Omega Seth

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Omega Seth Page 14

by TJ Star

  Chapter 37 Family

  While the men went to work the next day Galen and he used his laptop to work from home. Seth could see he was trying to avoid thinking about what had happened. He kept busy though even if he was slower than usual getting the work done. Seth organized the packages that had been printed off by house and area. Then he put them into colored folders that indicated that area of the housing project.

  Nathan had arranged for Ethan’s company to come start installing the security on the houses today and one of his men was supposed to come by and pick up the packets to distribute to each house they finished. The rest would be left with the job site manager at the end of the day.

  Seth thought this was nice of them to do and told Ryan so. He said that he explained things to Ethan and he understood as his sister had been killed in his old pack by an out of control alpha. Apparently Ethan had been deployed overseas at the time and the pack was not looking out for his family like they were supposed to. One of the reasons he got into security when he got back home, bringing a few of his military buddies with him.

  Soon the doorbell rang and he went to answer it, looking through the peep hole. He didn’t recognize the wolf there and asked who’s there. To which an ID was held up for identification. He then opened the door and apologized to the alpha there. Apparently Ethan himself decided to come and man he was a giant. Seth looked up and gulped then motioned him in.

  “These four boxes here on the table are all going each have a color coded symbol on the outside so you know which area they belong in. I am not sure where you are working today though but the rest can just go to the project manager when done.” Seth said nervously and fast then added with a giggle, “Oh, sorry I am Seth and this is Galen.”

  “I am Ethan Marks I own the Falcon security company. I will get the boxes it looks like you don’t need to be lifting anything. Congratulations!” He said going to the table and easily taking two of the big boxes at once. Seth went over to the door to open it back up for him.

  When he came back and got the other two boxes he let Galen know that he had a car set up down the block watching the house and a man in the woods to keep them safe. Told them not to worry and gave them both a card so he could be contacted directly if anything should happen. They shook hands and then he left.

  Chapter 38 Nathan

  He decided to stop by on his lunch break even though it was a late lunch. They had gotten a lot more done at the Mc Cade Project today than he thought. Now that the construction part was coming to a finish and they didn’t need as much help on it they were using some of the men as grunt labor for the landscaping and equipment set up. The progress was amazing and he loved seeing everything come together.

  “Hey bros, what is for lunch I am starving?” Nathan said walking in the door. “Sorry I didn’t mean to startle you guys.” Now he felt bad. He just wanted to come and check on them since he had a spare minute.

  “It’s okay, we were just so wrapped up in work we weren’t paying attention. Let me make you something while you and Galen chat.” Seth said.

  He went to go sit next to his bubby and kissed the top of his head. He put his arm around him after he put his laptop on the side table. They sat there with Galen resting his head on his shoulder until Seth brought them all over plates and drinks. They ate and started talking about work.

  “The project is going faster than I expected. That omega Steven the one we hired on with Enrique to replace those two losers. He is just as kick butt at landscaping as he is with construction.” Nathan said smiling.

  “He is an omega? I thought at least a beta he is so big and has so many muscles.” Seth said looking at him.

  “Yes he is an omega; he and Enrique were from our old pack and went to Jeff’s pack after ours got shut down. Apparently he is almost as bad as Ron was as an alpha. They were made to work long hours with little or no break and refused food. Not paid for the work they did. Even Rick as an alpha barely had it much better but at least he had his freedom. Steven has been working back breaking jobs since he was ten so he built muscle and skills to do the jobs we now pay him good money for.” Nathan said adding; “Now we all just need to help him with his confidence and make him feel welcome. He like you was made to feel unwelcome and inferior as an omega even though he worked twice and sometimes three times as hard as the others.”

  “We should have an omegas diner or party or something sometime so we can all get together and share our stories and get to know each other.” Galen suggested.

  Nathan told him that was a great idea and he would run it by Steven while he was back at work. Then he had to get up and leave hugging them both before he went. He loved his brothers. He just wished the lady he liked would like him. She was not a wolf though so he was having mixed feelings about it. It was not forbidden and there were some in the pack of mixed groupings but he was not sure how his brothers would feel. He did not want to lose his brothers.

  Chapter 39 Ryan

  They were in the new house next to his working on fixing it up. The musketeers had come to help and it was good having them there. The work was going faster with so many experienced hands helping out. They had started from the top down so the three bedrooms on the top floor and the master bathroom upstairs and the half bath were all done. Now they worked on the kitchen and downstairs bathroom.

  “The countertops are now in on the new cabinets and the appliances will be delivered in a couple days. How is this new tub and shower area coming guys? I know the bigger space with multiple heads will be awesome.” Nathan said coming in to see the work they were doing after they had gotten done in the kitchen.

  “Are you excited for it to be done so you can move in?” Crew asked as he put the last piece of tile on his side into place.

  “Oh that looks beautiful guys!” Samantha said coming up behind them bouncing on her heels with energy that none of them had a clue where came from.

  “Actually I was thinking we should put Galen in here and I would take over his house. That way he is between us until he finds a mate it’s safer.” Nathan said looking at Ryan to see what he thought.

  No sooner had he said that than Ryan’s phone went off and he got a text from Ethan that someone was seen coming towards their back patio door. They were coming in from the yard on the other side that was not owned by them. His man Cody was a bit deeper in the woods and that they would likely get there faster being they were in the house next door.

  They all took off towards the sliding door in the kitchen area. Out in the yard the saw the man reach for the handle on the sliding door as they left the house and the large wolf charging fast out of the woods. Ryan and Nathan had already changed and were moving fast toward the house.

  Chapter 40 Galen

  They had all the things for diner ready and put them on the table and were now bringing the drinks over to the table. They had settings for all seven of them. Now time to call the men and lady over. As he looked up at Seth before turning he had seen the horror in his eyes.

  He started toward the man who had caused him so much pain and trouble. Anger radiated off him as he yelled at the man for daring to enter their house. “You have no right to be here you were a pitiful excuse for a one night stand. Get out now!” Then he went at him fists swinging.

  Soon he saw two blurs enter the sliding door behind the man. He landed several blows before the alpha went down and his brothers changed back. Another wolf now entered it was large and not one he had seen before. He stayed in wolf form seeing things were under control, but stood guard.

  As Galen kicked the piece of shit alpha on the ground he started yelling again, “You will never come near me again you piece of shit lousy excuse for an alpha.” Then he bent down punching him in the face a few more times. “Never touch me again. Urrrggggg!” Then Nathan pulled him off the alpha and Ryan said he would be back later. Then he left with the beaten alpha.

  “It will be alright now little warrior.” Nathan said, holding his brother tight and send
ing as much calming pheromones as he could. It hurt him to hear his brother cry, but he knew it was cleansing. So he held him until he stopped.

  “Okay so time to eat everyone.” Galen said and went to sit at the table. They all ate knowing it would be a long time before Ryan got back.

  Chapter 41 Seth

  He waited for Ryan to finish his calls and come to bed. As he sat there Seth thought over the long way he had come and the places he had come from hateful, cruel and degrading; to the place he was now a caring and loving environment where everyone sticks together and supports each other. Any words that could be considered slightly cruel were ones that the brothers or their friends were tossing back and forth teasing each other with.

  That in it self was something different as well the laughing and smiling here was for a whole different kind of joy, not one brought on by causing pain and suffering to those around you.

  Yes tears leaked from his eyes thinking about how lucky he was that day Ryan walked into that meeting. He was so angry and upset to be there with his alpha and that he would was being forced to service all those men and the new client they were waiting on. He was so scared betraying his alpha by lying and not copying the plans which he could have done easily, but it was worth the betrayal.

  One look in his mate’s eyes and he would have done anything for him scared or not. Now they were going to be fathers and he had new family the brothers and the pack. He just needed to find his place in it as he supported his mate and helped his new brothers.

  He had gone into the town a couple times before he had gotten too big and done some murals on the wall at the children section of the human hospital. Other murals he done at the homeless shelter and soup kitchens in the area. He felt beauty should be everywhere for anyone to see.

  Seth worried about Galen but didn’t know what he could do other than try and comfort him and help more at work when the time came. He would check with Ryan once he was done on the phone and see what he said. They were still there with them for a few more days then planned to move into the other house again. After seeing the new house Galen agreed he wouldn’t mind living in it if Nathan was sure he wanted the house he had been living in.

  While Galen was strong and kicked some major alpha butt he still saw him holding back on social interactions some. He was worried and hoped their omega group meetings might help once they were able to have one. He had been more tired lately and barely able to do anything, though he was trying to keep the weariness from Ryan.

  Ryan walked into the room putting his phone on the side table and stripping to join him in bed. “It’s taken care of we can all sleep now.” Now he just wanted to hold his mate and know all would be okay. He felt a deep seated need for all those around him to be safe and knowing he was right next door and that something could have happened because he was working after work upset him.

  “Is there anything I can do to help Galen?” Seth asked as he leaned over hugging his mate rubbing his hands up and down his back.

  “I think all we can do is be there for him, though he might try and push us away. He can be stubborn that omega warrior brother of mine. Accepting help is not always easy for him.” Ryan said.

  “Did I ever mention how grateful I am for all the help you have given me? If it wasn’t for you risking going against my old alpha and rescuing me…I don’t think I would have made it much longer. Not mentally at least.” Seth said reaching up to kiss his mate and lay there holding each other as he slowly drifted to sleep.

  Ryan looked down at his exhausted pregnant mate as he thought about becoming a father and heard his mate mumbling in his sleep. He listened closer hearing, “Home.” He smiled and closed his eyes know all would be well.

  Chapter 42 Ryan

  He fell asleep smiling thinking of his mate. That however turned into dreams about being a father then about his father. Coming home from school to drop his backpack off so he could head to the woods with his best friends was the highlight of his day. School sucked and so did home but getting to see his friends was worth it.

  Only thing was today his dad was waiting on him drunk and with a strap. He rarely got the strap usually just pushed around or punched. The school must have called him, but he had to stand up for his friend at school. He was younger and smaller and those guys were bullying him for no reason.

  “You done it this time son, I talked them out of expelling you for fighting, but now you get to deal with me.” His father said then went after him with the belt. He was then shoved in the chest at the foot of his parent's bed. He passed out and woke up some time later, begging again to be let out. He hated small places and he had barely any room in there at all. He couldn’t move or shift or anything. He cried and begged over and over…

  “Wake up! You’re okay, wake up honey.” Seth said and shook his shoulders until he started coming to.

  “Sorry everything going on must have trigger memories for me.” Ryan said wiping his eyes and kissing his mate.

  He seen the distress on his mate's face and asked him if he was okay. “Well I think we need to go to doc’s house.” Seth said grunting again and this time grabbing and squeezing the alpha’s hand.

  “Brothers time to go!” Ryan yelled then got out of bed and dressed and helped get Seth’s things. The others got the truck ready and called the doctor so he would be ready when they arrived.

  Chapter 43 Doctors

  Thanks to a very nervous dad who refused to let anyone else drive; they made it there in record time. He was surprised there were not any cops following to give out tickets. Once inside he was put in a big delivery room so the whole family could be there during the birthing.

  He felt a bit vulnerable there before everyone like that but once the pains came heavier he forgot all about everyone else. Then all Seth wanted was his alpha. He squeezed his hand until he was sure Ryan was ready to kill him. But he caused this so he could just deal with it, besides he was closer now and he could feel it would be soon.

  The uncles were pacing nervously and then the doctor said push and all stopped. They gathered around to watch and see as closely as the nurses would allow at least. The third push came and a crying let out, the doctor announced it was a girl and handed her off to one of the nurses to wash and get ready so she could be held.

  “More pushing Seth.” The doctor said reaching in and soon there was another cry and this time they had a boy. Passing that one off the doctor didn’t have to tell him to push this time because this one seemed to be in a hurry now that the others were out of the way. “Another boy, congratulations guys.” The doctor said and finished tending to Seth’s clean up as the nurses cleaned up the babies.

  The girl was placed in Seth’s arms and he smiled and cried, then as the next one was ready he passed her to her other daddy and took him. Once he was declared fit and that he could be brought home pups in tow whenever he felt ready the doctor and nurses left bringing him the last bundle.

  Ryan passed the girl to Galen and took the boy from Seth as the nurse gave him the other boy. Then Nathan asked the darn question that floored them both. “So what names did you come up with?”

  “Names?” Ryan and Seth said at the same time, causing the brothers to burst out laughing.

  “We got to be the worst dads ever, I so forgot about picking names.” Seth said. Then looked at their precious children and decided he loved them with all his heart and they would make this right.

  “How about Timothy for one of the boy’s names?” said Ryan.

  “The other boy could be Cody after the guard who ran to our rescue so fast, but what about the girl she did come out first after all?” Seth said.

  “How about Angel, cause she looks like one?” Galen said and passed her off to Nathan then took Tim from Ryan.

  “Sounds perfect.” Seth said leaning back to close his eyes and rest until they needed fed. He knew the coming months would be hard but they would be worth it.

  Ryan looked over at his sleeping mate as he held Cody and smile
d. He had brought him such happiness in the almost year that had been since they met. He loved sharing this moment with his brothers and was glad that his mate didn’t even think twice about it either.

  It was going to be hard for Seth to take a break from work but he was sure there would be things Galen could find for him to do from home it he really needed him. Family first though and always would he protect his.

  He had yet to confront Nathan about the fact he had been keeping tabs on his father. After all Nathan’s dad put him through he didn’t want to bring up bad memories. However he was back in the country now and he had Ethan keeping tabs on his whereabouts at all times. Better to be safe than sorry, even if we are grown and can take care of ourselves now.

  Galen was on the mend mentally and even went to the bar with Nathan a couple times. Not out clubbing like he use to but it was a start to getting out there again and socializing. He didn’t want him to let his fear get to him especially since he knew that Seth could tell.

  He wondered if Seth knew they had two alphas and an omega child. He loved them all equally, but normally you couldn’t tell until the pack alpha turned them the first time when they were a week old. Then everyone could tell and it would take a day for them to change back from wolf pup to baby again. He couldn’t wait to see their wolves and play, of course then it would be a while until they would be able to turn again; not until two years of age.


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