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B00DPX9ST8 EBOK Page 34

by Parkin, Lance

  There was a single account of a pocket of dinosaurs surviving on one plateau in Central Africa, but most scientists and reporters, including a young Arthur Conan Doyle, dismissed it as the ravings of a madman:

  “The pygmies from the Oluti Forest led me blindfold for three whole days through uncharted jungle. They took me to a swamp full of giant lizards, like giant dinosaurs.” [1080]

  1883 - Ghost Light [1081]

  While Light slumbered, the Survey Unit assisting him had established itself in Gabriel Chase north of London as Josiah Samuel Smith, arch-advocate of Darwinist theories. Two years after Inspector Mackenzie vanished while investigating the goings-on at the house, Smith was plotting to use a pass to Buckingham Palace given to his associate - the adventurer Redvers Fenn-Cooper - to assassinate Queen Victoria and bring new order to the “anarchic” British Empire. The seventh Doctor brought Ace to Gabriel Chase to confront her having burned it down in a hundred years’ time. Light awoke and sought to destroy Earth in a firestorm, but was goaded by the Doctor into dispersing itself. Josiah and Light’s Control Unit swapped places on the evolutionary ladder. Control, Fenn-Cooper, the servant Nimrod and the diminished Josiah left in Light’s spaceship, and the house remained abandoned for a century.

  The seventh Doctor knew “a nice little restaurant on the Khyber Pass”.

  The Torchwood Institute learned about events pertaining to the Doctor, Krakatoa and Gabriel Chase. [1082] Justine McManus, later Cousin Justine of Faction Paradox, was born to Jake McManus. [1083]

  On 23rd December, 1883, Major Henry Rathbone - his mental health having deteriorated after witnessing Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, and after being repeatedly stabbed at the event - murdered his wife Clara. [1084] In 1884, a book was published detailing many types of Amazonian fungus. [1085] Robert Lewis Stevenson gifted the Doctor with a tumbler of whiskey. [1086]

  1884 - SJA: The Ghost House [1087]

  The genocidal war criminals Skak and Efnol fled from the twenty-first century to a Victorian villa built in 1865, and attempted to produce a time bubble that, when shattered, would help them escape but destroy Earth in the process. Sarah Jane, Luke, Clyde and Rani briefly went back to 1884 and thwarted their plan. An alien bounty hunter - whose name translated in Russian to “Death Kill Massacre” - took the criminals away for trial.

  c 1885 - Peacemaker [1088]

  The tenth Doctor and Martha learned that a smallpox outbreak in the Wild West town of Redwater, Colorado, had been contained by a travelling salesman: Alvin Godlove. They were attacked by gunslingers with energy weapons, but escaped and discovered that Godlove was making a fortune from his miracle cures. The Doctor determined the involvement of the Clades, sentient weapons whose only rationale was to destroy; Godlove’s miracle cure was part of the Clades’ self-repair system. The Doctor destroyed the Clade before they “sterilised” the Earth.

  1885 - Timelash [1089]

  Vena, the daughter of a Councillor on Karfel, was transported to Earth in the timelash and met Herbert George Wells, who was conducting an experiment with a ouija board. Wells travelled to Karfel with the sixth Doctor, and the experience inspired him, upon his return home, to write his scientific romances.

  The Doctor helped “Bertie Wells” with invisibility experiments. [1090] He discovered that H.G. Wells was a ladies man. [1091] The Doctor met the mystic Madame Blavatsky. [1092]

  Lady Clemency Eddison met and fell in love with a man named Christopher, actually a Vespiform in human guise, in India in 1885. She became pregnant by Eddison - who died when the Jumna river flooded - and returned to England, secretly giving birth the following year. The child would become the Reverend Arnold Golightly. [1093]

  c 1887 - Zygons: The Barnacled Baby [1094]

  The Zygon named Demeris, the sole survivor of a wrecked expedition that was searching for Zygon colonies, became part of Jethro’s Travelling Freak Show as “the Barnacled Baby”. Phineas T. Barnum expressed interest in buying the Baby, or at least arranging for him to be on display in New York. Demeris’ notoriety gained him an audience with Queen Victoria - he subdued the queen, adopted her form and went forth to rule the British Empire...

  1887 - All-Consuming Fire [1095]

  Sherlock Holmes and Dr Watson were travelling through Austria on the Orient Express when the train was stopped by Pope Leo XIII. The Pope commissioned Holmes to investigate the theft of occult books from the Library of St. John the Beheaded. With help from the seventh Doctor, Ace and Benny, Holmes discovered that his eldest brother Sherringford had allied himself with the Baron Maupertuis. They planned to use incantations in the books to open a gateway to the planet of Ry’leh. Sherringford was under the thrall of the Great Old One named Azathoth, and hoped this would facilitate her escape to Earth. Maupertuis and Sherringford were both killed, and the Doctor transported Azathoth and her followers to 1906, where they also perished. The Doctor and Holmes sealed the portal to Ry’leh forever.

  Arthur Conan Doyle would later write the book All-Consuming Fire, but it never saw print.

  The Doctor told Ace that he met Sherlock Holmes. [1096] After leaving the Doctor’s company in 1871, Ace became lovers with Count Nikolai Sorin, the great grandfather of Captain Sorin. They pretended to be married, but Ace’s violent nature frightened the Count, and he left her. Ace continued travelling on her time-hopper, and would attend the wedding of Bernice Summerfield in 2010. [1097]

  The inventor Sir Joseph Montague obtained a probe from the future, and incorporated it into the metal mind of his Difference Golem: a robot named Adam. Montague established a factory so that Adam’s offspring could eliminate the need for human servants, which he viewed as a form of slavery. The events of Bloody Sunday, 1887, made Montague fear that his robots would be misused for injustice or war, and he deactivated them all. [1098]

  In 1888, the Doctor gained a medical degree in Glasgow under Lister. [1099] Around that time, he sparred with John L Sullivan, the first modern world heavyweight champion. [1100] The Doctor discovered the truth behind the mysterious Pale Man in nineteenth-century Whitechapel. [1101]

  In the Winter Gardens in Berlin, 1888, Miss Alice Bultitude was in the front row of the stalls as Toby the Sapient Pig’s European tour opened. Toby performed with such entertainers as Professor Prometheus, the fireproof Secasian, the “incomparable” Hildebrand and the Blondin Donkey. Bultitude would also attend Toby’s farewell concert at the Black Castle, Alhambra, and acquire a first edition copy of his memoirs. [1102]

  @ 1888 - The Ancestor Cell [1103]

  Compassion brought the eighth Doctor to Earth to recuperate following Gallifrey’s destruction. He woke up in a carriage with no memory of what had happened, and found he possessed a tiny cube, all that remained of his TARDIS.

  @ The Doctor was found wandering and was placed on a hospital ward for five days. [1104] He travelled in England for a few years, still having no memories. [1105]

  Jack the Ripper

  1888 (30th September) - The Pit [1106]

  The seventh Doctor and William Blake were conveyed by a space-time tear to the East End at the time of the Jack the Ripper murders, then departed to the late twentieth century.

  1888 (30th September) - “Ripper’s Curse” [1107]

  The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory intended to watch Accrington Stanley play football in London, but instead materialised just after Jack the Ripper - actually a ferocious alien reptile, a Re’nar, using a shimmer suit to disguise itself as human - murdered Long Lizzie Stride. The Doctor’s psychic paper helped to establish Amy and Rory’s credentials as Miss Marple and Inspector Clouseau of CSI London, and then named Rory as the Earl of Upper Leadworth, Conan Doyle’s inspiration for Sherlock Holmes.

  Amy remembered that the Ripper would next murder Catherine Eddowes, who died later that very night. She led the police to the scene... to find that Eddowes had already been murdered. The Doctor was found kneeling over her dead body, and was arrested on suspicion of being the Ripper. He was quickly released by In
spector Abbeline, the detective investigating the Ripper crimes.

  Mary Warner was fated to become the Ripper’s final victim, and Amy was horrified to learn that the Doctor planned to let Warner die because each of the Ripper’s victims was a static point in space and time, and couldn’t be altered. Amy warned Mary anyway, but she didn’t listen. The Doctor discovered that an alien Ju’wes was passing as Sir Charles Warren of Scotland Yard, and had pursued the Re’nar from the future. The Re’nar was committing the murders with the intent of discrediting the Ju’wes, retroactively undermining them in the Re’nar/Ju’wes war to come. The Doctor was convinced by Amy that they should try to save Warner, and jumped forward five weeks in the TARDIS...

  (=) 1888 (9th November) - “Ripper’s Curse” [1108]

  Mary Warner was Jack the Ripper’s final victim.

  Amy’s warning to Mary Warner five weeks previous had altered time - she had survived, but the Ripper instead killed Mary Kelly. The Re’nar-Ripper captured Amy, and the Doctor and Rory took the TARDIS to 2011 to examine the historical alteration. They returned forewarned that the Ripper would kill both Amy and Mary Warner. The Ripper took Amy and Mary to a cellar, but they escaped. The Ju’wes posing as Warner pulled the Re’nar into an unstable space-time tunnel, killing them both.

  1888 (November) - Matrix [1109]

  The Valeyard now had control of the Dark Matrix - the embodiment of the dark thoughts of the Time Lord minds within the Matrix - and journeyed with it to Whitechapel, 1888. While the Dark Matrix lodged itself in a tomb, the Valeyard renamed himself “the Ripper” and set about killing prostitutes. The Dark Matrix fed off the psychic potential of these murders.

  The seventh Doctor and Ace arrived from an alternate timeline in 1963, and the Doctor was mentally assaulted by the Dark Matrix so much, he downloaded his mind into a telepathic circuit. The amnesiac Doctor became a cardshark named Johnny, and was aided by a man named Joseph Liebermann (possibly the Wandering Jew of legend), even as Ace tried to make ends meet as a maid.

  The Doctor’s memories were restored, and he confronted the Valeyard. The Dark Matrix imploded, and the Valeyard was struck by lightning and killed.

  1888 (November) - A Good Man Goes to War [1110]

  The Silurian warrior Madame Vastra had become an adventuress in London alongside her human companion Jenny. On the very night that Vastra caught and ate Jack the Ripper, the Doctor sought Vastra’s help in storming Demon’s Run and saving Amy.

  1889 - SJA: Lost in Time [1111]

  Sarah Jane Smith was transported to the wrong time zone on her mission to find a piece of chronosteel, and met the ghost-hunter Emily Morris. The chronosteel had taken the form of a key, and was causing a temporal overlap with a future time in which two children were under threat from a fire. Sarah and Emily used the chronosteel key to open the children’s bedroom door, saving their lives. A mishap caused Sarah to return to 2010 without the key. Emily kept it, went on to become a doctor and founded a hospital for children.

  1889 - “The Time Machination” [1112]

  “Jonathan Smith”, a time traveller from the mid-fifty-first century, became an acquaintance of H.G. Wells as part of a scheme to kill the fourth Doctor and avert Magnus Greel’s demise. The tenth Doctor learned of Smith’s plot, and collaborated with Wells to thwart it. Robert Lewis and Eliza Cooper of Torchwood were tricked into thinking that Smith was the Doctor, and imprisoned him. They also learned that the Doctor had the ability to change his appearance. Wells said goodbye to the Doctor and vowed to start writing a story called “The Time Machine”.

  By this time, Torchwood had hubs in Cardiff, Glasgow and the West India Docks.

  Torchwood subsequently dissected Mr Smith. [1113]

  c 1889 - The Talons of Weng-Chiang [1114]

  The fourth Doctor and Leela arrived in London during the middle of Li H’sen Chang’s search for the time cabinet of Magnus Greel, a war criminal who had escaped the fifty-first century. Greel himself lurked in the sewers, reliant on draining the life force of young women to continue surviving. He had brought the Peking Homunculus with him to act as his agent. With the help of an eminent pathologist, Professor Litefoot, and the manager of the Palace Theatre, Henry Gordon Jago, the Doctor tracked Magnus Greel to his lair and destroyed him and the Homunculus.

  Human sacrifice was still taking place in Moreton Harwood in the early eighteen-nineties. [1115] The Doctor met Mark Twain. [1116] He also met the French novelist Emile Zola. [1117] Jack Harkness had a boyfriend in the 1890s - a Slovenian who took arsenic to improve his skin. [1118]

  1890 (early June) - Vincent and the Doctor [1119]

  The eleventh Doctor and Amy visited Auvers to investigate the mystery creature painted into Vincent van Gogh’s The Church at Avers. They found Vincent at a cafe, but were attacked by a creature invisible to everyone but the painter. Vincent painted The Church at Avers, which showed the creature behind one of the church windows. The Doctor identified it as a Krafayis, a predatory creature abandoned on Earth. The Krafayis was blind and died, impaled on Vincent’s painting stand. The Doctor and Amy briefly took Vincent to a museum in Amy’s time; after Vincent returned home, he signed one of his works, Still Work: Vase with Twelve Sunflowers, “For Amy, Vincent.”

  1890 (June) - The Pandorica Opens [1120]

  Vincent van Gogh was sensitive to the signals being broadcast by the Underhenge, and experienced mental anguish. One of his last paintings, The Pandorica Opens, depicted the destruction of the TARDIS.

  (=) 1890 (July) - The Story of Martha: “The Frozen Wastes” [1121]

  The tenth Doctor and Martha attended a presentation by the explorer Pierre Bruyere to the London Geographical Congress - an event that puzzled the Doctor, as history claimed that Bruyere’s expedition had vanished three months previous, in April 1890. The Doctor and Martha accompanied Bruyere on a balloon trip to the North Pole, and were caught in a time loop - an unidentified entity was forcing Bruyere to make his journey again and again, so it could harvest his memories. The creature tried to feed upon the Doctor and Martha, but their memories were so voluminous, it burst...

  Pierre Bruyere happily settled into a life of being a baker, as his parents had been before him.

  Vincent van Gogh killed himself. [1122]

  The eleventh Doctor suggested that the Moulin Rouge in 1890 would be a suitable romantic destination for Rory and Amy. [1123] Jack Harkness met a man named Alec at the Moulin Rouge, 1890, and fought with the painter Toulouse Lautrec over him. An extra-terrestrial conman, Monsieur Jechiel, was on commission to recruit an army of the undead to fight the Togomil Heresy, and transformed Alec into such a soldier. Jechiel subsequently left - partly because Jack told him to get lost, partly because he’d not been paid. [1124]

  w - In October 1890, the pair of boots that Sherlock Holmes lost during his time with Gillian Petra was returned to him. [1125]

  By 1890, a retired William Chesterton had translated Ho Lin Chung’s Mountains and Sunsets into English. [1126] Ace was on the Red List of the Shadow Directory by 1892. [1127] An advanced society on Duchamp 331 had built the Warp Core, an energy being, to combat the Krill. The Warp Core killed off the Krill and its creators also, reducing Duchamp 331 to a dust planet. The creature wandered through space and time before seeking refuge in the mind of the Norwegian artist Edvard Munch. He painted The Scream, which exorcised the Warp Core from his mind into the painting. [1128] Following his encounter with Moriarty at Reichenbach Falls, Sherlock Holmes went into hiding. [1129]

  In 1892, Captain Jack got into a fight on Ellis Island. He was shot through the heart and lived - and thereby came to realise that events in 200,100 had rendered him immortal. [1130]

  1892 - TimeH: The Severed Man [1131]

  The Cabal of the Horned Beast formed as a middling demon-worshipping cult, an excuse to engage in debauchery. The group obtained a book that could control time and summon representatives of the Daemons. Although the book was eventually stolen, the Cabal’s surviving members reclaim
ed it in the twenty-sixth century and used it to retroactively give their forefathers more wealth and influence, leading in future to the creation of Sodality.

  Jago & Litefoot [1132]

  Professor Litefoot and Henry Gordon Jago continued to team up after the Weng-Chiang affair, investigating infernal incidents and cracking complex conundrums. They resolved a mystery with a trained anteater and an aluminium violin, then didn’t see each other for a time. Litefoot had a laboratory in the basement of St. Thomas’ Hospital, which the trustees made available to the police. Jago was forced to close the Palace Theatre, and became the master of ceremonies at the Alhambra Theatre in Putney.

  Dr Heinrich Tulp, having studied astral projection in Tibet, projected his mind into the future and witnessed technological developments to come. This also, however, brought his mind into contact with a formless entity in the dark recesses of space. It compelled Tulp to undertake many experiments with his future knowledge, searching for a means of making Earth akin to its homeworld, a radioactive wasteland. To finance his experiments, Tulp embarked upon many criminal endeavours. [1133]

  c 1892 (summer) - The Mahogany Murderers


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