Destined for Darkness

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Destined for Darkness Page 18

by Cassie Pierce

  I almost feel sorry for her. She grew up just like Ridley did, thinking that no one wanted her. The truth serum will wear off soon, and I can’t risk her remembering my little visit. I have a million more questions for her, but I push them all aside for another time. Right now I need to get back to Ridley. I quickly sink my teeth into her soft flesh, injecting her with a memory wipe. I am gone before she ever opens her eyes.



  I lay there not believing what just happened. I kissed him. Actually kissed him. I have a new respect for Aiden after tonight. He stopped. Not me, but him. He saw that I was in pain, and knew that I didn’t really want him. I was angry and hurt. I could tell from the way his lips felt on mine that he wanted the kiss, just not for the reasons he was getting it. He knew that I would regret it. Hell, I already did. He walked away, and I know for him that took strength. My eyes are nearly swollen shut from all the tears that I have cried. What if Tristan was telling the truth, and it was just a job. I should have let him explain, but as always I was too stubborn to listen. Will he ever forgive me for kissing Aiden? Will I ever forgive myself? I reach for him through our connection, needing him now more than ever. It only takes a moment before his sweet voice fills my head.

  “Ridley, Ridley baby! I’m sorry! I’m so sorry. What you saw, it was just a job. She had information that I needed, and the easiest way to get it was from her blood. Please baby, please don’t be mad.”

  I am a horrible person. He is telling the truth. Our bond would sense a lie. Why? Why didn’t I listen to him before? Before I messed up everything. What did I do? I let out a deep breath, terrified at what I know I have to tell him. Lies may be prettier than the truth sometimes, but lies always find a way to rot you from within. Lies destroy. Truth, though painful at times, is always progressive. Tristan deserves to know the truth.

  “I need you to flash here. Please.” Before I finish my thought, he appears. His eyes are swollen, like he too has been crying. I jump out of the bed, and into his arms. He pulls me to him, but the stiffness in his body tells me that he already knows what I am going to say. I bury my face into his chest. The truth. I can do this.

  “Tristan, I…”

  He cuts me off with a kiss. A kiss that says I love you. I understand. I know. I forgive you. You are mine. A kiss that says it all. He pulls back, and presses his forehead to mine.

  “I saw. After you left, I reached for you. I…I saw.” He says with a strained voice.

  “I am so sorry. I don’t know what happened. I was so hurt and angry. I thought that you had betrayed me, and I just wanted to hurt you. It’s no excuse. I was wrong. I love you, please don’t hate me.” He sighs, his warm breath tickling my cheek.

  “Silly girl, when are you ever going to learn? I could never hate you. I will not pretend to be happy that you bit him, but I know that you needed the blood to heal. I understand.” So, that’s what he saw. He must have tuned out of our connection before the kiss. It would be so easy to lie. To kiss him and act like life is perfect, but it would also be wrong. I can do this. “Just tell him. Just open your mouth, and tell him.”

  “Tristan. There is more, but you have to promise to try and understand.” His arms fall away from me, and he steps back.

  “More? Ridley? What is there to understand?”

  Crap! I so do not want to tell him this. I quickly put up my mental wall, so that he can’t pick it from my mind. That image just might make him murderous. Some things are better said out loud.

  “Well, after I fed…” I swallow loudly, and force myself to not look away. It’s hard. “I…Well, I….”

  “You what?”

  “I kissed him. I didn’t mean to. It just happened. I am so sorry.” Anger flashes in Tristan’s eyes and when he looks at me this time there is no understanding.

  “You kissed him! Why? Why did you do that?”

  I wanted to blame it on bloodlust, but part of me knew it was more than that. Tristan must have read my mind.

  “I see. Was that all? Just a kiss?” He ask no doubt noticing my lack of clothes. Damn. I really need to remember to put them on. Oh well, it is Tristan’s fault. He left me this way.

  I fall to my knees, tears making it hard to see.

  “Yes. Please, please, don’t hate me. I love you. I made a mistake.”

  He kneels beside me on the floor, wiping my tears with his hand. His gentleness surprises me. The anger is still there, he has just carefully tucked it away.

  “I don’t hate you. You thought that I had betrayed you, and you were hurt. You acted foolishly, but not callously. That I can forgive, but him… him I am gonna kill.” I want to take up for Aiden, to tell Tristan that he was the one to stop, but I know that defending him would be a bad idea.

  “I love you. I should have trusted you.” His lips take mine in a possessive and passionate kiss.

  “Yes. You should have. In the future talk to me first, ok.” I nod. I am about to pull him in for another kiss when the door to my room opens. Talk about bad timing. Aiden freezes when his eyes meet Tristan’s, and I know that nothing good is going to come of this. I suddenly remember my nakedness and blush with embarrassment. Thank God for the sheet. Tristan shields my body from Aiden’s view.

  “Ridley. Why don’t you go and get dressed. Aiden and I need to talk.” Aiden wisely turns his back so that I can get my clothes and leave the room. Once inside the bathroom, I hear a crash and a lot of yelling. I quickly tug on my clothes, and go in search of the fight. When I enter the room they are both bleeding, but Aiden has gotten the worst of it. I place myself between them, not willing to let them spill any more blood over me. Tristan’s voice drips venom.

  “I trusted you with her. I know that she needed the blood, but you just had to use your little gift on her didn’t- you!” What in the hell is he talking about.

  “What gift?” I ask.

  Tristan laughs, and Aiden grimaces. “Oh, you didn’t tell her. Ridley, Aiden has the gift of persuasion. He can make anyone think anything that he wishes.”

  Well, that explains my sudden desire for the man that I can barely tolerate. I want to believe that I kissed Aiden because he persuaded me to, but I’m not so sure. That’s why it surprises me when Aiden says, “Sorry. She was just too cute, all hot and naked in my arms. I couldn’t help myself man.” He is lying for my benefit. He didn’t lure me to him with his power. I am thankful to him for protecting me. Perhaps that is the moment that I really see Aiden. He is lonely, but loyal. For whatever reason he has chosen loyalty to me. His words hit there mark, and Tristan charges him. He pins him to the floor easily… perhaps too easily.

  “I should kill you. It wasn’t enough what you did with Sarah? Can you not help yourself? Must you always take what isn’t yours?” I place my hand over Tristan’s.

  “It’s not worth it. Please. Let him go. For me?” He softens at my plea, and releases him. Aiden takes the clue and leaves the room.

  Once we are alone I turn to the man I love. I kiss his neck and whisper, “Let me make it up to you.” I savor in his taste as I trail my kisses lower. I am nervous as I slowly get to my knees in front of him. He cups my chin, before sinking to his knees beside me.

  “Just let me love you tonight,” he whispers as he kisses me sweetly. He lays me down gently on the rug, tearing to shreds the clothes that I had just put on. This time when our bodies meet it is intense. There is nothing soft or easy about the way he is loving me tonight, but I am not complaining. Sometimes that’s what we need. To love fiercely. To sweat the pain and anger away, until all that is left is contentment. Tonight that’s what he gives me. Raw, powerful, un-inhibited love. It builds me and it shatters me. When our bodies are exhausted and covered with sweat, we finally allow ourselves to breathe. He places a kiss to my now naked back. “You are amazing,” he says in a husky voice.

  “No, you are. I love you.”

  “I love you too. I have to go back now, but I need you to feed first. My blood will help s
ustain the flames, and I should be back by tomorrow afternoon. I don’t like it, but if you need to, then feed from Aiden. His blood will help.”

  I nod and bite into his wrist. His blood is wonderful. It is like coming home after a long vacation. I drink greedily, tasting every spice, every flavor, before reluctantly pulling away.

  “Hurry back, and if you need to…to bite that girl again. I understand.”

  “I have no need. I got the information that I was after. I love you. Ridley, when I get back I have to tell you about the things that I learned tonight. Just a warning, you are not going to like them.”

  I kiss him. “I love you too, and whatever it is that you have to tell me we can deal with it together.”

  “Ok, love. Be back soon.”

  And then he is gone. I cuddle up in a ball on the floor. Sated and sleepy.



  I want to stay with her more than I want to take my next breath, but I know what I have to do to keep her safe. She isn’t going to like it, but when it comes to her safety I am not willing to compromise. Her safety is all that matters to me.

  I flash to council headquarters as quickly as possible. Upon seeing the old brick building, I let out a nervous breath. It is now or never. I don’t want to inform the council of Arianna’s existence, but it is the only way to tell if she truly is Ridley’s sister.

  I feel the panic of Ridley’s fear and pain through our bond, but I push it to the back of my mind. Aiden will keep her safe, and after our little talk I have no doubt that he will keep his hands to himself. I walk slowly into the building, calling for Marcus as I enter the room. He rounds the corner, a worried look on his face.

  “Tristan? For what do we owe the pleasure of this visit?”

  I tell myself that what I am about to do is the right thing. That it is necessary. I only pray that in my attempt to protect the woman I love I don’t get her sister killed.

  “Sit down Marcus. We have much to discuss.”



  My world shifts unexpectedly to my hometown and my mom. She is sitting in her favorite chair reading a book. Her eyes are on the page, but the tremor in her bottom lip says her mind is elsewhere. Derek appears behind her, grabbing her small head in his hands. He twist. The crunch of her neck severing my soul.

  “Nooooo!” I scream, my plea already too late. She is dead. She never had time to react. Her brown eyes, once vibrant and full of life are glassy and unseeing. Derek’s focus turns to me. A sadistic smile lifting one side of his mouth. He looks right at me.

  “Better hurry, or mommy dearest will die.”

  I jolt awake, sweat and tears covering my face. Derek’s warning fresh in my mind. That monster is not getting her. I won’t allow it. The sensible part of me realizes that this is what Derek wants. It is a trap. One that I am willingly walking into. The rational thing to do would be to call for Tristan, or to wake up Aiden. That is not what I do. Rationality isn’t my style. Recklessly rebellious is more my usual.

  I throw on some clothes, and decide to a least be a little responsible. I find a paper and pen, leaving a note for Aiden.

  Mom in danger. Went to help. ~Ridley

  With that small task achieved, I pour all of my focus into returning to my hometown. Instantly I find myself standing in the backyard of my childhood home. The lights in the house are all off, except for one. Mom always reads in the den by the fireplace. I launch into a full run. I am aware that I may very well be heading to my own death, but I don’t care. All I can think about is saving her. I jerk the door open and round the corner to the den. Mom’s book falls to the floor when her eyes find mine.

  “Ridley,” she breathes in barely a whisper. “Oh! Ridley! How? Am -am -I dreaming?”

  Seeing her again is like seeing the sun after years of darkness. It warms me, defrosting some of the ice that I placed as protection around my heart. I run to her, wrapping her in a hug. God! I miss her hugs. I start crying as she clings to me tightly. I never imagined that I would see her again, much less hug her. I pull back to tell her it is real; that I am real, but fate has a different idea. Cold hands grip the back of my neck, ripping me away from her. Her eyes are freeze in horror as Derek tosses me aside. “What is it with these things, and throwing me around?” My body slams into the wall, cracking the plaster. White powder rains down on me as I slide to the floor. My mom, ever my protector, jumps up to help me. She too is tossed aside like a rag doll; her blood spilling as she hits the floor. I hold my breath and wait. She doesn’t move. I use my enhanced hearing to listen for her heartbeat, sighing in relief when the faint thud reaches my ears. Derek uses my distraction to his advantage and advances on me. He is quick, but in pissed off mode, I am quicker. I lunge out of his way and jump to my feet.

  “How sweet of you to come. I do not wish to kill your mother, but if you put up a fight I will.” His eyes are the same. Burnt honey over chocolate, but they hold a darkness that is all new to me. In my dreams his eyes were kind, even when his actions weren’t. Here, there is nothing kind about him. He is a predator, and I am his prey. My life may matter to him, may serve a purpose, but hers does not. I am left with one option, and it sucks. “Forgive me Tristan.”

  “Don’t! I’ll go! Just… don’t hurt her.

  He nods, pleased with himself. “I have such wonderful plans for you my beauty. Together we will be unstoppable.” I cringe at his words. There is no way that I am helping him, but he can’t know that. Not yet. Not until my mom is safe.

  “Super.” I reply sarcastically as I stretch out my hand to him. His touch sends a jolt through me. His skin is so cold. In a flash he lifts me over his shoulder. The wind stirs my hair as he starts to run. I lay there helpless to move. We are moving so fast that consciousness is a struggle. I wonder how pissed he’d be if I barfed all over his back? Focus. I reach for Tristan, sending him my memories of what just happened.

  “ RIDLEY!!!! I’m coming my love. I will always come for you.”

  Derek laughs, like he heard Tristan’s promise. “He will try, but he will be too late.” He yanks open the door to a black SUV and forces me inside. He slides into the seat next to me, and the car speeds off. I refuse to let my tears fall, and instead cling to the hope that Tristan will save me. I feel so hopeless at the moment that I am not even bothered by the flames that are raging inside of my soul. I don’t regret my decision to save my mom. I would do it again. Derek pulls me to him.

  “I’m sorry love, but this is necessary. Can’t have you at full strength.” He bites into my flesh, causing a painful sting. Tristan’s bites are never painful, but god help me, Derek’s bite is excruciating. It’s like acid has been injected into my neck, slowly pumping itself deeper into my vessels. He drinks greedily, forcefully. Everything starts to spin. Raw terror claws at my heart. He is taking too much; way too much. He is going to kill me. He has to stop soon. Right? My body drifts in and out of alertness, but he keeps drinking. Everything tingles from lack of blood, and the places that don’t are numb. If I have to die, blood loss is not such a bad way to go. My mind wanders to Tristan; his laugh, his kiss. I focus on his voice as my world fades away into nothingness. Derek mercifully removes his fangs from my neck, and presses something warm to my lips. It smells wrong, but at this point I am beyond thirsty. I open my mouth, allowing the foul smelling liquid to drip inside. Not the brightest idea. It’s like drinking liquid fire; burning my throat as it goes down. I try to pull away, but a firm hand holds me in place.

  “Drink, or I will send someone back to kill her.” I fight through the pain, and swallow the vile blood. Each gulp burns more than the one before. He finally releases me, and I start to convulse. Violent seizures take hold of me as my body tries to reject the foreign blood. My Lamont blood does not like the vampire’s essence. I vomit until I am pretty sure that a piece of my stomach lands in the backseat beside me. If Derek is bothered by the collection of my bodily fluids that now stain his back seat, he doesn’t let

  “Eventually your hunger will be so great that you will accept my blood willingly, and when you do your soul will be mine.”

  So… That’s what wants. My soul. No. No way. “What! Are you crazy! You can’t turn a Lamont into a vampire. It’s impossible! Besides, my soul already belongs to Tristan.”

  He smiles an easy smile. The kind that say I know something that you don’t know. “Sure I can. Just ask your parents. As far as your soul belonging to Tristan, well, it won’t for long.”

  My parents? What do they have to do with this? I am about to ask him that very question when weakness hits me, and my world fades away.



  “If this is true Marcus, it changes every……” I am in mid-sentence when the images slam into me. Derek… Ridley… her mom… Her pain….Her fear. “Nooo!!!” He has her. That bastard actually has her.

  “RIDLEY!!!! I’m coming my love. I will always come for you.”

  I flash to her mom’s house, only to find her gone and her mother barely alive. I call 911 for her mom, and try to track her with our connection. Something is wrong. It’s like she is there, but she isn’t. I can feel her mind, but I can’t track her light. It’s as if all of her light has been stripped away. I can’t feel her, can’t hear her, and it scares the hell out of me. For the first time in my life, I know what it is like to be helpless.

  I quickly get out my cell and call Tyler, before flashing back to the cabin. I will not rest until she is home; until she is safe. I just hope that when she returns she will do so as herself. I know Derek Knight’s reputation. He will stop at nothing to break her. Too bad for him that I will stop at nothing to save her.

  ~ Chapter 13~

  The Darkness

  The searing pain of my new reality causes me to jerk awake. I don’t regret the decisions that brought me here. I would make them all again, even though they have cost me so much. They have also given me more than I ever could have imagined. My eyes fight to adjust to my new home, darkness my only companion. I am chained at my ankle like a dog in the middle of a dirty room. There are no windows and only one door, which appears to be solid steel. The walls are lined with a weird copper looking material, and I can hear the hum of electrify that runs along them. The chain that binds me burns my skin, turning it a nasty red color. My clothes are drenched in blood, and I am in so much pain that I almost welcome death. I feel weak and helpless, unable to move from my position on the cold, dirty floor. The flames formed through my bond with Tristan are burning me alive. It’s like being in the middle of a burning building with no way out. The air taste of ash. I try to push the pain back, but it is too much. My body starts convulsing again, each jerk jarring my already sore muscles. The smell of flesh burning fills my nostrils, even though I know there is no fire. I don’t know exactly what Derek has planned for me, but I seriously doubt that it will matter. The distance from Tristan is going to kill me before he can use me for his evil aspirations. I smile despite the situation at that thought. Does he have no idea of our bond? Guess he hadn’t thought of that little detail when he kidnapped me. Death does not scare me half as much as what he has planned for me. In death there is peace, but with him I will be trapped in an eternal hell. I should have known that not only did Derek know about the complexity of our bond; he was counting on it.


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