Sudden Hope

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Sudden Hope Page 17

by Daniele Lanzarotta

  He gets closer to me. My arms are still crossed, but he puts his arms around my waist and leans his forehead against mine. I feel the rain dripping from his hair.

  “Please don’t be mad. I just wanted to have time to think about it.”

  “I’m not mad, Alec. I think that it is wonderful. You deserve this more than anyone I know.”

  I uncross my arms and embrace him. He grins. “You’re amazing,” he says before he kisses me.



  I think that my sister is more excited about this than I am. She really likes Sky. And she really likes that Sky has helped me change.

  She even got us a limo after she realized that she forgot to add that to ‘the list’.

  The limo driver gets to the house just as my phone rings.


  Amanda asks who it is once she notices my expression.

  I didn’t recognize the house number being that she always calls me from her cell.

  I pull the phone away from my ear, covering the front of it and whisper. “It’s Sky. She’s trying to get out of going.”

  “What? I just left her house like five minutes ago. Give me the phone.”

  I hand it over to her.

  “Hey, Skylar. It’s Amanda. What is wrong?... She did?... Well, you know it’s not true, right?... I’m coming back over so we can talk, okay?”

  She hangs up the phone and gives it to me.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  She doesn’t bother answering me. “What time is the dance again?” she asks.


  “And we have dinner reservations before?”



  “Where do you think? The same Italian place everyone goes,” I snap. I don’t mean to. I’m just nervous as hell.

  “Awesome. Move the reservations to an hour later. You’ll just be late to the dance.”

  “Do you really think I’ll be able to move our dinner reservation on a night like this?”

  “Of course you will. An hour late puts you at 7:30. People will be done with dinner and heading to the dance by then, silly.”

  She’s lucky she got Sky’s dad to change her curfew to eleven. “Okay. What about the limo? He’s getting paid by the hour.”

  “I’ll pay the driver and let him go. You can drive my car. I’ll go with Kyle”

  I give her a puzzled look. “You must really like Sky.”

  “Obviously. I wouldn’t let you drive my car just for anyone. I better get going though. I’ll be back soon.”


  Earlier today, before Amanda and I got ready, I got a call from Lizzie. I almost hung-up on her, but she started talking about Mandy and asking how I dealt with Kristi’s loss. I felt bad for her. I told her that’s something you learn to live with and that time makes it less painful. At some point during the conversation, she flipped a switch. She started talking about Alec and some party where they supposedly hooked up, and mentioned that time doesn’t always cure everything. I don’t know anything about girls that Alec hooked up with—that is in the past. But I believed him when he said that Lizzie wasn’t one of them. I choose not to let her get to me… or at least try to.

  Now, I sit in front of the mirror and stare at the blue dress I bought the other day. With my nails and hair done, nice pair of shoes, and accessories, I don’t even recognize myself. I don’t even feel like myself. I think about how much I have changed. Maybe Mike was right all along. I wasn’t the person he knew anymore.

  Mike… He wrote me a letter the other day. I didn’t tell Alec and it’s driving me crazy to keep this from him, but I don’t want anything to get in the way of his decision about school. The whole letter was talking about Kristi and how he missed her… and me, and he asked me to go see him. That he would like to talk.

  I threw the letter away.

  Ugh. I was already not in the mood to go after Lizzie’s call… this is so out of my comfort zone. I call Alec and start to hint that maybe we shouldn’t go.

  Next thing I know, his sister is at my door.

  “Okay…Your dress is gorgeous. You look gorgeous. And my brother is head over heels for you,” she says. “So, why did you change your mind?” she asks. “And don’t tell me it is because of Lizzie. She’s a liar and you know it.”

  Amanda has a way with people. She’s just one of those people who are so easy to talk to, that you start babbling about stuff you didn’t even know was really bothering you.

  “I feel like I might be holding Alec back. He should have decided to take the scholarship by now. He should be going.”

  “Do you know what Kyle would say if he was here right now?” she asks.

  I give her a puzzled look.

  “He would say that you and Alec are way too much work.” We both laugh at that and then she’s serious again.

  “Skylar, the last thing you’re doing is holding him back. If it weren’t for you, he wouldn’t even be considering this. You got him to play again… you got him to get rid of his insane no-dating rule. He’s actually enjoying life for once, because of you.” She pauses. “As for tonight, just go to the dance and have fun… for you and for him.”

  “Thank you,” I say. “But we already missed the dinner reservation and prom starts soon.”

  “Don’t worry. We have that all taken care of,” she says. “Let’s go. Alec is waiting.”

  “How did you know I would say yes?”

  “I didn’t… I only hoped you would.”



  When Sky opens the door, I lose the ability to speak or to even move.

  “Do I look okay?” she asks.

  “Are you kidding me? You look beautiful.” Okay, so the no-dating rule was pretty stupid. I can’t even imagine my life without her right now, and I’m not saying just as friends.

  “Are you ready to go, beautiful?” She blushes. I love that I have that effect on her.

  “Yes, I’m ready.”

  We walk to the car and I open the door for her. Amanda gets in Kyle’s car, and they follow us to the restaurant.

  When we get to the restaurant, the parking lot is practically empty. It seems this ended up working out for the best. I get out of the car and go around to open the door for Sky. I extend my hand and she slips her hand into mine and gets out of the car.

  I look over at Kyle and Amanda and they’re joking and laughing about something.

  We go in and get seated right away.

  “So, what’s so funny?” I ask them.

  Kyle shakes his head.

  Amanda is still laughing. “He was just bragging about going to prom with a college girl.”

  I look straight at Kyle and in a serious tone, I say, “No funny business with my sister. Got it?”

  Kyle stops laughing and turns bright red.

  Amanda laughs even more. “Jeez, Alec. Way to make a guy feel bad. Look at him! I think he’s thinking about ditching us.”

  We all start laughing and Kyle joins in.

  “Dude. You looked like you wanted to take me outside and beat me up or something.”

  We eat our dinners while telling Amanda about the night we went camping and how Kyle kept jumping during the movie. If that didn’t ruin his image for her, I don’t know what would. Although, I know they’re just going as friends.

  Dinner is relaxing and fun and I almost don’t want it to end, but we do need to get going.

  When we get the check, Amanda grabs it and gives the waiter her card.

  “Seriously?” I ask. “I should be the one taking care of my date here, and so should he,” I look toward Kyle.

  “Don’t be so old fashioned. I’m the one with the job. It’s no big deal.”

  I look over at Sky and she’s smiling. She looks truly happy.

  We leave the restaurant and drive straight to the school.

  When I park the car, I can’t get out. We sit here an
d watch people hanging out in the parking lot or going toward the gym. Lizzie is one of them. She is with Jake, one of the guys from the team.

  Sky looks like she wants to jump out of the car and run the other way.

  Kyle knocks on the window, but I don’t roll it down. I look at Sky, “Do you want to get out of here?”

  She smiles and nods. “I do. Unless you want to stay here.”

  I shake my head. “It doesn’t feel right. Grayson was supposed to be with us… I just keep thinking about that.”

  I roll the window down. Kyle looks impatient as hell.

  “Do you still have a trunk full of random survival stuff?”

  “Hmmm. Yeah. Why?”

  “Sky and I are leaving. You guys can stay or you can go with us if you want.”

  “What is taking so long?” says Amanda as she approaches the car.

  Kyle looks back at her. “They are leaving. Do you want to stay or do you want to go?”

  “Oh God. Please don’t tell me you want to go home and watch movies?”

  “No.” I laugh. “We’re taking the party somewhere else,” I look at Sky and smile. She seems much more relaxed, even though she has no idea where we’re going. “Just follow us.”

  Kyle and Amanda get back in the car and we drive away.

  “Where are we going?” asks Sky.

  “To my favorite place.”

  “The baseball field?” she asks.

  “Well, maybe second favorite.”

  “The waterfall? At this time?”

  I shrug. “Is that okay?”


  I wish we didn’t have to drive by Grayson’s farm to get there. Once we get close to it, I reach for Sky’s hand and she squeezes my hand as we drive by.


  It’s not until we park and get out of the car, that we realize how terrible this idea was, considering that Amanda and I are both wearing heels.

  The guys act like it’s nothing and say they’ll carry us if they need to.

  We go over to Kyle’s car and he opens the trunk.

  “Seriously?” says Amanda, “This looks like the trunk of someone planning to survive a zombie apocalypse.”

  Kyle laughs. “I like to be prepared.”

  He throws a couple of things in a bag, hands us a flashlight, and turns his back to Amanda. “Hop up,” he says.

  She stands there for a minute. “Oh. You were serious?”

  He shrugs.

  Kyle goes in front of us, giving Amanda a piggyback ride.

  Alec holds on to my hand and I hold the flashlight with the other. We take our time, but about halfway there, Alec scoops me up and carries me the rest of the way.

  Once we are by the waterfall, Kyle opens the bag, grabs some glow sticks, and throws them around. Then he goes to get wood to start a bonfire. Once he is done, Alec sits down and I sit in between his legs. Amanda sits across from us.

  “So, have you finished everything on your list?” she asks Alec.

  “What list?” I ask.

  Alec kisses my cheek and laughs but doesn’t say anything.

  “Alec asked me for a list of things that every girl should experience in her life.”

  “Really?” I ask. “Like what?”

  “Hmmm. It’s been a while. Camping with friends was one of them.”

  I look back at him and smile.

  “Kiss in the rain.”

  I blush and look away.

  “Sneak out and go to a party.”

  “Well, I don’t remember having to sneak out, but okay… what else?” I’m really curious about this list.

  “Go to a dance and feel like a princess.”

  Kyle laughs. “I think you failed on that one, Bro.”

  I come to Alec’s defense. “I’d much rather be here.”

  Kyle laughs. “Did you feel like a princess while being carried through the woods?”

  “Shut up, Kyle.” Alec grins. “The night is not over any way. I haven’t failed yet.”

  Amanda continues, “And Summer Love.”

  I take a deep breath.

  “So what happens when this list is over?” asks Kyle.

  Alec’s grin gets wider. “The list is never over. I’m just going to keep adding things to it.”

  I turn around and kiss him.

  Kyle clears his throat. “I think I just threw up in my mouth a little. Come on, Amanda. Let’s go for a walk.”

  Alec grabs his phone and turns on Your Call by Secondhand Serenade. He stands up and extends his hand, “Dance with me?” he asks.

  I stand up and wrap my arms around his neck and I start humming with the song. He smiles and pulls me closer.


  “Sky?” I whisper against her ear about halfway through the song. “What do you think I should do about school?” I ask already knowing the answer. She’s just the kind of girl that puts your dreams first.

  “What do you mean?” she asks.

  “Should I go or would you rather I stay?”

  “Alec, it’s your decision.”

  “No,” I give her a quick kiss. “It’s our decision. You’re part of my life. I want your honest opinion.”

  She stops and looks into my eyes. “I think you should go for it.”

  I lean in and kiss her again.

  “That was my last rule left,” I whisper against her lips.

  She grins, “Your rules were meant to be broken, Alec. You only have one life to live. Live it.”



  Watching Alec and Kyle graduate is bittersweet. I’m so happy for Alec, but going back to school after summer will be terrifying. It’s true that Lizzie won’t be here and that helps, but everyone I am or was close to, will be gone.

  After graduation, we all go over to Alec’s house. His parents are throwing a huge party for family and friends. Even Uncle J was invited, or maybe he invited himself. I’m not sure, but he shows up with a signed jersey for Alec. It has Alec’s name and number on the back, and a graduation card signed by all the players he works with. Alec is left speechless.

  At some point, while Alec is distracted by his family members’ never ending questions, I make my escape. The party is great. I just feel overwhelmed by so many people and all the questions on what is next.

  I go to the side of my house and up to the roof. I’ll never get tired of how quiet things get when I’m sitting up here.


  I didn’t think Mom and Dad would have so many family members here and I definitely didn’t expect family members who I haven’t seen in years.

  I’ve been answering the same questions over and over again… ‘What have you been doing?’… ‘What are you going to school for?’ And hearing the same things too… ‘Wow. Long distance relationships are tough.’

  I look around and see Amanda. Amanda and Sky were both with me not long ago. I thought Sky went away with her, but I don’t see her. I start to look around and excuse myself. I go to Amanda. “Have you seen Sky?”

  “No. She ran away from that dreadful interrogation you were going through before I could.”

  I see Kyle come in from the backyard and he motions for me to go over there.

  “What is up? I’m looking for Sky. Have you seen her?”

  “Yeah. Come on.”

  We go to the side of the backyard and he points to the roof of her house. “What the hell is she doing up there?”

  I laugh. “That is her quiet place. You know… like the waterfall is mine. I’ll go get her.”

  He is the one laughing now. “YOU—up there? Right.”

  “I’m actually getting used to it. It won’t be my first time going up.” I pause. “Just don’t tell anyone where I am, okay?”


  I leave Kyle, go to the side of Sky’s house and climb up the ladder. She’s so distracted that she doesn’t even hear me coming.

  I sit next to her and grab her hand.

  “What is on your mi
nd, Sky?”

  She looks at me, and smiles. “I’m going to miss you.”

  “I’m going to miss you too. But I’ll be here every weekend.”

  “Until baseball season starts,” she smiles sadly at me.

  I nudge her shoulder. “But you’re getting your license soon. That will help. And I can always have one of my friends drive you to see me.

  She doesn’t say anything.

  “Sky, look at me.”

  She does and it kills me knowing that she’s trying so hard not to cry.

  “We’ll make it work, Sky. I promise. I lost you for ten years. I’m not making that mistake ever again.”


  The next day, Alec and Kyle get ready to go out of town to go apartment hunting. Alec made his decision about school a little too late and couldn’t get a dorm room. Kyle convinced his parents that it made good sense to stay with his friend and came up with some crazy excuses to prove that it would be safer than living on campus.

  “Are you sure you don’t want to come with us?” asks Alec.

  “No,” I laugh. “But I think my dad needs some time to get used to the idea that my boyfriend is in college and about to move into his own apartment. I don’t want to push our luck.”

  He takes a deep breath. “Good point.”

  I walk him and Kyle to the truck and kiss Alec goodbye.

  “I love you,” he whispers in my ear.

  “I love you too.” I kiss him before I turn around and join Amanda on the front porch.

  We watch them drive away and it’s heartbreaking to think that this is the first of many times that I’ll watch him leave.

  “Hey. Cheer up.”

  I try to smile… I really do.

  “You know… before he got sick, Alec was a dreamer. He had all these amazing goals and hopes that he would play baseball forever… I mean… seriously. He used to say he would play in college and then he would be a coach, even after he retired. He lost that on the day he understood what him being sick meant… until you walked back into his life. He is that Alec again, all because you made him hope.” And she continues to say the exact same words I heard Kristi say once before, “Things won’t be easy, but he really is head over heels for you. So have hope—have faith—things have a way of working out.”


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