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B00DPX9ST8 EBOK Page 93

by Parkin, Lance

  2010 (end of school year) - SJA: The Gift [1381]

  Sarah Jane and her friends were about to thwart a Slitheen child’s plan to crush the Earth into a large diamond when Tree Lorn Acre and Leef Apple Glyn - two Blathereen (cousins of the Slitheen) - captured the child. The Blathereen gave Sarah a Rakweed plant - a staple food they said would grow even in the harshest conditions, and end world famine. In actuality, the Rakweed was a fast-growing addictive drug that would seed itself via spores across Earth, and could then be harvested for a massive profit on the galactic market. Tree and Leaf were not true Blathereen, but Slitheen-Blathereen hybrids. The Rakweed seeded spores that could have taken over London in hours, Earth in days, but Sarah Jane learned the plants would burst if exposed to a sound frequency of 1421.09 Hz. Sarah broadcast the sound with K9’s help, ending the threat... and making the Rakweed-soused Blathereen explode.

  Anwen Williams, the daughter of Gwen Cooper and Rhys Williams, was born in or near early May 2010. [1382]

  (=) 2010 - TW: The Twilight Streets [1383]

  Bilis Manger showed Torchwood a potential future in which the Dark influenced Owen, his wife Toshiko and Gwen. They slaved Jack to the Hub’s Rift Manipulator, then used his life energy to harness the Rift - in less than a year, the Torchwood Empire had conquered the world. While Gwen gave birth to a son, Geraint Williams Junior, Ianto killed Owen and was shot dead by Toshiko’s guards. Jack destroyed the Rift Manipulator, breaking the Dark’s power.

  2010 - TW: “Shrouded” [1384]

  John Hart established himself in Mexico, near a mini-Rift that provided him with an easy means of transport, as a trafficker of alien artifacts. Hart and Rhys realised that a rogue time traveller named Beatrice was attempting to meddle in Ianto’s history, and went back in time two years to warn him.

  The new coalition government in the United Kingdom became desperate for funds. Mr Black facilitated the sale to the Americans of a cache of advanced weapons - including Judoon, Yeti, Sea Devil and Sontaran firearms, as well as a Ytraxorian Reality Gun - that had been recovered from the Torchwood Hub. [1385]

  In June, Luke Smith got four As at A-Level, earning a place at Oxford University a year early. Sarah Jane defeated a piece of sentient concrete that had disguised itself as a flyover in Chiswick, and was attempting to control people’s minds. [1386] The Ood Food Guide gave June 2010 “a whole solar system of awards”. [1387]

  2010 (summer) - TW: First Born [1388]

  Gwen, Rhys and their newborn daughter Anwen remained on the run, and took up residence in the North Wales town of Rawbone because Torchwood had keys to a caravan there. In the ten weeks to follow, they learned the origins of the townsfolk becoming sterile, the Scion children given to the Rawbone families, and the alien Juniper Tree that had birthed them.

  Budget cuts necessitated that the Rawbone Project produce results, and so Eloise, the project’s director, initiated Stage 2 of it. She killed the Juniper-spawned Sebastian and grew Sebastian 2. He was intended to take mental command of the Scions and turn them into soldiers, but viciously wanted to grow an army of Scions and kill humanity. Gwen contacted the creators of the Juniper Tree, who were so horrified by the new Sebastian’s mindset that they aged him and the Juniper Tree to death. The people of Rawbone compiled enough evidence of the Rawbone Project to compel a huge payment from the government, and the new leader of the Scions, Jenny Meredith, was hopeful that the town’s sterility could be reversed. Gwen, Rhys and Anwen left for parts unknown.

  2010 (summer) - TW: The Men Who Sold the World [1389]

  The cache of advanced weaponry recovered from the Torchwood Hub was now being sold by the UK to the US, and was clandestinely routed through Cuba. The American CIA sent agents to safeguard the shipment, but a mishap with the cache’s Ytraxorian Reality Gun caused agent Oscar Lupé to materialise in the flight controls of American Airlines Flight AA2010. It crashed into the Gulf of Mexico, killing the four hundred and fifty people aboard. Two members of the CIA team - Cotter Gleason and his second, Mulroney - went rogue and stole the weapons, intending to stage enough devastation to force a large payout from the US government.

  (=) A power-mad Gleason used the alien tech to destroy the White House. CIA agent Rex Matheson tried to stop Gleason, who used the Reality Gun to send Rex back to 100,000 BC.

  The enigmatic assassin Mr Wynter obtained the Reality Gun, and used it to alter history. The White House was saved, and Gleason was sent back to 100,000 BC instead of Rex. Some weeks later, Wynter rejuvenated his aged body and ate his employer.

  2010 (summer) - “The Age of Ice” [1390]

  UNIT had established an underwater HQ in Sydney Harbour. Its archives contained at least eight Mona Lisas, a mummy robot, a War Machine, a Yeti, an Auton chair, a Sontaran space ship and a Sontaran Skyhammer cannon.

  The Skith had gone to a military footing following the destruction of their homeworld, and the Skith leader who battled the Doctor in 1915 summoned the warship Oppressor Two - and its garrison of Skith - to Earth. The Skith constructed a faulty time machine, a Skardis, with information looted from the Doctor’s mind. The Skardis created unstable temporal waves: those aboard Sydney Flight 218 were aged near to death, a Neolithic narwhal was seen in the Parramatta River, pterodactyls appeared by the Zenith Centre, and mammoths roamed the suburbs.

  The tenth Doctor and Majenta Pryce arrived as chronal waves made more dinosaurs appear, and inflicted Sydney with a new ice age. The Skith briefly turned Majenta into Skithself so her mind could operate their Skardis - but she generated a pulse that destroyed them. Majenta’s assistant Fanson had been aiding the Skith, and died saving her life.

  Thomas Brewster’s beloved, Connie Winter, was hit by a car and died after being taken off life support. The Doctor had previously saved the planet Symbios - a single organism with the appearance of a thriving ecology - from the Drahvin, and Symbios’ governing intelligence summoned him to help against runamuck terraforming robots: the insectoid Terravore. Brewster answered Symbios’ call, and used the time engine he’d built in 1867 to transport volunteers to Symbios - where the planet possessed them, and used them as foot soldiers. [1391]

  Amy met a gorgeous scuba instructor called Claude on her hen night. [1392]

  Amy Pond and Rory Williams

  2010 (25th June) - The Eleventh Hour [1393]

  The eleventh Doctor returned to Amy Pond... two years later than he thought. She joined him travelling in the TARDIS, but didn’t tell him that this was the night before she was due to marry Rory Williams.

  2010 (25th-26th June) - Flesh and Stone / The Vampires of Venice [1394]

  The eleventh Doctor and Amy returned to her house following their encounter with the Weeping Angels, and Amy finally admitted that she and Rory were going to get married. She attempted to seduce the Doctor, but he hurried her into the TARDIS and collected Rory from his stag party, determined to take the two of them somewhere romantic to cement their relationship...

  2010 (26th June) - The Pandorica Opens [1395]

  The coalition of alien races seeking to imprison the Doctor - so the TARDIS wouldn’t explode and destroy the universe - scanned Amy’s house for her psychic residue. A trap was laid for the Doctor in 102 AD, patterned after Amy’s childhood recollections of The Story of Roman Britain and The Legend of Pandora’s Box.

  Soon after, the TARDIS brought River Song to Amy’s house from 120 AD. She realised that the Doctor was in great danger, but the TARDIS - as feared - started to explode. The Ship automatically put River in a time loop to protect her; she would be released in 1996.

  2010 (26th June) - The Big Bang [1396]

  Following the eleventh Doctor’s sacrifice in 1996, the universe was restored to its original form - save that everyone had forgotten he had ever existed. Amy Pond’s parents returned to life after the Cracks in Time sealed, and celebrated Amy and Rory’s wedding. As Amy’s father began his speech, Amy - goaded by the TARDIS-patterned journal that River left for her - remembered something old, somethin
g new, something borrowed and something blue. She insisted that her “raggedy Doctor” was late for her wedding - at which point the Doctor was restored to the universe, and the TARDIS materialised at the reception.

  River returned to the future using her vortex manipulator. The Doctor, Amy and Rory also left to have new adventures, starting with the case of an Egyptian goddess loose on the Orient Express, in space.

  Amy and Rory conceived a child while travelling in the TARDIS. [1397]

  The Sarah Jane Adventures Series 4

  2010 (6th-10th September) - SJA: The Nightmare Man [1398]

  Luke Smith’s anxiety about going to university was exploited by the Nightmare Man - a Vishklar that hailed from the Seretti Dimension, and needed terror to enter our universe. The Nightmare Man infected Luke, Clyde and Rani with dreams of leading failed lives, but they didn’t fear him, and so his power dissipated. Sarah gifted Luke with her car and K9 as he left for Oxford.

  2010 (13th-15th September) - SJA: Wraith World [1399]

  Gregory P. Wilkinson came out of semi-retirement to write the final Wraith World novel, The Fall of Hancada. The reality-warping paper in Wilkinson’s journal latched onto Rani’s mind, and the series’ main antagonist - the sorcerer Hancada, composed of bloodworms - nearly manifested through her. Sarah Jane, Wilkinson and Rani combined efforts to write an end Hancada’s story, then burned Wilkinson’s journal.

  Sarah Jane and her friends recovered an antigravity ray from an old Nadloon Circus Comedy Cruiser that crashed into the Thames. [1400]

  2010 (a Saturday) - SJA: The Vault of Secrets [1401]

  Mr Smith sabotaged a NASA probe on Mars, as Sarah Jane did not want them finding evidence of an “ancient and terrible civilisation” there. Rani’s parents joined the Ealing branch of the British UFO Research and Paranormal Studies Society (BURPSS) as a way of coping with their various alien encounters.

  Androvax the Veil escaped his imprisonment on a swamp world controlled by the Judoon in the Calisteral Cluster, but not before he was bitten by a deadly Moxolon Swamp Viper. He found that the spaceship with the last one hundred members of his race was within the hyper-dimensional Vault created by the Alliance of Shades, the entrance to which was at the disused St. Jude’s asylum. Sarah learned that activating the Veil ship within the Vault would create dimensional instability that would tear Earth apart. Androvax attempted to do so anyway, but the robot overseer of the Vault, Mr Dread, sacrificed four hundred fifty years of his personal power supply to reactivate the Vault’s transmat. The Veil spaceship was sent into space, and it was expected that the Veil would settle on a new planet. The Vault became inaccessible as its second activation key had been lost. As Mr. Dread’s mission had terminated, he deactivated himself.

  Mike Yates saw Jo Grant in October, and told her about his adventure with the Hornets. [1402]

  2010 - SJA: Death of the Doctor [1403]

  The vulture-like Shansheeth were known throughout the universe as intergalactic undertakers - they would search battlefields for the remains of heroes, then transport their bodies home. The Claw Shansheeth of the Fifteenth Funeral Fleet contacted UNIT, claiming to have found the Doctor’s body ten thousand light years away in the Wastelands of the Crimson Heart, where he had evidently perished to save five hundred children from the Scarlet Monstrosity.

  Colonel Karim of UNIT summoned the Doctor’s associates to attend a funeral service at Unit Base 5, inside Mount Snowdon. The Brigadier was stuck in Peru, and Liz Shaw couldn’t return from moonbase until Sunday. Sarah Jane went to Mount Snowdon with Rani and Clyde, and met for the first time Jo Jones, née Grant, who had arrived from the Tierra del Fuego with her grandson Santiago. Cliff Jones was picketing an oil rig in the Ascension Islands. Santiago’s father was hiking across Antarctica with a gay dads organisation.

  The Shansheeth had gone rogue, and falsified the Doctor’s demise to capture his associates. They drained Sarah and Jo’s minds with a Memory Weave, a device that could manifest physical objects from memories. The Weave crafted a new TARDIS key - a means by which the Shansheeth could enter the Doctor’s Ship. They hoped to use the vessel to interfere with the timelines, and end death across the universe.

  The eleventh Doctor arrived and aided his friends. Sarah and Jo’s memories overloaded the Memory Weave and it exploded, killing the Shansheeth and their collaborator, Karim. The Doctor reclaimed his TARDIS and departed. Jo and her grandson left to go to Norway by hovercraft.

  Sarah had researched other former companions of the Doctor. Ian and Barbara Chesterton were professors at Cambridge; rumours claimed they hadn’t aged since the sixties. Tegan Jovanka campaigned for aboriginal rights. Sarah implied that Harry Sullivan had died, but before that had developed vaccines that saved thousands of lives. Ben and Polly ran an orphanage in India. A woman called Dorothy ran a billion-pound charity called A Charitable Earth.

  Jo herself had seven children and twelve grandchildren (with another on the way). The Doctor said that the newest would be dyslexic, but a great swimmer.

  2010 - SJA: Return of the Krulius / SJA: Defending Bannerman Road [1404]

  The Krulius escaped from Judoon custody, and sought revenge against Sarah Jane and her friends. Urglanic shapeshifters in the Krulius’ employ teleported Rani to the Krulius’ spaceship, which was hidden in Earth orbit behind a force warp. Rani learned that the Krulius had grown clones of the various races it had studied, then escaped and warned Sarah about the Krulius’ intentions.

  A week after Rani escaped, the Krulius established a temporal stasis field around Bannerman Road. It deployed its cadre of hypnotised clones - including Slitheen, Judoon and Men in Black - against Sarah’s house. Clyde fought off the attackers with a variety of alien technology that Sarah had collected. The Krulius’ temporal field failed, and it withdrew its forces, vowing revenge.

  2010 - SJA: The Empty Planet [1405]

  The king of an alien world and his brother had died, making Gavin - the king’s son, living as a thirteen year old in Ealing with no knowledge of his heredity - the heir to the throne. The robot retrieval team sent to find Gavin eased their task by shunting the entire population of Earth into a sub-dimension, while preventing all traffic crashes, derailments and other damage that might have resulted from humanity’s sudden disappearance. Clyde and Rani, barred from leaving Earth by the Judoon, awoke to find that they and Gavin were the only people left. They persuaded Gavin to go with the robots, and the population of the Earth was restored, with no memory that they had been gone. Gavin awarded his friends the titles of Lord Clyde and Lady Rani.

  2010 (November) - SJA: Deadly Download [1406]

  Sarah Jane and her friends defeated the Emulgus, a 12-foot insectoid alien who tried to transmit a computer virus that would transform technology across Earth into mind-controlling metal replicants of itself.

  2010 (Tuesday, 23rd November) - SJA: Lost in Time [1407]

  Sarah Jane and her friends were summoned to Smalley and Co. Antiques by the mysterious Shopkeeper, who answered to a parrot named Captain. The Shopkeeper opened a time window and sent Sarah Jane, Rani and Clyde to three different timezones (1889, 1553 and 1941 respectively) to find pieces of chronosteel - a metal forged in the Time Vortex, and which had the power to change history. If they failed to return with the objects the chronosteel had become fashioned into, the Earth would be destroyed. The Shopkeeper himself was forbidden from making such a journey.

  Clyde and Rani returned with their chronosteel pieces, but Sarah Jane failed to retrieve hers. The granddaughter of the ghost-hunter Emily Morris arrived at the Shopkeeper’s store with the final chronosteel piece, saving Earth and allowing the Shopkeeper and Captain to depart.

  Clyde learned that George Woods, whom he had met in 1941, was now 83 and had been knighted by Queen Elizabeth II.

  2010 - SJA: Goodbye, Sarah Jane Smith [1408]

  The Katesh - a race wherein each member had a humanoid component, and a giant, separate “stomach” that digested heightened emotions - ex
iled one of their own when her hunger grew too strong. She escaped her space-faring prison cell by modifying its game system, then learned of Sarah Jane’s status as an adventurer. The Katesh presented itself to Sarah Jane, Rani and Clyde as “Ruby Ann White”, a fellow adventurer who had just moved to Bannerman Road. Ruby began feeding off Sarah, impairing her cognitive function. Sarah made a mistake while fighting an invasion of the Dark Horde (that Ruby repelled), and became convinced by a medi-scan that she was ill. She reluctantly handed over her duties and Mr Smith to Ruby, but Sarah’s friends soon realised the truth. Ruby accelerated her feeding cycle, but Luke returned from Oxford and reprogrammed Ruby’s holographic game system to make every person on Earth think that a meteor was headed straight for them. The emotional overload exploded Ruby’s “stomach”, and she was returned to her prison capsule and sent back into space.

  Demon Quest

  2010 (22nd-23rd December) - Demon Quest: The Relics of Time [1409]

  The fourth Doctor returned to Nest Cottage after a year away, and enthusiastically dismantled the TARDIS console as part of an overhaul. Mrs Wibbsey (secretly under the control of the new Hornet Swarm) [1410] took many of the Doctor’s items to sell at a jumble sale at the village hall, and swapped a mysterious gentlemen - actually a shapechanging demon in the Hornets’ employ [1411] - four components of the spatial geometer in return for antiques: a mosaic tile attached to a page from a history book, a poster, a book of fairytales and a superhero comic. All of these items incorporated images of the Doctor, and the Doctor concluded they were a series of clues. Without the spatial geometer, the TARDIS could move in time, but not very far in space. The Doctor and Mrs Wibbsey headed to the first century AD to investigate this mystery, even as Mike Yates called to say he was at a loose end, and would like to come to Nest Cottage for the holiday.


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