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B00DPX9ST8 EBOK Page 84

by Parkin, Lance

  Tegan Jovanka now had a brain tumour - possibly the result of her travels with the Doctor - and was deemed by Kathy, an acquaintance of hers, as a perfect test subject. James and Kathy created System using Cyber-technology, but the fifth Doctor was on hand and convinced the half-human Nate Chambers to activate System’s self-destruct. James escaped, but Chambers Pharmaceuticals exploded, killing Nate. Kathy was believed dead, but the Doctor took her elsewhere to be looked after.

  Tegan resumed her romance with Michael Tenaka and turned down the Doctor’s offer of finding treatment for her brain tumour.

  2006 - The Parting of the Ways [1072]

  The ninth Doctor forcibly returned Rose to her native time aboard the TARDIS, removing her from the Dalek incursion in 200,100. Rose realised that the words “Bad Wolf” had been scattered throughout time and space as a message that she should return to the fray, and she exposed the heart of the TARDIS with help from her mother and Mickey. Rose and the TARDIS returned to 200,100.

  By now, the general population knew that aliens had invaded Earth over a dozen times. In 2006, Kadiatu Lethbridge-Stewart published her controversial bestseller The Zen Military: A History of UNIT. Lethbridge-Stewart was the granddaughter of Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart and Mariatu of the Themne tribe, making her ideally placed to write the “definitive” study of the UNIT era. [1073]

  Cathy Salt, the pregnant journalist spared by Margaret Slitheen, was scheduled to marry Jeffrey on 19th October. [1074] In November, Jackie Tyler started going out with Howard from the market. [1075] On 23rd November, 2006, Lucia Moretti, a former Torchwood operative, died from heart failure. [1076]

  2006 (November to December) - Iceberg [1077]

  Earth’s magnetic pole shifted slightly, causing consternation at the FLIPback project. Tensions were not eased when the nearby Nikkei 5 research station vanished into the Torus Antarctica. The Cybermen were behind both the disappearances and the magnetic fluctuations, but the seventh Doctor defeated them with the help of journalist Ruby Duvall.

  2006 (24th-25th December) - The Christmas Invasion [1078]

  The newly-regenerated tenth Doctor arrived back on Earth with Rose. He recovered in Jackie’s flat, and became the target of robot Santas and a killer Christmas tree. These were just “pilot fish” for the Sycorax, whose vast spacecraft intercepted the British Guinevere 1 Probe to Mars and set course for Earth.

  NATO went to red alert. Prime Minister Harriet Jones took control of UNIT’s command centre underneath the Tower of London, where the Sycorax made contact and lay claim to the entire Earth. As a means of blackmail, they used “blood control” to hypnotically command one-third of the population, including the Royal Family, to walk to the nearest rooftop.

  Jones made a public appeal to the Doctor as the Sycorax ship arrived over London. Jones, Major Blake of UNIT, Danny Llewellyn of the British Rocket Group and the PM’s aide Alex were teleported to the Sycorax ship, where Llewellyn and Blake were quickly killed. The Doctor recovered and challenged the Sycorax leader to a duel. The leader cut off the Doctor’s hand with a sword, but as the Doctor was within the first fifteen hours of his regeneration cycle, he was able to regrow the hand and go on to kill the Sycorax leader. The Sycorax retreated.

  Harriet Jones feared that the Sycorax would spread word about the Earth, and that more alien invaders would return in the Doctor’s absence. She ordered Torchwood to destroy the retreating Sycorax ship with an energy weapon - whereupon the horrified Doctor called Jones’ fitness to lead into question, and deposed her with a single sentence (“Don’t you think she looks tired?”). Questions were raised about Jones’ health, and a vote of no confidence was quickly scheduled.

  The British could use “the Hubble array” to track spacecraft. The Sycorax used the Sycoraxic language.

  Many people went to Trafalgar Square to celebrate - Ursula Blake was among them, and while there happened to take a picture of the Doctor. [1079] Donna Noble missed the excitement of Christmas Day because she had a bit of a hangover. [1080] The Doctor’s severed hand ended up in the archives of Torchwood Cardiff. [1081] The Sycorax leader defeated by the Doctor fell to Earth at Westminster Abbey. [1082]

  The newly-regenerated Master arrived on Earth from the end of the universe, and adopted the alias “Harold Saxon”. He faked his past, and set up the Archangel Network of satellites to subliminally influence the British public into supporting his policies. The Archangel signals also masked the Master’s presence, and preventing the Doctor from detecting him in this time zone. The Master married a woman named Lucy, and his meteoric rise saw him become Minister of Defence. In such a position, he helped to design a flying aircraft carrier, the Valiant. [1083]

  After the Sycorax Invasion, some people obsessed with the Doctor formed the group LINDA. [1084]

  c 2006 - “The Lodger” (DWM) [1085]

  The tenth Doctor popped in to see Mickey, telling him that he and Rose had just escaped some Lombards - but that the TARDIS had accidentally jumped a time track, so Rose wouldn’t be showing up for a couple of days. Jackie was occupied with a man called Alan, so the Doctor stayed with Mickey. After the Doctor beat him at video games and tuned his TV so that Mickey got programmes from ten years in the future and ruined a night in planned with a girl called Gina, Mickey got sick of him. After a few days, the TARDIS arrived with Rose. The Doctor arranged it so that Mickey and Rose had a nice Sunday together.

  c 2006 - New Earth [1086]

  The tenth Doctor and Rose set off on their travels, leaving behind Jackie and Mickey.

  There was Graske activity on Earth. [1087] A group of Groske, similar in form to the Graske but with blue skin, were stranded on Earth in 2006. UNIT made them earn their keep as engineers. [1088]

  2007 [1089]

  The Krillitanes were a composite species, given to absorbing the physical aspects of the races they conquered and destroyed. A small group of them took on human form and infiltrated Deffry Vale School, with “Mr Finch” taking over as headmaster. [1090]

  Joseph Serf, the owner of Serf Systems, died in a skiing accident in 2007. John Harrison, Serf’s public relations officer, purchased a group of Scullions - short aliens with only one eye - on the black market after their ship crash-landed in Central Asia. With the Scullions manipulating a holographic image of Joseph Serf, Harrison covered up the man’s death and assumed control of the company. [1091]

  In 2007, Jack Harkness, Owen Harper and Suzie Costello dealt with ravenous creatures masquerading as schoolchildren. A school teacher, Eryn Bunting, saw the creatures and was given Retcon. Suzie stole one of Eryn’s bank slips, and set up a secret account for herself under Eryn’s name. [1092] Elena Hilda Al-Qatari became ill and requested a replacement to head the Rawbone Project, which renewed the government’s interest in it. [1093]

  Maxwell Edison set up the Stockbridge Preservation Society to protest Khrysalis Corporation building a leisure park. [1094] Henry John Parker acquired extra-terrestrial items that included a Dogon eye, Ikean wings, and an alien translation of James Herbert’s The Fog (1975). [1095]

  Tamsin Drew, a future companion of the eighth Doctor and the Monk, appeared in an advert for leg wax. [1096] She also worked for a summer at the London dungeon, as a Cockney drab who was killed by Jack the Ripper. [1097]

  Coldfire Construction, a front for the Slitheen, started expanding and specialised in the installation of technology blocks in schools in London, Barcelona, Washington D.C., Santiago, Los Angeles, Sydney, Beijing, Moscow, Naples and Paris. [1098] A geologist friend sent Sarah Jane a crystal found at the site of Krakatoa - as Sarah quickly discovered, the crystal revealled itself to be alive when it communicated with her laptop. Following its instructions, she built a computer to house its sentience, which she called Mr Smith and kept in her attic. Mr Smith offered to help Sarah protect Earth and monitor extra-terrestrial activity, and dutifully did so. In secret, however, Mr Smith schemed to release its brethren, the Xylox, from their imprisonment beneath the Earth. [1099]

bsp; 2007 - The Stone Rose [1100]

  Mickey showed the tenth Doctor and Rose a statue from Ancient Rome in the British Museum - one that depicted Rose. The Doctor and Rose travelled back in time to investigate.

  2007 - The Feast of the Drowned [1101]

  The HMS Ascendant sank in the North Sea, killing Jay, the brother of Rose’s friend Keisha. The tenth Doctor and Rose arrived, discovering that a number of people had died in London since wreckage from the Ascendant was brought there. Relatives of the dead were apparently being contacted by the ghosts of the drowned, but this was a side effect of alien technology. The Waterhive were attempting to conquer the world, but the Doctor thwarted them.

  2007 - Cuddlesome [1102]

  Ronald Turvey was released from prison, but his toy factory at Shoreham Harbour was defunct. The Tinghus within Turvey formed a plan: new Cuddlesomes would be manufactured that could transform people into Tinghus-human hybrids. A recall signal summoned the 1980s Cuddlesomes to their birthplace, and a rumble broke out between the different generations of Cuddlesomes. The fifth Doctor witnessed the Cuddlesome slaughter, which ended when Turvey and the Tinghus (which manifested as a giant Cuddlesome) both died, rendering the Cuddlesomes inactive.

  2007 - School Reunion [1103]

  Mickey called in the tenth Doctor and Rose to help investigate Deffry Vale School. The Doctor posted a winning lottery ticket through the letterbox of one of the physics teachers and took their place. He met Sarah Jane Smith, who was also investigating the school. The Krillitanes were using the children’s brains to formulate the Skasas Paradigm - an equation which could be used to control “the building blocks of the universe”, even to the point of rewriting the past. The reactivated K9 sacrificed himself to destroy the Krillitanes.

  The Doctor built a new K9 for Sarah Jane. Mickey joined the TARDIS crew.

  The new K9 contained a compartment with a number of helpful gadgets for Sarah Jane, like the sonic lipstick. [1104] A black hole was released following a Swiss laboratory accident. K9 contained it, but this fully occupied his time, so he was unable to help Sarah Jane on her adventures. [1105]

  c 2007 - “The Green-Eyed Monster” (DWM) [1106]

  When Rose was infected by an alien worm that ate emotions, the tenth Doctor induced great jealousy in her by setting Mickey up with a girlfriend, and having an adventure on the planet of the Amazastians (the entire population of whom were beautiful teenage girls, much to the mystification of even their own scientists). The Doctor resorted to kissing Jackie, which overloaded the alien worm.

  2007 - Borrowed Time [1107]

  Little Green Storage had installed a storage facility, the internal dimensions of which were compressed down to 7.5% normal, beneath the Millennium Dome. This provided a service to space travellers on Earth, which Little Green regarded as “the most frequently attacked colonised, exploited and enslaved planet in the five galaxies”.

  Members of the Ah N’Drubrn Clan of Warrior Molluscs were currently residing in the Thames. The Doctor had access to Galactic Enquiries, a newly introduced service that could provide an individual’s phone number based upon such data as their sporting interests, their mother’s name and whether or not they had a stain on their tie that day.

  A parasitic organism posed as “Jane Blythe”, a high-ranking personal assistant at Lexington International Bank. Blythe’s avatars, Mr Symington and Mr Blenkinsop, offered select individuals Time Harvesters: wristwatches that they could use to borrow extra time. Interest was accrued at a rate of five minutes per hour, every hour, meaning the debt quickly exceeded the borrowers’ lifespans. Blythe traded the accrued debt on the Time Market.

  The eleventh Doctor, Amy and Rory ran afoul of Blythe when they arrived to observe the bank’s historic collapse. Amy used a Time Harvester to spend more time with her husband, her parents and by herself, and the Doctor surrendered twenty-five years of his life to pay off the debt that this accrued. Blythe sought to sell the Doctor - the last remaining Time Lord - on the Time Market. He achieved an estimated value of five inhabited galaxies (about fifteen sextillion lives) before Blythe suffered a liquidity crisis. The Doctor bought Earth’s outstanding debt for a second a decade. Blythe became a fugitive from the Time Market.

  = 2007 (1st February) - Rise of the Cybermen / The Age of Steel [1108]

  The TARDIS materialised in a parallel universe with military checkpoints in the streets and zeppelins in the skies. The tenth Doctor, Rose and Mickey found that Rose’s father Pete Tyler was alive in this reality, and had become rich from selling a health drink called Vitex Lite. Pete was preparing for Jackie’s fortieth birthday party, and the guests included the President of Great Britain and a Torchwood agent named Stevie.

  This world was home to a New South America and a New Germany. The Torchwood Institute was releasing studies to the public. The Bio-Convention required the registration of new lifeforms. Rose was never born on this world, but the Tylers owned a small dog with the same name.

  John Lumic’s Cybus Industries owned “just about every company” in Britain, including Vitex. Cybus had sold EarPods to virtually everyone. Lumic himself was dying, and had developed a robot body that could house the human brain. His agents, operating through a dummy company named International Electromatics [1109], started rounding up the homeless to convert into such cybernetic beings. Mickey discovered that his alternate self, Ricky, ran a resistance cell.

  Lumic activated his cyborgs - the Cybermen - and they stormed Jackie’s birthday party. The President was killed, and many guests were captured. Lumic transmitted a signal via the EarPods to all Londoners, making them march to Battersea Power Station to undergo conversion. Cybermen took to the streets, and Ricky was killed.

  The Doctor confronted Lumic - who against his will had been converted into the Cyber Controller. Cyber-conversion factories had been built on all seven continents, but the Doctor instructed Mickey on how to deactivate the Cybermen’s emotional inhibitors. Mentally unable to confront the nature of their lost humanity, the Cybermen malfunctioned. The Doctor and his allies escaped in Lumic’s zeppelin, destroying the Power Station and the Controller.

  Mickey remained in the parallel universe to help liberate it from the remaining Cybermen.

  Back in our universe, the Doctor and Rose met Jackie for a tearful reunion.

  = On Pete’s World, the People’s Republic took control of Torchwood. The Cybermen were sealed in their factories, but a debate ensued about what to do with them, as they were living beings. Some Cybermen infiltrated Torchwood and vanished. [1110]

  2007 - I am a Dalek [1111]

  A Dalek left over from the Time War activated the Dalek Factor within the human Kate Yates. The tenth Doctor and Rose deactivated the Dalek, neutralising the Dalek Factor within Kate.

  c 2007 - 100: “Bedtime Story” [1112]

  Near Harrogate, the sixth Doctor accompanied Evelyn as she paid respects to one of her former students - Jacob Williams - regarding the death of his father Frank. The Doctor exposed the shapeshifting creature responsible for the Williams family “curse”, but the shapeshifter rendered Evelyn, Jacob and Frank’s wife Mary immobile - just as it had with Frank. The Doctor tricked the creature into thinking the Williams line had ended, then showed his charges the wonders of the universe in the TARDIS - and returned them home once they had recovered.

  2007 - Love & Monsters [1113]

  A “Bad Wolf” virus had corrupted Torchwood’s files on Rose.

  Elton Pope had been obsessed with the Doctor ever since seeing him as a child. He became a member of the group LINDA (London Investigation ‘N’ Detective Agency), which was made up of other people for whom the Doctor’s existence filled a gap in their lives.

  On a Tuesday night in March, the group fell under the sway of Victor Kennedy. He was secretly an Abzorbaloff from Clom, the twin planet of Raxacoricofallapatorius, who wanted to absorb the Doctor and his memories. Elton briefly met the tenth Doctor and Rose as they fought an alien Hoix, then later struck up a f
riendship with Jackie Tyler - in an attempt to get close to Rose. The Doctor and Rose tracked down Elton because he was “stalking” Rose’s mother, and together they confronted the Abzorbaloff - who was defeated, and burst. Elton continued his relationship with Ursula, a member of LINDA, even though she had become a living paving slab.

  The Daily Telegraph ran the headline: “Saxon Leads Polls with 64 per cent”. Four more months of government paralysis were forecast. [1114] Ghosts started appearing around the world, but people got used to them. [1115]

  2007 (Monday, June 25th) - Turn Left [1116]

  Donna Noble, a Chiswick resident [1117], was offered temp work with HC Clements, but her mother insisted that she consider a full-time position as a secretary with Jival Chowdry’s photocopy service. At one minute past 10 am, Donna made a fateful decision while driving: turn left and continue on to HC Clements, or turn right to interview for the full-time job. She turned left, and so went on to meet the tenth Doctor.

  (=) Owing to the intervention of one of the Trickster’s Brigade, a parallel timeline was created in which Donna turned right. Rose Tyler and UNIT aided the alternate version of Donna in travelling back to the temporal junction point, enabling the alt-Donna to sacrifice her life to cause a traffic jam so her other self would turn left. History was placed back on track.

  2007 - Army of Ghosts / Doomsday [1118]

  Torchwood sought to obtain energy independence for the United Kingdom, and had been using particle engines to further open the temporal breach in Canary Wharf. A Voidship, designed to exist outside space and time, came through the breach; Torchwood took to studying it. The parallel-Earth Cybermen as created by Lumic followed in the Voidship’s wake, and were manifesting on Earth as ghostly figures.


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