Destined for Darkness

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Destined for Darkness Page 15

by Cassie Pierce

  My eyes snap open. I am in our bedroom. Tristan is asleep beside me, his arms circling me tightly. My muscles are painfully sore. Did a run a marathon while I slept? I try to stretch, but Tristan’s tree trunk sized arm holds me in place.

  “Thank God! You’re awake! Don’t ever do that to me again Ridley.” Tristan says as he scans my body. I yawn.

  “How long was I out? Gods. Why am I so sore? What about Ali? Is she alright?”

  Tristan buries his face in my hair. “Ridley, you were asleep for three days. No one could wake you, and I couldn’t reach you through our connection. I was worried sick. The change must have taken too much of your light.”

  Wow! Three days!

  “What about Ali? Where is she? How is she?” I am talking so fast that even his immortal ears are probably having a hard time keeping up. Can’t help it though. Patience has never been my thing.

  “Perhaps you should ask her. I can’t believe that you did it Ridley. No one has ever been able to convert an evil soul to good, but you did it. You saved her baby.” He is beaming with pride as he helps me stand. My legs are wobbly from underuse. The room starts to spin the second my feet hit the ground. Converting Ali must have drained my energy. I secretly hope that every conversion will not have this effect on me. I lose my balance and fall backwards into Tristan.

  “You need to feed love,” Tristan says as he helps me regain my footing. He is right. My body needs blood like nobody’s business, but it is going to have to wait. Right now I have to see Ali. I need to see for myself that she is really okay.

  “Not now. I have to see her first.”

  “Just a little blood first?” he presses.

  I shake my head. “No. No time. I want to see her now.”

  “I thought you would say that. Very well. I shall bring you to her.” He takes my hand and leads me to the kitchen.

  The sound of her laughter fills the air like a melody; bringing back to me the memory of many childhood nights. The laugh is hers. It sounds so happy and full of life that it brings tears to my eyes. I round the corner leading to the kitchen at a dead run, and jump into my best friend’s arms. She looks exactly the same except for the small silver specks that now float like diamonds in her large chocolate eyes. The impact of my unexpected hug almost knocks her over. Tears fill my eyes, and I hang on for dear life.

  “You’re here! I’m so sorry Ali, for everything. I was only doing what I thought was necessary to keep you safe. You almost died because of me. Can you ever forgive me?” I manage to get out through my sobs.

  She pulls back from me. “Rid, I won’t pretend that I am not hurt that you didn’t trust me enough to tell me, but I can see why you didn’t. I mean, until that night I never even imagined that vampires, werewolves, and supernatural beings existed. I probably would have thought that you went off your rocker. You were trying to protect me. I respect that. I would have done the same. I can forgive you, but never make me think that you are dead again. That was cruel.” Tears now stain her cheeks. “I thought that you burned alive. I buried you! Do you know what that did to me? It shattered me. In the future, don’t lie to me again!”

  God! I love this girl. She is the most compassionate soul alive. If the roles were reversed, I doubt that I would have been so understanding. “Deal! I am so sorry Ali. It was hard for me too. I wanted to tell you, but I wanted to protect you more.”

  She smiles, her anger melting away. “Sorry I tried to eat you. I guess that makes us almost even,” she jokes. I laugh, my first true laugh in days. I don’t know how I ever thought that I could leave her behind.

  “Forgotten. How do you feel?”

  She runs her hands through her hair. “Better than ever before. Tyler told me about the Lamont, and what you did for me. How you broke the law to save me. How you believed in my soul when no one else did. Thank you for not letting me live that way. I would have rather died.”

  I smile. “What are friends for?”

  The rest of the day is spent catching up. Tristan and Tyler give us our space, both knowing that we need this time with each other. Aiden remains a no show, and I silently worry about what he is up to. I want to trust him, but part of me knows that his agenda is all his own.

  We are all gathered around the table eating pizza, Ali’s favorite, when he graces us with his presence. He walks into the room, avoiding eye contact with us all. He sits at the bar and grabs a slice of pizza, devouring it before he speaks.

  “I have informed the council of the events that took place our first night here. They wish to see you Ridley. They will arrive in the morning.” His voice is so manner of fact, not even a hint of emotion present. Tristan and Tyler both bolt from their chairs. Tyler clenches his fist to his side.

  “You did what! You really are a piece of…

  I cut him off before he can finish. “No Tyler. Aiden was right to inform the council. I broke the law. It is only fair that I receive a punishment.”

  My friends all fall silent; a look of confusion on their faces. It is Tristan who speaks.

  “Baby, do you know what you are saying? Samuel will punish you, and I cannot stop it.” He looks pained at the image of someone hurting me. I really hope that it doesn’t come to that.

  “Maybe they won’t punish me. After all, Ali isn’t evil. What I did for her, I could do for others. How many souls do you think are trapped by evil that desire to be free? I have wondered what my destiny is for a while now. I think that I finally know. Not only can I create new Lamont from the shield. I can create them from anywhere. I can save the damned if there is any hope left for them. I will receive any punishment they give me, but I will not stop. I will never stop.” They all continue to stare at me, dumbfounded by my words.

  “Ridley, what you did for Ali could have killed you. Are you really willing to do that for strangers based on a theory that there may still be good deep inside of them? What if you convert someone who is not good? What then? Are you willing to risk creating the most powerful race of evil ever known; a race that may be impossible for us to destroy? ” Tristan asks, his voice tight with worry.

  Am I willing to take that risk? The old me would have said no way, but the new me has no doubt. This is my intended path. My true destiny. Fate has put me in an impossible situation as a test. I saved Ali with no concern for the consequences that I would face because I love her. I pulled her from evil’s grip and gave her back the most precious of gifts; life. If God blessed me with the ability to heal and save souls, then that is exactly what I am going to do. I have to trust that he will protect me, and help me differentiate between good and evil. Tristan sighs, having already read my thoughts. I see the moment that his resolve breaks. His soft voice fills my mind.

  “You are the most amazing, brave, and bull headed woman alive. I love you my kohtalo. I trust your judgment.”

  I smile, touched by his belief in me. I turn and address the others. I tell them my thoughts about fate, but unlike Tristan they don’t look convinced. In the end it doesn’t matter. My mind is made up. It is the decision that starts me down the path to which there is no return. Something tells me that this will not be an easy journey. Nothing worthwhile ever is.

  ~Chapter 11~

  The Revelation

  I wake up the next morning feeling rested and determined. Tristan is still fast asleep, so I slide out of bed quietly and go in search of a private spot to think. I exit the back door of the cabin, and travel the worn path that leads to the woods. The winds tickles my face as I make my way further into the trees. I walk a few more feet until I see the place that calls to me. The small clearing hidden among the sea of trees. Moss covers everything like an emerald blanket. A single patch of sunlight has broken through the canopy above me, and I wish more than anything that I had my paint with me. I make my way to the middle of the grassy paradise and sit down. I am surrounded by beauty as I watch the sun make its way into the sky, casting the world in an orangey-yellow light. Birds chirp in the background, playing nature’s me
lody. The wind blows lightly; kissing my cheeks with its icy fingers. I Inhale deeply, enjoying the calm before the storm. The council will arrive shortly to determine my punishment. I would be lying if I said that I wasn’t afraid, but my fear is nothing compared to the peace that I feel. Finally, I have realized my calling.

  I close my mind off to the fear of the unknown and let my body soak in the tranquility of my surroundings. I throw up my mental block, and for the first time in days my mind is again my own. I love my connection with Tristan, but come on a girl needs privacy. I relax my body as I concentrate on my mental shield, satisfied when it is complete. I am so lost in my own serenity that I don’t hear him approach. A gentle hand touches my shoulder, and I snuggle my face into its warmth. Figures that he would still be able to track me down.

  “Nice to see you too gorgeous, but I don’t think Tristan would approve of your greeting.”

  I quickly nudge his hand away from my shoulder. Irritated at him, but for some reason not as much as I want to be. Something about his smile makes it hard to feel that way. It’s strange, but I can see the regret that he carries around with him. The sadness that shines in those aqua blue eyes when he thinks no one else is looking. Aiden may have made mistakes, but trust me he is paying for them. I can see it. I almost feel sorry for the guy. Everyone here hates him, but I doubt that anyone hates him more than he hates himself. That doesn’t mean that he is my favorite person at the moment though, and as usual my bitchiness knows no limits.

  “What do you want Aiden? Did you run out of lives to ruin?”

  He flinches at the venom in my tone, and for a brief moment he actually looks hurt. Could it be that Aiden actually has feelings? Well hell… that wasn’t what I expected. His face has been the mask of indifference since we met. To actually see emotion from him because of me is unsettling. He takes a step back, putting a more appropriate distance between us.

  “Look Ridley. I think that we got off to the wrong start. I am not the bad guy here. I was sent to teach and protect you. I know that Tristan has told you about Sarah, and that is why you don’t trust me.” More emotion, pain perhaps, crosses his face at the mention of Sarah’s name. “I can’t say that I blame you, but I was a different man then. I was young and stupid. Believe me, no one hates what happened to her more than I do. I loved her! I was a coward, and she suffered because of it. Her death, it- changed- me. It made me see the importance of fighting for what you believe in, and I believe in you. I may not agree with you attempting to save evil souls, but I believe that you have the power to achieve it. I had to inform the council of that night. It is my duty. Please try to understand.”

  I search his eyes, and am surprised to see only sincerity in his gaze. He is telling the truth. Could there be more to Aiden than meets the eye? Maybe I judged him too harshly. Everyone makes mistakes. I know I have made my fair share.

  “Look. I know that you had no choice, and I am not angry with you. You are right. I don’t really trust you, but then again I don’t really know you either. The council obviously believes that I can learn from you, or they would not have sent you here. I will try not to judge you on your past, but don’t touch me again. Tristan will kill you, and it makes me uncomfortable.”

  “Fair enough.” He says with a nod. A smile crosses his face, showcasing a to -die -for set of dimples. “Oh yea, everyone is looking for you. Perhaps you should come back to the house. Tristan is totally freaking out that he can’t reach you through your connection.” Still smiling, he walks away.

  I grimace at his retreating form. I didn’t even think of what Tristan would think when he couldn’t find me by my mind signature. He is going to be so pissed. I will my mind to open back up to him, and make my way to the cabin. He is waiting for me at the tree line.

  “Look love I respect your need for privacy, but next time could you at least let someone know where you are.” His voice is soft, but his eyes are angry. He clears the space between us, and gives me a passionate kiss. The kiss is rough and lustful. It says ‘I want to bend you over my knee, with love of course’. I pull back, gasping for breath.

  “If I knew that I was going to get that response by making you miss me, I would disappear more often.” I laugh.

  He smiles and shakes his head. “Not funny angel. Not funny at all.” We walk back to the cabin hand in hand to await the council.


  I was going out of my mind with worry when I woke up this morning to find her gone. My worry grew to uncharted territory when I couldn’t reach her through our bond. The rational part of me knew that she hadn’t gone far, but screw being rational. It has never been my thing. I usually react first and think later.

  I am standing in the back yard looking at the woods when my favorite person, Aiden, steps through the tree line. I swear just seeing him makes all my psycho tendencies want to come out and play. He may not admit it, but his being here has nothing to do with duty. He wants something from her. I just don’t know what yet.

  My thoughts are pulled away from the scumbag when Ridley emerges from the same spot that Aiden has just vacated. The thought of him alone with her makes me see red, but I push my anger aside as she walks up to me. She loves me. I trust that. I just don’t trust him. I pull her to me for a passionate kiss, trying to tell her with my lips that she is mine. I will let what I just saw go for now. We have more important things to deal with today.

  The council just arrived.


  The council has arrived, looking every bit as intimidating as I remember. All five members enter looking dark and deadly. They are all dressed in black; a common favorite among the Lamont it seems. Aiden greets them at the door, and shows them into the living room. I have to admit it is kind of funny seeing them lounging around on a sofa. I bet that they are lost without their precious table. It has probably been decades since their asses have graced a couch. Tyler and Ali share the love seat, while Tristan and I choose to remain standing. Aiden, ever present in the shadows of my life, takes a post by the door.

  It is Marcus who greets us first. “Tristan. Ridley. Aiden here has brought us some very interesting news. He claims that you turned a vampire into a Lamont, and successfully restored her soul to divinity. What say you to these allegations?”

  I inhale a calming breath. Lying to them is pointless, so I tell the truth. “What Aiden says is true. I know that I broke our laws, but given the chance I would do it again.” I pull my gaze to Ali, and give her a reassuring smile. “As you can see Ali is not evil, and she never truly was. She was simply trapped by an evil condition. I stand by my decision, and will do it for anyone else if the opportunity were to arise.”

  They are all doing that silent communication thing that I hate. Every few seconds a brief emotion will cross one of their faces, but then they expertly tuck it away. They could at least have the decency to argue out loud! This is about me, after all. It is Samuel and his evil grin that finally put me out of my misery.

  “Ridley. What you did for Ali is truly remarkable, but it is still against our law. Perhaps we can convene on changing that law for the future, but for now the law stands. You will receive a punishment for your actions. Please do not take it personally.” The venom in his voice lets me know that it is personal. Very personal. Ali, ever my hero, jumps to my rescue.

  “Listen here. I know who you are, but with all due respect you are wrong. What Ridley did can save lives- innocent lives. Does that not matter to you?”

  Victoria fixes her with a sympathetic stare. “Of course my dear, but the law was broken and so a punishment must be carried out. It is the law that matters the most to us. It is our way.”

  Ali laughs. Actually laughs. “Well, your way blows!”

  They all gasp as I struggle to keep from laughing. I know that they are not use to such disrespect and Ali does too. She just doesn’t care. That’s my Ali. Foolishly brave to the point of stupidity. I love it.

  “Excuse her,” Tyler says as he shoots her an angry gl
are. “She is new to our society, and did not mean any disrespect.”

  Like hell she didn’t.

  They all nod, pleased with his apology for now. Tristan remains silent, knowing as well as I do that no amount of negotiating will change their minds. In all honesty, they made up their minds before ever stepping foot into the house.

  Samuel gets up from the sofa and approaches me. I stand taller. On the inside I want to piss my pants and hide in a closet, but no way am I showing any of that fear to him. I’d like to think on the outside I look all kinds of come- and- get- some -asshole cool. Tristan and Tyler take a protective step toward me. I shake my head. They can’t help. Sometimes in life you just have to face the bullshit, and this is one of those times. Still, they both inch closer to me, and it does make me feel better. Stubborn boys. They know what is coming, and for Tyler especially it has to be hard to remain silent. I tilt my chin up, refusing to show any fear. Samuel feeds off of fear, and I am not giving him the satisfaction. He slowly stalks toward me, taking my hand in his. He traps me with his dark gaze, and runs his nose across the curve of my neck. Gross! We so need to find him a sniffer anonymous group.

  “How fitting,” he says with a smile, “that your fear is not for yourself, but for others.”

  Despite my best effort, I shiver because I know the fear that he has pulled from my mind. Please. Anything but that. Please……My whole world shifts.

  I am suddenly surrounded by darkness. It is cold, and my heart is hammering uncontrollably. I try to move, to scream, but I can’t. I am sitting on a hard, dirty floor; bound and gagged. Blood drips from my wrist and ankles where the ropes bite into my swollen flesh. I search through the darkness, looking for anything that I can use to free myself. A light flicks on in the center of the room and I scream around my gag. Saliva runs down my chin, and wets my shirt. The scene before me breaks me. It hurts in the worst kind of way. I am split open and raw, feeling everything but oddly numb. Tristan is chained to the wall in front of me. There isn’t an inch of his perfect skin that isn’t ripped open and bleeding. His head hangs loosely to one side, and it is at an odd angle. His bright blue eyes are swollen shut. The sight of him, usually so powerful and full of life, reduced to… this fractures my soul. He looks….broken. My sobs grow louder, my movements more frantic as someone else enters the room.


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