The Hollister School for Girls

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The Hollister School for Girls Page 20

by Powerone

  Michael shook his hand, both of their cocks straining their pants as they thought of lovely Carleigh's body being used for their sexual gratification. “Yes, you watching would be embarrassing to her, her stepfather seeing her naked body. And, the school thanks you for your generous gift. It will be put to good use providing scholarships to some of the more deserving, beautiful young ladies with their untrained bodies, to give them the opportunity to further their education and teach them the proper way to serve the males in their lives."

  * * * *

  Carleigh was getting ready to leave her last class, the school cleared out early for spring break. She had decided to go home, relenting to her mother's begging. She would have preferred some mindless spring break ritual someplace else instead, but her mother had been so insistent. While she was still a virgin, she loved to tease boys, letting them masturbate her to climax, but refusing to even touch their cocks, instead leaving them panting for more.

  "Carleigh, may I speak to you alone for a minute?” the Professor said just as she reached the classroom door.

  "Yes, Sir?"

  "Headmaster Michael would like to see you in his office right away. He apologizes for waiting until the last minute, but it is important and he promised that it would take only a moment."

  Shit, what the hell did he want? “Of course, I'll go now,” always the perfect southern belle. She walked down the hall to his office, the corridors empty of students, cars already packed just waiting for the last class, in the rush to get out. Oh well, it's not as if I'm going anywhere that I'm in a hurry to get to. Ever since her mother had married William, it was as if she was a stranger in her own house. And the looks he gave her, his eyes traveling up and down her body each time they met. He made her feel uncomfortable.

  She knocked on the door, but did not wait for a response before entering, seeing Headmaster Michael behind the desk. He was good looking, a welcome addition to the school. But he was stricter than the previous Headmasters, some of the girls complained about the punishments he meted out. While never fully explaining why, they all thought he was too severe, some even refused to mention it after they came back from a punishment session with the Headmaster. “You asked to see me, Headmaster Michael?” puzzled at why she was even here. She was a top student, never in trouble. What possibly could he want from her? “I was just getting ready to leave to go home for break."

  "Sit, Carleigh,” an order, not a request. He motioned her to the chair next to his desk, large, ornate, wooden and upholstered in leather.

  It fit his office, all large wooden furniture, antiques from the school's past. She sat down, crossed her legs, the short plaid skirt rode up her naked thighs, something she'd done since puberty-tempting boys-having learned early on that she could get her own way with just a little hint of sexuality. And, she knew that she had a body that they all drooled over.

  Michael stood up and walked behind her, her head turned to follow him. He picked up a leather strap from the table behind her, leaned over to her lap, grabbed her wrists in his large hand. He was able to encircle the tiny wrists in one hand and began to tie the leather strap around them, binding them quickly while she muttered in startled protest.

  The shocked look on her face was priceless, her stammering amusing as she found her wrists quickly bound together. “What, what are you doing? Take these off immediately! Are you crazy?"

  "Plans have changed, Carleigh. You won't be going home so soon, we are going to spend some time together first,” his voice calm as he pulled out a ring gag, quickly shoved two fingers into her mouth, forced her lips to open wide to accept the metal “O” ring, her lips wrapped tightly around the worn leather covering, the rigid metal ring kept her jaw opened wide. He tied the leather around the back of her head, pleased with the wide expanse that it made of her mouth, drool already slid down her chin. “Just to keep you quiet for a while. It will also be useful later when I decide to use your mouth. It will be necessary until you are fully trained."

  Carleigh began to panic, the school empty, Headmaster Michael seemed to have gone crazy. She started to stand, hoping to race for the door in spite of her wrists being bound. She didn't have a chance, Headmaster Michael quickly put his hands around her waist, moved her to the center of the room, his strength overpowering. A rope lowered from the ceiling, a large metal hook at the end of it; it stopped, controlled by the small remote she now noticed in the Headmaster's hand. She tried to pull her hands away, but his large hand still gripped her wrists and attached the hook between the leather strap. The rope moved up, her wrists had no choice but to move up with it; the soft hum of motor continued as her arms slowly rose above her head. She looked over at the Headmaster, her eyes searched for some compassion, not finding it in his lust-filled eyes that stared directly at her heaving chest. She shook her head, drool still ran down her chin until finally the rope stopped, her arms pulled straight up into the air, thankful that her feet were still on the ground.

  "It will be just another minute, Carleigh,” Michael reached down and placed the short spreader bar above her ankles, a modest one-foot gap between her legs. It was meant to keep her legs together, not apart. At least not yet. He wanted her to dance for him first. He wanted her to get use to the power he had over her body. He pushed the remote again, watched as her arms rose up higher until finally she had to get on her tiptoes. Either that or she would have to suffer the strain of all of her weight on her tiny wrists. He stopped the rope again when her heels were fully off the floor, rose up high, her toes bent sharply to support her weight. A position that would quickly become painful.

  He looked at her tear-stained face, both eyes now clouded with tears as she struggled in the tight bondage, her lovely body stretched tall, accenting her lovely breasts, arched high, the muscles in her legs tightly drawn by the position she was forced into. Michael loved the way that tight bondage made young girls bodies so appealing, taut and available. But he would not touch her, not yet. Let her imagine all of the nasty things that could happen to her. “If you get off of your toes, the strain on your wrists and shoulder will be painful and it's possible that your joints might break. The position highlights your body so nicely, drawn out so taut. But there is more, first,” a push of the remote and the rope at the top began to turn in circles. The short distance from the top of the rope to her wrists forced her to begin to move in a circle, able to only take tiny steps due to the spreader bar that kept her legs apart. “Yes, so lovely,” his cock strained his pants as she slowly moved around in a circle, taking tiny steps on her toes as she did. He enjoyed the sight of her ass, her cheeks drawn tight as she struggled to maintain the position he required of her. He sat down behind his desk again, put his feet up on the desktop as he watched poor Carleigh continually turn, enjoyed the lovely flesh move sensuously beneath the schoolgirl uniform. His hand reached down and rubbed his cock; it jerked in pleasure.

  She was beginning to tire, her toes felt like they would soon cramp. Her calves ached from the muscles being pulled taut so long. She began to sweat, drool dripped off her chin to stain the front of her blouse. What did he intend to do to her? He had not touched her yet, but he had left no doubt that he would. Her only hope was that her mother would miss her and call the school, or better yet, the police. Any minute they would break down the door, free her and haul Headmaster Michael off to jail with all the other perverts. She continued to strain as she slowly turned around in a circle, catching a glimpse of Headmaster Michael every complete turn, his eyes glued to her body as she moved, a bulge in his pants showed how aroused he was getting watched her perform.

  Michael got up from the desk, shifted his cock in his pants to make it easier to walk, moved towards Carleigh. He pushed the remote, the apparatus stopped turning, Carleigh still perched high on her toes. She flinched when he put his hands on her hips, twisted her until she faced him, enjoyed the fear in her eyes as he held her tightly. “You have such a lovely body, Carleigh. Nod your head if you are a virgin.” No response.
He lowered her body down until her feet were flat, heard her moan behind the gag at the relief. “I will ask one more time. If you don't answer, it will be another half hour on your toes. Are you a virgin?"

  She shook her head, her muscles burned, not able to go through the agony again.

  "Have you ever had a cock in your mouth before, Carleigh?” He pushed the button for a second, made her feel the rope pull up slightly, extracted the desired response, a quick shake of her head and a look of disgust on her face. “Good girl, you are learning how to play the game. Have you ever been sodomized?"

  A shocked look spread over her face followed by a quick shake of her head, her expression revealed that she had underestimated him already and what he planned to do to her.

  "You were brought to my office at the request of your stepfather, Mr. Aston. It seems that he has taken an interest in your lovely body, not that I can blame him. And, being virginal makes it even more interesting. He wants me to train you to submit to him sexually. Not forced, but voluntarily giving your body to him to use as he pleases and I am sure that he has some very perverse thoughts in mind.” Michael laughed as he saw the look of defiance in her eyes. “Yes, I see it in your eyes. No way would you willingly consent. He would have to rape you. You will be very surprised how convincing I can be. I have some nice equipment that will give you such exquisite pain. You will soon beg me to fuck you, spreading your legs for me, pulling back your pussy lips so my hard cock can forever take your virginity from you. So, if you think you are going to be saved soon, forget it. Your mother was told by your stepfather that you changed your mind and would spend the week with your friends in Florida. He will be here soon; not to save you, but to take such liberties with your young body that you never imagined."

  Carleigh shook her head in bewilderment. How could this be happening to me? She had no hope now, only more fear, her stepfather would soon join Headmaster Michael, both of them to take advantage of her sexually. Take her virginity from her. But, she also knew they intended to force her to use her mouth on their cocks. Worse yet, they were going to sodomize her, just as gay males did to each other. How degrading.

  Her body shook as his hands crawled up her stomach until they reached her breasts, large hands able to encircle the perky tits. He squeezed tightly, the breast flesh compressed beneath his powerful grip, pleased with the groan extracted from her bound mouth. He enjoyed the feel of her flesh beneath his grip, so firm, drawn up high by the rope that kept her bound. His hands molded the flesh roughly, clenched and unclenched on her breasts as she squirmed beneath his touch. “Don't like that, do you? Too rough? You will be surprised how much abuse your breasts can take, especially your nipples.” His fingertips sought out the nipples beneath the bra, already hard. He often found that with young girls. They protested the rough treatment verbally, but their bodies responded to it, nipples pushed out the tips of her bra. He grabbed them tightly and squeezed, watched her face as she felt her nipples crushed between two powerful fingers, tightening more as she squirmed, to prevent them from slipping from his fingertips. “Yes, such nice nipples, Carleigh. Do you know how much pain can be inflicted on such a lovely set of nipples such as yours? How it would feel to have them crushed beneath sharp clamps, biting into the tender flesh?"

  She looked down as he released her breasts, the blood rushed back to her nipples as his fingers moved up to the top button of her blouse, to begin to strip her naked. She squirmed, her only method of protesting, but knew that it did little good. She watched as his fingers slowly unbuttoned the top button, drew back the two sides of her blouse, exposed a brief glimpse of naked flesh. The fingers moved down, revealing a wide expanse of cleavage, the blouse pushed to the side, her lacey white bra unveiled to his gaze. She cringed as his finger traced the upper ridge of her breasts, down into her cleavage, brushing tenderly, not like the brutal touch he inflicted on her breasts only seconds ago. She felt tiny goose bumps even though it was not cold in the room. Fingers moved down to the next button, quickly opened her blouse, her bra-enclosed breasts now brazenly exposed. His hands quickly returned, grasped her covered breasts, pulled them free of the blouse before his hands grabbed harshly again, her breast flesh pushed out the top of her bra as he squeezed. She gasped as she was fondled against her will, his hands ran over her body as if he owned her. His fingers made quick work of the rest of the blouse, the garment now spread widely open. She shivered as his hands ran over her naked stomach, slid up under the bottom of her bra to touch her naked breast along the edge of the material.

  "Such lovely tits you have, Carleigh. I bet no boy has ever been as close as I am now. You really should share such a lovely pair. Now, it will be your stepfather and I that will have the pleasure of them.” He laughed, his hands returned to her naked skin, felt her body cringe each time he touched her. “I think I need to slip your lovely bra off, Carleigh. I won't wait any longer to touch your naked breasts. You don't mind, do you?” He reached around her back, pushed, forced her to arch her back, thrust her tits out. “Yes, I like when you do that. Again, push out your tits for me,” his hand dug into her back painfully, Carleigh had no choice but to push her breasts out for him. His hands found the catch of her bra, quickly and expertly unsnapped the tiny clasp that held her breasts confined. His hands moved along her naked sides, fingers tickled her as they pushed the bra aside, finally touching the sides of her naked globes. She jumped, startled at the touch of his hands on her breasts. He pushed the bra out of the way, pulled it up high, her breasts jiggled as they escaped from the confining material.

  Carleigh felt the cool air on her breasts, knew they were completely naked, Headmasters eyes fixed on them. He looked into her eyes, her face red in shame as she was so boldly exposed to him, unaccustomed to not being in control of boys, slowly stripped naked and unable to stop him. She saw him pick up a small knife, her blouse and bra quickly cut from her body, now naked from the waist up. Her nipples felt like rocks, hard from being exposed. She saw his hands poised over her naked breasts, closed her eyes as she waited for him to grab her naked flesh. She moaned softly as she felt his fingertips touch her naked breasts, not the harsh grabbing as before, but the gentle touch of a fingertip over her breasts, teasing around the large brown areola's that highlighted the pink nipples perched on the tips of her breasts, long and pointed.

  "Yes, they are so lovely, Carleigh. You should have let the boys see them sooner. They are too lovely to cover up.” He laughed at her humiliation, her eyes open, his fingers skimmed the areolas, tiny goose bumps appeared, her nipples grew bigger, as they were trying to find a way to be touched. He moved his fingertips to the hardened buds, squeezed the delicate flesh between two calloused fingers and tightened, her eyes open wide in pain as her nipples were cruelly pinch by his strong fingers. “You expected something different, Carleigh. But, you are just a lovely creature to be used for our pleasure. Your pleasure is of no consequences to us and your pain will make our cocks hard.” He crushed the flesh beneath his fingertips, back and forth over the pink flesh, reveled in her squirms to get away from his cruel fingers. He grasped both of her breasts from beneath, his large hands engulfed both tits and squeezed, the breast flesh pressed through his fingers, the tits turned white as he compressed them. “So much nice tit flesh to abuse, Carleigh,” his fingertip snapped against the hard nipples, the swollen buds such easy targets for abuse. He released them and moved back, swung one hand and slapped at her right breast, the loud smack sounding out in the room as it swayed back and forth on her chest, already turning pink. Muffled cries came from her lips as he worked on both breasts, slapped them until they turned red, the pink nipples now swollen and inflamed. He moved closer to her until her breasts pushed against his chest, “how does it feel to have your naked breasts rubbing up against me like a cheap whore?” he laughed at her humiliation and discomfort, enjoyed how good her breasts felt against his chest, his cock hardened at the thought of them both naked, her stiffen nipples tracing a path along his naked chest.r />
  Her nipples felt strange, the slapping of her breasts had somehow stimulated them, almost hurting as they dragged over his rough shirt, wanting more. She was naked from the waist up and she knew that she would be soon be completely stripped naked, nothing she could do to change it, humiliated at the thought of her body being on display, his fingers and hands taking liberties with her body that she would normally never allow. She saw him kneel in front of her, felt his hands fumbling with the device that kept her legs spread open, felt it open wider, her legs had no choice but to shuffle outward, the gap between her thighs growing wider. Her legs spread over two feet wide, his hands returned again, this time lightly touching her calves.

  "Such lovely legs, Carleigh. You must work out. I hope I didn't tire your muscles too much when I made you stand on your toes. You are going to need them again. I have such a lovely device for you that I'm afraid will be quite painful unless you arch up on your toes again. It presents your body very nicely when you do that, makes all of your muscles tight.” Michael caressed her legs, higher and higher, past her knees to touch the silky inner thighs. His fingers slid up and down, kneaded the flesh, made her jump when he did it too hard. “Soon I will not need the leg spreader. Soon you will spread your legs for me, allow me to rub your thighs before touching that virgin pussy. I see you protesting now, but I will convince you that the alternatives are much more painful."

  She felt her skirt being raised up, Headmaster Michael's hands purposely touched her naked flesh as he slid it up her legs, trembled in fear at his taunts of pain. He touched her hips; her tiny panties gave him ample naked flesh to fondle. He stood, his hands on her hips slowly slid around to grasp her buttocks. She had no choice but to arch her hips forward, the hard cock beneath his pants pushed into her panty-clad crotch as his large hands now completely encircled each of her buttocks, squeezing and releasing as if he was testing a cantaloupe for ripeness. She shook her head back and forth in protest as his fingers sought out the tiny slit of her buttocks, her tightly clenched cheeks fought the superior strength of his fingers.


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