The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy)

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The Fallen Queen: (Gods & Monsters Book 2) (The Gods & Monsters Trilogy) Page 79

by Janie Marie

  “Yes,” she said, shivering when he nipped her earlobe.

  “Even covered in sweat and blood, you are so beautiful,” he said before pulling away to glare at Lancelot. “Unless you are apologizing, do not open your mouth to her again. Do something that displeases me or my queen, and I will force you to eat your whores and children. Now go get in place while I have a word with my queen.”

  Lancelot turned without another word and resumed a spot in the field.

  “She looks so lovely with your light inside her,” Asmodeus said in a low, amused voice when Jane frowned at him for suddenly resuming his more human form. “I am sorry, my queen. I will honor you again with my dragon some other time.”

  Lucifer chuckled. “Yes, it does suit her. I would call her an angel but that tastes bitter on my tongue.”

  Jane pouted her lips, and they all chuckled at her.

  “Fine, my queen. You are my angel.”

  “I think angels are beautiful,” she said softly when she touched his feathers. “I’ve only seen a few with their wings.” She paused and trailed her fingers along his wing. “I like this gray color. I thought there was only black and white.”

  “Your king is the only angel that wears this color,” Asmodeus told Jane.

  “Really?” She looked up at Lucifer, her hazel eyes glowing as he nodded. She smiled at him. “I think they’re beautiful, Luc.”

  “Do you wish to use your sword, Jane?” Lucifer asked, not responding to her flattery. She didn’t seem to mind his disregard of her compliment and shook her head. “I will call the match and then we will go so you can recover.”

  “Okay,” she said.

  “Make your king proud, Queen Jane,” Asmodeus said, bowing to her. “He is already in awe of you.”

  Thanatos bowed to her as well. “It has been a pleasure watching you fight, my queen. Thank you for your forgiveness.”

  “You are welcome, Than,” she said, smiling. “Don’t disappoint me. I will not give it again.”

  “Of course not, my queen. It will not be required.” Thanatos reached out to take her hand.

  She gave it, and he quickly placed a kiss to her fingers before moving back.

  “Enjoy the rest of your fight, Jane,” Lucifer said, only giving her a quick kiss on her lips before walking away.

  “Are you all right, Lucifer?” Asmodeus asked him in a quiet voice.

  “I am fine. She needs to concentrate. I am too soft with her. So are you two.”

  “Lucifer, you know why we are this way,” Thanatos whispered, understanding what was bothering him.

  “Jane?” Lucifer called out, making her turn to look at him. “Listen to mine. You will feel it when it is time.”

  She smiled brightly and touched her chest.

  He smiled back, relieved that she understood him. It was more than energy he’d given her. “Be great, Jane.”

  “Are you still sure of your plans with her?” Thanatos asked when Jane turned away.

  “Leave him, Thanatos,” Asmodeus said, shaking his head. “This must be done.”

  “The plans stay as we’ve discussed. Nothing changes,” Lucifer said, feeling that warmth pulse just as her light did. “Fuck!”

  “It will all work out, Lucifer. Stick to your plans,” Asmodeus said, sighing. “I did not expect this either.”

  Lucifer exhaled loudly, flapping his wings before situating them behind him.

  “It is quite fascinating that she can still overpower that darkness,” Asmodeus said.

  “It is,” he said.

  “I wonder how her wicked friend will react once you pull her forward again.”

  “Enough!” Lucifer growled.

  They bowed their heads and turned their focus back to Jane when she taunted Lancelot by throwing her hands up for him to come at her.

  Lancelot paced while Jane looked around, pretending to be bored with him. Asmodeus grinned at her casual attitude. She paced a little herself, hearing the crowd grow restless from the wait. Her aura pulsed. Lucifer knew she was feeling his light and was playing with controlling it. She shot him a coy smile, making him chuckle at her before she turned to Lancelot, pulsing brighter when she noted his eyes squinting from her light.

  The clouds and smoke had made the field dark since she no longer allowed her energy to produce those raging fires. Since she was the only light, it was like staring into a powerful flashlight in pitch black. It seemed to bother most of the crowd as well, but not him. It was his, after all. She nodded at herself, seeming to work out a game plan in her head, and dimmed her light.

  Lucifer grinned, having a good idea what her plan was because it seemed to rouse Lancelot when she slowed her walk as well.

  Thanatos laughed quietly. “Of course she would be a fan of comics.”

  Lucifer shook his head at her immaturity but smiled anyway.

  Lancelot nodded to her as if he wanted to approach her on neutral terms. Jane hesitated but nodded and walked to meet him in the middle.

  “What is she doing?” Lucifer’s eyes narrowed.

  Lancelot’s words were too low to hear, but her expression softened.

  “She is far too forgiving,” Thanatos said, shaking his head.

  Lancelot smiled as if he was relieved but suddenly slapped her across the face, making her fall to her knees. Lucifer growled and felt two sets of hands restrain him when Lancelot kicked her side to knock her to the ground completely.

  “Let her fight, Lucifer,” Asmodeus whispered. “Do not interfere.”

  “Fine.” Lucifer shook them off.

  They turned to watch Lancelot press his foot down on her stomach. She cried out in pain from the force and tears fell from her eyes again. Lucifer’s heart pounded when her eyes met his for the briefest of moments.

  She screamed, scratching Lancelot’s leg as he pressed harder.

  The crowd cried out with her when Lancelot quickly straddled her and punched her right in her cheek, splitting the skin where it was already scarred.

  Lucifer squeezed his fist tight and struggled to stay in place. Why isn’t she fighting? That was when he realized black had finally taken over her eyes. The hazel was barely visible, telling him that Jane could see and feel everything happening to her. “That fucking bitch.” Lucifer growled, flapping his wings in agitation. He couldn’t rescue her without looking weak.

  Lancelot grabbed Jane’s hair as he whispered in her ear. Jane sobbed, trying to break free as Lancelot pushed his hand down her pants. She screamed, her legs kicking as Lancelot pulled his hand out and sniffed his fingers before wiping them across her lips. “Just like I thought—you fucked the king while David’s scent still marked you.”

  “Lucifer,” Thanatos said, not hiding his worried tone.

  “No,” she sobbed.

  Lucifer couldn’t move; he felt just as paralyzed as she seemed to be, knowing exactly what she was seeing. This was the same thing the boy did to her when she was only a child.

  “I knew you were a dirty little girl,” Lancelot said, grinding himself against her. “I bet you’re dying to feel my dick in you.” He thrusts his hips forward before he suddenly wrapped both hands around her throat, choking her.

  Lucifer continued to watch the wicked smile teasing Jane’s lips as tears streamed down her bloodied face. Her legs were thrashing, and she clawed at Lancelot’s arms, trying to reach his face. The smile didn’t leave her lips, proving that her demon was still very much in control of Jane’s body, and it didn’t care for the pain she was feeling.

  “Stop this, Lucifer,” Thanatos said, pacing.

  “Jane,” Lucifer barely whispered, but her eyes darted to him. The hazel seemed to come forward a tiny bit. He touched his chest. “Now, my queen.”

  Lancelot leaned down and licked her bloody cheek with a laugh. Jane cried out in a strangled voice. Lancelot was whispering in her ear, tormenting her.

  “Now,” Lucifer repeated and watched her hazel flood back and brighten when she roared, calling forth his lig

  She illuminated with a fantastic ball of white light while her scream burst from her lips. Lancelot howled, letting go of her throat when the light flashed so bright, nearly everyone had to cover their eyes.

  It didn’t bother Lucifer. He admired how beautiful she looked surrounded in light and smiled as she quickly punched Lancelot when he went to shield his eyes. Her punch caught him completely by surprise and knocked him off her.

  Lucifer registered the screams coming from all the vampires and watched their skin prickle and bubble from the light. Jane heard it too, and he wasn’t surprised to see her throw up some sort of barrier around her and Lancelot to prevent harming them further. Their cries of pain faded, but Lancelot still struggled to stand from being blinded by the light still shining out of her.

  “I can’t believe it,” Asmodeus whispered.

  Lucifer heard Thanatos give out a relieved breath as Jane crawled to her feet but was clutching her throat as she coughed uncontrollably.

  It seemed to draw Lancelot’s focus, and he stood straighter with his eyes closed and transformed into his wolf. The giant head turned right in her direction.

  Jane scrambled to stand and tried to run, but Lancelot still grazed her with his claws across her back. She screamed, hobbling away as blood spilled from her wounds.

  Lancelot shook his head back and forth, covering his ears as he growled. Jane noticed how sensitive Lancelot’s hearing was in this form; the bubble she created to protect them was probably amplifying the volume like a bell.

  A pained smile graced her lips. Lucifer knew she was using too much energy to keep her light going and trying to heal, while still holding onto her barrier to protect the crowd.

  “Why doesn’t she discontinue the barrier?” Thanatos snapped, his wings flapping in agitation.

  “She cares for even the wicked, Than,” Asmodeus replied. “She doesn’t want to use it to inflict harm.”

  “She hates her power,” Lucifer responded without thinking.

  Jane’s scream must have faded because Lancelot had zeroed in on her again and charged quickly. She ran again, but Lancelot tackled her from behind. She cried when she hit the ground but rolled, kicking him off her.

  They both stood, but Lancelot was swinging at her again. This time, she fought back and blocked his hits to land quick punches to his side. They weren’t as effective this time and she seemed to realize her loss in strength, but refused to let go of her light. If she were to drop it, she wouldn’t be strong enough to take on a seeing Lancelot.

  She backed away, and when he tried to follow her, she screamed at the top of her lungs. Lancelot covered his ears but swung wildly when she moved around him.

  Jane screamed again but darted away when he ran at her. She stopped to catch her breath, only to have Lancelot charge her again. She repeated her tactic of screaming and running a few times, letting her scream fill their bubble. Then she stopped and ran at Lancelot’s disoriented figure, jumping onto his back.

  She secured her legs around his torso and wrapped her little arms around his huge neck. She roared out in rage and squeezed as hard as she could. Lancelot began to thrash around as he tried to knock her off.

  Jane only roared louder and gave her attack everything she had until Lancelot finally fell to his knees, bracing himself on all fours. He fell to his side and rolled, but she lifted her foot slightly and brought it back down hard on his groin, causing Lancelot to curl onto his side again.

  “She’s going to kill him, Lucifer.” Asmodeus nudged him forward. “Stop her before it’s too late.”

  Lucifer quickly ran to Jane. She hollered and kept tightening her hold. Lucifer knew her barrier would have no effect on him and walked right through it to stand beside her.

  When she realized he was there, she looked up at him. She was relieved but in tremendous pain. He knelt down by her head and smiled until she screamed out again. Lancelot was clawing up her thighs.

  Lucifer growled before nodding to her to let go. She did, falling back as Lucifer shoved Lancelot off her. Lancelot growled in Jane’s direction as all the light faded, and her barrier fell away.

  Lancelot lunged for her, but Lucifer grabbed his throat, roaring as he slammed him to the ground. Lucifer filled with rage as he began prying Lancelot’s jaws apart. They started to rip and snap, but Lucifer stopped when a tingling sensation touched his wing.

  Jane’s hands came around his neck from behind as she lay between his wings, hugging him. “No, Luc,” she breathed into his neck. “I don’t need his death. Leave him. He will die soon.”

  Lucifer didn’t know why he obeyed her. He let go of Lancelot’s massive jaws and reared back, punching Lancelot hard enough to knock him unconscious.

  Someone lifted Jane off his back as she whispered, “Thank you.”

  “Good fight, my queen,” Thanatos said, lifting her into his arms.

  “Go to your queen, Lucifer. She is hurt,” said Asmodeus as the crowd began cheering. “I will see that he is chained until you are ready for him.”

  Lucifer approached Jane and lifted her out of Thanatos’ arms. She smiled up at him, touching his face before shutting her eyes.

  “She needs blood and rest,” Thanatos said, extending his wings to push back the cheering crowd.

  “Get everything she needs and bring it to me,” Lucifer said before teleporting himself and Jane to the cave. He quickly carried her to his bed and lowered her down before moving to pick up one of the bags of blood that Jane had refused earlier.

  He leaned over, pushing her hair away from her face. “Wake for a moment, Jane.”

  She fluttered her eyes open. “Hi, Luc.”

  He slid his hand under her neck. “You fought well, my queen. Drink this now.” He leaned down to kiss her busted lips before holding the bag to them. She bit down and let it spill down her throat.

  He held it for her until she gulped it all down, then he chucked it to the floor and watched her more gruesome wounds seal themselves shut.

  “Did I win?” she asked.

  “Yes, my little queen. You beat the shit out of him.”

  Her lips lifted into a small smile, but she was tired. “I saw your wings. I like them.”

  “Rest, Jane,” he said, knowing she was simply exhausted now. “I will clean your body and dress you. Just relax.”

  “I don’t want to wake up with your dick in my mouth,” she mumbled.

  “I will not touch you inappropriately,” he said, smiling. “Much.”

  Thanatos entered the cave, carrying a basket of items. “We will distract the armies with celebrations of her victory.”

  He took it, motioning for Thanatos to leave.

  Lucifer returned his attention to Jane. She was shivering once again, making him sigh. He sat beside her, warming his body and focusing on the light inside her until it began to warm as well. She stopped shivering, so he began cleaning the blood and dirt away in order to treat her injuries. She didn’t react to the water; she was already asleep.

  Running his hand over the finger marks around her throat, he growled.

  “It’s okay,” she whispered, not quite awake as she placed her hand on his thigh. “I’m okay.”

  He ignored the peace that spread through him and kept cleaning her up before ripping her ruined clothing away. I need to stop reacting to her like this. She rubbed his thigh as if she was telling him to calm down.

  “You’re lucky you are so important to me,” he whispered, watching her smile in her sleep. “You truly are the most dangerous creature to ever exist.” He chuckled when her smile grew.

  When he finished wiping all the blood and dirt away, he leaned down to inspect the cuts on her legs and rolled her onto her stomach so that he could view the ones that had been torn into her back. They were sealed but inflamed. At least these won’t scar, he thought while he trailed his fingers along the edges and leaned down to kiss one.

  She shivered, so he took his shirt off and removed the dirty sheets from under her bef
ore lying down next to her. Before he could even grab her, she reached out and pulled herself on top of him. He knew she was still very much asleep and pulled the covers around them, sighing as he squeezed her ass. “How do you still arouse me like this?”

  “Mm.” She moaned softly, causing him to smile and place a kiss on her shoulder. “I love you,” she whispered, making him freeze. “David . . . My David.”

  So many emotions erupted inside him, and one stood out. Jealousy.

  He breathed out angrily but stayed still for her and closed his eyes to let his mind focus. “This is why,” he said, reminding himself of his plans. “No more.”

  Lucifer had memorized every crevice and jagged edge of the rocky ceiling above him. It was the only point of interest in the whole cave that could keep him from flipping Jane over in his arms, and either fucking her or slitting her throat.

  Jane had been asleep for six hours now. For six hours, she’d slept—topless—whimpering every now and then. She was obviously in pain, but her nakedness combined with her little cries were very arousing. It was unfortunate she’d pissed him off by speaking David’s name. He had wanted more time with her.

  Another little whimper trembled out of her lips and she squeezed her legs, hugging him tighter while winding her fingers through his hair. He sighed, hating that he really enjoyed having her around him like this. There had never been a woman he wanted to torture and soothe all at the same time.

  She had managed to make him softer with her than he intended, and even though they were still going in the direction he had planned, she was distracting him from maintaining his course without even trying. There would be no more holding back from him, though.

  Lucifer glanced down. All he could see was her hair and part of her back because she had crawled higher so that her head was on his shoulder, turned away. The urge to touch her soft skin suddenly overwhelmed him.

  He wasn’t sure how bad her wounds still were, so he carefully moved her hair to the side and smiled. The pink abrasions were completely healed, just fading. Still gentle, he slid his fingertips over her skin, grinning as she shivered and pulled herself closer.

  “Luc?” she called.


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