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Foss Page 2

by Pelaam

  “Okay. Neither do I.”

  Even Foss’s amused tone seemed designed to ratchet up Zander’s libido. Frustration made Zander glower at the other man. The result was a musical peal of laughter that instantly dispelled Zander’s dip in humor.

  “Can I see you again?” It wasn’t what Zander really wanted to ask, but he’d never slept with anyone casually even on a first date and, as much as he wanted to be in Foss’s pants, a walk along the lakeside didn’t qualify as a date.

  “Yes. I’d really like that.” Foss’s tone turned serious and Zander felt inexplicably pleased he’d caused such a reaction.

  “Tomorrow? Before you have to work?” Zander couldn’t hide his eagerness and Foss laughed again.

  “Do you like being out on the water?” Foss nodded at the lake.

  “I don’t get seasick and I’m a good swimmer.”

  “Then you can come out on my boat tomorrow. Bring a picnic, we can make the most of the afternoon. I have to work tomorrow night, but if you come to the bar, we can walk along the lake again.”

  “What time?”

  “Be at the jetty by ten. I’ll meet you there.”

  “You’re on.” Zander grinned with delight, then realized where they were and pointed across the road. “That’s my hotel over there.”

  “Well, I’ll wait here while you cross and go in. I don’t live far away and I know my way around well enough.”

  “I guess you do.” Zander didn’t really want to say good-bye, but it was too late to ask Foss in for a drink and he needed to scope out the hotel. He’d only booked a room for himself, so the hotel wouldn’t permit anyone else to just walk in and share it with him—assuming he’d even agree to it.

  “Goodnight, Zander.” Foss leaned close, his voice quiet and then his warm lips brushed over Zander’s. “Sleep well.”

  “You, too.” Forcing his feet into action, Zander glanced quickly either way before jogging across the empty road. As soon as he was in the hotel car park, he waved at Foss who waved back.

  Checking he could use his key in the side door, Zander then ducked back to make sure Foss was on his way. Frowning he looked over at the lakeside, but there was no one in sight. Movement caught his eye and he stared intently, trying to see more clearly. For a second he thought he saw a large, dark shape and two amber eyes. Then nothing—it was all dark once more.

  Shaking his head Zander headed back to the side door and let himself in. Nothing but shadows and reflections. Foss was probably down that slight incline walking along the shore. Safer than being out in the open on your own, even in this little town.

  As he prepared for bed, Zander was already planning what to buy for the picnic.

  Chapter three

  Ambling toward the jetty, Zander frowned and glanced at his watch. I’m on time. Well, maybe a few minutes early. But there were no small craft in sight. The only vessel was a good-sized speedboat.

  Glancing at the chilly bag he carried, Zander hoped he’d picked food that would appeal to Foss. Although it was pretty much the standard kind of nibbles he’d take to any party or picnic, Zander had taken the time to visit a foodie’s paradise and indulged in some more luxurious items.

  In addition to the almost obligatory humus and crackers, he’d bought oyster mousse, marinated mushrooms, a jar of artichokes, three different cheeses, salami slices, semi-dried tomatoes, relish, and a bottle of bubbles. There was even a box of luxury chocolates. There was way too much food and he knew it, but once he’d started, Zander hadn’t known when to stop.

  Not a sailor, Zander still paused to study the boat-ship-whatever! She looked well maintained and the sunlight bounced off her metal rails, making Zander glad he wore his sunnies. She didn’t look a cheap craft, whoever owned her wouldn’t be short of a cent or two.

  Sighing heavily, Zander paced back and forth until hauntingly beautiful violin music harmonized with the sound of the water and gulls. The sounds were nothing like those Zander had heard the previous night and yet he just knew it was Foss.

  Glancing around, Zander scowled. There was nowhere for the other man to hide but there was no sign of him either. The music stopped, and Foss’s familiar musical laugher rang out,

  “I’m glad you could come. Ready for an adventure on the lake?”

  This time, Zander looked up. Foss leaned against the rail and Zander’s mouth went dry. His hair was long and loose, and Foss held it back from his face. Zander gazed, unashamedly drinking his fill of the vast expanse of smooth, golden skin. All Foss wore was a pair of skimpy swimming briefs that clung to him like a second skin.

  A soft groan escaped Zander as his cock reacted immediately, trying to force its way through his cutoffs. Behave your fucking self. Despite his warning, Zander was quite sure his dick was going to prove exceptionally wayward around Foss. Trying to buy himself time to bring his libido under control, Zander waved at the speedboat.

  “This is yours? She’s a beauty.”

  “Yes, she is. A cabin cruiser. I love the water. She’s perfect for going out on the lake. Did you know Taupo is the largest lake in Australasia and is the size of Singapore?”

  “Well, I always knew it was big.” Zander held out his hands a meter or so apart.

  Foss laughed again and stood up straight. Pointing toward the stern of the ship he started walking. “Let’s get you aboard. You can cast the line from that side.”

  “Sure.” Zander kept pace with Foss as he walked along the deck. Although Zander tried to focus on the uneven wooden jetty, his gaze kept darting to Foss’s long, slim legs.

  Pausing Foss looked down at Zander and his smile made Zander’s cock threaten to burst from its confines. “I hope you’ve got swimming shorts on under those. Or then again—maybe I don’t.”

  The sudden deepness of timbre to Foss’s voice was almost Zander’s undoing. Foss laughed merrily as if well aware of Zander’s reaction, and walked on ahead while Zander growled to himself, adjusting his dick to make walking a little less painful.

  Following Foss’s directions, Zander cast off the line from the jetty to the yacht then stepped aboard the vessel. He stood and faced Foss, whose smile turned soft, affectionate. Zander set his bag down as Foss closed the distance between them and then enveloped Zander in a loose embrace.

  “Welcome aboard, Zander Henderson. May you have a safe journey with me.” Foss kissed Zander’s cheek and stared to move back.

  Sliding his arms around Foss’s waist, Zander pulled him close again, but made sure to keep his kiss light. The feel of Foss’s answering hardness rubbing against him sent arousal coursing through Zander’s veins.

  They moved apart slowly, and Foss went to cast off the line from the yacht to the shore. “Let’s get out on the lake. I’d hate for us to risk offending public morals.”

  Zander snorted as Foss turned away, but his gaze was drawn to Foss’s ass. Those swimming briefs leave very little to the imagination. Picking up his bag, he followed Foss to the cockpit.

  “As soon as we’re out on the water we can enjoy freedom.” Foss glanced over his shoulder as he started the motor and started to navigate away from the jetty.


  Snapping the elastic on the swimming briefs Foss pulled a face. “If I could, I’d go naked all the time.”

  Uncertain as to Foss’s meaning, Zander was happy to take his bag of goodies below deck as directed. The boat boasted a galley, sitting and dining area, and a master cabin, with a large bed.

  Storing his food in the fridge, Zander came back up on deck. How on earth did Foss manage to afford a boat like this? She’s gorgeous.

  Settling into the seat next to where Foss was piloting his craft, Zander admired the play of muscles in Foss’s back as he stood up and peered around as if checking all was in order. Zander couldn’t stop himself letting his gaze travel lower. The snug swimming briefs clinging to Foss’s ass cheeks didn’t hide much at all.

  Foss turned and smiled at Zander. “See something you like?”
  Offering his own slow smile in return, Zander made a show of looking out over the lake. “Yeah. Pretty spectacular views.”

  “Let’s get out there.” Settling into his seat, Foss increased his speed and guided his boat onto the lake.

  Regaling Zander with the local folklore of the mountains and the legend of Tongariro and Pihanga, Foss proved an entertaining companion. Finally he stopped the boat and moved away from the cockpit.

  Twisting around in his seat to see where Foss had gone, Zander spluttered and Foss laughed his musical laugh.

  “You’re fucking naked, man.” Zander glanced rapidly left and right as if expecting someone to be around, and Foss laughed all the harder.

  “Of course. Why wear anything when you can wear nothing at all?”

  “You could have warned me you were a nudist.” Despite his initial shock, Zander was actually enjoying the uninhibited view. The lack of tan lines spoke eloquently of how often Foss enjoyed being clothes-free. Foss either shaved or waxed. His groin was smooth, displaying a slender, but good-sized dick.

  “We can use the sarongs if another boat comes close. Pretend we’re islanders.”

  “So that’s what they’re for.” Zander grinned and shook his head. “Crafty.”

  “Much easier, and quicker, to wrap a sarong around your waist, than struggle to get into shorts or swimming briefs. So—” Foss eyed Zander slowly and deliberately from top to toe. “Are you brave enough?”

  “Too right.” Zander was no gym bunny, and he didn’t boast a six-pack. But even if he was a little more…rounded, he still didn’t have anything to be ashamed of. He peeled his T-shirt off and smirked at the hiss from Foss, whose gaze was riveted to his chest. “You like otters?”

  “I like hairy chests. It covers all of your stomach, too.” Foss suddenly looked very shy as he took a hesitant step forward. “Can I touch?”

  “Sure.” Zander stood a little taller, puffing out his chest and sucking in his stomach as Foss reached out and ran his fingers across Zander’s pecs.

  “So soft.” Foss sighed, then stepped back. “And the rest?”

  Anticipation gleamed in his eyes. Zander stared into them for a moment. They were green, but at this moment, looked more amber, but they went well with his hair. Out there, Zander could see some blond streaks as well as the different shades of red.

  “Here we go, then.” Nervousness, naughtiness, and arousal all swirled around Zander. It was one thing to get undressed when indoors either alone or with a lover, but another entirely to be bare-assed naked in public.

  The whole taboo aspect sent his libido into overdrive. Trying not to be obvious as he glanced around, Zander unfastened his shorts and let them drop to the deck. He wore swimming trunks beneath, tented from his arousal, and hooked his fingers over the waistband.

  Focusing on Foss, a surge of confidence added to Zander’s mix. Foss was fixated on him and there was no mistaking his excitement. His dick was standing to attention. Relaxing slightly, Zander eased the material down, teasing Foss, which further helped dispel his nervousness.

  “You sure about this? You wanna see?” Zander wagged his hips, sliding the material down a little more, just enough to show off his thick bush of dark pubic hair.

  “Yes and yes.” Foss rocked from foot to foot and Zander laughed aloud.

  “Okay. You asked for it.” Pivoting around, Zander shoved the trunks down to his ankles, bending forward and displaying his ass.

  “Tease.” Foss’s voice was barely more than a growl and this time Zander laughed out loud.

  “Hey, don’t complain. They’re off aren’t they?”

  Stepping out of his swimming trunks, Zander looked over his shoulder and fluttered his eyelashes in a highly exaggerated movement. “Something the matter? Oh, was this what you wanted?” He turned slowly, his own dick standing every bit as proud as Foss’s.

  “Beautiful. You’re so very beautiful.”

  Exhaling slowly, Zander tried not to let Foss realize he’d been holding his stomach in. Unused to such blatant admiration, Zander wasn’t sure how to react but Foss didn’t seem to need any response, stroking down Zander’s chest, over his abdomen, and as far as his prominent treasure trail.

  “Let’s go out further from the shore. We’re still a little close. Have you ever swum naked?”

  “Skinny dipped as a kid.” Zander already missed Foss’s gentle touch, but the thought they might be seen from the shore was enough to make him want to move on.

  “You’ll love the freedom. Come on. You can even steer her if you like.”

  Foss was true to his word. After guiding the craft out toward the middle of the lake, he let Zander pilot the speedboat, leaning in close, his warm skin soft against Zander’s. Once sure Zander was happy at the wheel, he went below deck and brought out an ice bucket with some beers and the bubbles Zander had bought in it.

  “We can’t have much. Can’t be drunk at the wheel of a ship any more than at the wheel of a car. My beer is one of the low alcohol versions. I want to indulge in the bubbles later.” With an adept twist of his wrist, Foss flicked off the bottle’s top and caught it as Zander brought the boat to a halt.

  “Impressive. Can you toss bottles around when making cocktails?” Zander accepted the beer as Foss did the same to his own.

  “Not really me.” Foss held up his beer. “To new friends.”

  Echoing the toast, Zander tapped his bottle against Foss’s before they drank.

  “Have you seen the Maori carvings on the rocks near here?” Foss leaned against the wall, his gaze flitting repeatedly to Zander’s chest.

  “No. I never bothered going on one of the cruises before. Always felt it was too touristy, but if there’d been a tour with such an added incentive as yours…well, that would be a whole new ball game.” Zander leaned forward and pressed his lips against Foss’s who opened his mouth to accept Zander’s tongue.

  When Zander eased back, Foss smiled at him. “I’m glad you chose my cruise, then. Let’s have a swim to cool off.” With a laugh of pure joy, Foss sprinted past Zander, diving over the bow of the boat with a perfectly graceful movement.

  Hurrying after, Zander scanned the water, waiting for his friend to emerge, but Foss didn’t appear where he’d plunged in. Instead, he emerged like a dolphin in a blaze of red and gold, as if leaping from the water, before plunging back under, several meters away. Then he appeared over to the left of the boat, waving.

  “Are you coming in? It feels amazing. So much better than wearing those constricting swimming briefs or trunks.”

  “Yeah, yeah.” Zander liked swimming, and wasn’t worried about being out of his depth. But he was no diver. Trotting to the back of the boat, he used the steel steps on the side to get closer to the water before jumping in. In a lazy-man’s breaststroke Zander cleared the boat, striking out for where he’d last seen Foss. Stopping, Zander trod water, peering around unable to spot Foss.

  “Over here.” Foss broke surface again, waving.

  “Wait for me.” Zander struck out for him. He looks so radiant. I don’t have the words to describe it. It’s like water’s his element.

  “How does it feel to swim freely? No horrible clothing to restrict how you move, hmm?” Foss winked at Zander before diving beneath the water once again.

  Taking several fast shallow breaths, Zander then took a much deeper one and held it before following Foss beneath the waves.

  On the boat Zander had thought how graceful and fluid Foss’s movements had been, making Zander think Foss may have had dancing lessons—possibly ballet—but here in the water, he was as sleek and supple as a dolphin.

  Unable to hold his breath any longer, Zander kicked for the surface. Foss popped up next to him, holding lightly to Zander’s hips.

  “Doesn’t this make you feel free? Water touching you everywhere, caressing you.” Foss’s voice dropped in timbre as he ran his hands lightly over Zander’s hips and down his thighs.

  A full body shudder ran
through Zander and his cock, softened since he’d gone into the water, stiffened almost instantly.

  “Oh, yeah. You like freedom.” Foss moved closer, capturing Zander’s lips in a hard kiss. “Ever kissed underwater?”

  Zander shook his head. “No, but I think I’m going to.”

  “Deep breath.” Foss grinned, waiting while Zander took a few deep breaths to get himself ready. The moment he nodded, Foss wrapped his arms around him and they sank under the water. Cupping the back of Zander’s head, Foss slanted his lips across Zander’s and kissed him.

  Zander had been kissed before, but this one surpassed all others. He felt invigorated from his scalp to the tips of his toes. His cock, half hard, stiffened fully, rubbing alongside Foss’s.

  A muffled grunt escaped Zander as Foss grasped his cock and squeezed gently. Then they rose, breaking the surface, and Zander looked straight into Foss’s eyes. “Make love with me?”

  “Yes. Yes, I want that. Very much.”

  “Me, too.” Zander kissed Foss and then started to swim toward the boat. “Come on. Let’s get back to the boat.”

  Chapter four

  Treading water, Zander waited for Foss to catch him up, deliberately letting him climb aboard first, relishing the view as he followed Foss up the ladder. On deck he pulled Foss into a hard kiss, thrusting his tongue into the redhead’s mouth, tasting beer and the sweet, unique flavor of Foss himself.

  “I want you.” Zander murmured the words against Foss’s lips as he eased back.

  “Yes. Hurry.” Foss grabbed Zander’s hand and led him back down below deck and into the bedroom.

  With no clothes to remove they tumbled onto the bed, kissing, caressing, and stroking freely. Shuffling until he was on top of Foss, Zander sucked and nipped Foss’s nipples, tugging gently at the be-ringed nub, Zander relished the way Foss moaned and writhed beneath him. The fantasy had been one thing, but the reality was amazing.

  Sliding down the bed, Zander took Foss’s dick into his mouth, cupping his lover’s sac, and rolling his balls. The sounds of pleasure spilling from Foss’s lips spurred Zander on, guiding him to his lover’s hot spots; just under the head, and the length of the prominent vein.


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