Infinitely Human

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Infinitely Human Page 12

by Candace Blevins

  “Probably,” I agreed. “I want to go home. We have to figure out a game plan.”

  “Not until you’re stronger.”

  “I don’t want to wear out my welcome with Bran. Nathan offered his place, but…” I didn’t have to explain why I didn’t want to go there. “After we eat, I’ll try to call Mordecai.”

  She gave me a concerned look. “Are you strong enough?”

  “Yes. I won’t try to go to him, because if I land in a battle I’ll be dead meat, but I can handle two fast trips to the nothingness and back.” I sighed. “If nothing else, perhaps the two of us can hang out at his house a few days.”

  She grinned. “Olympus? I know Adonis doesn’t do the same person twice, but I wouldn’t mind a second go.”

  I laughed. “I bet.”

  I prepared to step out, and reminded her, “I can’t come back here. I’ll land in the dungeon when I go out and back in.”

  Mordecai showed up looking exactly like a warrior-god. When he looked around and realized we were in a jail cell, he looked even more pissed.

  But then he must’ve sensed the problem, because his face went from angry to concerned, and he stepped to me and touched my injured shoulder.

  “What the fuck have you done, Kitten?”

  “Honey badger for the physical parts, which are healing, thanks to Bran, but someone tore into my energy field in the same spot. I don’t know who. They want me to think the honey badger did it, but it happened the next day.”

  “It can be the honey badger. Their bites are nasty, and all of it doesn’t happen at once.”

  He ran his hands from the top of my head, down my back all the way to my feet, and then up my front. Another swipe down both of my sides, and he pulled me to him.

  “Who healed you?”

  “Marco. Bran’s bodyguard, not the vampire.”

  “I’ll have to thank him. We need to do a better job of it, but he saved you.”

  “Abbott and Nathan gave me energy to keep me alive until I figured out the problem. I was worried Abbott had done it. He’s still pissed about Gavin.”

  “I don’t think so, but we can’t rule it out.”

  A guard opened the door to our cell and shook his head at me. “At least you aren’t bleedin’ this time.”

  He walked us down the hallway, up a flight of steps, and down another hallway to the Faraday cell.

  When he was gone, I told Mordecai. “I think my welcome at Bran’s might be wearing thin. I don’t want to go to Nathan’s, and I don’t want to put the bikers at risk. I won’t go to Abbott’s. Anywhere else the mists can’t get me? I hate having to hide, but I’m not in fighting form.”

  “I’ll take you and Cora to my house.” He looked at her. “You can have sex with my staff if you’d like.” He turned to me. “You may not. Under any circumstances.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Right. Okay. Agreed while I’m your guest, but not afterwards.”

  He glared at me, and I continued before he could argue. “Let’s find Bran so I can thank him for his hospitality and let him know we’re leaving. I’d love to make a quick stop by my house to pick up Smokey and some clothes.”

  “I’ve never had a dog in my home, but Smokey is welcome.”

  “Can I ask what happened to the, errr, creature you were fighting?”

  “He’s in a jail cell. I’ve been interrogating him.”

  I practically felt Cora cringe from three feet away, and she said, “Ouch.”


  A guard took us to Bran, who was most gracious, and didn’t seem at all happy to hear we were leaving. Perhaps I’d read him wrong earlier, but we were going to Mordecai’s and that was that.

  Mordecai took Cora and I each by a bicep, and stepped us to his house without having to stop in the nothingness on the way. He waited until we had our balance before stepping away.

  “Cora, please follow Caleb. He’ll show you to your room. Kirsten will stay in my room.”

  I started to argue, but the look on his face told me to close my mouth.

  And I did. For about ten seconds.

  “I’d rather stay with Cora, please.”

  He closed his eyes a few seconds, as if looking for strength, and looked perfectly reasonable when he opened them.

  Everything went silent around us, which meant no one would hear whatever he was about to say. I braced myself.

  “I need everyone to think we’re an item while you stay here. Please don’t be difficult, kitten.”

  I nodded. “Okay. Thanks for giving us a safe haven. Let me know what I can do to help.”

  “I don’t suppose telling you to do as you’re told will work?”

  “If you’ll let me know why something is important, then yeah, it will. I don’t blindly follow orders from anyone, but,” I shrugged. “Just let me know there’s a valid reason for the stuff you know I’m not going to like. Don’t be an asshole.”

  “If he’s who I believe he used to be, he’s kind of known for being an asshole,” Cora said, walking through the doorway back to us. She met Mordecai’s gaze. “Thank you for the lovely room. Is there anything I can do for you, while I’m here?”

  Even in Mordecai’s Bubble, Cora heard my thoughts, which let her hear the entire conversation. Interesting.

  “Help me keep this one alive and out of trouble.” The god-of-old turned to me. “First thing tomorrow morning, before you eat, I’m going to fill you with enough energy to stretch you. We need to test your energy field so we can fix any leaks. My pool has healing waters. Go for a swim. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  He disappeared, and Caleb said, “If you and your large dog will come with me, I’ll get you settled into the Master’s suite.”

  Cora came with us as well, and she stood in the doorway while Smokey and I went inside. Mordecai had sent my bag in here when he’d taken us to his living room, and it was on a bench at the side of the room.

  “Lunch is at noon, dinner is at six,” said Caleb. “If you or your wolf need nourishment at another time, please let me know. Just say my name and I’ll come.”

  Which meant he was always listening? Or that there was some kind of magical charm that notified him when we said it. I didn’t ask which. “Thank you, Caleb. I believe we’re going to change clothes and go for a swim.”

  “I’ll bring refreshments poolside.”


  Cora and I spent three days in paradise. Mordecai expanded my energy field twice, and it hurt just as bad as always — but no worse. He patched up holes when they formed, and finally declared me ready for battle. Never mind I didn’t feel up to it, he said I was.

  I’d worried about having to sleep in his bed every night, but he didn’t make it weird. In fact, most nights he didn’t come to bed until after I was asleep. We had morning sex once, and shower sex once, and of course sex while he expanded my energy field, but that was it. I barely saw him, and had the feeling he was doing more than just interrogating the velociraptor — and maybe they didn’t want me to call it that, but it’s what the damned thing was in my head.

  He had dinner with us on the third day, and when the world around us went quiet, I once again braced for bad news.

  “Apollonius is going to help me mist-proof your new property. An obfuscation spell will be part of it, and you’ll have to give people a key before they can step onto it. The two who make it can come onto it at will, and you. Should Cora learn to do it, we’ll give her one.”

  “How much?”

  “I’ll do it for free, Apollonius will do his part at half-price as a favor to me.”

  “How much is half price?” asked Cora.

  “Thirty grand, but you won’t have to build the pavilion.”

  She sighed. “I turned down the twenty-grand price.”

  “I’ll pay it,” I said. “It’ll be more than worth it, over time.”

  “No, I’ll go in halves with you. You’re right.”

  “My issues are making it necessary.”
/>   “But it’ll keep us and the Pack safer. Halves.”

  “Ya’ll sound like an old married couple.” Mordecai leaned over and filled my water goblet from a pitcher on the table. “I’m not happy about you agreeing to help Ryan. Why was I not told of this?”

  “It doesn’t matter. He didn’t end up having to protect me, since I came here.” Mordecai’s glare told me that wasn’t an answer, and I rolled my eyes. “Sorry, I didn’t think to tell you. Once I’m in fighting form again, I’ll probably help him even though he didn’t have to do anything. He’s searching for someone I want to find anyway, so it all works out.”

  “Caleb’s grown attached to Smokey. He may stay here while you’re gone, if you’d like.”

  “Kenny’s staying at the property,” said Cora. “Smokey will be more comfortable there. He’s fine here with us, but won’t be happy if we leave him.”

  “She’s right, but I appreciate the offer.”

  “I can’t let you go off gallivanting around with Bran’s blood in you.”

  “You’d rather I be dead than Lugat? I’m safer with his blood in me. I heal faster if it isn’t life threatening, and I can see, hear, and smell better.”

  He sighed. “I worry, Kitten.”

  “And I truly appreciate that, but I have to do this.”

  “I thought we had to live on the property long enough for it to feel like ours before any protection spells could be put on it?” Cora asked.

  “Abbott needed more of an imprint than I will. The property and porch have your energy. It’s enough, for now. Kenny called on some of the wolves who intend to oath to you, so they can be present when we do it. If it needs touching up later, we can come back six weeks after the oathing ceremony — no extra charge.” He looked outside, to the sky, and looked back. “We’ll leave shortly. You’re both packed?”

  “I don’t want Smokey to go.” We all turned to the doorway, and Caleb added, “He keeps me from being afraid.”

  I closed my eyes because I suddenly understood. “Phobos. You’re…” I turned to Mordecai. “You have kids. A lot of kids.”

  “I’ve lived a very long time, Kitten.”

  Yeah, that was the problem.

  I turned back to Caleb. “I’m glad Smokey helped keep you from being afraid, but he has to come home with me. Perhaps you can look into getting your own Newf — one who’ll be your dog, not someone else’s.”

  He looked to Mordecai as if silently asking, and I swear the ancient god looked like he was dealing with a teen. “We’ll see.”

  “Our bags are all on the bed in the master suite,” I told Mordecai.

  He nodded, and we were suddenly on the back porch of our small house.

  “A little warning might be nice,” I told him.

  “I trust you had a nice rest,” Apollonius said from behind me. I spun to face him, and he was seated comfortably.

  “We did. Cora sparred with me and deemed me back in fighting form, and Mordecai says my energy leaks have been fixed.”

  “You chose your property well. If you will allow me to put a small cabin in an out of the way place — a spot to come when I need to get away, I’ll provide services free of charge.”

  Apollonius is scary powerful, and he’s made it clear he’ll take me in if the Concilio isn’t comfortable with my abilities or actions. Did we really want him close? But then again, did we want to turn him down? I looked to Cora.

  “Once we have the big house built, this one will serve as a guest house, of sorts. When we have room, and have nothing going on that might preclude having you present, you’ll be welcome to stay. If you’d like to set up a tent or even bring a camper in for short stays elsewhere on the property, just check with us before you set up, please.”

  He breathed in, and seemed to grow. “This is an acceptable offer. Thank you for extending hospitality. I asked your wolves to get comfortable on the field destined to be your ceremonial grounds, in preparation for the energy Mordecai and I will be bringing in. If the two of you will join them, please?”

  I nodded, grasped Cora’s arm, and took us through the nothingness to get there.

  I hadn’t expected to see so many people. Not just Kenny, but a dozen faces I recognized from Drake Security, and another dozen people I’d seen at Randall’s but didn’t know.

  Kenny hugged me first, then Ranger, and he held onto me. “We were worried. Your energy feels good, are you healed?”

  “I am. Cora’s sparred with me and says I’m back in fighting form. I know I still smell a little of Lugat, but I’ve been trying to work it through my system.”

  “While we have so many here,” said Cora, “I’d like to have a discussion. There’s precedent for inviting mates to the oathing ceremony. Traditionally, it’s limited to those taking part in the ceremony, but when the Alpha is mated, it’s acceptable to allow mates to observe from an outside position. I’m not mated, but my wolf is connected to Kirsten. Many of you are mated — do you want them present? I’m honestly good either way. There will be decisions I’ll have to make even when they go against the common wishes, but in this, I’m good with going with your preference.”

  “I think allowing Bethany and Jonathan to watch would be powerful,” said Ranger.

  Cora stood back and let them discuss it, and it sounded like most were in favor. Everyone quieted when Mordecai and Apollonius neared, and I noted they’d chose to walk to us, rather than just appear.

  “Before we do this,” said Mordecai, “I’d like you to all take part in moving a boulder onto the field.”

  Thirty minutes later, those who were already Pack — either under Patrick or Randall — were sitting on the boulder, those who weren’t, stood around it. There are rules against lone wolves using magic, so this was the way it had to be until they were an official Pack wolf.

  Cora and I sat in the center, facing each other, and the other wolves sat in a circle around us. Ranger sat behind me, Kenny sat behind Cora. They had their hands on our shoulders, and the rest of the circle held hands, with the two closest to Ranger and Kenny holding onto their arm.

  This was supposed to be Cora’s show, so I telepathed, Tell me when you’re ready.

  I’m ready when you are.

  I reversed the gravity polarity of me, Cora, the boulder, and everyone on it. A collective gasp went up when we rose, and I opened my eyes and maneuvered us through the woods. A few times, I had to set it on the ground while those around us cut a tree down to make room. I didn’t dare fly above the treetops — someone might see.

  Once I got it up, Cora could steer it, so I traveled backwards and she went forwards. She had a little trouble getting it exactly where she wanted once we were in the field, so she used telepathy to guide me.

  Everyone clapped when it came down for the final time, and I breathed in the energy. I couldn’t wait until we were all a Pack. They were all a Pack. Not me.

  “Well done,” said Apollonius. “If we can get all of you on the boulder now, please?”

  The boulder was about the size of a thousand square foot house, and I doubted most humans would be able to scale it. Kendra’s boyfriend Eric could, but I’d used levitation to assist when I’d climbed. The wolves, however, scrambled up with no problem.

  And then Mordecai and Apollonius did their thing, and no one said a word. I’ve never felt that kind of energy before. It was uncomfortable without being painful, and I could almost sense what they were doing. I felt the protection part of it, and the obfuscation part. I felt when they keyed into my soul energy to allow me entrance through the nothingness.

  When the energies faded, I levitated off the boulder. It felt as if the wolves needed to bond, and I was an outsider.

  I landed in front of Apollonius. “Thank you. I’m guessing we’re about to put a whole lot of meat on the grill, along with some veggies for me. You’re more than welcome to stay and eat with us.”

  He paused, as if checking on something. “I need to touch base with someone, but I can return in abo
ut half an hour. I would enjoy spending time with you and Cora together.”

  “I look forward to seeing you.”

  He disappeared, and Mordecai stepped to me.

  “Abbott won’t like the fact you went over his head to get this done.”

  “He’s already mad at me. He’ll manage.”

  “Tell him I arranged it and you didn’t want to anger Apollonius. Try your best to smooth it over, Kitten.”

  I nodded. He was right, but I was tired of dealing with the Master Vampire’s issues. If he’d truly wanted to rein Gavin in, he would’ve. I couldn’t lash out at Abbott, but I was just as ticked at him as I was with Gavin.

  But I was going to have to move past it.

  “Nathan’s on his way up the mountain,” said Mordecai. “You’re going to have to find a way to make nice with him, too.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Thanks for the warning. Are you going to stay and eat?”

  “No. I’m on my way to purchase a Newfie puppy and take it to my son, thanks to you.”

  I laughed, and he tousled my hair. “Eat, and enjoy this first time you get to host some of your wolves. They aren’t yours yet, but close enough.”

  “They’ll be Cora’s wolves. Not mine.”

  Kitten, Cora is yours and they will be hers. What’s hers is yours.

  I shook my head. Cora and I belong to each other.

  “Give me a hug before I go.”

  We ended up feeding the construction crew — all shapeshifters who worked for Randall, thankfully — along with Nathan, Apollonius, and most of the wolves who’d come to help anchor the spell. People sat at the long table, in the various seating areas on the porch, and on benches just outside.

  I sat with Nathan and Apollonius, and watched the wolves cut up and tease each other. One big happy family, already.

  And then another vehicle pulled up, and I sensed fear and loathing from most of the wolves. I sent feelers out, and realized it was Ryan.


  I stood. “He’s probably here to see me. If he comes after any of you, I’ll personally protect you.”

  I walked around the house and towards his four-wheel drive… something. It looked a little like the contraptions the weather chasers have. He tilted his head towards the passenger side, and I walked around it and got in.


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