Refrain (Stereo Hearts Book 3)

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Refrain (Stereo Hearts Book 3) Page 19

by Trevion Burns

  She sank her fingers into his hair while exploring his mouth with her tongue, having no idea they’d been stumbling backward in the midst of their fervent kiss until she felt moisture suddenly soaking her feet. She broke the kiss with a gasp, and her eyes shot down just in time to find Milo’s Uggs ankle deep in the stream.

  She didn’t care. And apparently, neither did he, because when her knees went weak and gave out from under her, he kept his lips sealed to hers, following her as she sank down to the ground. Until half of their bodies were submerged in the water and the other half on solid ground. Her hair grew wet and heavy the moment she laid her head down, too entranced with the sight of Jon to care as he took his hot kisses down her body. Along her neck, over her collarbones, between her heaving breasts, and down to the drawstring of her pajama pants. He ripped the string at her waistband and yanked the pants down, revealing her gleaming pussy. He didn’t finish removing her pants, losing patience almost instantly, leaving them pooled at her ankles before seizing the backs of her thighs and pressing them up into her chest, leaving her folds wide open.

  He wasted not a second—bending down and submerging his lips into her swollen pussy with a moan as if he was finally getting a taste of a meal he’d been dreaming of, dying for, his entire life.

  Viola’s eyes rolled back and her neck arched to the point of breaking. She paid no mind to the sharp rubble on the forest floor pricking at the back of her head, too entranced by the amazing feeling of his soft, slick tongue putting in work between her legs. How fast it glided over her slippery walls, paying special attention to her clit, drawing the white-hot ball of pleasure at the pit of her belly harder and faster than she’d ever experienced before. His mouth had only been on her for a few precious seconds, and she was already on the verge of explosion.

  She reached down to sink her fingers into his hair, clawing at his skull. “Please…” She bit down on her kneecap, which was mere inches from her mouth as he kept her legs pressed into her chest, and found it nearly impossible to breathe as his tongue ripped her body slowly apart until nothing else existed but the blinding need to finish. To surrender to the hurricane of ecstasy ripping through her body. Give herself completely to the much needed-high, the tornado of rapture, that had encased her since the moment she’d laid eyes on him.

  She tightened her fingers around his hair as she came, grinding and convulsing against his tongue. A tongue that never stopped working her pumping clit. Just when she was sure she’d reached the crescendo, that he’d drawn every inch of pleasure from her body, every contraction from her coiling bones, he slid two fingers inside her and drew another realm of heart-stopping nirvana from the deepest pit. A pit she hadn’t even known existed until he curled his thick fingers inside and pulled it from her with a skill that left her roaring. Shattered down to her very core. Releasing a tension that left her shooting fireworks against his fingers and tongue, taken by a breathtaking blaze of a pinnacle she’d never in her life touched. One she hadn’t even known could exist.

  Only when her entire body had stilled, and she was gazing up at the stars in awe, fingers still dancing in his hair, did Jon release his hold on the back of her thighs. Her bones were still limp, so her legs collapsed onto the forest floor like a rag doll the moment he did.

  She could feel the worship in her heavy eyes as he crawled up her body. Looking up at him like a God on earth. A legend among men. She could see every residual pound of her pussy manifesting itself in her eyes.

  He must’ve seen it because his own eyes went nearly as black as the sky beyond him, and he bent down to take her lips in another furious kiss.

  Normally Viola would rear back at the sight of a man’s lips coming toward hers so soon after they’d been between her legs. But at that moment, she spread her lips wide and accepted Jon without hesitation. At that moment, there was nothing she wouldn’t have done for him. Nothing that would stop her from having him in any way he would allow her.

  Their lips parted with a smack, and they opened their eyes slowly, giving each other soft pecks as their gazes remained locked.

  She dug her fingers into his shoulders and shoved him with a growl, drawing a soft laugh from his swollen lips as she rolled him onto his back. He let her straddle him—as best she could with her pants still bunched around her ankles—the water from the stream dripping from her soaked hair and making her curls hang long. He played the wet tendrils between his fingers with a sigh, unable to stop himself from returning her torrid smile as she got to work tearing apart the tie in his own pajama pants.

  She tugged at his pants with the same fervor he had hers, but only managed to pull them low enough to expose the deep v at his hips. He lifted his hips, dipped his thumbs into the waistband, and shoved them down to help her. His dick caught against the waistband for a moment before popping out into the cool night air and slapping against his stomach. Viola seized it a moment later. The moment she wrapped her fingers around him, his eyes fell closed, and his head fell back, sinking his own unsteady fingers into his hair.

  She claimed the throbbing head between her lips without a moment’s hesitation. So hungry to feel him in her mouth, filling her all the way to the back of her throat, she hadn’t even bothered to get a look at how big he was. How thick. But she could feel it as she took his rock hard shaft all the way to her throat. Still able to wrap her hand around the base once she’d gotten as much of him into her mouth as she could. He was huge. So much so that her pussy was already revitalizing, pounding furiously once more, aching to get better acquainted with the rod she had trapped between her lips.

  With his hands still buried in his hair, he craned his neck upward and opened his hooded eyes to watch as she sucked him, hissing softly as her head began to bob, reaching down to push her hair away from her face so he could see her eyes.

  She wanted to see him too, holding his gaze while she worked. Dying to see every flash of pleasure in his eyes as she milked him to completion. To see exactly what she was doing to him. To learn the things he liked and the things he loved.

  “Just like that, baby,” he whispered, voice fractured and choked. “God, that feels so fucking good.”

  Driven by his strangled gasps, the dirty, huskily-whispered words on his lips and the moans that grew more fervent every second, Viola knew he was close when she saw his stomach tighten and roll under the t-shirt they hadn’t bothered to remove. Ebbing and flowing like a tidal way was crashing under his skin, seconds from pulling her under if she didn’t run for her life.

  But she had no plans on running, keeping her lips sealed firmly around his shaft even as his orgasm caused him to unconsciously thrust up into her mouth, driving the head deeper into her throat than she could handle. She managed to relax in the nick of time, however, taking each stroke of his dick and each shot of his warm cum as they filled her mouth over and over.

  His back arched off the forest floor as he filled her with his essence. The flavor of his cum was even sweeter than his tongue, and she swallowed every drop with a smile before releasing him from her lips.

  He exhaled heavily, watching her with wide, amazed eyes, using his hold on her hair to pull her mouth back up to his. Their lips met in a softer kiss this time. A kiss that could only be so slow and sure when two people had just cum as hard as they had. When two people had just finished working out some much-needed tension.

  Even still, Viola knew she had enough tension in her body for Jon that not even a lifetime of orgasms could ever work them out.

  Apparently, Jon felt the same way, because a moment later, his eyes had darkened. His hands were on her arms, and he was pushing her back once more.

  Viola plopped onto her butt on the ground as he did, her big brown eyes following him when he stood to his feet, running his trembling fingers over his downturned lips as he stared off into the distance. Whatever was going on in his mind caused him to slam his eyes closed and shake his head, leaning down to seize his pants and pull them back up once more.

As he re-tied his waistband, his eyes fell back down to her.

  Just like that, something shifted in him.

  Milo’s gay! It’s all a farce. You don’t have to feel guilty. What we just did was beautiful. We have something beautiful!

  She nearly said the words.

  Finding the strength not to, she pressed her lips together and held her breath, worried that the heat in his blue eyes was going to kill her on the spot. Some part of her wondered if she’d rather be dead. Death had to be better than walking around in a world like this. A world where she couldn’t do what she’d just done with Jon, all day, every day, without having to worry about seeing in his eyes what she saw right then.

  Unfortunately, that ugly world was the world they lived in.

  So, when he turned and began away from her without another word, she didn’t try to stop him.


  Viola waited nearly half an hour after Jon had left to get up off the forest floor and drag her body back home. Not just because the memory of him walking away from her moments after she’d swallowed was tearing her limb from limb, but because the pain of watching him walk away had been nothing in comparison to the guilt she’d seen in his eyes. The moment they’d shared had felt so right—she could see it in his eyes that she hadn’t been alone in thinking that—but to him, it had been so wrong. To him, he’d just gone down on his brother’s girlfriend and let her go down on him. To him, he was a terrible person.

  It broke her heart that he was somewhere in that house, believing that. And it made her feel angry toward Milo. Angrier than she’d ever felt at her best friend in her life. So much so that she’d been forced to remain on the forest floor, pussy still aching with the memory of Jon’s tongue, for nearly half an hour before she’d had the strength to get up.

  “I will not kill Milo. I will not kill Milo. I will not kill Milo…”

  She repeated the five-worded chant for the entire walk back to the house and all the way up the porch, even as her fists remained clenched and her stomach tightened with fury.

  She stomped up the porch steps. “I will not kill Milo. I will not kill Milo. I will—ahh!” She screamed at the top of her lungs when the porch light suddenly popped on, moments after she’d cleared the steps, causing her to jump nearly a foot in the air.

  Her wide eyes flew towards the porch swing, where Betty had just flipped the switch.

  “Evening, Viola,” Betty smiled widely, making the dozens of wrinkles on her pale face ebb even deeper, betraying her elderly age. She still had a face full of make-up even though she was in her white silk pajamas.

  Viola clapped a hand over her racing heart. “Betty, you scared me half to death.”

  Betty stacked her hands on top of her crossed legs with a smile, her slippered foot bopping through the air.

  “Well, darling, half of your body is just positively soaked and wet,” Betty noted.

  “Oh, yeah….” Viola motioned behind her. “I just went for a little walk.”

  “Did you now?”

  “Yeah, out by the stream. Must’ve tripped and fallen into the water.”

  “How interesting, because Jon just went for a walk by the stream too. And wouldn’t you know it? Came right back to this house with half his body… soaked and wet. I supposed he… tripped and fell too?”

  Viola’s stomach hit her feet. Her eyes widened. She went to speak, but then slammed her mouth shut.

  “Will you be joining us at church tomorrow morning, dear?” Betty fluttered her lashes.

  “Oh, well, I—”

  “Because I think we all need it.”

  “Okay, sure. Of course. It’d be my pleasure to join you all at the family church.” Viola motioned to the house, unable to stand the knowing smile on Betty’s face for another second. “Well, that walk really tuckered me out—”

  “Oh, I’m sure it did.”

  Viola faltered. “Yeah, it really did. So, I’m gonna head on up to bed now—”

  “God bless you, Viola. Let’s pray for peace.”

  Viola paused with her hand on the door handle. “I’ll definitely do that. Praying for peace. Got it. Goodnight, Bet—”

  “May the peace of God be with you as you rest.”

  “May the peace of God be with you too, Betty.” Viola turned the door handle, desperate for escape. “Goodnight—”

  “Blessings to you, Viola.”

  “Yes, blessings to you, too, Betty. Okay. Goodnight.” Viola threw open the front door and raced into the house before Betty could shoot another farewell her way.

  It wasn’t that Viola had a problem with a little old lady wishing her a Godly goodnight. It was just that Viola had grown up with a God-fearing mother of her own, so she knew what Betty’s Godly words really meant.

  “May the peace of God be with you as you rest” really meant “God saw what you did on that forest floor, girl.”

  “Let us pray for peace” really meant “Let us pray for your wretched, adulterous soul because it’s surely going to burn in hell.”

  “Blessings to you, Viola” really meant “Shame on you, Viola.”

  Growing up in a Godly house had taught Viola that there was no profanity in the world that had the same effect—the same kick—as a prayer spoken in a knowing, authoritative tone. Betty had just given her a few dozen flashbacks to some of her worst punishments as a child. Punishments that had never looked or sounded like punishment, but had always hit her to her very core.

  She raced up the steps to her room the same way she used to run from her mother chasing after her with a switch, wincing in anticipation for a lashing she knew would never come, but still felt deep in her heart.


  The residual effects of Betty’s “godliness” stayed with Viola all through the night and well into the next morning—to the point where she hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep.

  Only when Milo elbowed her in the side did she realize she’d almost fallen asleep in the middle of the sermon again. His jab jolted her awake, her heavy eyes flying wide open with a gasp, heart racing with a painful desperation to catch up on all the sleep she’d missed the night before. How long was this service going to go on? She checked the watch on her phone and nearly emptied her stomach when she saw it had been nearly two hours.

  She looked to her left, where the entire Moore family sat beside her in the pew. Milo was next to her, followed by Jon, then Jackson—who looked just as miserable as Viola felt—Betty and Beau, and finally Mary and Robert, cuddled together at the pew’s far end. Every pew in the grand church was filled to the brim that Sunday morning. If she wasn’t so exhausted, Viola might’ve been able to take a moment to drink in the beautiful old church’s interior. The vaulted ceilings were lined with stained glass images chronicling the most classic biblical tales. Old wood pews with the most beloved biblical characters carved onto the arms. Bronzed chandeliers hung overhead, giving the grand room an ethereal glow.

  Viola couldn’t appreciate the beauty at all—too busy doing everything in her power to ignore the annoyed look Milo was shooting her from the seat next to her. Even the pastor’s sermon was reduced to nothing but a dull hum in her throbbing ears because her heart was pumping too much blood through her body to make the act of listening even remotely possible. It was a heart that had no plans on slowing as her gaze landed on Jon, seated next to Milo, staring straight ahead.

  His eyelids seemed to have the same undertows attached to them that’d been working to take her down all morning. Blinking slowly, his head bobbed slowly backward and forward as if he too was struggling to remain awake. Like Milo, he wore a perfectly pressed black suit, which made him look even more dapper and angelic to her than he already did by default. If he felt her eyes on him, he didn’t show it, just like he hadn’t all morning. The sudden clench of his jaw, however, made her suspect he knew she was looking.

  From the moment the Moore house had gathered for breakfast before church that morning, Jon had done everything in his power to avoid he
r. If she came within a foot of him, he moved away. If she entered a room, he left it. If their gazes accidentally locked, he couldn’t tear his blue orbs away quickly enough. The blatant rejection had been turning her stomach all day—like the vicious squirrel who had bitten her the night before had somehow relocated to her gut and was now tearing it limb from limb—and that moment was no exception.

  Betty leaned forward from her seat next to Jackson, and locked eyes with Viola.

  By the time Viola noticed Betty staring, she’d already been admiring Jon’s beautiful face for nearly a minute. Being caught red-handed caused Viola’s eyes to widen in shock, and she sat tall with a gasp, staring ahead once more while straightening the hem of her knee-length white church dress. With the torrid thoughts that had been charging through her mind while gazing longingly at Jon, Viola simply had no right to be wearing that white dress in God’s house, and Betty knew it too.

  Betty wore a white dress as well—along with a matching hat—but the look of warning she shot at Viola was hot enough to stain her dress blood red. Betty kept that fiery gaze on Viola long after she’d looked away, making the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end. Even with baby Beau in her lap—the only person in the room lucky enough to get away with falling asleep—Betty continued leaning forward, forcing Beau’s sleeping body into a position that looked far from comfortable. She lit fire to Viola with her eyes for what felt like several painful minutes, her hot gaze a silent reminder of the “Godly” exchange they’d shared on the porch the night before.

  Viola was sure there was nothing that could tear her away from the maddening feeling that Jon giving her zero attention and Betty giving her too much brought alive in her body. Her mind and heart no longer belonged to her, such a slave to the people sitting beside her that the entire church around her might as well have ceased to exist.

  Still, the next words that came out of the pastor’s mouth made miracles happen, as pastor’s words often did.


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