t.

  Jane laughed. “I’ve been treated like shit by girls and women all my life, but I wouldn’t expect this from a woman who is supposed to be a goddess. Un-fucking-believable. I bet you didn’t think your wolf would come back, though. That fucked your plan up, didn’t it?”

  Artemis’ expression gave her away. David took a step toward Jane, but she held her hand up for him to stop.

  “I know you want him.” Jane gestured to David. “When are you going to realize he wants nothing to do with you? Your jealousy cost the lives of two souls who didn’t need to die last night. Is killing me worth that much to you? Just so you can have a better shot with him?”

  “YOU SHOULDN’T BE HERE!” Artemis shouted. “You are not one of us. You’re a freak! They weren’t supposed to fight for you. And David was considering me. You have your husband and Death. Why are you so selfish?”

  “Leave Jason and Death out of this. You don’t even want to go there with me.”

  Artemis smirked, glancing over at David. “Does David know how attached Death is to you?”

  Jane didn’t answer her. She looked at David.

  He looked murderous, but he smiled at her. “Baby, you don’t have to explain your relationship with him to anyone. Or our relationship, for that matter.”

  Artemis shook her head. “She shouldn’t be alive. Death shouldn’t have saved her. You shouldn’t have saved her. She should be dead with her pathetic family!”

  Jane reared back and let her fist fly at Artemis’ face before anyone could blink. Artemis screamed, clutching her bleeding nose on the ground.

  When Jane lunged, David grabbed her and pulled her against his chest, but she shouted and fought him. “DON’T TALK ABOUT MY FAMILY!”

  Apollo and Hades also moved to guard Artemis, but Jane was seeing red. She thrashed in David’s hold and roared at her.

  “Baby, stop.” David turned them away, but Jane forced them back around.

  “David doesn’t want you!” Jane bared her fangs, hissing as Apollo helped Artemis up.

  “She knows, baby,” David said, kissing her head.

  Jane quit fighting against him and glared at Artemis. “The next time you’re about to get killed, I’ll let you die. For now, though, you’re going to have to live with the guilt of knowing Odin and your wolf are dead because you want a man who doesn’t want you back. David never wanted you. You were a moment of doubt for him. Even if he picked you, he would be settling. It would never be because he loved you. It was because he considered settling for a split second. Now, leave us alone. And keep your mouth shut. Because, guess what, honey? I’m a screamer.”

  David covered her mouth and carried her away as he laughed with several of the men. “I think they could have figured that out on their own, my love.”

  She kissed his hand, pulling it down when they were far enough away. “I should go kill her.”

  “No, you shouldn’t.” He lifted her hand and used his shirt to wipe Artemis’ blood off, making her smile inside because she thought he might lick it. He checked her hand before speaking again. “She shouldn’t have said that, though. And she should not have exposed you to Lycaon because she still hopes to have a romantic relationship with me. I have lost all respect I once held for her now.”

  Jane put her hands around his waist and looked up at him. “Are you m
ad about Death, David?”

  He sighed but shook his head. “Your relationships with Death and Jason occurred before I came into your life. I told you I would not ask you to push Death away, and you have made things clear where they stand with Jason. He’s in our life, but I know and trust you have chosen me. Don’t worry about her or what anyone else says regarding the loves you have. I will let you know if, or when, I have a problem. Actually, I will let Death know.” He smiled, caressing her cold cheek when her teeth began to chatter. “I know that bastard is going to try my patience, but I swear, I can handle it.”

  Jane opened her mouth but shut it when she heard a dog whimper. She and David looked behind them and realized they were standing by the twelve wolves.

  “Forgive our intrusion,” David said, grabbing her hand when the large male stood.

  “No, I want to talk to them,” Jane said, slowly walking forward.

  The big male walked to her and lowered his head, causing the others to lower their heads as well.

  “They call you Little Moon,” Arthur said, coming to stand by David. “They are thanking you for saving their lives and your dedication to making sure they all made it to safety.”

  Jane’s eyes watered, and she smiled back at the big male. “I’m sorry I didn’t save her. I didn’t want her to come back for me. I’m so sorry.”

  The big male shook his massive head before nuzzling her neck. Jane sobbed as she wrapped her arms around him as much as she could and cried into his fur.

  “Akakios says Hero, the wolf you saved, ignored the order Artemis asked him to give. She had been without her mate for many years, and she refused to live while the great knight who has waited for his mate so honorably suffers because of her. They are swearing their loyalty, Jane. They will come when you need them. They know Artemis’ decisions are affected by her feelings.”

  “Her name was Hero?” Jane’s chest filled with warmth.

  Akakios nodded his massive head and licked her cheek. The little female growled beside him, and he turned, baring his fangs.

  Jane nervously chuckled, pointing at him. “Don’t flirt. You’re a handsome boy, Akakios, but I have enough women after me. I don’t want your pretty lady to be one of those I have to defend myself against.”

  David came to her side and looked at the big male. “May I borrow my lady, Akakios? We need to have a word with Thor.”

  Akakios nodded and nudged Jane to David.

  Jane waved to them, smiling when the big male licked his female’s face. “He’s going to get me in trouble.”

  David chuckled. “He likes when she gets upset with him. I have just never seen him use a woman to get to her. Yet another male my baby has lured in. What am I going to do with you?”

  “Call her your goddess and enter many fights with lesser males who try to charm her,” Thor said, walking to them. He shook David’s hand, grinning widely. “It is about time you have a reason to hit someone other than me.”

  Jane smiled softly as she stood there. She could tell Thor had been drinking, especially when he reached down and lifted her into a bear hug, smelling strongly of alcohol.

  “The Great Jane!” He kissed both her cheeks and laughed when David yanked her out of his arms. “Ah, forgive me.”

  David stood a little bit in her way. “You are drunk.”

  “Only a little. I had to honor Father.” Thor smiled down at Jane. “All of Asgard is grateful to you for giving Father his battle with Fenrir. Valhalla’s army will always stand behind you. You are truly a great warrior, Jane. Never doubt yourself because I will not make that mistake again.”

  She let go of David and grabbed one of his hands. “Thor, I want you to know how grateful I am that your father stepped in my place. He didn’t have to, but he did.”

  His smile faded, and he seemed to sober up. “Jane, Father had been regretting his actions toward you. He knew after watching you break up the fight between David and me that he was wrong. He saw your good heart holding back the darkness. And he told me if Fenrir went after you, he would try to hold him off long enough for you to get away.” A tear slipped from her eye, and he wiped it away. “You are not what he said, and he knew that. That is why Father died. He saw the truth: you will save us.”

  David pulled her away, hugging her to warm her up because her teeth were chattering again. “Try not to drink yourself into oblivion. Wait until we return to Valhalla to hold ceremony in your father’s honor.”

  Arthur patted Thor on the shoulder. “Go get your men ready. We are leaving.”

  David glanced down at her before looking back at Arthur. “What’s happened?”

  “Scouts spotted Lancelot. He’s not alone.” Arthur rubbed his face and then looked down at Jane. “And he’s looking for Jane.”

  A strong gust of wind made David squint, but he refused to lose sight of the tent he’d been watching for a few hours now. Another blast of wind whipped the branches of the tree he and Jane were hiding in. He blocked her face when a branch nearly smacked her. Even though he shouldn’t look away from what was happening, he glanced down at his beautiful girl and pulled her closer. She was trembling, terrified. And she had every reason to be with the shit they just found themselves in.

  David held her tighter, smiling despite the horrible situation when she relaxed a little. Those hazel eyes he loved so much finally broke away from the terror ahead to look up at him. She needed comfort, but he couldn’t risk speaking to her. They were surrounded.

  The size of the army around them was so great they were forced to hide and pray they’d pass them quickly. That hadn’t happened. The whole army stopped to rest, and their group of a hundred were scattered throughout the forest in the center of the camp.

  David caressed her face. She’d been brave since learning Lancelot was searching for her, but she was finally allowing her fear to show.

  The scouts who had returned with the news were barely able to breathe because of how fast they’d been running without food or water. They hadn’t even taken their blood ration after spotting Lancelot and two unidentified vampire leaders discussing Jane and orders to capture her.

  Jane didn’t look away from David. He knew she was thinking about facing Lancelot and that was the last thing David wanted. Lance was his to fight. There was a high possibility Jane would encounter him first, though. If Lance was seeking her, he would use his pack to separate her from him.

  David had warned her about this, and she’d said something he hadn’t wanted to hear: “I can’t beat him, David. He frightens me more than anyone—I can’t explain it to you. If I have to face him alone, I will fail.”

  David knew why she feared Lancelot. She saw him as something more than an average immortal or werewolf. She saw deep inside Lancelot, and she saw the same evil that had haunted her for so long. She couldn’t overcome her past, so she didn’t believe she had the ability to face a real monster who invoked the darkness she recognized in Lancelot. She knew who could face him, though.

  He didn’t want Jane to rely on her entity. Whatever she was, she wasn’t there for Jane. She wanted to bury Jane so deep inside her that he never saw his baby again. She killed Lycaon, but David knew when he stared into its eyes, Jane’s demon wasn’t there to save them. She killed the Wolf King because she enjoyed the slaughter.

  When David realized Jane was considering using her entity, he knew he needed to talk to her, assure her she was strong on her own because he was terrified he’d lose her to the demon. At the time, though, he couldn’t say anything to her. They were in a hurry, and he didn’t want the others to hear him doubt Jane’s ability to control her entity. The others wouldn’t understand, and they would judge her more than they already did after last night’s battle. His hope had been they’d outrun Lancelot and then he could work with her more on how to use her powers, but that was not how things ended up happening.

  David held Jane tight when he heard the flapping of wings and screams of death. She began shaking as hundreds of Keres dove throu
gh the trees. Jane had only been told a little about these creatures, only that they were bred from demons and made immortals. Their ability to fly made them near impossible targets.

  It seemed the break was to feed. Lancelot probably didn’t mind the Keres killing stragglers, because the Keres were bringing the army wild game from the forest.

  Jane’s breath hitched, and he covered her mouth, pulling her into him when three flew past the tree they were in. He could feel her hot tears through his glove as they watched a flailing man scream for his life.

  David kept his eyes on the trio as they tugged on a man, fighting over his body. The poor man was still alive, too. David didn’t want Jane to see this, but she needed to know what she was up against. So, he let her watch as they clawed at the man, ripping his flesh off and eating him as he screamed for help. The Keres paid him no attention, they simply ate, letting his blood drip down their naked bodies as they flapped their demon wings.

  The man’s cries were finally cut short when his throat was ripped away. David shut his eyes for a moment, hating that they couldn’t help him. No one should have to suffer like that, but they had to wait this out. The army was too much for their team. Yes, they had a hundred men and the hounds, but they were surrounded by tens of thousands, including near a hundred Keres.

  David scanned the surrounding trees and rocks to see how his comrades were holding up. He wasn’t sure about the time, but it had been at least two hours of them standing completely still. When he met Arthur’s gaze thirty yards away from where he and Jane were, he mentally asked if there was any sign of Lance leaving soon.

  Arthur blinked once: no.

  Fuck. David didn’t know how long Jane could handle this. To watch innocents slaughtered like this was rare, even for him. Sure, many of them were simply werewolves who, because it was still day time, were in their defenseless human forms, but there were innocents too.

  As David continued searching the area around him, he saw his brothers seemed to be faring well. Arthur, Hades, Thor, Tristan, and Gawain were the closest to him and Jane. No one wanted to split away from her. Even Akakios tried to stay with her, but David promised that would only put her in more danger. He also didn’t want Artemis becoming more jealous that the alpha was favoring Jane. Akakios still didn’t want to leave, but Jane whispered in the huge wolf’s ear she needed him to be safe and to protect his mate. She promised she would fight for him, but she needed him out of her way. David was so proud of her. She teared up watching the pack leave with Artemis, but she was doing the right thing. They would be discovered if they stayed with her.


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