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SyFy_Gender_Swapped_in_Space_Bundle Page 25

by Alyson Belle

  “Whoa, hey…” she said. “I uh, I’m not sure we need to go there, Amy…”

  Amy’s eyes shined. “Second thoughts, little slut? Don’t worry. I promise your pussy can take it. You’ll see. Who told you you could move, anyway?” She gave a little growl and twisted Mikala’s arm, forcing her to straighten out. Her face pushed back against the pillow. Mikala couldn’t see Amy at all now, but she could feel her leaning in, pressing her arm down against the small of her back to force Mikala’s bottom to tilt up. Panic shot through Mikala and she slammed her thighs tight, locking them shut with all the force her little body could muster. Amy was just playing, just threatening her, right? She couldn’t possibly mean to actually fuck her like this...

  Mikala felt Amy’s firmly insistent knee push against the back of her locked thighs as the smooth skin of Amy’s new cock rubbed against the outside of Mikala’s leg. “Mmmm… you have such soft, supple legs,” Amy said, her voice straining with what sounded like poorly-concealed lust, now. Her free hand rubbed against Mikala’s tensed ass, stroking it softly as she played with the helpless girl.

  “Amy?” Mikala squeaked. “Amy… you’re not really going to…”

  Amy cut her off by forcing her thighs apart with a sudden push of her knee, prompting a squeal from Mikala. Her legs shuddered as she tried to squeeze them back together, and she bucked against Amy, but Amy just kept her knee where it was and forced Mikala back down. It was impossible! Amy was twice as strong as Mikala, easily. Now Mikala was really getting worried. She wriggled and squirmed and fought to try and get away, but Amy just laughed and kicked Mikala’s legs further apart with a quick knock of her knee against either thigh. Mikala lost her footing and felt her stomach slide down flat against the mattress. Her panic intensified. Her legs were splayed wide and her pussy felt cool in the open air.

  “Amy?” cried Mikala desperately. “Amy, you’re just teaching me a lesson, right? Right? Lesson over? Amy?”

  “Oh man,” groaned Amy. “Yeah, I was, but damn… you’re such a hot little slut. And the thing about giving yourself a virtnet cock…” Mikala felt the thick, warm length of it bouncing in the air again, slapping between her legs and against her pussy. “ that you need to use it as badly as a boy does…”

  Corporate Plaything (His Executive Gender Swap Book 1)

  Ever since Edward Sharpe was fired from his job by the alpha billionaire business owner Jack Grayson, Edward has had to juggle two humiliatingly low-wage jobs just to make his rent and not get kicked out onto the street. It drives him crazy that he has to work and sweat for pennies while beautiful women, like his college friend Lisa, seem to get everything in life handed to them on a silver platter while flouncing around town with men like Jack.

  When Edward stumbles into a mysterious magic shop one night and makes a wish that his life could be just as easy as Lisa’s, he wakes up the next morning with some very unexpected results! Now he’s trapped in the body of an amazingly hot, 20-something year-old girl, and has no idea what to do about it. It’s not exactly what he had in mind, and even worse is that as far as he can tell he’s stuck like this! With no identification, no appropriate clothes, and no idea how to be a woman, he needs to figure something out fast if he’s going to make rent this month.

  Fortunately for him, his next-door neighbor Addison has a few bright ideas to help him make money while he figures out how to get his old body back…

  An excerpt from Corporate Plaything (His Executive Gender Swap Book 1):

  “Well, go on,” she said. Explain to me why this gorgeous blonde chick sitting there in Edward’s underwear is really Edward and not some crazy girl he banged last night.”

  Edward blushed again as the idea of getting banged by someone, by a man, flitted briefly across his consciousness. His nipples hardened again. Stop that, he told himself. You need to tell her what’s going on.

  By the time he’d finished his story and answered all of the many questions Addison had to prove it was really him, her demeanor had totally changed. She looked more awed that skeptical now.

  “Wow,” she said, peering at him closely. “It really is you in there. Weird stuff. So, uh… what are you going to do now?”

  “Do?” he asked, his voice rising into an embarrassing crescendo. “Do? I have no idea what I’m going to do! I’m hoping this just wears off and I get back to my normal life soon, and in the meantime I’m freaking out because I have no idea how to be a girl and no idea what to do and I’m going to lose my job and get kicked out of my apartment and everything is wrong!”

  Addison’s mouth dropped open, and Edward realized he’d stood up during his tirade. His hands were clenched and he swallowed gulp after gulp of air, confused by the torrent of emotions assaulting him. He could feel tears coming, barely held back at the corners of his eyes, and he burned with shame. Why would you start crying, damn it? It was this stupid hormonal body. Everything seemed to feel more intense than it had when he was guy.

  Suddenly Addison was at his side, lowering him back down to the couch, stroking his hair, one strong, supple arm thrown around his shoulders. “Shh, honey, shh. It’ll be okay. I hate to see a pretty face get so worked up like that. I’ll help you out. Don’t worry. And I’m sure whatever weird magic is happening here will all wear off soon enough.” Addison’s touch and soothing voiced calmed him, and his breathing quieted. It felt so good when Addison stroked his hair like that, and he reflexively leaned over and put his head on the taller girl’s shoulder.

  “There you go, baby,” she murmured. “Everything will be okay. Come on. We need to get you some proper clothes while you’re stuck like this. I’m a little taller than you, but you look like you’re about a size 2. I probably have something that will fit you.”

  Edward followed her into her bedroom where she sat down on the bed and gestured toward him. “Well, strip down. It’s okay. We’re all girls here, right?”

  “I’m not a girl,” Edward protested, but his protest squeaked into an octave a man never would have been able to manage, and Addison just smirked at him.

  “Whatever you say, sexy.”

  He repeated his act from the bathroom that morning, pulling off his t-shirt and boxers, and stood before her naked, hands covering his large breasts. His cheeks burned with embarrassment. Her repeated pet names for him were starting to make him feel a little strange, and he started wondering what she was thinking. She’s not into men. She’s just helping me because she’s a friend, he told himself. The way she was staring at him, thinly-veiled hunger burning in her eyes, suggested otherwise, though.

  “Well?” he asked, trying to ignore the obvious pleasure she was taking from this. “What do you think? Do you have anything I can borrow until this wears off?”

  Addison tapped her lip as she studied him. “I think… I think I have a slight change of plans. You need to be at work at 9am, right?”

  “Work?” Edward sputtered. “I can’t go to work like this! I was hoping you could think of a way to get me out of it.”

  Addison tsked and shook her head. “No, you said it yourself earlier. You can’t afford to lose this job. And they don’t know whether you’re a boy or a girl showing up, do they?”

  With a sinking feeling in his stomach, Edward realized she was right. Calling in sick would just get him fired, but the temp jobs never checked his license. They just asked for his work number, preferred name, and the agency he was with and sent him off to do whatever assignments were needed that day. I’m going to have to go out in public like this.

  “So here’s the thing,” Addison continued, rising up from the bed to walk over toward Edward. She moved his hands away from his breasts, placing them at his sides, and ran her hands over his shoulders and his hips, studying him with a practiced eye that was still half-teasing. She was really enjoying this. “I do have some work clothes that would fit your cute little body, I think. A silk blouse, a designer pencil skirt.” She arched an eyebrow. “I think you’re going to need a pair of my heel
s too, if you want anyone to take you seriously. You look like you’re 22, so you’re going to need the added height.”

  Edward was suddenly very, very conscious of how much taller the other girl was from him. The Addison he knew had been a few inches shorter than him, and despite her toned muscles, she’d still been a little wisp of a girl in his old body. But now that he was an even more petite little girl, she loomed over him. She could do anything she wanted to him, and he wasn’t sure he could stop her. He began to feel an only-to-familiar tightening in his crotch. Why does that thought turn me on so much?

  “But they’re pretty expensive,” she said. “I’d hate to see them ruined, and you don’t even know the bare basics of being a girl yet. There’s no telling what you might do to them. I think I should maybe get something in exchange for my help, don’t you think?” She raised a hand to stroke his cheek as she said it, and Edward’s nipples hardened. He blushed even harder.

  “Addison,” he said. “You’re a lesbian… I don’t want things to be awkward between us…”

  “Oh, believe me,” she breathed. “I love women. And you, my dear, are a fucking gorgeous woman.”

  Savagely Swapped (Book 1 of Gender Swapped by the Witch Queen)

  The powerful warrior-king Azlato gets a taste of his own pleasure tents from an unusually feminine perspective when he crosses the wrong woman!

  Azlato, the most powerful chieftan of the grassland people, is used to having his way with women. With each conquest of a neighboring tribe, he selects the most beautiful female captives to serve his men in their pleasure tents and delights in their subjugation.

  When the gorgeous queen of a newly conquered tribe warns Azlato that she won't stand for her people to be used like this, he mocks and ignores her. To punish him, she gives him a taste of his own medicine by swapping bodies with him and sending Azlato to his pleasure tents in her body!

  Now Azlato is seeing the world from a whole new perspective. Can he adjust to his new life as a nubile pleasure maiden and escape the witch's curse before the enchantment becomes permanent?

  An excerpt from Savagely Swapped, Book 1 of Gender Swapped by the Witch Queen:

  I had had enough of the witch’s parlor tricks. It was time for me to take her to my tent and break her to my will by the sheer force of my animal magnetism. But first, I would need to rob her of her confidence, lest she set an example for the other women.

  “Jeriah—” I said. “Strip her. I wish to inspect my goods.”

  Jeriah reached for her tightly bound chest, eager to rip the dress off the nubile woman, but then hesitated. “Azlato… what if she possesses sorcery we have not seen before? Perhaps we should rob her of her voice.” I considered his words. He made a good point. We had silence powder, common for subduing captured warlocks. I’d never had to use it on a witch before, as pitiful as their magic usually was. But then I entertained the idea of having my way with a completely silent woman, and my cock swelled a third time, nearly bursting out.

  “I am unafraid of her magic,” I said, “But yes. Bring the silence powder. It could be quite fun to play with her using it. Just go and place it in my chamber. I’ll take her there and use it after everyone gets a good look at her.” I grinned at her, making sure that she understood what it was I meant. I loved humiliating the women like this, letting my men leer at them in their nakedness. It made their later decisions so much easier.

  She stared at me sullenly. “So be it,” she said. “You have made a most foolish choice.”

  I was hardly listening to her, imagining what it would feel like to run my tongue all over her ravishing body. I wondered again what her nipples looked like, beneath that tightly bound heaving bosom, and pictured my long, throbbing cock penetrating her tight, wet pussy.

  She started muttering under her breath again as Jeriah left to fetch the powder, and my other men took his place to hold her tightly.

  The smoke of the fire had started filling the tent with the rich scent of the incense our medicine men burned in it, and my eyes watered as the pungent aroma floated over to me. My head swam suddenly, a brief dizzy spell. I raised a hand to my head and took a step away from the beautiful witch, trying to steady myself. The woman’s chanting had grown louder and more rhythmic. She was trying to intimidate me, no doubt, but her silly tricks weren’t frightening to me. I shook my head, trying to clear away growing cobwebs. Had I had too much to drink?

  Something was wrong. “Jeriah…” I called, but my vision was beginning to black out. Stars flashed before my eyes, suddenly, and I was dazed and disoriented. I shakily stared at the ground in front of me, willing everything to come back into focus. I felt weird, and it was like the whole room had shifted somehow in a way I couldn’t explain. My vision hadn’t yet returned all the way, and I wobbled unsteadily on my feet.

  I tried to raise a hand to my head again, but my wrists snapped against a leather strap that seemed to be tied to my feet. I growled. That bitch of a witch! Had she magicked some bindings onto me somehow? I flexed my impressive muscles to snap easily through the bindings as I’d done a dozen times before when fools tried to capture me, but they hardly gave at all, no matter how hard I strained. Shocked, I pulled harder at them, but still in vain. What mystical material was this that it could withstand the might of the most powerful man of the plains people?

  I heard scattered laughter around me, and someone hooted, “Look at her struggle, Azlato. She’s sure lost her nerve.”

  “No doubt because she finally understands how serious things have gotten, now,” I heard someone else say. Someone with my voice. What was happening?

  My vision started to clear, finally, and the first thing that swam into focus was an enormous pair of breasts directly in my downward-facing field of vision, tightly bound in strips of woven cloth. I was momentarily excited, until I realized the breasts were pointed the wrong direction — facing out from me. These were… these breasts appeared to be my breasts. I now looked around and realized a few other bizarre details. Like, for example, my elbows were firmly held in place by the rough hands of my own men, and my hands and feet were indeed hobbled by leather thongs. Plain leather.

  As I studied my slender arms and legs with growing horror, it occurred to me that the reason my powerful physique couldn’t burst through the bindings because I didn’t have a powerful physique anymore. I snapped my gaze up and saw an image I normally only saw in the polished sheen of a mirror: My own face, grinning at me with an expression of excitement and smug satisfaction. But this was no mirror.

  I watched as my old body pointed at me, trapped as I was, and he uttered, “I think it’s time for our little slave to learn her place.” He smiled a secret, horrifying smile at me which carried over the sure and certain knowledge that it was the witch currently piloting my body, just as I was piloting hers. Somehow the bitch of a witch had caused us to swap places!

  “Let me go immediately!” I roared. “As your chief, I command it! The witch has swapped places with me and the sorcery must be undone!” The words spilled out of my lips in an unfamiliar tongue and high-pitched, feminine voice that I recognized as Katjaka’s. I cursed myself for underestimating her. Jeriah had been more right than he knew.

  No one responded to my commands, at first. My men simply looked at me with expressions of mild amusement. Why would they listen to the feminine commands of a bound woman of our conquest spoils?

  “She’s speaking gibberish again,” one them said, leering at me.

  “No doubt poor Katjaka has simply exhausted her magical reserves and dropped her language enchantments,” the real Katjaka said from my body’s lips. I realized with a sinking horror that even though I could understand my old language, this body didn’t know how to speak it without magical assistance. A rising panic flared up in me, causing blood to rush to my face and breasts. Not only might I be stuck like this for a while, but I wouldn’t even be able to seek the help of my men. I struggled again at the bonds, to no avail. I was momentarily completely hel
pless to Katjaka’s whims. She smiled at me again like she knew exactly what I was thinking.

  “Now,” Katjaka said, crossing her newly powerful muscles across her chest and stretching my manly legs. “What was I saying? Ah yes. I was busy lecturing you about your place… as a woman. You’re clearly too defiant still, so let me drive the point home again. I’m very insistent on making it.” She gestured at my men. “Release her. I can handle her.”

  She walked up and seized the bonds holding my newly slender wrists in place, and I was distracted by the way my bound chest bobbled at the motion. I shrank back from her, wiggling my hips and still struggling at the bonds, but she held my wrists tightly and easily with a single, muscled arm.

  “Let me repeat my words again,” she told me, a wicked glint in her eye. “You are a woman. It is unfortunate for you that the gods cast you in such a soft, delightful form, made for the pleasure of men, but you must learn your place in this world. You are mine, and you will spend the rest of your days serving me and these men around me as your rightful superiors.”

  I gulped unhappily, my legendary courage failing me for the first time in my life. It wasn’t nearly as fun hearing those words spoken to me as it was to speak them to the thousands of women I’d ordered around at my pleasure.

  “And I will take such delight in your instruction,” she murmured, leaning close and staring into my eyes.

  Sorority Daze (Gender Swapped Coeds Book 1)


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