Destined for Darkness

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Destined for Darkness Page 12

by Cassie Pierce


  “Okay, just promise not to freak out. It’s not as bad as it sounds,” he says.

  The worried look on his face does not make that statement very convincing. I wonder what it is now. My mind conjures up a million scenarios, all ending badly. “Just tell me.”

  He lets out a slow breath. “You are more than Lamont. You have darkness in your blood as well.”

  Oh no! Did he just say…..

  “Darkness? Like evil? Are you saying that I am part evil Tristan?”

  He shakes his head and pulls me into his arms. “No baby! You don’t have an evil bone in your body. It’s just that you have dark magic in your veins. Don’t ask me how either, because I don’t know. It’s going to be fine. We will figure this out, but to do that I need to know one thing. How long have you been having the dreams Ridley?”

  The dreams? What do dreams have to do with this? I let out a shaky breath. “Since my eighteenth birthday. They are always the same. Well, they were until recently anyway. I am in this awful place. It is hot and devoid of life. There is a castle. A very creepy castle. I go inside where he is waiting for me. Always waiting. He wants me to choose, but I don’t know what I’m supposed to be choosing. He hurts me. I can’t breathe. Then, right before he can finish me a light forms and carries me away.”

  Tristan has a serious look on his face; concerned even. I really hope that he isn’t starting to realize that I am crazy. Hell, took him long enough. I still don’t understand why he wants to know about my dreams, unless….

  “They aren’t dreams, are they?”

  “No,” he sighs. “It’s called a dreamscape. It’s kind of like an alternative reality. You need to be careful there. You can be harmed, even killed. I have pulled you out a few times with my powers, but it gets harder every time. Whoever is pulling you in is powerful. Understand. Every time I pull you out they change the barrier of the dreamscape, making it harder for me to get to you. If they pull you in again, you have to fight to wake up. I don’t know if I will be able to break through, but you can. Whatever it takes, make yourself wake up.”

  “I’ll try,” is all I can manage in reply. Uhhh! Why can’t my life just be simple? Yes, that’s right. The girl that hated her simple life really wants it back right now. I will obsess about this later, right now I need to worry about the council.

  I let out a sigh. “One thing at a time. First, let’s just deal with today. I can deal with all the other stuff later. Let’s just go before I change my mind.”

  He gives my hand a firm squeeze, and leads me to the door without another word.

  With every passing building my nerves continue to grow. The council will detect and help awaken my gift. A part of me is terrified of that gift. What if my gift brings others pain? I don’t think I can spend eternity torturing others. My heart jumps into my throat as the car comes to a stop in front of an old office building.

  “The council is here?” I ask with amusement in my voice. “I was expecting something more lavish. This looks like a doctor’s office.”

  Tristan laughs and shakes his head. “Haven’t you ever heard not to judge a book by its cover? Apply that here. The council is located beneath the office Ridley. This is just a ruse to keep humans away.”

  Oh. I guess that makes sense. I mean it’s not like they can just put a sign above the door that says supernatural headquarters. I exit the car, the moist England air calming my nerves. The office is plain, the only occupant an elderly woman sitting behind a desk. Tristan walks up and flashes her a charming smile.

  “Tristan Hart here to see Dr. Jones.”

  The elderly woman returns his smile. “Yes, sir. He is expecting you.”

  Tristan places his hand in the small of my back, guiding me to an elevator. Once inside, the doors close and the back of the elevator opens up, leading to a stairwell. The stairwell is dark, torches lighting the circular path. We walk several flights down before the path opens up to a small foyer. It is small but beautifully decorated; the arched ceilings and doorways leading to a large room. We enter the room, and I stare in wonder at my surroundings. It is like I have stepped into an art museum. Paintings of all origins and colors fill the space. It’s like my own personal paradise. Tristan turns to me, “Ready my love?”

  “Hell no. Nope, not at all.” Is what I’m thinking. Instead I opt for, “Might as well be.”

  Tristan pulls open the large mahogany door, and I literally feel the power in the air. My eyes fix on the large table in the center of the room and the five people occupying the seats; the council. In the center of the table sits a man that appears to be in his late twenties. He has honey blond hair and mesmerizing lavender eyes. His strong jawline and perfectly straight nose give him the appearance of someone much older than their years. I focus on my connection with Tristan since it would be inappropriate to speak out loud.


  Tristan’s smooth voice fills my mind. “Yes.”

  I am about to assess the rest of the room when Marcus’s powerful voice fills the air.

  `“Enter Mr. Hart, and introduce us to your guest.”

  Tristan’s grip on my hand tightens as he steps forward, dragging me with him. Once we are only feet from the table, I study the other members of the council. Sitting next to Marcus is a woman who could be my mother’s twin. Her soft blond hair falls in waves of silk to her shoulders. They look exactly the same, except for her lavender eyes. This has to be Victoria, my aunt.

  “Yes, I am,” her soft angelic voice fills the air answering my unspoken observation. “You have already met Marcus,” she says. “Now, let me introduce you to the rest of the council.” She points to her left. “This is Samuel.” My eyes land on the man she is speaking of, and a feeling of unease consumes me. I can see now why his power is fear. He personifies it. Everything from his raven colored locks to his soulless eyes embodies the word. I shiver as he pulls his lips back in a crooked smile, exposing perfect white teeth. It’s the kind of smile that may look friendly enough, but really is just a carefully disguised threat. One that I am currently feeling.

  “At the end of the table is Gabriella, and next to her is her mate William.” I refocus my sight on the other woman. She is obviously of Spanish decent, her long black hair hanging down her back in wide curls. Her striking gold eyes are watching me wearily. Next to her sits a man that looks to be bored. He is twirling a pen with dull interest. He has soft brown hair that just touches his shoulders, his eyes an exact match to his mate’s.

  “Ridley,” Marcus says. “We know who you are. We are sorry for the pain that you have endured over the last few days. We do not wish to cause you further stress, but we must evaluate you and determine your gift. It is our way. Do you understand?”

  I give Tristan’s hand a gentle squeeze before releasing it and stepping forward. “Yes,” I say trying desperately not to let my fear show in my tone.

  “We must touch you to do that. Are you comfortable with that?” Marcus asks gently. Comfortable? Ha! Not in this lifetime buddy. I’m really not comfortable with any of this, but what choice do I have.

  “Sure, touch away.”

  Marcus nods and addresses William. “Can you go first?” William returns his nod with a disinterest. He slowly makes his way to where I stand. “May I?” he ask as he reaches for my hand. I have no clue why he even bothers asking, because he grabs my hand before I answer. His touch is gentle though. It actually seems to lessen my anxiety. My hand is shaky in his, but he holds it steady with a gentle pressure. I stare in awe as his eyes snap shut and warmth washes over me. He gently releases my hand, and steps back smiling. Huh, guess he is capable of emotion.

  “She is the one,” he says simply before returning to his seat.

  “Very good,” Marcus chimes. “Now Gabby, see what hidden talent she possesses.” Gabby stands gracefully from her chair, and all but floats to the center of the room. She steps directly in front of me, placing her hands on my face.

is will not hurt, but it will be intense. I must bring your emotions to the surface.” I nod, unable to find my voice. She tightens her grip on my cheeks, and closes her eyes. While her grip is not painful per say, it is also not gentle. A mixture of emotions seize me without warning. Fear, sadness, anger, happiness, anxiety, and love all swirl together, struggling for control. They are all firing rapidly throughout my body, one quickly replaced by another. My legs starts to weaken as my heart rate increases in tempo. I am probably going to black out from the intensity of this emotional hurricane. I am seconds from eating the floor face first when Gabby suddenly releases me.

  “No! It can’t be. It is not possible.” Her gasp is audible. Fear paralyzes me when I see the expression on her face. Oh boy. This is not going to be good.

  “What?” I beg as tears begin to flood my cheeks. “What’s wrong?” Tristan takes a protective step in front of me, blocking my view of the others. Gabby takes a shaky step back and addresses Marcus.

  “She is a creator. She possesses the ability to save our race, it is true, but she also holds the ability to convert evil. She holds both good and evil in her blood in equal amounts. She could be our savior or our destruction. Her power is conversion.”

  A collective gasp sounds from the council table, all their eyes focusing on me. Whatever conversion is it must be bad if it can make a room full of immortal warriors gasp. So what? I have a little dark side. Aren’t we all a little dark and twisted in a way? Get over it. That does not make me evil. I would never hurt someone willingly. My mind drifts back to Tyler and the hate I felt for him the night of the accident. I had wanted to hurt him, but that was different. Wasn’t it? My tears increase as the council starts arguing among themselves. With great effort I dry my tears. Crying is a weakness and it this room weakness might get me killed. Tristan’s arms encircle me from behind, providing me momentary comfort. Marcus’s voice snaps me back to reality.

  “Ridley, what you possess is unheard of. You are as much a gift to us as a danger. A decision must be made.” His eyes were filled with remorse. “We will convene on the matter, until then I am sorry but you are forbidden to leave.” Did he just say forbidden? Please…. Like they can tell me what to do. Well newsflash assholes. No one forbids me to do anything. I start to open my mouth, but Tristan interrupts me.

  “You cannot keep her here against her will. She has broken no law,” he says angrily. Samuel smiles that evil smile again, and man I want to knock it right off of his face.

  “We can and we will Tristan,” he seethes. “Her fate is ours to decide and ours alone. You have no say in this. Now leave us or we will remove you.”

  Tristan clinches his fist at his sides. He wants to hit Samuel too. I would find it funny if I weren’t minutes from possible death. On second thought, if I’m going to die one good hit to that smug face of his would make my last moment a happy one.

  “Where she goes, I go. If you detain her, you detain me Samuel. You all know what it will do to her if you separate us.”

  Marcus speaks this time. “Very well Mr. Hart. You are both detained. Victoria will show you to your room.” I can feel the anger rolling off of Tristan, but there is no point in arguing. My fate, our fate, is in their hands. I am numb as we follow Victoria to our room. If that’s what you want to call it. I think cell would be a more accurate description. There are no bars, but it is void of anything except a bed. I am so never going to leave this place. I will die here. It isn’t until the door slams shut and Tristan pulls me to him that the numbness fades.

  “Baby, look at me. I will not let them hurt you. Do you understand? I will get you out of here. You are not going to die. The council is many things, but they are not unjust. They will not harm an innocent. ” He speaks of them with such conviction. Conviction that I do not share. I want to believe him but my mind won’t allow it. I gave up my life to follow my destiny, to accept my fate. What a cruel trick for fate to play, knowing that my destiny is to die.

  ~Chapter 9~

  The Decision

  The funny thing about fate is that you can never predict the outcome. You have no control over your final destination. You can try to change your life, but in the end you will always end up where you are destined to be. For some destiny is kind, creating a perfect ending. For others it is cruel and unjust, bringing heart ache and pain. It seems for me fate is a mixture of both. I found my true love. That is something most people are never blessed with. I finally found him and now I am going to lose him because of what I might become. In what world is that fair? Tristan believes that the Lamont will choose continuation of their race over the possibility that I may turn to evil, but I am not so sure. The Lamont are designed to kill evil. Hell, they detest it. They will never risk one of their own creating an evil more powerful than them. So that really only leaves me with one decision to make. Do I stay and die or do I run? I’m not ready to die, so I guess that’s an easy one. I’m running.

  I have not cried since Marcus ordered me imprisoned. Not a single tear. I’m over crying. Now I’m just pissed. I won’t lie. I am scared, but not of them. This fear is much worse than what the council may or may not do to me. I can handle them thinking I am a monster, but not him. It has not escaped me that I just became the one thing that he hates.

  “Tristan, I’m sorry. You must hate me now.” I can’t bring myself to look at him, afraid that he will reject me. He gently places his thumb under my chin, forcing me to look at him. His sapphire eyes glisten with unshed tears.

  “I could never hate you Ridley. Why would you think that?”

  “Well, I-I am e-evil and you h-hate evil.” I can barely speak from the effort of holding back tears. He presses a feather light kiss to my lips. “You could never be evil. You are the best person I know. The council is wrong. I swear on all that I am that I will never let them harm you. They are simply afraid. People do stupid things in the presence of fear. You have more power than all of them combined. That terrifies them.”

  “I don’t feel powerful. I can’t even read your mind. I can’t stop time, or do wicked cool spells like you. How could I possibly be more powerful than them?”

  “Yet. You can’t do those things yet. Make no mistake. You will. You just need to learn to access your power, and I am going to teach you. If they decide against you then we run. We can go anywhere you wish. They will not take you from me. Not now. Not ever.”

  I want that more than anything. If only we could just run away and never look back, but I could never ask that of him. He is not a traitor, and I will not make him one. “If they decide against me you can’t intervene. Promise me. I will not let you die for me.” I beg as I take his face in my hands.

  He presses his forehead against mine. “You know that I can’t promise you that baby. I have no life without you anyway. Where you go, I go.” I want to argue with him, but I don’t. If the situation were reversed there would be no talking me out of it either.

  “Ok. So how about you teach me this power thing so that neither of us has to die.”

  He kisses me gently, smiling against my lips. “That’s my girl.”



  I am so relieved when the fight goes back into her voice. She has been through more in the last few days than most people face their whole life, yet she remains optimistic. I truly believe that the council will not harm her, but if I’m being honest I know that it is a possibility. I won’t gamble with her life. I should have never brought her here, but to keep her away would have been worse. She needs her powers to be at full strength, and to do that she needs the council. For only by knowing your power source can you access it. If I could take her and run I would, but if she stands a chance against Derek Knight she needs the protection of the council. She needs full access to her power.

  My heart almost shattered into a million pieces when she asked me if I hated her. I don’t care how much darkness she has inside of her. She will always be my light. I need to tell her more about what the darkness mean
s for her, but not today. Today I just need to help her build her power in case we have to fight our way out of here. Soon. I’ll tell her soon.



  We spend hours working on accessing my powers. It is difficult at first, but I eventually start to get the hang of it. We start with telepathy since I can already reach out to Tristan with my mind.

  “Okay Ridley. I am going to think of something and I want you to reach into my mind and see it.” He closes his eyes and smiles as I reach for our connection. I focus on his face, and a memory slams into me. It is of a small boy, around five years old, with dark hair and bright blue eyes. He is sitting in a tree, laughing so hard that he is crying. He looks down at another boy, very similar to him in appearance.

  “You can’t get me.” he teases as he laughs.

  Then the image changes to a club. He is sitting at a table with Tyler watching me dance. “Man, that girl is stunning,” he says. Then the scene shifts again to the first time we made love. I can see myself through his eyes; feel how much he loves me.

  I smile and focus on him, recreating with my mind the images he has shown me. I send them to him and he grins in excitement.

  “You did it baby. You have telepathy down. Now, let’s move on to something harder.”

  Next, we go to work on energy transfer. Tristan shows me how to pull energy from others into myself and bend it to my will. He explains that energy transfer can be useful if you are facing an opponent with superior strength.

  “Ridley, imagine the energy like a sun and pull its warmth into you.” I close my eyes, picturing a warm glow surrounding him. I commanded the light to find me with my mind, smiling as a warm tingle tickles my skin. “That’s it baby! Now, will the light back to me. Will it to move me away from you.”


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