It's Not Over

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It's Not Over Page 3

by A. L. Zaun

  “Maddy, please.” I closed my eyes and clenched my jaw in desperation. “I’m going nuts. I just punched Bruce. I’m losing it. Where are you?”

  I laid my head against the steering wheel.

  This can’t be happening. Where is she?

  In that instant, my phone rang, and I jerked up, looking at the dashboard. I didn’t recognize the number. I debated on whether or not to answer it. But I reluctantly pressed the green button to answer the call.

  “Hello?” I answered apprehensively.

  “Boss,” he said, “I found her.”

  Walter—I love that fucking guy.

  “Where is she?” I asked. I felt a jolt of energy pass through me, giving me a second wind. I quickly put my car.

  “She’s at the airport, American Airlines Flight 1137 to New York, leaving from concourse D, gate forty-seven. The flight’s been delayed. I’ll text you the information.”

  “She’s at the fucking airport, going to New York? I can’t believe this shit.” I exhaled and ran my hand through my hair, cursing Madison for my impending hair loss and my aching knuckles.

  “I’ll let you know if I learn anything else.”

  “Thanks, Walter. I owe you.” I hung up and just drove.

  I needed to see her. Why the fuck is she at the airport? And why the hell didn’t she tell me she was going out of town? I shook my head as I thought back to last night when I had last seen her.

  It was a little after one in the morning, and I’d just negotiated the biggest deal of my fucking life during a late dinner meeting with the CEO of the largest health care system in Miami at Prime One Twelve on South Beach. Right before I paid the bill, I asked the server to add a warm chocolate pudding cake to go. I was on a major high, and I couldn’t wait to tell her.

  With the bill settled and chocolate cake in hand, the CEO and I made our way outside and waited for our cars at the valet. Shaking hands, we planned to meet on Wednesday morning to sign the contracts. I would be busting my ass until then, making sure I could deliver on all my promises. The valet brought my car around, and I sent her a text before I started driving.

  Me: Hey, what are you doing?

  Maddy: Hmmm, let’s see. I’m at work, idiot.

  Me: I love it when you sweet-talk me.

  Maddy: Fuck you. I need to focus.

  Me: You wanna fuck me?

  Maddy: I’m busy. Go jerk off.

  Me: Are you going to watch?

  Maddy: You’re pathetic.

  I plugged my phone into the charger and drove toward Martini Bar. I was pumped and energized. I had a huge-ass smile on my face, thinking about this major accomplishment in my career, and Maddy’s fuck-off attitude would only make the night sweeter.

  As I weaved through the busy South Beach traffic, I reflected on the shit Madison had told me a few days ago—it was more like she had spewed venom on me—about my quest for Daniela. Once I’d stopped hating Maddy’s guts for what she’d said, I was able to process things. She had been right as usual when she’d said I hadn’t really thought this through.

  Daniela and I had been together for a year, and besides knowing she was beautiful, she loved to fuck, and she was very good to me, I barely knew her. Since I’d kind of gotten to know her, she wasn’t just a pussy to fuck. She was funny and smart. She always believed the best in people, and that would include thinking well of me.

  I’d thought I was making everything right for Daniela and me. I wasn’t trying to ruin anyone’s life. Shit, she’d made me sound like a fucking monster. Sure, I’d crossed some lines, but things weren’t black and white. Damn, I had hugged that frilly pillow Madison had on her couch as I’d tried to figure everything out, but my mind had drawn a blank.

  To say I’d started off the year on the wrong foot was an understatement. After accusing Madison of being a bitter whore and her hurling a stapler at me, I’d practically mauled her and almost ruined the closest friendship I’d ever fucking had. Tonight though, everything had clicked, and I knew what I had to do, but first, I had to take care of a few things. If I handled everything right, Daniela would be able to keep thinking of me in a good light.

  I parked my car next to Madison’s and pulled out my phone. She picked up after two rings.

  “Wrap it up. I’m waiting for you by your car.”

  “You exhaust me. I’m working. Now, leave me alone,” she said before hanging up.

  I exhaust her? I shook my head in disbelief.

  Granted, I knew I wasn’t easy, but she was a royal bitch. I grabbed the bag with the chocolate cake and walked over to Martini Bar. I knew this was what she wanted. She loved thinking she had me by the balls. Little did she know I kind of liked letting her think she did.

  The crowd at the bar was thinning out, and dickface made the last call. I walked behind the bar and grabbed a couple of forks and napkins.

  Bruce turned and glared at me. “This area is off-limits to you.”

  He could go fuck off with the redhead he had been talking to—or with himself for all I cared. Asshole. I ignored him and considered my lack of response progress. I made my way down the corridor to Madison’s office. I pushed through the door that was cracked open, and her eyes shifted up from her computer monitor.

  “What are you doing here?” she asked, sitting back in her chair.

  “I come bearing a gift,” I answered, lifting the bag and setting it on her desk.

  Madison was all about clean eating and exercise. The woman ate the most disgusting shit known to man, but she loved fine cuisine and chocolate. She would take one bite, and it would look like she was about to come. It was the fucking sexiest thing I’d ever seen. She would open her mouth in an O-shape, close her eyes, tilt her head back, and smile. I could feel my dick hardening just thinking about it.

  Her lips curved to one side, and her eyes sparkled. “A gift? That might make up for the fact that you barged into my office without knocking or a greeting. Once again, I must remind you that manners go a very long way.”

  I walked behind her desk, placed my hands on her shoulders, and rubbed them. Her head tilted to the side, elongating her neck.

  I leaned in and whispered in her ear, “Hello. How are you? Forgive me for my rudeness. I was so excited to see you and share my wonderful news that I behaved in an uncivilized manner. Will you please grace me with the honor of your company and let me spoil you with my little surprise?”

  She sighed and laughed softly. “You’re so full of shit. Does this crap work on Daniela?”

  “Aren’t you even slightly curious to know what’s in the bag?” I ran my hands up her neck, kneading her tension away as she rolled her head into my touch. I knew the answer to that question. She was like a little girl when it came to my surprises.

  “You did apologize,” she conceded, sighing as I worked my hands back down her neck and along her shoulders.

  “So, what did you bring me?”

  “Come on, let’s get out of here, and I’ll show you.” I ran my hands down her arms and pulled out her chair.

  She opened her bottom drawer, grabbed her purse, and we made our way out of her office and through the bar. I held the door for her and then watched her from behind as we went down the stairs to the courtyard leading to the parking lot.

  “Here—sit down.” I motioned to the bench.

  I sat down next to her. Her eyes darted to the bag, and I debated on whether or not I should torture her by withholding her moment of pleasure, drawing it out, and building the anticipation.

  “So, how was your meeting?” She turned toward me.

  I slowly opened up the bag and handed her a napkin and a fork. “My meeting? Well, you’re looking at the master of sales. I sold it. I closed the biggest fucking deal of my life. No one at my level has ever done anything this huge. I did it. I fucking kicked ass and did it.”

  I looked over at her and fucking saw it. Her eyes lit up like a Christmas tree, and her mouth spread wide into a huge smile.

  She reache
d over and hugged me, burying her head in my neck. “I’m so proud of you. I knew you could do it.”

  I wrapped my arms around her and closed my eyes, breathing in her scent. “I had to tell you first.” I held on to her, not wanting to let go just yet, but I pulled back and smiled, looking in her eyes. I lowered my gaze to her mouth. I wanted to kiss her, to feel her lips against mine with my tongue in her mouth. Soon enough—not until I make things right.

  I looked away and over at the bag. I opened it, changing up the mood between us. I couldn’t go there with her, especially not after what had happened on New Year’s. As I pulled out the container from the bag, her eyes widened, and she bit her lower lip.

  “Well, well, well, Mr. Marin. I think you’ve done really well tonight. You’ve even made up for behaving like a savage when you first arrived.”

  “I knew you’d approve.”

  I handed the dessert to her, and I went to reach for my fork. She greedily tucked the box toward her chest.

  “You’re not going to share with me?” I teased.

  “Rick, this is chocolate pudding cake from Prime One Twelve. It’s my weakness.”

  “I see I’ve found your kryptonite, but since I don’t want you to have any regrets in the morning, I’ll help you eat it.”

  I reached over and sliced a corner with my fork before lifting it to her mouth. I watched as her gaze followed the fork. She opened her mouth for me and slowly closed her eyes.

  Fuck, my dick’s getting hard.

  She wrapped her lips around the fork and slowly slid the morsel off, moaning softly. She opened her eyes after she swallowed that first piece of decadence and said, “Oh. My. God. That’s divine. Thank you.”

  “Anything for you,” I said.

  We began slowly eating the cake on the bench. When only one bite was left, I looked over at her, watching her savor that last piece.

  “You were wrong about me,” I said.

  “I highly doubt that,” she responded, using her finger to wipe a smudge of chocolate from the corner of her mouth.

  I reached my hand over and took hold of her tantalizing chocolate-covered finger. I brought it to my lips as I glanced up and caught her storming eyes. My lip curled before I opened my mouth and licked the chocolate clean. I didn’t want to stop with just her finger, but I had to keep my focus, so I laid her hand back down onto her lap.

  “You were. I’m not the same man who you first met. I’ve made some really shitty choices, but my intentions were in the right place. I’m going to prove to you and Daniela I’m that man, the better one. You’ll see. Tomorrow, everything will be right—the way it’s supposed to be.”

  Madison placed the fork down and smiled softly. “Good for you,” she said, shifting and straightening up. “It’s getting late. We better get going. Congratulations on your huge accomplishment. I’m proud of you.” She ran her hands over her skirt. “Everything’s falling into place for you—just as it should.”

  “I’ll walk you to your car.” I stood up and tossed the bag into the trash. “The forks are yours. I stole them from Bruce. He’s pissed, I’m sure.”

  She took the forks and smiled, but it was different this time. Maybe she’s tired. It’s late after all. I shook off the weird vibe I got from her. She’d be her usual self tomorrow, bitching at me for giving her carbs so late at night.

  The honking horn of a cab snapped me out of my train of thought. I looked around, realizing I’d gotten to the airport faster than I’d thought possible. Nothing made any sense—unless this was one of her damn games to see how far I’d go to make her feel like a fucking queen.

  I felt the tension rise in my shoulders, and I slammed my fist against the steering wheel, groaning as the pain in my already injured hand radiated up my forearm. At that moment, I didn’t think it was possible to hate anyone more than I loathed her, but I did as I played into her fucking hand, chasing her around like a damn puppy dog.

  I need to turn this day around and fast.

  Chapter 3


  I looked over at Alex who made himself comfortable, sitting next to me, and I saw the memories of the years I’d known him flash before my eyes in a matter of seconds. He had been a stand-in fuck buddy for years. We’d run in similar circles while growing up. His father had been the head maître d’ at my grandfather’s restaurant, Mark’s. Consequently, Alex and I had grown up as restaurant brats. I’d spent my teenage years learning how the kitchen worked and understanding the ins and outs of running a world-class establishment, while Alex, four years my senior, had been in the back office, getting laid by the flavor of the week.

  Even though he’d always been attractive—tall, dark, and handsome—I’d never been interested in him romantically. He’d been, and still was, a womanizing prick. I’d found it humorous though when the women he’d fucked a couple of times would be heartbroken and shattered when he would dump them and move on to the next. He had been solely responsible for the high turnover rate among the female employees at the restaurant. I never fully understood why no one had ever filed a formal complaint against him.

  He came out from the back office with a ridiculous look of satisfaction on his face while his conquest straightened her blouse, taking her walk of shame as she passed me. I just rolled my eyes at the scene.

  “You know, Madison, one day, I’ll have you back there, calling out my name while I fuck you hard,” he said, brushing up against me.

  I shook my head at his arrogance. “You’re so romantic. Is that the panty-dropping line you use? How pathetic can those sluts be?”

  “Hey, your grandmother raised you better than to call people names.” He leaned in close to me. “Anyway, like I’ve said before, one day, you’ll be begging me to touch your pussy.”

  “And they say chivalry is dead,” I deadpanned. “Who knows, Alex? One day, I just might be desperate enough to take you up on your offer, but mark my words, I will never call out your name.”

  And so it was. Life was life, and it wasn’t always fair. At eighteen, I needed to forget, if only for a moment. He had been there, and he offered a reprieve for what ailed me.

  Early in the morning, I walked into Mark’s for the first time in a year. I wanted to feel the magic of the place where I’d felt most at home. I stood still, taking in the room. If I stared long enough, I could see Rose, my grandmother, mingling with the guests, whispering in the maître d’s ear, or perhaps leaning over the bar while laughing at a bad joke. Without fail, she’d tilt her head back gracefully while my grandfather would wrap his strong arms around her. He’d bring his lips to her shoulder, and she’d sway in his hold. She was the epitome of class, always wearing her blonde hair pulled back in a neat chignon. Her makeup would be simple, a little mascara and a soft lip gloss.

  “Manners, Maddy, go a long way. Always remember that, darling,” she’d tell me.

  His presence snapped me out of my dreamlike state.

  “I’m sorry about Rose,” he said, bringing his arm around my shoulder.

  I curled into his body, needing to feel a connection with another person.

  “She was a wonderful woman. Everyone misses her,” he whispered.

  “She was more than my grandmother,” I said numbly.” She raised me and loved me when my own mother was too busy with her histrionics and narcissistic meltdowns to notice I existed, which has been pretty much my entire life. Now, Nana is gone.”

  “Nah, she’s not. She lives in you and Mark and in this place.” He leaned his head on mine.

  I frowned. “Alex, you’re being unusually nice to me. Frankly, I’m in no mood for your bullshit.”

  He laughed softly. “I’d like to think of us as friends, Madison. What kind of person would I be, knowing my friend was brokenhearted, and not offer my condolences or try to console her?” He tilted my chin up with his finger and lowered his mouth against mine. “Let me comfort you,” he breathed against my lips.

  I pulled away from him. “I won’t be one of those
women you take to the back.” I ran my hands over the front of my blouse, flattening it. “I don’t have feelings for you. Anyhow, you’re being very nice to me, so let’s leave it at that.”

  Undeterred, his hand caressed the side of my face and snaked behind my neck. He leaned in close and ran his tongue along my lower lip, causing a sensation to ripple through me. My natural reflex was to open my mouth for him as he masterfully caressed my tongue with his.

  He pulled back gently and smiled. “I’m not taking you to the back room.” His fingers slid to my face.

  “I don’t love you. Shit, I barely like you,” I said, conflicted as desire and longing to feel anything else other than loss intensified within me.

  “I never said I liked you, and this isn’t about love.” His hands traveled down to my chest, and his fingers fanned opened and rested over my breasts as his thumbs began to circle my nipples.

  I placed my hands on his chest and slid them down to his waist. My pussy tightened as heat warmed my body and passion pulsated in my veins. “Nothing changes. No strings,” I said as our lips hovered over one another.

  “This is about forgetting,” he said, sucking in my lower lip and biting down on it. “The only thing you’re going to think about is my cock fucking you.”

  He gingerly moved one hand off my chest and down my stomach until he hooked it under my leg and brought me closer to him. I felt his thick erection pressed against me, and I gasped at the tingles radiating to my core.

  It had been the most bittersweet year of my life. I’d spent the last year of my grandmother’s life alone with her in Florida. She’d taught me about sacrifice, loving selflessly, and carrying myself in a way so no one could have the upper hand over me.

  Now, I was back home in New York. My grandfather, a shell of the man he’d once been, mourned the loss of his great love. My mother resented me more than humanly possible. My brother blamed me for keeping him away from our grandmother. All the while, my father couldn’t have cared less.


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