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B00DPX9ST8 EBOK Page 29

by Parkin, Lance

  The Doctor met Emperor Joseph II of Austria-Hungary. [770] Cessair posed as Lady Montcalm and was painted by Ramsay. [771] In September 1781, Jane Hallam - the wife of Henry Hallam, one of Mel’s ancestors - died from a horse-riding accident. [772]

  1781 (12th December) to 1782 (June) -

  Catch-1782 [773]

  Melanie Bush arrived through time from 2003, and the transition left her extremely confused and disorientated. Henry Hallam cared for her and, failing to recognise Mel as one of his descendants, became intent on making her his second wife. The sixth Doctor and Mel’s uncle, John Hallam, arrived and intervened. The travellers returned with Mel to the twenty-first century, and Henry eventually married his housekeeper, Mrs McGregor. Henry’s journal and other documents from the period would note the existence of “Eleanor Hallam” - actually Mel, who was erroneously believed to have been born about 1760 and died in 1811.

  1782 (20th March) to 1783 (13th February) -

  The Adventuress of Henrietta Street [774]

  At the limit of human consciousness was the “horizon”, and beyond that was the Kingdom of the Beasts and the babewyns, bestial ape creatures. The destruction of Gallifrey destabilised time, allowing the babewyns to escape to Earth as humans were beginning to conceive of time as a dimension.

  The eighth Doctor arrived in this era, suffering physical symptoms as a result of his being linked to his homeworld, which no longer existed. He allied himself with a brothel owner and ritualist, Scarlette. Together, they agreed that the Doctor should marry Juliette, a young woman working in the brothel, as this would link him to Earth and allow him to serve as its protector.

  The Doctor came to the attention of Sabbath, who thought the Doctor had brought the babewyns to Earth. Sabbath was building a time machine, the Jonah. The Doctor and Sabbath teamed up upon realising they both wished to repel the monsters. Juliette abandoned the Doctor for Sabbath, so the Doctor instead married Scarlette in the Caribbean. The Doctor’s illness got worse, and the babewyns transported his party to their domain (possibly the ruins of Gallifrey). Sabbath saved the Doctor by removing one of his hearts.

  The babewyns assaulted Scarlette’s brothel, and Scarlette was believed killed in the fighting. The Doctor defeated the babewyns, and beheaded the King of Beasts with the sonic screwdriver. A funeral was held for Scarlette on 9th February, 1783, but she had survived and parted company with the Doctor on 13th February.

  After implanting the Doctor’s heart in his chest, Sabbath gained the ability to travel through time. The Doctor wrote the novel The Ruminations of a Foreign Traveller in his Element during this time.

  1783 (4th-10th December) - Dead of Winter [775]

  Dr Bloom, the head of a clinic in St. Christophe, Italy, preformed miracle cures in conjunction with a water-dwelling hive-creature that had visited Earth at various times. The creature could heal disease, and also generated Familiars: ghost-like recreations of lost loved ones. A Familiar had raised Prince Boris, a Russian aristocrat, and cured him of his wasting disease. The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory were present as Boris tried to use the creature’s psionic abilities to conquer the world. A distraught Bloom fatally shot the Doctor after learning that his wife Perdita was also a Familiar. The hive-creature exploded after healing the Doctor, unable to process the weight of his life’s memories. Many of Bloom’s patients, including Boris, regained their ailments. Two last Familiars remained: an 11-year-old girl named Maria and her mother, both of whom were unaware of their true nature.

  Sir Percival Flint excavated a fogou in Cornwall in 1783 and heard ghastly screams. [776] The TARDIS wine cellar contained a bottle of 1784 Madeira, which was the property of Benjamin Franklin. [777] The Pathfinders - androids who prided themselves on “always getting their man”, i.e. obliterating their opposition - participated in what would become one of the most pointless interplanetary wars in modern history. [778] The insectoid Hexagora colonised Zagara IX and came into conflict with the Agelli - hostile ape-like creatures native to the Acteon galaxy, but had ventured into the Milky Way. The Hexagora obliterated the Agelli warfleet - one hundred thousand starships were destroyed, and the cause of the Agelli defeat would remain a mystery. [779]

  c 1784 - Helicon Prime [780]

  Mindy ‘Voir believed the second Doctor had made off with the prized memory bank of the Fennus colony, and travelled back to eighteenth century Scotland to see if Jamie knew its location. The data bank was a pendant around Jamie’s neck - and when Mindy attacked Jamie, it absorbed her, trapping her mind with the memories of the Fennus colonists.

  c 1786 - The Glorious Revolution [781]

  Jamie McCrimmon had married a young woman named Kirsty, and they’d had “more bairns than there are days in the week”. Their children had grown up, and made them grandparents.

  A representative of the Celestial Intervention Agency visited Jamie about forty years after he’d encountered the Doctor, having detected a fluctuation in Earth’s timeline.

  (=) Jamie’s encounter with King James VIII in 1688 had created a paradoxical timeline in which the king never left England and stayed on the throne, causing the ascension of King Charles III. The CIA operative stabilized the temporal integrity of Jamie’s past self in 1688, enabling him to put history right...

  Jamie decided that he’d had a full life and was better off not knowing about his adventures with the Doctor. At Jamie’s request, the CIA agent re-instated his memory block.

  In the late 1780s, Montague and Tackleton, a firm making dolls’ houses, scandalously made a house that resembled the haunted Ilbridge House. [782] In 1788, the Nemesis Bow was stolen from Windsor Castle. [783] Fitz’s great-great-grandfather and his twin, Freddie Tarr and Neville Fitzwilliam Tarr, were born in 1790. [784]

  c 1791 - “The World Shapers” [785]

  The sixth Doctor, Peri and Frobisher arrived in the Scottish Highlands, looking for Jamie and clues about the mysterious Planet 14. The Time Lords had failed to erase Jamie’s memory after all, and he was now known as “Mad Jamie” because he had told people about his adventures with the Doctor. Jamie remembered the reference to Planet 14 - the Cybermen referred to it when they invaded Earth. The Doctor let Jamie go back to Marinus with him, dematerialising the TARDIS in front of the other villagers to prove that Jamie wasn’t mad.

  The Doctor claimed to be the first person to spin a jenny. [786] The first Doctor met James Watt, an engineer who influenced the Industrial Revolution. [787] Auderly House was built in Georgian times. [788]

  In the late eighteenth century, a cabin boy named Varney served aboard a treasure galleon. A storm left him shipwrecked, and he wasn’t seen for five years. During that time, the last of the Curcurbites entered “communion” with Varney, altered his blood and gifted him with a knowledge of biochemistry. He rejoined civilisation as a vampire pirate, made his fortune and settled on an island in the Atlantic. Like Varney, his descendents worked toward the Curcurbite’s restitution. [789]

  The French Revolution

  This was the Doctor’s favourite period of Earth history. [790] Susan visited France at this time with the first Doctor. [791] A rack used at the Bastille would later, in German-occupied Paris, be occupied by Lucie Miller. [792]

  In 1791, the first Doctor and Susan were imprisoned in Paris, but escaped by using an artillery shell. Transcripts of the Doctor’s interrogation would end up with the Shadow Directory. [793] It was the Doctor and Susan’s first-ever visit to Earth. It demonstrated to the Doctor that the old order could be toppled, and that people wanted freedom and a hope for the future. [794]

  Mozart hated cats. [795]

  (=) 1791 (5th December) - 100: “My Own Private Wolfgang” [796]

  A Mozart clone from the far future travelled back in time, intending to damage the reputation of his original self. He appeared, masked, at the dying Mozart’s bedside and offered him immortality in exchange for his producing a new symphony every year. Mozart agreed, and the clone pumped him full of self-regenerating fluid, curing
his tuberculosis. As the clone intended, Mozart lived for centuries - and proved the rule that while the good die young, the mediocre stick around forever.

  The sixth Doctor and Evelyn convinced Mozart to not sign the life-extending deal. To hobble Mozart’s reputation just a little, the Doctor - with Mozart’s consent - tore out the last twelve pages of his finished Requiem.

  The Doctor met Marie Antoinette and obtained a lockpick from her. [797] The Doctor claimed to have been invited into Marie Antoinette’s boudoir. [798] He judged that Marie Antoinette had a lovely cook, and decided that eating cake was a good way of passing the time. [799] The Meddling Monk claimed to have cakes from the kitchen of Marie Antoinette. [800]

  In 1791, the fifth Doctor, Tegan and Turlough were dining at the Cafe de Saint Joseph in Aix-en-Provence when they were accidentally scooped up by the Crystal Bucephalus and whisked thousands of years into the future. [801] In 1793, the attempted opening of Devil’s Hump by Sir Percival Flint resulted in disaster. [802] The Daniells brothers unearthed a statuette of a dancer in Pakistan in 1793. [803] In 1793, the actor Robert Dodds built Banquo Manor using money he inherited. The rumour was that Dodds had murdered his aunt for her money. [804]

  1794 (late July) - The Reign of Terror [805]

  The first Doctor and his companions landed in France during the Reign of Terror. Ian met the British spy James Stirling, but Barbara and Susan were arrested as aristocrats and sentenced to the guillotine. Posing as a Citizen, the Doctor rescued his companions. Ian and Barbara helped Stirling to identify Napoleon as the next ruler of France, but were unable to prevent his predecessor, Robespierre, from being arrested.

  (=) A group of curious aliens performed experiments on reality control and used a “world-machine” device to slip the entire Earth out of N-Space. The planet was remade according to the philosophies of a single human: the Marquis de Sade. However, the world-machine’s operator threw off the aliens’ control and became Minski, a dwarf. Minski created an automaton of the Marquis, who began ruling France the day Robespierre was arrested, and the real Marquis was imprisoned. The fake Marquis ruled France, with Minski as his deputy, for ten years. [806]

  1794 (August) - World Game [807]

  The immortal Players interfered in Earth history for their amusement. After an attempt to kill the future Duke of Wellington failed, the opposing Player countermoved by having Napoleon arrested.

  The second Doctor and Serena - an ambitious Time Lady sent to keep him in check - arrived in Antibes to monitor the time disturbances caused by the Players’ actions. The Doctor saved Napoleon from execution and came into contact with the Countess, one of the Players, who was working to see Napoleon defeat the British. The Doctor worked out that she hoped to kill Nelson and Wellington, and that the two only met once, in 1805. The Doctor and Serena departed for that meeting.

  In 1795, the Directory was running France after Robespierre’s arrest. They learned of many unusual visitations and encounters on Earth, and set up the Shadow Directory to capture or destroy such things. At some point, the Shadow Directory autopsied a Time Lord and knew of them as les betes aux deux coeurs, or “the devils with two hearts”. One of the Shadow Directory’s agents, the psychic aristocrat Marielle Duquesne, investigated the Beautiful Shining Daughters of Hysteria in Munchen. [808]

  Samuel Taylor Coleridge was the “last man” to have read every book in circulation; he was the last true “universal expert”. But as a result, he kept falling asleep and forgetting his poems. [809] The Doctor met the artist Turner. [810] The Quoth gave psychic abilities to the toymaker Montague in 1797. [811] In 1798, Napoleon undertook an expedition to colonise Egypt. He entered the Great Pyramid, and was mentally influenced to dig out the sand-covered Sphinx. [812]

  1798 - Set Piece [813]

  Benny fled the robot Ants, and ended up with archaeologist Vivant Denon as he began to uncover ancient Egyptian treasures for Napoleon. She located the TARDIS, thanks to a message Ace left in 1366 BC, and programmed it to find the Doctor. It did so in Paris, 1871.

  The Doctor had a close friendship with Wordsworth, and was present when the writer did a first draft of his most famous poem. [814] Robert Dodds was murdered at Banquo Manor in 1798. A Time Lord agent was dispatched to wait for the Doctor, who eventually showed up a century later. [815] In 1799, Mother Mathara of Faction Paradox and two thousand refugees from Ordifica arrived from 2596. They began building the city of Anathema. With the help of the remembrance tanks that Mathara left, this society would become the Remote. [816]

  1799 (9th November to 25th December) - Christmas on a Rational Planet [817]

  Napoleon returned to France from Egypt, shutting down the Directory and replacing it with the Consulate. The Shadow Directory secretly survived. The mysterious Cardinal Scarlath gave the Vatican’s Collection of Necessary Secrets certain documents that described the creation of ancient Egyptian civilisation by a one-eyed monster.

  Roz Forrester accidentally ended up in Woodwicke, New York state, after investigating a temporal anomaly in 2012. She set herself up as a fortune-teller and met Samuel Lincoln, whom she mistook for an ancestor of Abraham Lincoln. Roz planned to assassinate Samuel, thus changing history and enabling the seventh Doctor to locate her.

  The Doctor arrived and stopped Roz, but a vast psychic disturbance started in the town. This was caused by the Carnival Queen, also known as Cacophony, who sought to create an irrational universe. The Queen was releasing irrational gynoid monsters into the area, and sought to create further disruption through the latently telepathic Chris Cwej. He chose Reason over the Carnival Queen’s irrationality, and the defeated Queen departed into eternity, where she hoped to inspire more ideas.

  The Doctor learned afterwards that the TARDIS had planted a memory in Chris’ mind that swayed his decision, as the TARDIS feared becoming denationalised under the Queen’s rule. Jake McCrimmon, agent of the American Special Congress, investigated the aftermath.

  The Nineteenth Century

  Lord Aldbourne formed a branch of the Hellfire Club and played at devil worship. [818] The Doctor brought the ornithologist James Bond to the 1800s to see a live Dodo. [819] The Doctor met Beethoven. [820] He learned tracking skills from the Arapaho tribe, who were experts in pursuing buffalo across the American plains. [821]

  Mind parasites, the Racht, germinated throughout space via “seed discs”. One such disc infected a town in Norfolk in the 1800s; the fifth Doctor and Nyssa cleansed the populace, but the seed disc went missing. [822]

  (=) By this time, Katsura Sato had conquered the Earth. He renamed the world Dhakan. [823]

  A sentient planet birthed grub-creatures that ravaged her resources and returned nothing. The planet then birthed a warrior race, the Metatraxi, to eliminate the grubs. The Metatraxi developed a highly refined sense of honour and left their homeworld, returning only to supply their Great Mother planet with minerals. Some grubs survived, off world. [824]

  1800 (December) - Foreign Devils [825]

  The Emperor became sickened by the foreign-sponsored opium trade afflicting China, and ordered the removal of all “foreign devils”. The Chief Astrologer to the Emperor placed a curse on one such opium trader, Roderick Upcott. The curse was designed to first endow the Upcott family with prosperity, making their inevitable downfall all the more crushing.

  The TARDIS arrived in China, and while the second Doctor was caught up with local politics, Jamie and Zoe disappeared through a “spirit gate” - a stone ring traditionally designed to keep demons at bay. The Doctor realised the gate was a teleporter and used the TARDIS to follow his companions to 1900.

  (=) 1804 - The Man in the Velvet Mask [826]

  The first Doctor and Dodo arrived on Earth, which had been remade ten years ago by a world-machine. The dwarf Minski, in control of the remade France, attempted to start a war between France, Britain and America that would spread a virus. Anyone infected would have fallen under Minski’s control. Minski’s plan fell to ruin and he was killed. Dodo a
cquired Minski’s virus while sleeping with an actor named Dalville, but the virus was harmless without its creator. The Doctor and the real Marquis de Sade sabotaged the world-machine, and the machine’s creators returned Earth to N-Space, erasing this history.

  c 1805 (November) - The Rising Night [827]

  In Thornton Rising, Yorkshire, the last of the Baobhan Sith was freed from its cairn. Its spaceship projected a force field that trapped the locals within, and kept the sun at bay. Three weeks later, the tenth Doctor confronted the Baobhan as it infected other women with its taint and started slaughtering the men of the town. The Doctor deactivated the force field, slaying those with Baobhan DNA via exposure to ultraviolet. A tainted young woman named Charity survived, and the Doctor - possibly after a few side-adventures with her - relocated Charity to a planet where the sun never rose.

  Events in Thornton Rising were attributed to the Devil’s work, and that the village was removed from all the maps of the kingdom, as if it had never existed.

  1805 - TimeH: The Clockwork Woman [828]

  The time travellers Honoré Lechasseur and Emily Blandish helped a clockwork woman named Dove - the creation of Sir Edward Fanshawe, a genius builder - to become self-actualised. Dove was influenced by the writings of Mary Wollstonecraft, and pledged to become a writer who advocated gender equality.

  Nelson “was a personal friend” of the Doctor. [829] The Doctor breakfasted with Nelson in 1805, the day before Nelson’s final battle with Napoleon at Trafalgar. [830] The Doctor was “instrumental” at Trafalgar. [831] His sextant calculated the position of Napoleon’s fleet. [832]


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