The Crystal Bard: A LitRPG Adventure (Kingmaker Saga Book 2)

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The Crystal Bard: A LitRPG Adventure (Kingmaker Saga Book 2) Page 21

by Thomas K. Carpenter


  Before long, they were astride the centaurs. Terran felt a little weird riding on Aeresteel's back, but since she'd offered, he wasn't going to turn her down. Once everyone was loaded, Terran and the Steel Hooves calmly trotted from the fortress, passing the Barghests and Crag Trolls, who looked on flatly.

  Once they were past, the captain of the Crimson Brigade headed towards the tower, which Terran realized held the gold they were promised as payment. The cagey mercenary leader had clearly decided it wasn't worth the battle. Terran was glad that he'd left the majority of the gold in the chest, so they wouldn't find a reason to come after them, or the settlement.

  They rode for a short time. When they reached the foothills of the Rock Leaf Forest, Terran stopped them to ensure the Trio were properly tied up with ropes and gagged for good measure. He stripped them of their equipment, but since it was soulbound, it would return to them once they died.

  Terran adjusted his gear, getting ready for the long walk back to the settlement. He'd appreciated the short ride to leave the fortress, but it didn't feel right to ride on Aeresteel's back the whole way.

  In a clearing away from the others, Chanterelle came limping up, looking sore from the battle. The sun was peeking over the horizon, sending shards of light through the trees.

  "Chant," he said fondly, bringing a smile to her lips.


  The pain in her voice brought his head up. "Are you okay?"

  "I'll be better later. That we were successful is all that matters." Her eyes flinched. "No matter what it cost."

  "Everyone's going to be so proud of you for what you did," said Terran. "You saved us. They'll build a statue, or carve something out of rockwood in your likeness."

  Her mouth twitched. "I wish I could see that."

  The comment put a hole in his chest. He knew what she was suggesting and it made him dizzy. "Aren't you coming back? You don't need to go to Karst Hollow or anything like that?" he asked, even though he knew that wasn't what she meant.

  "No," she said, squeezing her lips tight. "I'm afraid that me going back to Gneiss Glen would be a bad idea. While Lady Shadowbane isn't the Mother Tree's enemy, they're not exactly friends either."

  "Lady Shadowbane," said Terran. "What does she want?"

  "Me, it seems," said Chanterelle. "She was happy enough to thwart Grimchar's scheming, but that's as far as her influence allows me to go."

  "Are you her champion or something?" he asked.

  "Or something," she said, staring at her feet. "Wouldn't be good for the two champions to be having a relationship."

  It wasn't until that moment that Terran really understood what it meant that he'd become the Champion of the Mother Tree. As Selune had said many times, there were deeper games involved, ones he was only just becoming aware of.

  You have completed a quest: Figure out what's going on with the Nightblade.

  Reward: Unlocks Champion path

  Terran didn't remember moving, but there they were, within a hairsbreadth of each other. The curve of her cheeks, the flush of her lips made his heart thump against his chest. She smelled sweet like mint.

  "I'm sorry that it had to work out like this, Terran. I really care about you, a lot," she said as she knocked a strand of hair away from his face.

  He squeezed his eyes shut momentarily, before cupping his hand along her cheek, pulling her close for a kiss. He wanted it to last forever but she pulled away almost as soon as their lips touched.

  "It wouldn't be a good idea," she said, eyes haunted with thoughts as she turned away. Before she got too far, she turned back. "I have no regrets. It was worth it. Every bit."

  "Me too," said Terran.

  "I hope you get your friends back," she said before continuing into the forest.

  Terran watched her walk through the trees as the morning set the forest aflame with light. He didn't know the moment that he could no longer see her, but it seemed like the shadows between the trees had opened up, and she slipped inside the shard of darkness.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Terran was filled with mixed emotions as the group neared Gneiss Glen. He knew that the extra population would allow the settlement to level up, but he was going to have to face Kumotake and explain Chanterelle's decision.

  Aeresteel trotted next to Terran as the life-giving branches of the Mother Tree became visible. "It is even more beautiful than I imagined," she said breathlessly. "Almost makes me wish we were staying here."

  Terran smiled, then took a deep breath, inhaling the familiar scents of the forest that had come back to life. "I'm afraid there will be a lot of work to do at Wunderlust Keep, but I know you're up for it. Let's plan to spend the night here before we head there in the morning. I'd like you all to meet the elves and celebrate with us, plus a night in my own bed sounds too good to turn down."

  "Of course, Lord Terran. We too would like to meet the other elves."

  "Petram," Terran exclaimed as the slender elf emerged from behind the bramble wall to meet the party. "I hope we can accommodate our new guests for the night."

  Petram bowed his head toward Aeresteel in greeting. "You remind me so much of a younger Lord Ostric," he said, looking Aeresteel deep in the eyes.

  "It has been said before. Perhaps it is the relation to him that does that." She grinned. "You are quite perceptive. Lord Ostric was my mother's father."

  Terran had not noticed the resemblance until Petram pointed it out, but now it was obvious. Aeresteel had the same dark brown eyes and brow ridge as her grandfather, and she'd inherited his commanding presence as well.

  "My grandfather would be so pleased to see us returning to the keep and renewing our bonds with the Rock Leaf Elves. It is a pleasure to meet you, Petram." Aeresteel bowed her head toward the shaman.

  "Petram, would you please help them get settled? I have a few things I must take care of before joining you all," Terran said.

  "Of course, Terran the Tenacious," Petram said, winking.

  Petram led the others to the central fire while Terran went in search of Kumotake. He thought it would be best to speak to the elf alone as soon as possible. Time was not going to lessen the sting of the news he had to bring him.

  He found Kumotake in the fungi garden, bent over, tending to a patch of mushrooms. Kumotake looked up from his work as Terran neared, and his brow wrinkled when he noticed Terran was alone. He sighed deeply, dropping his gaze.

  "Did you at least bring her body back?" he asked quietly.

  Terran let out the breath he had been holding. "She isn't dead, but she did sacrifice herself for us and to save the settlement."

  Petram stared deep into Terran's eyes, then cocked his head. "It was the blade, wasn't it? She'd been acting so differently ever since she touched that thing."

  Terran winced.

  "I didn't know..." His voice trailed off.

  "There are many things in this world that you wouldn't know. I do not blame you. Tell me of her sacrifice. I'd rather focus on that."

  Terran told Kumotake the whole story as they sat on the ground surrounded by mushrooms. The more he talked about Chanterelle, the lighter his chest felt. Kumotake listened attentively, smiling wistfully when he got to the final escape. Terran didn't need to embellish anything—Chanterelle had been untouchable.

  When he was finally done recalling the events, the pair sat in silence for a moment. Terran was surprised at Kumotake's calm demeanor. He had expected the elf to become irate, but instead they sat listening to the wind and the birds until Kumotake finally spoke.

  "There are forces bigger than us at work here. I am certain that Chanterelle will one day return when she has finished whatever task she must complete. Thank you, Terran, for trying to help her. Her sacrifice for this settlement shall not be forgotten. Now generations of Rock Leaf Elves can live to retell her story." His watery eyes smiled kindly at Terran.

  "Please know that I place no blame upon you for this. We both know that Chan
terelle is strong-willed and we couldn't have stopped her from anything once she made up her mind. I believe you when you say you didn't know anything about the blade. Let us think about her as the hero she has always been."

  Terran swallowed the lump in his throat. "Thank you for understanding. You are a good father and Chanterelle reflects that. We will all miss her until she returns one day."

  "I will tell Enoki. I am certain you have many responsibilities to attend. Be well, Terran," Kumotake said.

  Terran didn't return to his hut right away because it would remind him of her absence. He wandered the hills, letting the beauty of the autumnal forest soothe his pain. How could she be gone already? He had a strong feeling that he would see her again, but under what circumstance?

  When at last the ache he felt in his bones no longer made him restless, he returned to level himself and the settlement. He put both of his ability points into Charisma since his Endurance was already high, and the crystal bard skills were based on Charisma.

  Character: Terran

  Level: 12

  Class: Earthen Mage

  Crystal Bard

  Subrace: Rock Leaf Elf

  Champion of the Mother Tree

  HP: 336

  Mana: 380

  Sta: 700

  Strength: 5

  Intelligence: 11

  Endurance: 16

  Cunning: 4

  Agility: 4

  Charisma: 9


  Stone Touch (unique)

  Rock Shards

  Rock Wall

  Earth Geyser

  Hide in Plain Sight (1 daily)

  Sonic Disruption

  Vocal Slam

  Silky Suggestion


  Improvisation (INT): 6

  Commune with Nature (CHA): 3

  Nature's Lore (INT): 6

  Stealth (AGI): 9

  Earth Sense (END): 4

  Battle Song (CHA): 9

  Bardic Endurance (CHA): 7

  Crystal Harvesting (CHA): 2

  Subterfuge (CHA): 1

  Now that the centaurs and rescued elves had joined them, Gneiss Glen had the population necessary to gain level three, but he needed to plant the final seed first. It was an easy decision to turn the seed into an aviary. That was the only building left to create, but more importantly it would make communication with Wunderlust Keep easier since some of the birds could be trained to carry messages.

  Terran was pleased to see that he did not need to assign occupations to the centaurs, and he assumed Aeresteel would do that herself. He did assign the three new elves as falconers in the new aviary before closing the screen though.

  Settlement: Gneiss Glen (Tap to rename)

  +20% defense

  +25% attack

  +20% damage

  +20% food production

  +10% morale

  -5 days seed production

  +5% HP

  +5% AC

  Level: 3

  Vassal State: Wunderlust Keep [UO]

  Essence: 0/5



  (Sonic Attacks)


  Bramble wall 1/1

  Watchtower 0/5

  Gate 0/2

  Population: 80/225

  Housing: 10/30

  Seeds grown: 10/30

  Days until next seed harvesting: 8

  Total Buildings: 10/30

  Barracks (Level 2) 1/1

  Fungi Garden 1/3

  Shaman Hut 1/1

  Chieftain Hut 1/1

  Orchard 1/3

  Leaf Armory (Level 1) 1/1

  Weaponmaker (Level 1) 1/1

  Crystalline Conservatory 1/1

  Aviary 1/1

  Archery Range 1/1


  Unassigned: 0

  Orchard Tender: 3

  Mother Tender: 1

  Armorer: 1

  Captain: 1

  Shaman: 1

  Tenders: 2

  Warriors: 12

  Loamers: 10

  Weaponmaster: 1

  Gatherers: 8

  Builders: 6

  Vassals: 29

  Falconer: 3


  Food Stores: 1,509

  Loam: 692

  Healing herbs: 198

  Leaves: 311

  Sap: 18

  Hibernating Shrooms: 18

  Luna entered the hut as soon as Terran had finished leveling everything up. "You're not going to just sit in here moping, are you?" she asked.

  He could sense that Luna was concerned about him, and he had no intention of sitting all night staring at his empty hammock. Although Kumotake had taken the news of Chanterelle well, Terran still had a hole in his heart that would take a long time to heal.

  "No. I just wanted to take care of things before I joined the others. I'm done now. Let's go," he answered, getting to his feet.

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  The next morning Terran set out for Wunderlust Keep with Aeresteel and the centaurs. The ache of missing Chanterelle still remained in his bones, so getting a chance for a leisurely journey was soothing.

  Aeresteel walked beside him on the road to the keep, only the patient sound of hooves on dirt and bird whistles gracing the quiet air. After a while he noticed that the centaur kept glancing at him, her forehead wrinkling with thought.

  "You have a question?"

  "I'm sorry, Lord Terran," said Aeresteel. "It's something I've been meaning to ask you since the battle at the fortress. It's the reason why I made my decision to join you, but I've been unsure if I really saw what I think I saw."

  His hand went reflexively to the signet ring as he smiled wistfully. "The answer is yes, you did see your grandfather, Lord Ostric, at the battle."

  Her lips squeezed to a point. "But how? I thought you said he was at the keep, or was that a vision of him?"

  "I was going to explain this at the keep, but now is as good a time as any. When I told you about him, I left some things out." He shifted his mouth to the side, unsure of how to proceed, then pulled the ring off and handed it to her. "Here. This will be easier. Put this on, and think about him."

  Aeresteel slipped the signet over her finger. A moment later, the ghostly form of Lord Ostric formed beside her, leaving her to exclaim. Terran was surprised that he could still see the former lord of the keep, but when he checked back to the other centaurs, they looked confused, though a few were tilting their heads as if they thought they saw something.

  "Grandfather Ostric," said Aeresteel breathlessly, her eyes rounded. "It is an honor, sir."

  The mustached ghost centaur stretched his lips in a broad smile. "The honor is mine, Granddaughter. You did our people proud by giving up the mercenary life, returning to your roots."

  "Fighting for other people's causes never felt right," said Aeresteel, hanging her head. "I'm sorry, Grandfather. We did some terrible things as mercenaries. I have much to atone for."

  "You can atone for them by restoring Wunderlust Keep and providing stability in the land," said Lord Ostric.

  The pair continued, so Terran fell back to let them converse in private. News of Lord Ostric's ghost traveled through the group, and Terran was pleasantly surprised about their easy acceptance. It seemed as they were made aware that they could see him more clearly.

  They reached Wunderlust Keep by early afternoon. While Terran was light enough to traverse the rotting drawbridge, the centaurs were much too heavy, requiring the felling of trees to reinforce their passage. After a few hours of sweaty work, they were able to enter the overgrown courtyard.

  "Here you are, Lady Aeresteel," said Terran, sweeping his arms in a welcoming gesture.

  "Lady Aeresteel," she said tentatively, shaking her head. "That doesn't sound right."

  "It will in time, especially as you must solve your people's problems," said Terran.

  "He's right, Granddaughter," said Lord Ostric. "And I will be her
e to guide you."

  "Now we need to make this official," said Terran, opening up his settlement screen. "Do you, Lady Aeresteel, accept Wunderlust Keep as a vassal state of Gneiss Glen, in partnership and mutual self-defense?"

  She blinked, but nodded enthusiastically as she shifted on her hooves. "I do. I am. We're happy to have a home again."

  "Great. Congratulations. I just wish it wasn't in such a bad state," said Terran.

  "It'll give us a chance to make it our home," said Lady Aeresteel as she strolled around the grounds, the promise of starting over glittering in her eyes.

  The other centaurs looked equally excited about the prospect of restoring the keep. With Lord Ostric's help, he gave them a tour of the inner area, telling the tale of how they'd survived Grimchar's experiments.

  "What's this?" asked Lady Aeresteel, gesturing towards the circle on the wall of the main chamber.

  "A portal," said Terran. "I'll need your help in restoring this as quickly as possible."

  "I don't have the slightest idea how," she said.

  "Don't worry. There are some elves back in the settlement that will help. But it's my biggest priority right now. I can't get rid of the Trio or get my friends back until it's fixed," said Terran as he placed his hand on the wall at the center of the defunct portal.

  Lady Aeresteel bent her front legs in genuflection. "I will do everything in my power to help."

  "Thank you," said Terran. "Now I need to get back to the glen. There's still so much to do. As you'll soon find out, the needs of the people will keep you quite busy."

  Before he left, Lord Ostric found him.

  "Thank you again for restoring my people's home," said the ghost.

  "My pleasure," said Terran. "I hope it'll continue to be a wonderful partnership."

  The journey back to the glen provided Terran a chance to examine the new options afforded him when the champion path unlocked.

  House Andelain (Tree of Life)

  Champion: Terran the Tenacious

  Remaining Time: 11 months, 3 days, 10 hours

  Champion of the Mother Tree Enhancement

  [Permanent increases]

  +2 All Stats

  Rock Leaf Elf subrace template added

  · Rock Leaf Skin: 20% Natural Armor


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