The Sweetest Kill: A Young Adult Paranormal

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The Sweetest Kill: A Young Adult Paranormal Page 25

by Amber Kalkes

  “They’re donors.” Tyler whispers in my ear, coming out of nowhere.

  I turn around and frown at him, “Like a blood donor?”

  He nods and takes a drink of whatever strong alcohol is in his glass, “The sensation that comes from the biting can become addictive though. Something in the saliva, I guess. I don’t remember but that’s why they look so strung out.”

  I look past his shoulder and see a petite woman with short blonde hair and a light pink floral evening gown. She’d look beautiful if it wasn’t for the dampness at the ends of her hair and the sweat coating her skin. She’s with a tall and handsome, blonde man who is completely ignoring her. She sways a little bit on her feet, and catches herself on one of the nearby walls before looking in my direction. Her half lidded blue eyes meet mine and I quickly look away.

  Do I look like that?

  A hand on my waist distracts me and I look up to see Tobias coming to stand beside Viktor, as he comes around to stand in front of me. Viktor is dressed in another perfectly tailored, three-piece gray suit, bringing out his mercury eyes perfectly. He’s wearing a matching silver tie and a dark blue dress shirt underneath. His eyes hold mirth as he gives me an assessing look before smiling at me.

  “Shoshanna, we meet again.”

  I offer him my hand, “Mr. Naidoo.”

  Viktor takes my hand and kisses the back, “Charming as always. I must say I find it encouraging being able to see Van Garrett’s mark on your neck. Not succumbing to the master plan are you?”

  I want to laugh, but instead, I just compress my lips in a smile, “If I have, I haven’t been made aware.”

  Viktor eyes me slowly and smiles seductively as he does so, “Very charming indeed.”

  I feel Tobias’s grip on my waist tighten and I refrain from rolling my eyes. With a brief nod and a silent communication between Tobias and Viktor, Viktor leaves and I let out a breath of relief. It’s short-lived because my attention is drawn to a red manicured hand on Tobias’s shoulder. I grimace because I can only guess who would be bold enough to drape herself on him like that.

  “Care to dance?”

  I lift a brow before turning to Tobias. To be honest, I couldn’t care less if he dances with a goat at this point, I’m just curious about his response. He surprises me though by grabbing her hand like it’s dirty and throwing it off his shoulder. Her face pinches with rage and she glares at me with renewed rancor. I keep my face impassive. I could not give any less of a shit.

  Still, she doesn’t leave. He ignores her but she’s glaring at him. I start to shift foot to foot and fidget. Can this get anymore awkward? Turns out it can, because next thing I know, Josette begins going off in a burst of words that I think are French and presumably not very nice. Her tone and the pissed off look on her face is a clear indicator of that.

  Now, my French is horrid. I only took it for a semester back in high school but a few words I understand. The word ‘pathétique’ is one used a lot. From the pointed look in my direction every time she says it, I assume she’s talking about me. Josette’s voice rises and soon she’s shouting at him but Tobias simply looks annoyed.

  Tobias bites back in some equally stinging French, but I can’t make it out. Josette’s response is immediate and she’s nearly shrieking at this point. I feel like I’m trapped in a lover’s quarrel at this point and it makes me more uncomfortable than it probably should. I spot Tyler approaching out of the corner of my eyes and give him a 'what the hell' look. He rolls his eyes and offers me his hand. I take it hesitantly and he starts leading me away from the pair.

  “What’s happening?” I whisper at him.

  He shrugs carelessly, “She’s throwing a very public tantrum in the wrong place. Master Renshu won’t be pleased.”

  “That will be the least of her worries at the moment. Henry isn’t pleased with her actively chasing another.”

  I turn around to see Viktor lurking behind me. Glaring at him I ask, “Is that what you do? Just lurk about, ready to offer your two cents when needed?”

  He gives a pleased smile, “Van Garrett has been good for you.”

  “Do you know what they’re talking about?” I ask lowly, trying to get the subject off of me.

  Viktor who looks pleased as punch to have my attention. “Would you like to know?”

  “Yes, please.” I sigh.

  “She’s upset he marked you and he is threatening to rip her tongue out.” He says simply, like I just asked him what the weather would be like next Friday. “It’s quite a situation you’ve created, Madam, I must say, I would never have thought you to be such trouble when I first met you.”

  “Yeah,” I mutter, “Neither did I.”

  Viktor winks at me, “Of that, my dear, I have no doubt.”

  “She has no right to be among us!” Josette screams in English, no matter how accented it is. “She has no right to be by your side!”

  “And you think you do?” Tobias scoffs.

  “I have more right then that disfigured gutter creature!”

  I feel like I’ve been physically slapped. I can feel many eyes on me but I don’t look up. Instead I cross my arms over my chest, feeling exposed and very out of place. A dark place in the back of my head tells me she’s right. She does have more right to be here than me, while the rest of my head is screaming at her to go rot and die somewhere. My hands start to shake and I tighten them around me.

  “Enough.” A man’s says in a low deadly voice but it seems crystal clear in the silence of the ballroom at this moment.

  I look up at the sound of the commanding voice and spot a man coming through the crowd. He’s very eye catching. He’s in a suit as well, but it’s not as put together as the other men in the room. It’s a three-piece suit, charcoal gray, and tailored perfectly to his wiry body type. His dark black hair is long, nearly reaching the middle of his back and loose. His hooded almond shaped eyes are black in color and his skin, though pale shows a hint of gold in the pallor.

  I don’t need to be told to know this is the infamous Master Renshu.

  Josette goes even paler at the sight of him and steps back from him, in what I assume to be fear. She’s dressed in a red floor length gown that has cut outs at her shoulders and drapes perfectly on every curve. Her long chocolate colored hair is in a low chignon and rubies dangle from her ears in sparkling drops of crimson. She’s admittedly stunning, but in this moment she looks ready to shit herself.

  “Do you need to be excused?” Renshu asks her pointedly.

  She shakes her head and for once, I see this woman cower. It’s unsettling. She usually looks so composed but this is humiliating to watch. I have to look away but chilling fingers catch my chin quickly and force me to look up. I’m not surprised to see Renshu standing before me and I clench my hands as tightly as I can at my sides. I need to stop myself from reacting to his unfamiliar touch, even if it kills me.

  “Would you like her to leave?” He asks me directly.

  I glance at the still fearful Josette and shake my head, “N-No, sir.”

  “Well, I would.” He says quietly before turning to look at her, “Leave my sight until further notice. I’ll deal with you later.”

  Josette straightens her back but I can see her hands fisted at her sides, shaking with the effort to keep her trap shut. She walks out of the room in a red blur of movement, as the ballroom continues to stew in its tense silence. Renshu releases my chin and gives me a smile I can only describe as wistful, which is confusing.

  “Do you care to dance?” He asks curiously, and tilts his head a little.

  “I… uh…”

  The master’s eyes move towards Tobias and I see challenge clearly written in his gaze, “You don’t mind do you? As long as I keep my hands to myself?”

  Tobias’s jaw is clenched tightly, but he gives a stiff incline of his head, “Of course not, but it is she who you’ll have to ask. She’s not much for dancing.”

  “Are you not?”

  My mouth is
parched but I croak out, “N-No.”

  “Well perhaps you can make an exception for me, hmm? Come.” He orders and offers me his hand. When I hesitate he gives me a small, and what I’m assuming what’s meant to be reassuring, smile, “I’ll be a perfect gentleman.”

  Swallowing thickly, I manage the briefest of nods and slip my gloved hand into his. He wraps his larger and much more elegant, hand around mine. Gently he starts to guide me away from Tyler and Viktor. I can feel my panic rise, as I’m pulled farther away from my comfort zone. Momentarily, I’m distracted by the fact that my comfort zone comprises of two amorous vampires and a never-aging werewolf.

  “May I be so bold as to tell you how enchanting you look in that gown this evening?” Renshu asks as he gives my body one very unsubtle look once over.

  “W-Well,” I begin before clearing my throat, “You kind of already said it, so… yes?”

  He laughs and I jump a little at the sheer volume of it. The sound echoes around the expansive room and since it’s completely silent, that makes it even more unsettling. Renshu pulls me to a stop in the middle of the room and places one hand on my waist, while the other more comfortably clutches my already captured hand.

  “How delightful you are. I can see why Master Van Garrett keeps you around.”

  I don’t know how to respond to that one, so I just keep my trap shut. It seems to be the safest option.

  Before I know it, music starts to play. Frowning, I look around and try to find the source. I didn’t see a DJ anywhere before. Finally my eyes land on a full quartet sitting about nine feet away from us, against a wall. All are dressed in tuxes and gowns while seemingly in their later years of life.

  All four appear to be human from what I can pick out, which is even more confusing. Why would anyone willingly come to a vampire party knowing it was full of people who want to eat you? Of course, as Renshu’s hand tightens around mine again, I realize the irony of my own thoughts.

  Renshu guides me towards the left and I stumble a bit in surprise. I really don’t dance but it appears I’m going to have to learn if I’m going to survive the night. When I stumble again, I expect a snicker or two but I don’t hear anything. Instead all I hear is the beautiful sound of the stringed instruments carrying on with their flawless performance. Perhaps I should be taking a page from their book, because right now, I think I’m failing to make much an impression.

  “See?” Renshu says lowly, getting my attention, “It’s all in the leading.”

  “I’m sorry. I’m not much of a dancer.” I admit, feeling my cheeks heat.

  “No need for apologies, Miss Belle. I rather find your inexperience charming.”

  I’m so stunned that he knows my name that it takes me a minute to process his words. When I do, my cheeks get even warmer. I can also feel my hands starting to sweat and shake a little as he starts to turn us. Lifting my eyes, I spot Tobias over Renshu’s shoulder, watching us like a hawk. His scathing look throws me off and I quickly look away from him.

  Clearing my throat, I try to keep my voice even as I speak, “Well that’s… good, I think.”

  “Most find it unbeneficial to find me bored with them.” He tells me breezily before levelling me with an intense stare, “So, yes, it’s a good thing.”

  Oh, a veiled threat. How lovely.

  “I-I’ll take your word for it.”

  We dance in silence for a few moments before he speaks again, “Now that we’re alone I’d like to take this opportunity to apologize for Josette. Her behavior will be met with severe punishment.”

  “That won’t be necessary.” I tell him quickly, shuddering at the very images that conjure, “She was wrong, yes, but I’m a forgiving person. I think she learned her place.”

  “And what, pray tell, do you think is her place Miss Belle?”

  “Not draped all over my… Tobias.” I quickly correct myself. I don’t know why but my mouth almost says the ‘b’ word, which seems ridiculous. Okay, maybe we agreed to something but that word bothers me probably more than it should.

  Renshu’s pitch black eyes seem to turn a bit knowing, as he gazes down at me, “Your Tobias, you say? He does seem very fond you.”

  “I’ll take your for it, Sir.”

  “Please, Shoshanna, call me by my given name.”

  “I don’t want to overstep my mark.” I mumble, feeling uneasy about being anything close to intimate terms with this guy. If the things I’ve been told are true, being close to a man that dangerous most likely end well for me.

  I flinch back in surprise when Renshu’s hand comes into view out of the corner of my eye. I don’t catch myself in time and I see his hooded eyes narrow fractionally at my response. I try to stay as ridged as I can, while still dancing, as he continues to move his hand towards my face. When his fingertips brush along my cheekbone, I hold my breath and try my best not to even blink.

  “You’re very warm, Shoshanna.” He says thickly, as his eyes stay trained on the trail of his own fingers, “Did you know that?”

  I part my lips to speak but nothing comes out, so instead I just shake my head. His fingertips run down the length of my cheekbone and I can feel the old familiar feeling start to arise. My heart starts to beat out of my chest and my breathing starts to speed, until I’m practically panting. Bile rises in my throat and my joints all lock in place. I want to run as far away as I can, but my body won’t let me. Even it knows that we would never stand a chance if we did.

  Suddenly, his eyes raise and he pulls his hand back from my skin. I can feel my brow dampen with sweat as I look up at him but he doesn’t look away from my eyes. It’s almost like he’s searching for something. I don’t know what it is, but the longing in his eyes doesn’t help my worry about what it is he thinks he’s doing. I thought Tobias said he wouldn’t allow anyone to touch me, and yet, this guy is doing it without any reprimand.

  “P-Please d-don’t.” I plead as quietly as I can, not sure who can hear me in this room filled with the unnaturally gifted.

  And as those words pass by my lips, his whole expression changes.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  “What did you just say?” he asks, breathlessly.

  “I-I’m sorry, I j-just...”

  He shakes his head and lays his hand against my bare shoulder, “Do I make you uncomfortable, Shoshanna?”

  Yes. “N-No, I just… I’m sorry, sir. I was just overwhelmed for a moment. I didn’t mean to cause offense.”

  “You didn’t.” He assures me, looking at me like he’s seeing me for the first time, “You just reminded me something I thought I’d forgotten.”

  I frown at his answer, but it doesn’t seem to faze him much. As he runs a pale gold hand through his long dark hair, I think I see it shake. Is he… nervous? Did I bring something up that was that bad for him? I thought he was a malevolent creature, but one pathetic plea from me and he seems completely thrown off his façade, if it is even a façade. It’s hard to tell with these folks.

  The master brings me out of my thoughts and I look up at him again when he clears his throat. He’s standing very stiffly in front of me with impassive dark eyes trained on my face. The mask is now clearly up and I’m starting to question if I even saw it slip in the first place. He stiffly steps back from me and gives me a slight bow of his head before speaking.

  “Thank you very much for the dance, Shoshanna but I have business to attend to. Please, enjoy the rest of your evening. I hope to speak to you again soon.”

  Before I can even utter a syllable, he gives me a little bow before turning on a heel and walking away from me. A small entourage follows him as he leaves, and as soon as he is out of sight, excited chatter hums throughout the room. I sway a little at my feet and I feel Tyler grab my shoulder to keep me steady. I flinch away from him and straight into Tobias. God, can I just get a break from all these men?

  “Are you alright?” Tobias whispers in my ear.

  I nod and smile tightly bu
t don’t comment. I can’t really argue about it right now. I’m playing the human arm candy to the host tonight, so appearances are everything at the moment. Tobias frowns but doesn’t say anything, though I can see by the look on his face that he’s dying to.

  “You did well.” Viktor says, again getting my attention.

  “He knew my name.” I breathe, more to myself but he hears me.

  “Renshu knows what he needs to know.” Viktor informs me, “Some about his friends and everything about his enemies.”

  “Which one am I?”

  Viktor smiles, “Hard to say, but it’ll be interesting to find out.”

  I grimace as I watch him walk away, a little skip in his step. I’m going to need a bath to wash all this bullshit off me later. Tobias runs the tips of his fingers along the length of my spine in a soothing gesture and I close my eyes at the feeling.

  “As much as it pains me to leave you when you’re obviously upset, I have to go.” He whispers in my ear.


  Tobias gives me a single nod as his crimson eyes search my face.

  “It’s fine.” I mutter before pushing away from Tobias. Looking at him over my shoulder I try to keep my expression placid, “I’ll see you after right?”

  He frowns a little but answers, “Of course.”

  Turning away from him, I try to focus on not falling apart in his presence. My brain, treacherous as ever, pushes images of Renshu’s touch into my thoughts. My skin claws at the very memory. Again, it’s nothing against him, no matter how creepy he could be perceived. I just really don’t like being touched like that. It seems so… intimate. I can just withstand it when Tobias does it, but this… it’s just too much. Speaking of which…


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