Witching Your Step - Book Two: Paranormal Romantic Comedy

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Witching Your Step - Book Two: Paranormal Romantic Comedy Page 11

by M. L. Briers

  “What are you waiting for?” she said, tipping her head to one side and eyeing him with a wickedly witchy smirk that left him in no doubt what she’d meant to do. “Wolf got your tongue?”

  “You little minx…”

  “Feel that urge to bite?” she said, her eyes flashing with mischief.

  “Oh yeah,” he said, trying to keep a grip on his newfound level of control, that was nowhere near what he needed it to be.

  “Taste my blood on your tongue as you mark me, claim me as yours?”

  Dang, but she was at it again. He could feel that wild side rising, feel his fangs elongating, and there was only one thing for it – distraction – for her and him.

  “I certainly want a taste of something on my tongue,” he said, releasing her hands and climbing down her body.

  “That wasn’t what I had in…” Nancy shut the heck up the moment that his tongue devoured her.

  There was no teasing swipe, no – how you doin’? – just a full-on assault of her feminine senses that made her squeak like an idiot and hold on for dear life as she rushed up the mountaintop with the end in sight before she could even catch much of a breath.

  Talk about holy hellfire! Her toes curled like she had the cramp, her hands fisted the covers at her sides, and darn if she didn’t see stars moments later.

  “Mama Mia!” she said, panting, but that didn’t mean he was stopping. Oh no, she guessed he had a taste for her on his tongue, and he wanted more – so much more – so much so that by the time she’d seen stars for a second time she wanted to wiggle her backside up the bed away from him for a reprieve.

  No reprieve! He was trying to drive her as insane as she’d tried to drive him, and if she’d had half a brain to think, then she might have said – Karma.

  “Can’t – breathe!” she managed to force the words out of her lips, even as her brain was begging for oxygen and her body was buzzing like she’d plugged it into the electric.

  Somewhere in the back of her tortured mind, she knew he’d stopped – shown mercy on her – and as she pried her eyelids open – there he was – right above her looking dark, hungry, and very, very smirky. “Lesson learned my little wicked witch?” Jorge asked, almost back in control of his wild side, and so damn happy as to how he’d achieved it.

  “Meh,” Nancy said, lifting a hand and trying to wave his words away, but she didn’t have the energy to waste, so she let it drop to the bed.

  “I can always go back to…”

  Nancy found the energy to slap her hand around the back of his neck and yank him closer. “Not necessary,” she said, still trying to get a full breath in her lungs. “You tamed the beast – for now.”

  “Not all the beasts have been tamed,” Jorge said, a wolfish grin on his lips before he claimed her lips with hot kisses that made her brain melt and her body revive with the need for more – so much more.

  The hard press of his length against the opening to her channel gave her an even bigger zap of energy, and when he pressed inside – slowly opening her silken walls around his length – she made that sound in the back of her throat again that he was never going to tire of hearing.

  Holy hellfire, but he was built to fill her perfectly. The length, the girth, every inch of him stretched her inner walls around his length and filled her with joy.

  The slow movement of their bodies as one was heaven and hell. Both of them wanting more, needing more, and as he wrapped an arm around her body and scooped her from the bed, he was already increasing that rhythm and giving her the kind of friction she needed to get up that mountain once more.

  Jorge couldn’t battle his wolf a moment longer. The beast was clawing and demanding to be set free, so they could mark their mate, claim her as theirs, and his mind was definitely elsewhere.

  His fangs elongated by the time he’d fisted her hair and moved it out of the way. His gaze locked onto the smooth skin of her shoulder, and he salivated at the thought of the taste of her blood on his tongue – that meant he’d won her as his – wooed her, and neither man nor beast could want any more from life than that. Everything else was gravy.

  Jorge could feel her inner muscles tightening, making him work for each deep thrust to be buried to the hilt within her. Nancy was vocal in her needs, and he meant to oblige.

  He positioned his jaws over her shoulder, feeling her closing in on the orgasm that would take her away from him and mix the pleasure with the pain of his bite, and when she cried out, lost in the moment, he bit down. His beast roared within him at the symbolism of that bite, that mark, the taste of her blood, and was satisfied that they had their mate for life – forever.

  Jorge released his fangs and cleaned and sealed the wound as best he could as the need clawed within him to complete the bond between them. He needed to find his own release, place his seed as deep inside of her as he could, and that was a fire within his blood that couldn’t be denied.

  Wild, hungry like the wolf, and ravenous for the feel of her body against his, he took her back down to the bed beneath him and rode low over her as his hips never missed a beat. The sensation of their bodies touching, the sounds that lodged deep within her throat, and the pleasure of the friction from her still throbbing, tight inner muscles drove him crazy.

  Not as crazy as when her fingernails clawed down his back, and he arched to meet them, taking her deeper, and bringing her right back to the edge of insanity once more. He could feel the clench of her inner muscles, increasing the rhythm, and knew that it wouldn’t be long for either of them.

  Nancy’s cry of pleasure was music to his ears and the signal to his body to finally let go on the last shred of control that he had. Every thrust buried to the hilt, his muscles burning, his body tensed to breaking point, he finally felt the pleasure of his seed rushing through him as he held in place, tossed his head back on his neck and howled at the explosion of his seed against her womb.

  Over and over, he gave her everything that he had to give. Holding her close as the unending pleasure throbbed through every inch of him, until finally he was sated.

  Exhausted beyond belief, the likes of which he’d never felt before, he’d somehow kept his weight lodged on his elbows away from her, but with quivering muscles, he knew he needed to move. Jorge held her close and rolled them in the bed.

  There was no way in Hades he was letting her out of his arms. She was his and he was hers, and he’d die to protect her, and he fitted her body against his as he curled around her – safe in his arms, for now – forever.



  Viv said good morning to another day with a groan as the Autumn sunlight hit her right in the eyes. Olivia, of course, started towards her in a rush as if the witch had been waiting forever for Viv to collect her mail.

  Standing side by side, they eyed the little street where their brethren lived, amusement on their lips, and unspoken knowing of the goings on last night fresh in their minds. “Did you hear anything?” Viv asked, leaning in slightly, and being not-so-subtle.

  Olivia offered her a snort of a chuckle. “Are you kidding? That mating howl practically shook my windows,” she said, frowning.

  “Not that!” Viv said, although, sure, she knew Olivia couldn’t wait to get that off her chest. “About the elders?”

  “Oh, no,” Olivia said, shaking her head. “But there was definitely talk among the others yesterday, about you mating, and I’m sure they’ll be plenty of talk today about Nancy finding her mate.”

  “What’s the talk?” Viv asked, raising her eyebrows. “Are they hurrying to leave?”

  “No, most came to the conclusion like I did – what will be, will be,” Olivia said.

  “So no more runaways then? Not that it did Nancy any good,” Viv said, chuckling. “Wait, most?”

  “Yes, one among us has decided never to leave the house again and is going to ask the local store to deliver…”

  “Deliver a mate?”

  “You never know,” Olivia said
, chuckling to herself.

  Viv snorted a chuckle as she turned back towards her cottage. “Well, if you find out any really juicy gossip about Knowing, I’m all ears,” she tossed back over her shoulder.

  “Oh, how you’ve changed your tune,” Olivia said, snorting her own chuckle of disbelief. “The witch that didn’t believe in gossip.”

  “The witch that knows if you want to find out something then you need to go where the information is,” she said, turning to look back at Olivia when she reached the door. “And who better to sniff it out?”

  “Your mate?” Olivia said, beaming with glee.

  “Dog jokes? Really?” Viv said, wagging her witching finger at her. “You’ll have me howling with laughter next.”

  “See you for coffee later?” Olivia called as her friend walked inside. Viv popped her head back out.

  “Of course,” she said. “Just because I’m mated, doesn’t mean that the world stops turning.” And Viv knew that if they were ever going to get to the bottom of Knowing’s ugly little secrets, then two heads were better than one.


  Father Wolf stood at the top of the hill looking down on his town. It was a glorious day, a little chill in the air, but the sunshine made it feel a lot less gloomy. He jumped in place when the vampire made an appearance at his side and groaned openly to let the man know exactly how he felt.

  “That’s just a little ungenerous of you,” Sebastian said, revelling in the fact that he could still push the priest’s buttons when he wanted to.

  “Did Halloween come early, or did your coffin spring a leak?” Father Wolf said, eager for his third cup of coffee, with maybe a little nip of Brandy in it to ward off the evils of the chilly wind. It was just a shame that all evil couldn’t be warded off so easily.

  “Sarcasm, Father?” Sebastian said in a mocking tone, and out of the corner of his eye, he saw the priest fidget in place.

  “Just get on with it.” He didn’t much feel like bantering with the vampire today or any day lately. There was just a little too much on his mind.

  “Two matings,” Sebastian said and left it there, Knowing full well that the priest understood.

  “Nothing’s changed,” Father Wolf lied.

  One pair of mates was an anomaly that he could perhaps overlook until he couldn’t overlook it. But two…?

  “And lying on God’s own land, shame on you,” Sebastian said, calling him on it.

  Father Wolf rallied around towards the vampire, lifting his finger to wag it at the man, but Sebastian was already backing away, his hands held up in mock surrender. “Is all I’m saying.”

  “Be gone with you,” Father Wolf said, the Irish lilt in his voice becoming more prominent when he got angry.

  “Out of sight out of mind,” Sebastian said.

  “Don’t I wish.”

  “But can the same be said for the church, Father?” The vampire said, and then in the blink of an eye – was gone.

  Father Wolf sighed. He raised his hand and rubbed his palm over his face in the hope of rubbing away that tired feeling he had from spending the night tossing and turning in his bed.

  The vampire was right, in a way. Some secrets just couldn’t be hidden, and he felt like Knowing was finally about to start giving its up, but for now – it was just another day, and the town needed to keep believing that.

  The End.

  Thanks for Reading.

  I hope you enjoyed book two.

  If you have a minute, please leave a review at Amazon.

  Love and Blessings





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