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Back to You: A Hudson Family Series- Book 1- Synclair and Reece

Page 15

by Chontelle Brison

  I instructed Matt on how to dice the onions and peppers and went to work locating a skillet and oil. I would have preferred olive oil but I could make do with vegetable oil instead. I looked up and found Matt staring at me.

  “What?” I asked setting the large skillet on the stove and adjusting the heat.

  “Why didn’t you out me about Vegas?” He asked.

  I knew the question was coming, I wasn’t too sure of the answer myself. “Are you really an accountant?”

  “Yes, I have been since I was 19.” He answered.

  “Do you rip off people like your buddy Ridge?” My eyes narrowed as I waited for his answer.

  A dark look crossed his handsome face, and he shook his head. His eyes were deadly serious. “Never, I enjoy women, all kinds of women, I would never do that. Ridge and I are rivals, not friends, I just happened to be meeting a client, and he had just got stood up.”

  I had kind of already figured out that Matt wasn’t the type to hurt someone, but he was a Hudson, so I needed to check.

  “Great, then your secret is safe with me. It’s your life, Matt, I knew both women and men who were escorts. It can be classy and lucrative, as long as you’re safe and there is no danger. I give you my word I won’t nark you out.” I promised. I meant it too. He had the right to live his own life and my word was solid.

  For the next twenty minutes we pulled dinner together, it was a simple sausage and chicken dish with a Fettuccini Alfredo sauce and peppers. Matt even found frozen garlic bread that we heated in the oven. By twenty-six minutes we were plating the food and calling everyone back into the kitchen.

  Sitting down last, I passed the bread to Reece, who made sure he had sat next to me. Starving, I dug in. Damn it was good, the peppers and onions added a great kick to the chicken and smoked sausage, and of course, the pasta was perfect. A few seconds into my meal I realized everyone had stopped eating and was staring at me.

  Sara spoke first since she seemed to be willingly sitting next to Lucas, I assumed they had called a truce. “This is amazing, like truly amazing,” She told me, a look of disbelief on her face.

  Without thinking I babbled, “It’s just a simple cream based pasta dish, I used the peppers and the smoke sausage to cut through some of the richness of the sauce.” Crap, now they were all staring at me like I was an alien.

  “Synclair always makes the best food, whenever her and Uncle Jack fight or she has a bad day, she’ll be in her apartment whipping up some of the most awesome edibles.” Rachel announced to the room.

  “So you like to cook.” Lucas supplied, once again reaching for Sara’s hand, she, once again, pulled away. He frowned at Sara for a moment before plastering a smile on and turning back to me. Okay, so maybe not a truce.

  “Well, Synclair still has panic attacks so when she gets stressed she cooks or goes to her kickboxing class or...” Rachel trailed off.

  If looks could kill, the young girl opposite me would be dead. I couldn’t believe she just put that all out there. I knew her and UJ talked but I had no idea how much he told her. Was there no freaking loyalty anymore?

  “Or she does what?” Matt wanted to know taking a huge bite of pasta.

  “Or she has one and dones.” Rachel answered looking guilty.

  Matt choked and Reece growled. “Um, so where did you learn to cook?” Dalton asked, obviously seeing me ready to leap across the table and choke the life out of his sister.

  I sighed, I didn’t want to share parts of my past to these people but it seemed like every time I turned around it was happening more and more.

  “When I was about fifteen, my mother got us thrown out of a hotel. We went to the women’s shelter, the one I was volunteering at before I came here, I wondered around the Las Vegas strip a lot, since I couldn’t stand being in that place all day. Chef Maxwell Rodman turned out of an alley and actually hit me with his car.” The table gasped. Chef Rodman was a world renowned chef with restaurants worldwide, including Vegas.

  “I’ve eaten at his restaurants before, his food is amazing,” Matt told everyone while biting into the warm garlic bread.

  Unsure of how much to tell I went on, “Basically I convinced him I was fine, he asked why I was wondering around the strip so young and obviously ditching school. Because I had such a chip on my shoulder I told him. He asked if I was hungry and I said no. But my stomach growled so loud he could hear it. So he basically dragged me into the restaurant after he made sure I wasn’t hurt. He had been barely moving when the car bumped me. So he told me, I could go there after school every day, as long as I went to school and as long as I did my homework there, I could stay in the kitchen, eat and even learn. So I did when I graduated high school his staff threw me a party at the restaurant. I moved on to UNLV and he told me I could come work for him anytime.” I finished trying not to drag out the stories with details.

  Details like how much I loved that kitchen, how he spent hours teaching me sauces and presentation, how being in a kitchen made me feel calm and happy and how he was the only person that showed up at my high school graduation.

  “You have a great talent, Synclair, I’m open to having a partner at the diner, and your culinary skills bring a lot to the table.” Sara looked at me, her gaze was sincere. Reece squeezed my hand, and I almost felt guilty when I saw his eyes filled with hope.

  I looked around the table at everyone. “I had actually planned on adding a restaurant portion to the bar when my uncle retired. Um, I am actually not going to be staying in Carson City.” I told her carefully. I felt Reece tighten his grip on my hand. Damn, why should I feel guilty, it’s true, I can’t stay here. Not that her diner wasn’t in a perfect location and I had hit it off with Sara right away, but my life was in Vegas, wasn’t it?

  Sara seemed fine with my answer, she nodded saying, “let me know if things change, I would like to discuss options with you.”

  I nodded back and shoved a fork full of food in my mouth. Anything to avoid the intense stare Reece was giving me.

  “Hey since everyone is here, how about we watch a movie? I got the new ‘Sinister’ DVD.” I looked at Rachel and blinked.

  Before I could answer her, Lucas chimed in, “Yeah, come on Sara, you love a good scare movie.” I didn’t think Sara looked convinced. Honestly, she looked ready to bolt. I couldn’t blame her, I was so confused and emotionally drained I just wanted to run to my room and crash for the next 29 days.

  “I’m in, I love me a good scare movie,” Dalton added.

  “Since I have clients to meet tomorrow I’ll clean up dinner, you guys go ahead,” Matt replied getting up to grab dishes.

  “I’ll help.” I almost shouted. I wanted to put some distance between Reece and me. Only he didn’t let go of my hand. So when I stood up and tried to turn away, I found myself stuck.

  “Matt’s got this.” Reece looked quickly at his brother. “Don’t you bro?”

  “Yep, I’m good, you kids go have fun.” He laughed shooing everyone out of the kitchen.

  I looked at Sara, who looked at me as if to ask, ‘what the hell is happening here?’

  Before I could answer her confused look, Reece was tugging me behind him as we followed Rachel to the living room.

  “Um, it’s getting late and I have to get up early, I should probably get going. Uh, Rachel can give me a ride to the diner.” Sara tried to edge toward the door. I could tell Lucas was not happy. The closer Sara got to the door the more brooding Lucas became.

  “Can’t even be in the same room with me now Sara?” It sounded like Lucas was teasing but his face said something altogether different.

  I watched Sara pull back her shoulders and lift her chin. “I guess the roles are reversed because a few years ago, you all but ran from any room I was in.” She replied the bitterness and pain evident in her voice.

  I watched as poor Lucas looked crestfallen, like someone had just physically slapped him. Recovering quickly he told her, “That was then, and this is now.” He walked to
her slowly as if approaching a wild animal that was ready to run.

  He grabbed the hands she was wringing in front of her, “Stay.” He almost whispered.

  I was so involved in what was happening in front of me, I paid no attention when Reece pulled me onto his lap on the sofa. I didn’t even protest when his arms wrapped around me.

  “Why now?” Sara asked. She pulled her hands from Lucas and placed them on her hips. You could tell her anger was building again.

  Lucas jerked his head at where I sat perched on Reece’s lap on the sofa. “Because it seems miracle, second chances are a Hudson specialty and I want mine.” His voice was deep with determination, he crowded Sara against the wall and placed both hands on either side of her confused face. Oh my, these Hudson men don’t play.

  Looking from Lucas to Reece I realized where I was. I attempted to push off his lap but his hands tightened. “We made a deal Hudson.” I gritted out in a whisper so I didn’t interrupt what was happening with Lucas and Sara. “You’ve already invaded my space multiple times today and your caveman antics are getting old.” Instead of arguing, he relaxed his arms, I shot up off the sofa and went to sit in the recliner.

  Dalton and Rachel looked like they were watching a tennis match, considering how much they kept turning their heads toward Lucas then toward Reece. I had just settled in and was about to turn my attention back to the Lucas and Sara show when suddenly Reece was standing right in front of me. Irritated that he was blocking my view I huffed out, “Is there something you wanted?” Okay, bad line, looking more animal than human he reached down, scooped me and walked back to the sofa with me. As soon as he sat down with me I jumped back up and looked at him. The bastard was smiling, not a sweet smile, a smile that made me feel like a mouse being toyed with by a lion.

  This time, I went to the far end of the sofa, placing a laughing Rachel between us. Again, no sooner had I sat down when I looked up and Reece was standing there, again without a word he scooped me up and returned to his seat with me on his lap.

  I was about to jump up again when Sara gasped. I turned and saw her and Lucas in a fevered lip lock. I know it was wrong to stare, but damn, it looked like Lucas was starving and Sara’s lips were water. Moments passed and he finally the broke the kiss. With a big smile, Lucas led a stunned and slightly dazed looking Sara to the recliner I had been sitting in and sat down with her on his lap.

  “I think you should hit play on the movie,” Dalton suggested to Rachel. Without a word she hit play and turned up the volume.

  “Say the word sweetheart and I’ll let you go,” Reece whispered. It was hard to think when he was stroking my neck.

  “If I get up are you going to just pick me back up and bring me back here again?” His smirk was answer enough.

  “Every time, I can do this all night until you choose to stay in my lap, in my arms,” He whispered back, his hot breath blowing in my ear, making me shiver.

  Damn, he had outsmarted me, every time he invaded my space or touched me I could move, but he was going to wear me down by repeating the insufferable action over and over again. I wanted to be mad, I needed to be mad, this wasn’t the deal. Yeah, but you like those strong arms. Wow, my inner voice was such a bitch.

  “You said you wouldn’t touch me again until I asked, you’re breaking the deal.” It sounded weak, especially since I was wrapping my hands around his neck as I was saying it.

  He tucked my head under his chin. “I’m fighting for my life here, Synclair, You’re the air I breathe and I can’t live without it, I won’t. So am I breaking rules and fighting dirty? You bet. I’m going to get you so addicted to my touch that you will crave me as much as I crave you. When the month is up you’re never going to want to leave me. Your body already responds to me, your heart already wants me, it’s your brain that hasn’t caught up yet. So if this is a war of wills against your stubborn, fearful brain and me, prepare to be stormed sweetheart, I’m not losing this war and I am not above guerilla warfare to do it.” With that, he kissed the top of my head and turned toward the television.

  I wanted to deny everything he was saying. But my lady parts had woken up with his speech and my nipples were so hard they had begun to ache. Then there was the touching. My butt was nestled in his groin and I could feel his erection pressing back at me. Just the thought made me wet with lust. Then there was the stroking, yeah those hands were slowly rubbing up and down my arms in featherlike caresses. Lust overpowered my good judgement, I relaxed in his hold and before I knew it I was falling asleep.


  I knew the exact moment that Synclair fell asleep. Her whole body relaxed, and she actually snuggled deeper into my arms. I couldn’t stop the huge grin from spreading across my face. I looked up at Lucas and was shocked to see him smiling. Lucas was always the more serious one, always careful. I knew he saw women, but he never brought them home. I know it was because he didn’t want to parade a bunch of women around our baby sister. No, Sara was the only one that he had ever brought around and we all instantly loved her. Sara looked happy too, she was settled against Lucas, their hands intertwined.

  Looking down at the sleeping angel in my arms, I was surprised to realize how serene she looked. For all the things she had been through, all that time on her own, by herself, I couldn’t imagine what her life had been life. Yet, she still had a huge heart, whether she wanted to admit it or not. Synclair cared. She had chased Rachel all the way here to make sure she was okay, she gave her time and money to those women at the shelter and loved her uncle Jack without question.

  I only had a short time to make her fall in love with me. Glancing from Sara to Synclair I smiled. Synclair and Sara had really hit it off, and I knew Sara was sincere when she offered to talk to Synclair about partnering up. It was obvious from dinner that Synclair was talented in the kitchen and Sara was a great business woman, she just needed a strong partner to get her to the next level. Could I convince Synclair to invest in Sara’s business? Maybe turn it into more than just a diner? Could I get her to give up her dream of a bar in Vegas and settle for family, love, friends and a restaurant here in Carson City? What do I do about Amber? That witch has caused more trouble than an elephant in a China shop, could Synclair live in the same town and not kill her?

  Holding her tighter I stood up from the sofa and whispered to the room. “Bedtime guys, night.”

  She didn’t even stir as I made my way to my bedroom. I know I should have taken her to the guest room, but I just couldn’t let her go yet. I carefully pulled back the comforter and laid her down on the cool, pale blue sheets. Apparently the woman was either tired or slept like the dead. She didn’t even twitch as I removed her boots, and then her sweater. I almost drooled when I saw the lacy, red bra she was wearing. Telling myself, I was just undressing her to make her comfortable, a lie, totally and completely; I pulled off her black jeans and felt my heart pound with lust. The woman was going to the death of me. I glanced down at her full, lace covered breasts, past her soft stomach to her curvy hips where a wisp of a red, lace thong matched her bra. I definitely needed to thank Rachel for taking her shopping. I couldn’t help but run my hands over her creamy skin. The hard on I’d had all day was straining against my jeans, desperate to come out and play.

  If I played this wrong she would most likely beat me to death, but I couldn’t let any opportunity to get closer to her pass me by. Don’t judge me, I was on a time crunch dammit.

  I undressed down to my boxers and climbed into bed. I was relieved when she immediately turned over and snuggled into my chest. Pulling the comforter over us, I gave her a kiss on the head, told my raging hard on to calm the fuck down and proceeded to have the best night’s sleep I’d had in years.


  The hot dream I was having about Reece was the most erotic thing I had ever known. His hot, wet mouth kissed me from head to toe. Making short work of my lacy bra and matching thong, his hands roamed my body.
  “I have to taste you.” He purred. Since it was my dream, I opened my legs and arched when he parted my folds with his tongue. I knew I was wet and thrust my hands in his hair as he lapped at my juices. He licked, nibbled and sucked my clit until I was writhing. I couldn’t stand it, I had to have him in me.

  “Oh god Reece I need more,” I muttered feverishly. All common sense was gone, this was the best-wet dream I’d ever had, and I was going to take it all the way.

  “Tell me you want me Synclair.” He urged. When all I did was moan he pushed one finger deep inside me while still suckling my clit. Thrusting my hips off the bed, I tossed my head from side to side.

  “Tell me.” His voice was more urgent now.

  “Yes, please Reece I want you. I want you now.” I didn’t care how desperate I sounded, if my dream Reece didn’t plunge balls deep in me soon, I was going to explode.

  He pulled his fingers out, and I mourned the loss of their heat. But then he was kissing me, tongue in my mouth, both of us lost to the dueling battle of our tongues. We bit, nibbled, sucked and enjoyed each other, my hands ran up and down his back, around his front to the waistband of his boxers, even with my eyes closed I could feel how hard he was. Using my feet, I pushed his boxers down past his knees and arched up, inviting him to impale me with the cock that had haunted my dreams.

  “I love you Synclair, tell me you love me.”

  “I do, I always have, and it’s always been you.” I told him honestly. I hadn’t even realized until right then, that what I had just told my dream Reece was true, I did love him.

  I didn’t even get to analyze what I had just said before he thrust his large cock into my wet channel and filled me to the hilt. My eyes sprang open when I felt the fullness inside of me. Reece began thrusting while rubbing my clit with one finger. I looked at his face while he surged in and out of me, my climax closing in on me. I suddenly realized this wasn’t a dream! Reece was fucking me senseless, and I was enjoying it and I had just told him I loved him.


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