The Sweetest Kill: A Young Adult Paranormal

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The Sweetest Kill: A Young Adult Paranormal Page 7

by Amber Kalkes

  Curling into a ball, I began to sob into my hands, as I realize the truth of this life… there is no easy way out. I tried to do it the easy way so many times, and yet, I always wake up with no real reason as to why. Why would someone like Charlotte, an innocent little girl, die when she wasn’t ready, while I am forced to linger? Is it some cruel joke? Does it even matter anymore?

  My alarm is still blaring in the background of my nonsensical thoughts, telling me that I have work in an hour. My sobs have tempered down to hiccups as I push off my comforter and get out of bed. I slip off my thermal shirt and hiss in pain, as I feel a sharp pain in my neck. With a frown, I reach up and poke the stinging area.

  My eyes widen and I rush off to the bathroom in just my bra and jeans to stare at myself in the mirror. There, on my neck, are two rows of teeth stamped perfectly on it, with two deeper wounds where the canines should be. With wide eyes, I poke the area again and wince with the pain.

  It was real. Oh my God it was really real and he… left me alive. That’s almost more depressing than the idea that it was all in my head. My relief of knowing it was real, falls away, to reveal only an ever deepening depression. A blood thirsty creature of myth couldn’t even kill me, and now, I feel like the punch line to a bad joke.

  With a sigh, I know I have no choice but carry on with my life. This was it, my last chance. After this last failed attempt, I don’t know what to do anymore. So, I do what I’ve been doing for the last few months, I go on.

  Chapter Seven


  The bell above the door chimes, as I rush into the café. I don’t have time to register much as I practically jog into the back room and strip off my layers. I pull uncomfortably at my turtle neck under my work shirt, and fight the urge to scratch at the bit. I hate wearing turtle necks and especially this one, but I don’t have much of a choice. I can’t really explain why there are bite marks on my neck.

  As I exit the back room, my stomach immediately drops to my feet. Lawrence is here and he’s looking at me with a disgusting, wolfish grin he saves just for me. I know what he’ll do if he gets me alone today, and I’m not sure anyone will stop it. They didn’t before, and after my stunt at the club, I’m sure not even Melanie will help me this time.

  When I go to dip under the counter, I’m careful not to go too close to Lawrence. When I peek up at him, I see a smirk on his face, a sign that he knows exactly what I’m doing. I quickly avert my gaze and focus on my many tedious tasks to busy myself. I don’t want to look like I’m not working, or else he’ll take that as a sign that I’m not doing anything. I don’t need to give him any opportunities today. I’m wound tight enough as it is, without his lecherous behavior being forced on me.

  “Where the hell did you run off to the other night?”

  I jump at the hissed voice in my ear, and look up to see Melanie glaring at me. I open my mouth and try to think of something to say, but only come up with, “W-What?”

  “Don’t what me.” She quietly snaps, “Last I saw you, you and that preppy boy band wannabe were dancing and the next, he said you ran off. Trevor and I looked everywhere for you! I have your coat, by the way.”

  I blink at her as my cheeks heat, “Y-Yeah. I… I didn’t think… I just needed air. I went out the back door and then I couldn’t get back in. I didn’t want to freeze out there and I don’t have a cell phone. I’m sorry Melanie, really.”

  Her light blue eyes soften a little but she pouts at me, “Well that sounds reasonable, I guess.”

  “I really am sorry.” I tell her before my eyes flicker over her shoulder to find Lawrence gone. My whole body relaxes at the missing sight.

  “Okay.” She says reluctantly, before grabbing me in a hug. My arms stay at my sides as she hugs me, but she doesn’t seem to mind. I don’t really know what to do to get her off me though, so I raise one hand and pat her back awkwardly. Pulling back, she gives me a mega-watt grin, “I put your jacket in the back on my hook, so just take it when you go.”

  “Wait, are you leaving?” I ask, my voice rising a few octaves in panic.

  “Sadly, yes. My shift is over and Kayla will be here for a few more hours, until Frank shows up. Lawrence has these shifts all messed up. You never know whose coming in and when anymore.” She says breezily before frowning at me, “Hey, are you okay? You look tired.”

  “I am tired.” I mumble.

  “I’d tell you to go ask Lawrence for a half day, but I think its best you stay away from him. Especially after last time. Honestly, Shoshanna, I think you should quit or he should be fired. I don’t know which but it can’t go on like this.”

  I stare down at my beaten to hell sneakers as I speak, “I know but I need this job.”

  “Yeah,” She sighs, “I know but just think about it okay? I mean, even I’m looking for other jobs in the area and I actually like this job.”

  I smile a little but says nothing. She’s right. I know she’s right. I can’t keep working with Lawrence’s slimy hands always hovering over me, waiting for the chance to strike. Absently, I run my thumb over the patch of my sleeve covering another bandage, this one across the width of my forearm.

  “Well, I have to go,” Melanie says, bringing me back to reality. I look up to see her giving me an exaggerated pouty face, “And get a cell phone, would you?”

  My mouth twists ruefully, “I’ll think about it.”

  “Alright. See you… Wednesday?”

  I shrug one shoulder, “Probably.”

  I watch her leave the café longingly. I wish I could leave with her but coming up with rent has been difficult lately. I’ve even considered getting another job, but if I do that, my parents will want to step in to help. I promised myself I’d do it on my own and I have every intention of following through. So instead, I’ve been skipping more meals so I can avoid buying groceries. I don’t feel hungry anymore, which is good for my wallet, as it is bad for my health.

  “Decaf latte.” A disinterested voice calls.

  I immediately look at my co-worker for the day, the ever-sour Kayla. Her bleach blonde hair is pulled back from her face today, revealing two light pink dove earrings dangling from her ears. I notice they dance from her earlobes as she talks, like they’re trying to fly away from their decorative position. It’s distracting and oddly hypnotizing. A hand in front of my face has me flinching back to see her looking at me with a mix of annoyance and expectation. Wait what did she say?

  “Huh?” I breathe.

  Kayla rolls her heavily lined hazel eyes, “A decaf Latte, Shoshanna. Kind of in a time crunch here.”

  “Oh, o-okay.” I stutter out before making the order she needs.

  My mind goes on autopilot as I make what she asked for. My eyes keep wandering. Eventually, they settle on some black coffee beans on the counter beside me. I don’t know why, but my mind brings up the fact that they kind of look like that Vampire’s hair color, especially against the pale counter.

  I start to wonder why he left me there. I was there, begging for him to kill me and now he grows a conscience? How many women has he killed over his presumably long life? How many beautiful, smart, and accomplished women had he killed and yet, he lets me live? It doesn’t make sense. None of it makes sense.

  I hiss as hot coffee overflows from the cup and burns the skin of my hand. Kayla calls out my name and immediately comes over to help me. I stare at her in surprise, as she hands off our jobs to the trainee, who up to this point, I haven’t even noticed. Grabbing the first aid kit from under the counter, Kayla starts to lead me out from behind the counter. One of her hands cradles my enflamed one, but it doesn’t stop the residual sting.

  “Are you okay?” she asks, as we walk down the hallway to the customer bathrooms.

  I nod, a bit confused by her behavior. Doesn’t she hate me?

  Pushing the door open, she seems relieved that no one is in the bathrooms, which only confuses me more. Still, I let her lead me over to the sinks, as she turns one of the faucets
on and sticks my hand under the cool water. I flinch and wince at the feel of the ice cold water on my red, irritated skin. Soon, the pain is replaced with an almost drunk feeling that always seems to follow. I close my eyes and feel my body relax, but its cut short when she shuts off the water.

  “You seem a bit distracted today.” Kayla notes as she takes my hand away from the sink, “What am I saying? You’re always distracted.”

  I just stare at her. I have no defense for that.

  “I don’t know why they don’t just fire you already. It’s not like you actually like working here.”

  Again, I don’t respond. I don’t think she really wants me to.

  She laughs a little. “You sure are one for conversation, Shoshanna.”

  I purse my lips, and prove her right by again keeping my mouth shut. What am I supposed to say? She doesn’t like me, but yet, she’s helping me. I don’t know why she is, but she is. I’m at a bit of a loss here.

  Kayla inspects the back skin of my hand for a second, before dropping it to open up the first-aid kit. Rummaging around it a little, she pulls out a small, white packet from it. I glance at it and see ‘Burn Cream’ written on it in blue letters. Tearing open the package, she squirts a little of it on the tip of her finger and starts smearing it on the top of my hand. I try to take my hand back, hissing between my teeth at the pain, but she tightens her grip on my hand, so I can’t.

  “Kayla?” I ask quietly.


  “Why are you helping me?”

  She glances up at me in surprise before arching a dark brown brow, “What? I can’t be nice?”

  “You can. You’re just not usually,” I tell her and blush a little at her dry look before adding, “Not to me anyway.”

  “Well, if you’re thinking I have ulterior motives, you’re right. I do have something to ask you.”


  She tilts her head to the side and gives me a slight smirk, “I want you to ask Lawrence what he can do about my schedule. I mean, we both know that he has the hots for you and it’s pretty clear you’ve been screwing him.”

  I snatch my hand back like she’s burned me again and narrow my eyes at her. I clutch my uninjured hand into a fist, as I fight the urge to smack her. Me? Screwing Lawrence? Is she serious right now? I would rather gut myself, than ever allow Lawrence to touch me, especially over something for this brat.

  “I am not screwing Lawrence!” I tell her as I practically spit every word.

  “Whatever.” She says with an eye roll, “All I’m saying is if you play your cards right, you could use it in your favor. He’s obviously willing to do anything to get you spread eagle on his desk, so why not just do it and give us all a break?”

  I don’t even dignify that with an answer. Reaching past her I grab a roll of gauze and tape from the first aid kit and clutch it in my uninjured hand. Turning on a heel, I start to walk out of the bathroom. She doesn’t follow me out and I’m a bit relieved. I’m so mad right now I’m afraid that if she even breathes on me, I’ll kill her.

  When I pull open the bathroom door, my bad luck streak just keeps on going, because I run right into the devil himself, Lawrence. His snake-like green eyes focus in on me before a sick smile spreads across his face. Looking around wildly, I realize we are completely alone. His body is blocking my only exit and I’m pretty sure if I ran for the bathrooms again, he’d follow me. I realize there is no way out of this one and the thought is unsettling.

  His smirk is still in place as he takes my hand in his and lifts up to his face, “That looks pretty bad.”

  I grit my teeth. “I’m fine. I should go back to work.”

  He clicks his tongue and glares at me. “That’s not how this works, Shoshanna. Come to my office and let me bandage this up for you. You can thank me later. Actually, I have a few ideas on how you can thank me.”

  I whimper and fight the urge to vomit as he rubs himself against me. Putting my hands on his chest, I try to push him away, but he grabs my upper arms tight enough to stop it from working. He buries his nose in my hair and takes a deep breath, making tears start to trickle in my eyes. I’m scared. In fact, I’m terrified and I’m pretty sure nothing is going to save me this time.

  “I’m fine,” I insist, tears streaming openly down my face, “Please, I just want to go back to work.”

  “And I’m telling you, I want to see you in my office.”

  “Please.” I beg, feeling as pathetic as I am. “Please, just let me go back to work. Please, just leave me alone.”

  Screw it, I think. I’ll live in a goddamn alley or even back at my parent’s house, if I have to. I can’t deal with this anymore. I can’t keep coming back here and having to cower in fear every time I see him. I shouldn’t have to live like that and I refuse to do it anymore.

  Apparently, Lawrence doesn’t like not having my full attention. He squeezes my arms tighter in his, in a way I know it’s going to bruise. I let out a whimper and his eyes light up at the sound of my pain. He keeps his voice low as he turns his head, so his lips are at my ear.

  “Here’s what’s going to happen. We’re going back to my office. You’re going to do everything I tell you to do, and when I’m done with you, you can leave. Got it?”

  The tears begin to really fall now. I replay the events of the night before, over and over in my head, and I simply can’t face letting it happen again. One of the bathroom doors behind me swing open, and I see Lawrence straighten up before I feel his body relax against mine. I look over my shoulder and see Kayla looking at us wide-eyed before fixing her expression.

  I’m begging her with my eyes to help me. But if she notices my silent plea, she doesn’t show it. Instead, she just gives Lawrence a small smile back and walks past us like this is all normal. There it goes, I think, as I watch her walk away from us, my last hope of help is gone.

  “Excuse me.” A sharp voice cuts in behind Lawrence.

  I see a pair of fierce almond shaped brown eyes glaring between Lawrence and me. He looks familiar but I can’t put my finger on it. His hair is a lovely dark brown, almost black in color and tied back at the nape of his neck. His skin is a smooth, warm olive tone that covers the sharp contours of his bone structure. He’s fairly tall, taller than Lawrence certainly, and his sharp features hint a Native American or maybe Hispanic heritage.

  “Can I help you?” Lawrence all but snarls.

  The guy’s mouth turns up in a cold smirk, “Yeah, I need to talk to you about a complaint.”

  Lawrence raises one dark eyebrow, a sign of his true hair color. “A complaint?”

  “Yup. Your coffee tastes and smells like douche.” He says, leaning in closer to Lawrence and sniffing him. “So does the manager, it would seem.”

  Lawrence sneers at the customer. “I’ll kick your ass out of here before you can blink, if you keep harassing the staff.”

  “I’d say the same to you.” The guy retorts coldly.

  While both men are glaring at each other, I try to wiggle out of Lawrence’s hold to make my escape. I don’t make it far though as Lawrence swiftly grabs my upper arm tighter, keeping me where I am, yet again. I bit my lip so as not to cry out, but a whimper escapes, making the other guy make a noise I’m pretty sure may have been a real life growl.

  “We need to talk, Shoshanna, wait in my office until I finish with this.” Lawrence orders.

  I shake my head. “No.”

  “Do it or you’re fired.”

  I take a deep breath. Ah, screw it.

  “Fine. I quit.”

  “What?” Lawrence snaps in a low dangerous tone.

  “Then fire me.” I repeat. “I don't want to work here anymore."

  “You leave, when I tell you to leave.” He hisses.

  It’s a warning and an order, but he has nothing over me. I try wiggling my arm out of his grasp, but he tightens his hold to the point that I think I may lose circulation. Eventually though, I do get it loose and stumble away from him, rub
bing my arm to get some feeling back into it. It’s good that I was able to get it out though, because I’m pretty sure I’d chew through my arm to get out of this café.

  “I quit.” I hiss. “And you’re an asshole.”


  I ignore Lawrence and turn to my apparent savior, “Thank you.”

  He shrugs and gives me a tense smile, “No problem, shall I walk you out?"

  I nod and feel a small smile work its way onto my face. I never realized how much this was affecting me, until I was sure it was over. It literally feels like two hundred pounds has been lifted off of me. It feels… fantastic! I’m actually quite sure this is the best I’ve felt in months.

  The guy’s answering grin is megawatt, as he escorts me to get my winter gear along with the coat Melanie left for me, before following me out of the store. When we reach outside, it’s snowing again, and the flakes begin to get trapped in his dark hair, making it look like snow on black ice. He turns to me and offers me his large, tanned hand with a smile.

  “I’m Tyler, by the way.”

  I hesitantly take his hand with my ungloved one. “Shoshanna.”

  He beams. “Cool name.”

  “Thank you.” I mutter shyly, as I stick my hands in my coat pockets.

  “So, can I walk you home?” he asks after a minute of silence.

  “I…well… I…”

  He cuts me off quickly. “No, I mean, I’m not hitting on you or anything. I just want to make sure you make it home okay. That guy was really creepy and I just want to make sure he doesn’t follow you home.”

  I sigh tiredly, just wanting to be alone but also not wanting to be rude.

  “That’s kind of you but I-I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  His mouth purses a little but he nods, “Alright, well I don’t want to seem pushy. Sorry about your job, by the way.”

  “It’s fine,” I assure him with a small smile, “It was a long time coming. Thanks for helping though.”

  “Is he always like that?”


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