The Tempting Touch Of Fire (Elemental Awakening, Book 1)

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The Tempting Touch Of Fire (Elemental Awakening, Book 1) Page 17

by Claire, Nicola

  Theo shifted himself between my legs, gently nudging my thighs apart. I felt so exposed to him, so bare. So needy. His hands ran up the inside of my legs, as he knelt between them taking all of me in. Gold splashed the room from his half lidded eyes. A snarl of hunger reached his lips and then in lightning speed he settled himself down on his stomach and dipped his face to the apex of my thighs.

  The first stroke of his hot tongue sent a bolt of exquisite bliss right through me. I'd been wrong before. Nothing compared to this. I lifted off the bed and felt his hands grasp my hips firmly and pull me down the sheets onto his face. His palms wrapped around each butt cheek as he raised me for the perfect angle to devour my core. Without conscious thought my legs lifted to lie above his shoulders, making my thighs spread further apart for easier access.

  I had never considered I'd be so immodest. In all my daydreaming - and I admit, Theo had appeared in them exclusively over the past year - I never, ever saw myself as the woman who openly begged for more. I could hardly flirt with the man, but then, he'd been the only one to ever make me flirt at all. I realised, I'd always been taking risks with Theo, I'd always been stretching beyond my preconceived notion of who and what I was. Theo made me want more, gave me courage to seek it, and then rewarded me whenever I did just that. I had trusted Theo for a long time, and I hadn't even realised I did.

  His tongue lay a wet trail up my centre, then flicked around my sensitive nub. I writhed back against him, rocking my hips, telling him I wanted more. The sounds he was making were encouraging, delicious and entirely wicked. He was savouring me. There was no other word for it. He was tasting and licking and devouring me in a way that made me believe he would remember it all. Savour it all for eternity.

  I'd had orgasms before, of course. Self induced and well enjoyed. But this was something entirely different. This deserved another word. Orgasm was too perfunctory, and appropriate for what I'd given myself. But what Theo was building in me now was a tsunami, a perfect storm brewing inside. The power of its release was going to shatter me. I knew it. I was slightly in awe of it already. But, by God, I couldn't wait for it to come.

  I sought it greedily, lifting my hips and rubbing against his mouth and chin, seeking the delicious friction, that little bit extra, to send me over the edge. Just when I thought I'd never make it with his tongue and teeth and lips alone, he slipped one finger inside.

  Oh God. Oh God. Oh God.

  His finger pumped steadily, swirled to widen my channel, flicked at a certain spot inside that I assumed was the infamous G Spot, and then pulled back just as I was about to unleash an ecstatic wave of joy.

  "You're so tight, Oraia. So delightfully tight," he murmured against my thigh.

  "Theo," I begged, it sounded utterly breathless. "More," I pleaded.

  He muttered something in Greek, then started moving his finger in earnest. Thrusting as I imagined his erection would thrust inside of me. I wanted him, his arousal not his finger. I wanted more than he was giving, I wanted what he was promising me, but I didn't have breath enough to ask. The tsunami was getting closer, his encouraging sexy, but so dirty words against my thigh fuelled the wave, made it grow to impossible heights, threatening to tear me apart at any second.

  The orgasm washed through like the tidal wave I'd imagined it would be. I called out Theo's name, thrashed beneath his tongue and mouth, rode his finger as though I'd done it a million times before, and distantly heard my whimpered cries of release.

  It was... unbelievable. I shook with endorphins, I shuddered beneath his delicate kisses as he rose up my body. Every inch of skin his fingers brushed sent waves of delight coursing through me. I panted for breath, desperate to fill my lungs and slow my heart, but unable to control my reaction at all.

  "I'd wait," Theo murmured against my ear, making me concentrate reluctantly on something other than the bliss that was slowly fading from my core. "But you are so very tight, Oraia. Although I did prepare you as best as I can. Even so, this may hurt a little. I am sorry."

  The last of the bliss faded completely, as Theo settled his hot body over mine. My hips had to spread wider still to allow him adequate space between them. My heart leapt into my throat and Theo paused, his erection at my entrance, his muscular arms flexing slightly at the side of my head as he held his body aloft.

  "It will be worth it, sweet little Gi. Do you want me to influence you through the first few moments?"

  He meant use his Stoicheio to make me feel no pain at losing my virginity. I appreciated that he asked, that he held off from taking me to offer me a panacea to the coming pain. But I wanted to feel this. To feel the moment I gave Theo Peters something precious to me.

  "No," I said, reaching up and running my fingers across his brow, moving the dark hair that had fallen forward, back. Brushing his face clear so I could see him. "I want to feel everything."

  He made an erotic sound, wrapped an arm around my shoulders, pulling me flush against the heat of his skin, while resting his upper weight on that elbow. Then he ran his other hand over my thigh, lifted my leg higher and wider and eased himself inside, just a little. I felt stretched beyond what his finger had done, but nothing my body didn't crave more of.

  His head dipped down and his mouth claimed my lips in a kiss I soon was lost in. Then without warning he thrust his hips forward and broke through my barrier, sinking himself as deep as my body would allow. I cried out against his lips, but he kept kissing me through the pain, remaining buried, but unmoving.

  Within moments the kiss claimed my attention again, all thought of the sharp stab, when he had seated himself fully, gone from my mind as I hungrily devoured his lips and mouth and tongue. My body started rocking on its own, my hips lifting to encourage movement from him. I needed friction, I needed something to ease the sweet ache that had replaced the pain of before.

  "Oraia," Theo breathed above me, finally rocking his hips, starting a slow rhythm that made me moan and writhe beneath him. "Oh sweet Oraia," he murmured, kissing my cheeks and jaw and neck. "You are full of such beautiful Fire. I could live inside you, never want for anything more."

  "Then don't stop," I begged beneath him, my hands devouring every inch of skin I could reach on his back, just as my lips were doing the same of his chest.

  Theo moaned a pained sound, then pulled me closer, lifted my hips higher and started moving faster and faster. His hips grinding against me, as I lifted mine back to seek more and more. My body seemed to know what to do, even if I hadn't consciously known it. And whatever my body was doing, was feeding Theo's passion as his was feeding mine. We seemed to be fuelling each other; every movement we made created a hunger in the other so fierce it could not be denied.

  "Harder," I moaned and he swore softly in Greek. But did what I requested, pumping harder than I think he would have, should I not have requested it. And still I wanted more.

  I wanted to feel Theo everywhere. Inside and out. I wanted him to claim me; body, heart and soul. I wanted more than I had a right to ask for, but I didn't care. Right then, as Theo lost himself in me and I lost all possible chance to think reasonably, I didn't care. That we were enemies. That he was not mine and I was not his. In that moment, when our bodies came together, I could fool myself into believing our hearts and souls did too.

  Sweat pooled between us, making every glide of his skin against mine pure bliss. Heat rolled through me, but although Theo's eyes bled a little gold, I was sure his Stoicheio had not been unleashed. Like me, he wanted this to be honest. Just him, just me, just our bodies, just this moment. Nothing else, but an honesty that can only be found when you give yourself completely to another.

  I cried out as an orgasm slammed into me. It rocked my body and made me clench in places I had no idea I could control. Theo groaned above me, muttered something about me being so tight and then thrust one more time, seating himself so very deep, deeper than he had until that moment, and groaned out my name. His face dipped down into the curve of my neck and before his re
lease was through, his teeth clamped down on the skin at the base there and held tight.

  I had the distinct impression he was claiming me. Inside and out.

  Our heartbeats were erratic. I could feel his bounding against his chest wall, thrumming through his skin into me. I think it matched the pace of mine. He held me so close, so tenderly, so possessively. I felt safe and wanted and... home. Slowly he released his hold on my neck with his teeth and pulled back. I watched as his eyes took in what was no doubt an obvious mark of his claiming, and surprise wash his face.

  He hadn't even realised he'd done that.

  He stared at his mark for several long seconds and I wondered if he regretted what we'd just done. But his face was shut down, closed off to me, leaving me strangely disturbed and confused. We'd just experienced, what I believed, was the most beautiful intimate exchange. But I had no way of knowing if he felt it too.

  "I'll get a wash cloth to clean you with," he murmured, as he pulled away, taking his warmth, and slipping from between my legs.

  An ache took up residence in my heart, only matched in its wretchedness with the ache between my legs. Muscles I hadn't even known existed flared to life with a vengeance. Letting me know I'd probably walk a little funny tomorrow. I wanted to smile at that image and the reason why it should be true, but my heart felt heavy from watching Theo's reaction.

  I think he regretted it. I think I wasn't what he'd imagined I'd be. Which was ironic, because he surpassed all expectations for me.

  Chapter 17

  I Had Thought Becoming What I Was, Was The Roller-Coaster Ride From Hell

  Theo returned to the bed and carefully wiped away all evidence of what had happened. I didn't make a sound or move throughout his tender ministrations. He disappeared to the bathroom again and then when he came back, moved me beneath the covers and then slipped in beside. I was slightly shocked when he wrapped me up in his arms and laid a kiss against my temple. I had expected him to freeze me out further, hadn't dared hoped for an embrace after seeing his reaction to biting my neck.

  "Are you OK?" he whispered into my hair. "Are you in pain?"

  I shook my head to say no, finding my voice right now was impossible. I was confused and deeply scared that he hadn't enjoyed it. That I'd ruined it all somehow.

  "You're not talking, Cassandra. What's wrong?" He pulled me closer, lifted my leg and draped it over his thigh, pressing himself into my groin, sending a signal I couldn't decipher.

  I frowned and ducked my head to his chest so he couldn't see my reaction. Why did this have to be so confusing? Didn’t I have enough in my life to be confused about?

  "Casey," Theo persisted, pulling back and tilting my chin up with the tip of his finger so he could look in my eyes. "What have I done wrong? I thought you wanted this." He looked worried, concerned, and surprisingly, confused. As confused as me?

  I let a breath of air out and blinked at the emotions washing over his face. There was no hiding now. Why had he hidden before?

  I opened my mouth twice, before I found the words I needed. He waited patiently, the same look of concern and confusion on his face as before.

  "Why did you bite my neck?"

  His face shut down.

  I tried to push him away, but he just held me tighter. He muttered a long string of words in Greek and then admitted, "I hadn't intended to. I'm sorry."

  He was sorry we did it. He did regret it.

  "Oh," I said, lowering my head and staring blindly at his chest.

  "Casey," he said on a sigh. "I'd hurt you enough already, I was angry at myself for hurting you more." I didn't believe him. He must have seen the scepticism on my face.

  "It didn't hurt," I blurted, to distract him from my facial reactions.

  He paused, stiffened just a little, and then asked, voice low, "Did you enjoy the bite?"

  Of course I did. It felt like he was marking me, claiming me. My heart and soul sang when the realisation of what he was doing sunk in. I couldn't say that though. It was too revealing.

  "Casey," he persisted, shifting down in the bed until his face was nose to nose with mine. "Sweet little Gi. Tell me what you felt when I bit you?"

  Why was he pushing this? He'd regretted it, I saw. Why rub his reaction in my face now? I glared at him, but he only smiled.

  "You liked it," he said, rather arrogantly.

  I pursed my lips together and stared him down. He started laughing, threw back his head and let a loud bark of unrestrained laughter out. If I was confused before, it was nothing like I was now.

  "Oh Aetheros, what are you playing at?" he announced to the ceiling, some of his smile diminishing.

  "What has your God got to do with any of this?" I demanded, crossing my arms over my chest, which was difficult to do with him still pressing me firmly into his side.

  He shifted suddenly, moving above me, covering me and surrounding me with his body and arms. His eyes flashed a brilliant gold. His hips wedged themselves between mine and my traitorous body reacted to the intimate invasion. I wriggled beneath him, so he settled in just the right spot. A blush tore up my cheeks at my blatant display of arousal.

  Damn the man. He was the most confounding person I had ever met.

  "Ekmetalleftis claim their Thisavros with a bite to the neck during release," he explained, his voice low and seductive. "If the bite is not well received, then the recipient is not their Thisavros. It is... revealing to expose oneself at that most vulnerable time. Most will not endeavour to do so unless sure of the reaction they will receive. I didn't think. My body acted apart from my mind. I assumed you did not enjoy it, because my mind kept telling me you could not possibly be my Thisavros. I still find the notion unbelievable, so tell me now, Casey, did you or did you not enjoy my bite?"

  What? I stared numbly up at him, my mind racing to make sense of his words. The trees had told me I was his Thisavros, I just didn't know what a Thisavros was. But Theo wasn't sure, despite his body going through the motions to claim me. What was the safest response to give? What would protect my heart?

  I went with, "What is a Thisavros?"

  "It literally means 'treasure'. Our most precious treasure. Our mate."

  Oh. Oh, dear God. Oh.

  "You didn't regret having sex with me then?" I asked, before filtering my mouth, it seemed.

  Theo's face pulled back, stunned. "Why on earth would you think that?"

  "You seemed upset, after you bit me, when we both found release. I thought..." I couldn't finish the sentence. Way to go revealing myself.

  "Oraia," Theo murmured, his hand coming up to cup my face. "I loved it so much I want more." His hips rocked, letting me feel his erection against my centre; the evidence of his continued desire for my body.

  All tension left my frame, my heart beat a little triumphantly and I breathed out a relieved breath of air.

  He enjoyed it.

  He wanted more.

  I started smiling.

  "Now, little minx. Tell me you enjoyed my bite. Tell me you want more of the same. Deny convention, appease my heart, and tell me what it was like."

  What answer did he want to hear? Not that I would lie now, but it puzzled me still. He seemed so reticent to believe I could be his Thisavros, but conversely he seemed to crave a positive answer to his question as well.

  "I loved it," I breathed out. "I felt complete, I felt desired. I wanted more." I watched for his reaction, absolutely at a loss to guess what it would be.

  He blinked, a slow smile forming on his lips.

  "Sweet Casey Eden," he murmured, hand still cupping my cheek, eyes golden and staring into mine. "What a wicked web we have weaved." Ah, that was telling. His eyes scanned my face, searching for something, or just trying to commit every aspect to memory. "This complicates things," he whispered and I couldn't argue with that.

  His face dipped down and he kissed me sweetly. A tender touch of his lips to mine. It was over too briefly, leaving me tingling and desperate for more. I would alway
s want more from this man, but my heart told me, it would always be more than he could give.

  "So," I said, as he pulled back to stare at me some more. He seemed to want to just take me in, to just look at me and do no more. I felt a little bereft at that thought, despite the heaviness in my heart dampening my mood and desire right then. "This isn't a good thing, I gather."

  He shook his head sadly. "It is not impossible to have a Thisavros from a different branch. But as we no longer mix, it is uncommon. And," he sighed, it was weighty, "also now unaccepted by the Rigas; regardless of kind."

  "Oh," I said, understanding crushing me beneath its weight.

  "The more time I spend with you, the harder it will be to let you go," Theo admitted softly. "And now, to know you are mine. Truly mine in the eyes of Aetheros, and to not be able to keep you." He swallowed, buried his face in my neck and kissed the spot he had bitten. "It tears my heart apart," he mumbled against my skin.

  I wrapped my arms around him and held him tight. He might have felt like his heart was being pulled asunder, but to me, his admission, his confirmation of what I had felt in my heart for so long, gave me bliss. Gave me encouragement. I couldn't think about being parted, because I was not going to be forced to leave. We'd find a way to stay together. We'd find a way to convince his father and all of Pyrkagia that I am not a threat and should be allowed to stay in Auckland. With Theo. If their God allowed this in the past, it wasn't wrong. It wasn't evil. There was a precedent there for us to argue with. We had a case to make, we just had to convince them.

  I fell asleep feeling happier, lighter, brighter than I had for days. Theo wanted me. He'd claimed me. He may be in shock at what he'd discovered, but he couldn't deny it was the truth. He'd see we could do this. He'd begin to believe, like I do, that all was not lost. Because it couldn't be. Not now that we'd found each other.

  It just couldn't be. Love conquered all. Right?


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