Promised Lies (A Detective Blanchette Mystery)

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Promised Lies (A Detective Blanchette Mystery) Page 22

by Ashton, Marguerite

  “Here we go,” Julius mumbled, clutching Lily’s hand.

  Lily squeezed his hand in return. “Behave.”

  Julius said, “Bruce!”

  “Glad you made it.”

  “Heck, I’ve been nominated, again. Why not?

  “Ah, and there is the princess, gorgeous as ever,” Bruce said, taking hold of Lily’s free hand and rubbing it against his cheek. “Such soft skin.”

  “I think you like to seduce every woman you come in contact with,” Lily said.

  “Can you believe her, Julius? Bewitching, yet feisty. Tell me, Lily, what will it take to get you over to my side?”

  Lily wrapped her arms around Julius’s waist. “I’m flattered, Bruce, but I’m quite happy with my handsome husband.”

  “You could be the next Mrs. Bailey and you’d wind up with my entire fortune,” Bruce said, winking.

  “Is that what you told your second wife?”

  Bruce raised his liqueur glass and chuckled. “Damn. She’s on to me.”

  Julius leaned toward Lily and took her in his arms. “All nominees have to check in with the chapter. Will you be okay for a second?”

  “Go on. I’ll be waiting,” Lily said.

  Julius left, making his way through the crowd and over to the podium.

  “You’ve got a good man there,” Bruce said.

  “That I do,” Lily agreed. “Julius’s shocked that he received another nomination. Why?”

  “Nominees are chosen by their record of accomplishments. One can be nominated for several years before actually being chosen.”

  Lily reached for a glass of wine as a waiter passed by with a tray. “You’d think after not being chosen for five years, one might have doubts about their chosen profession.”

  Bruce took a sip of his drink. “It doesn’t hurt, Princess. Our work is competitive. It separates the genuine journalists from the slouchers.”

  “What did I miss?” Julius asked.

  “Princess and I were making small talk,” Bruce replied.

  Lily said, “I’m going to go sit down at our table.”

  “I’ll join you,” Bruce said, threading her arm through his.

  As Bruce located their place cards, Lily watched a few of Julius’s supporters surround him, offering their congratulations.

  Finally, Julius found his seat next to Lily and sat down.

  Lily’s phone buzzed in her purse. She pulled it out and looked at the incoming text.

  It was Sean from the pub. “I have information about Celine.”

  “You promised me no work tonight,” Julius said.

  Lily slid her phone closed and shoved it back in her purse. “I know, but something has come up about my case and I have to follow up.”

  As Lily stood up to leave, Julius grasped her wrist. “Who was the text from, Evan?” His grip tightened, as unyielding as iron.

  “No,” she replied, bending down next to his ear. “Let go of me, now.”

  Julius released her quickly.

  Lily stood up, forcing a smile as she rubbed her aching arm. I can’t believe he did that. Was it the residuals from learning that Evan was my partner? “I hope you win tonight. Bruce, thanks for keeping me company.”

  Bruce raised his glass. “Be careful out there.”

  Lily departed the ballroom, stepped outside and called for a cab. It was cold, but she refused to go back inside the hotel. What the hell was he thinking? Hurting me like that.

  She shivered against the sharp winds penetrating her double-breasted coat as she waited for the cab.

  Lily opened her work email on her phone and found the one from Evan containing the printouts. She scrolled through the PDF file, starting with Tanya’s to see if she could spot a pattern in the list of phone numbers.

  Halfway down the list, a number with a 608 area code stuck out against all the other phone numbers with a 920 area code. The 608 had called Tanya’s phone multiple times the night before and the day she went missing.

  Lily swiped to the next page and saw that Ursula’s phone record had received a call from the same number. When Lily reached Celine’s call log, she recognized the 608 number. As she moved further down the list she recognized another number.

  Celine had called it the night she died.

  It was Evan’s.

  Why would Celine call him? And why didn’t Evan tell me?

  The cab pulled up along the curb and Lily got in. “McGinley’s.”


  It was a slow night at McGinley’s. A few bodies warmed the seats at the other end of the bar, near the wide screen television highlighting the local sports recap.

  Lily aimed for the stool on the end, near the back door with an EXIT sign posted above. Sean walked down and handed her a glass of wine. Lily took a sip, letting the red liquid warm her throat. “What’s up?” she asked.

  “The night your dad was killed, a fella who visits on occasion had a confrontation with him.”

  “This guy that you’ve seen before, does he have a name?”

  “It’s a long name. He works for the police.”

  Lily mused over who it could be. “Have you seen me with him before?”

  “I have. In fact, I remember him coming in with a lady a few weeks back.”

  It wasn’t Owen. He would never step foot in here. His wife would’ve killed him. There was only one other person left that she knew hung out with her Dad.

  “Landon Montejack?” Lily asked.

  “It is. Later there was another scuffle. But with a different guy.”

  “And the other guy who visited. Can you describe him?”

  “White guy. Tall. Dark hair. Just acting the maggot. I was about to bounce them out on their asses. It’s all on camera.”

  Lily looked up at the video recorder as its red light flashed on top. “Got a pen?” She took the white napkin from underneath her wine glass. “I’m going to need a copy of the video.”

  Sean nodded and handed her a pen.

  “What was the confrontation about?”

  “The one with your dad: I heard Celine’s name. But the other guy and Montejack, I couldn’t tell ya. It was a busy night.”

  “Is there anything else you remember about either conversation?”

  “I’m lucky to have gotten what I told ya. Your fella, Montejack, had a lady friend with him.”

  “Is she the one you saw him with before?”

  Sean nodded.

  “Her description?”

  “Tall, black, and she didn’t belong around here.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  “She left in a limo.”

  Not Mother!


  Still dressed in her evening attire and those horrible shoes that were slaughtering her feet, Lily sat on the edge of her bed, staring aimlessly at the daddy long legs crawling along the carpet.

  What was supposed to be a relaxing night to celebrate her husband’s nomination had been tarnished, creating a revolving door of issues tied to her family.



  Lily knew without a doubt that the woman with Landon was her mother. Mother and Landon were good friends and had been for years. Yet, the more she learned about their relationship, the more she wondered just how deep their connection ran. Rumors were rumors. But they were only rumors if they weren’t true.

  Lily rubbed her wrist, gently massaging the bone where Julius’s fingers had latched on. It was an idiot move on Julius’s part. I’m expecting an apology, but will settle for a moment of tenderness. But he probably hasn’t forgiven me for leaving during the banquet.

  When Julius entered their room, he placed a crystal octagon down on the nightstand.

  The one time Julius wins, I miss it. Lily smiled. “You won!”

  Julius took off his vest and undid his tie. “You weren’t there to share it with me.”

  “I’m sorry. But I had to follow up on a lead.”

  “Was it a good one?”


  “Want to talk about it?”

  “Yes, but you know I can’t.”

  “Is this how it’s going to be? You run out every time your phone rings?”

  “My job requires me to be on call. When we got together you told me you understood. I’ve had to endure the same type of pressures from your job. Do you realize how hard it was on me not having you with me during my dad’s funeral?”

  “I was working on a story that took me out of state.”

  “Exactly! This is silly. I’m not in the mood to play who’s being the better spouse. If this has to do with Evan and me partnering up, then let’s have an actual conversation about it.”

  Julius crossed the room, grabbed Lily by the throat and shook her like a rag doll. The veins in his temples bulged. His icy digits tightened around Lily’s neck. “I don’t ever want to hear Evan’s name in our house again. Do you understand me?”

  Struggling to breathe, Lily hammered at Julius’s forearms with her fists.

  He lifted Lily from the bed and slammed her against the wall. A sharp pain erupted in Lily’s shoulders. She tried to cry out, but her cries were trapped in the base of her windpipe. I’m going to die.

  Hoping to relieve the pressure on her throat, Lily stood on the points of her shoes and dug her nails into her husband’s hand.

  Julius grunted in pain, letting her go.

  As Lily gasped for air, she collapsed to the floor, massaging her throat. The lasting friction against her skin reminded her of a fresh rug burn.

  Breathing heavily, Lily looked up at Julius.

  Julius took a step forward. “Babe, forgive me.”

  Lily glared at him. “Get the hell away from me.”

  Julius remained rooted in his spot. “Honestly, Babe. I don’t know what came over me.”

  “Grab your shit and go sleep in the guest room.”

  Julius stepped back and began collecting his belongings. When he finished, Lily got up and closed the door, locking it behind him. Her entire body shook as she ran over to the corded phone located on her nightstand and dialed 9-1-1.

  “911, what’s your emergency?” the dispatcher asked.

  “I live at 4191 Kentshire Drive. My husband just choked me, and I need a unit sent to my home as soon as possible.”

  “Okay, ma’am. Do you feel you’re still in danger?”

  “Yes. I’ve locked my bedroom door.”

  “You’re locked in your room?”

  It dawned on Lily that just because Julius had left the room didn’t mean he wasn’t lurking around on the other side of the door. She was trapped. “Please hurry.”

  “Help is on the way. What’s your name?”

  What if Evan hears the call over the radio?

  “Ma’am? May I have your name please?” the operator asked again.

  “Detective Lily Blanchette. My husband’s name is Julius Willer.”

  “All right, Detective Blanchette. I just want you to remain on the phone with me until your help arrives. Where’s your husband now?”

  “I’m not sure,” Lily said, placing her hand on her neck.

  It was as if she could still feel Julius’s hands clamped around her throat, threatening to end her life.

  The man who had promised to love and protect her had left her feeling vulnerable and alone. Why would he do this to me?

  Suddenly, banging on the door below startled Lily out of her thoughts. “They’re here.”

  “I want you to take the phone with you.”

  Lily looked down at the spiral cord. “I can’t. I’m on a corded phone.”

  “Okay. Set the phone down, and go let them in.”

  Lily did as instructed. She opened her bedroom door and peered out into the dark hallway at the guest room, across from hers.

  Its door was closed.

  No noise. No light.

  Where’s Julius?

  The banging continued, growing louder.

  Lily swung open the door, felt around in the dark for the banister and descended the stairs. As she reached for the handle, a pall of darkness draped across the door.

  Frightened, Lily pivoted to face her husband. But when she turned, her right foot caught on her heel, forcing her to fall backward against the door.

  “You called the police?”

  Vibration traveled through Lily’s body as the police officer struck the door once more. “Fort Atkinson Police Department. Open up!”

  “What did you expect, Julius?”

  “I’d never hurt you on purpose,” he said, approaching her.

  Not again! Lily flipped on the light in the foyer and yanked open the door to see Nick and Officer Johnson, the man who had stood guard outside Morgan’s door after she was shot.

  “How are we doing here tonight?” Nick asked. His voice was firm, but Lily could tell from his expression that he was relieved to see that she was okay.

  “My wife and I just had a misunderstanding,” Julius said.

  Officer Johnson reached for his handcuffs. “Putting your hands around your wife’s throat is more than just a misunderstanding. How about you step outside with me so we can figure this out?”

  “Sure,” Julius said, following Johnson out the front door.

  Nick took her by the arm, leading her into the kitchen. “Tell me what happened?”

  “Everything happened so fast—”

  Evan and Alec walked into the kitchen.

  “See, she’s fine,” Alec said. “Let’s wait in the other room until you calm down.”

  Shit. Evan’s going to want answers.

  Evan moved slowly toward Lily as Nick left the room.

  “Guys, I don’t want to go into details right now. I just want to know what’s going to happen to Julius,” Lily said.

  “He going to jail like all of the other low-life’s we arrest,” Alec said.

  Nick returned with a digital camera and switched it on. “We’ll need to document if there are any bruises or scratches.”

  “Just a second, Nick,” Evan said. He took hold of Lily’s hand. “I know you’re scared, but if you don’t press charges, he’ll just do it again.”

  Lily knew Evan was right. Still, she searched her mind for answers, replaying the question over in her head. Would Julius do it again?

  Earlier in Lily’s career, when she was on patrol, she had encountered many women in her situation who all wondered the same thing. Why did he choke me? Maybe it was my fault?

  After several months of domestic calls, Lily wasn’t able to count on her fingers the times she had suggested to the victims the “right thing to do.”

  But as Lily stood there, she was uncertain as to what the right thing was. Was it turning her husband in and hoping he would pay for what he’d done to her? Or was it a matter of listening to his side and hoping to gain insight as to why he reacted the way he did?

  I hate you, Julius, for what you’ve done.

  Lily turned to Nick and said, “Hurry up. I’m not sure how much more humiliation I can stand.”

  Nick lifted Lily’s chin and turned it to the right, exposing the red fingerprints laced around her neck.

  He snapped a picture.

  Then Nick turned her head to the left, snapping a picture of the thumb print.

  “He hurt you?” Evan pressed.

  “Evan, things got out of hand.”

  “I never laid a hand on you when we argued.”

  Lily bit on her lower lip.

  Nick finished and shut off the camera.

  “Hold off before you turn anything in,” Lily said.

  Johnson entered the kitchen. “I have him in back of the squad car. He admitted to choking Detective Blanchette, but swears he’s never done it before tonight.”

  Lily said, “Nick? Let Julius go.”

  Like some secret male bond, Nick searched for confirmation from Evan. “Are you sure?”

  Evan nodded.

  “Give Mr. Willer a stern warning and send him back inside,” Nick said.r />
  “I’m not letting this go,” Evan warned, walking over to Nick.

  Lily sat next to Alec. “Talk to Evan. If anyone can calm him down, you can.”

  Alec rose. “Too bad I’m not interested in calming him down. That dick gets whatever happens to him.” He walked over to Evan, exchanged a few words, and they left.

  Chapter 33

  November 29, 11:53 a.m.

  Ibee signed in at the desk and made her way up to the third floor of the homicide division.

  It was time to put on her Ms. Nice hat. If Lily would trust her for five minutes, maybe the detective would be willing to give her an update about the investigation. If Julius had told his wife any of the stuff he’d found out about her, it was going to be a challenging afternoon.

  Ibee peeked into Lily’s cubicle, but was greeted with an empty chair. A tap on her arm made her turn around.

  It was Alec. “If you’re here to tell us there isn’t enough evidence to prosecute this case, a voice mail would’ve been just fine.”

  “Where’s Lily?”

  “Taking a statement from Ursula O’Neal.”

  “Any news on the video from the pub?”

  “We just finished viewing it.”

  “Can we use any of it?”

  “I’m headed out. Can I drop you off anywhere in Fort but here?”

  Ibee turned and said, “Tell Lily I’m in the conference room. Waiting.”


  Lily crossed her legs, pressed her hand against the knitted turtle neck covering the dark bruises around her throat, and quickly made notes in the file.

  For the last ten minutes, her conversation with Ursula hadn’t been productive, even as she dropped subtle hints about the cellphone records.

  “When are you going to stop lying to me?”

  Ursula slurped some of her orange soda and set the bottle down. “Huh?”

  Lily unclipped a sheet of paper from the file and turned it so Ursula could read it. “This is a copy of your and Tanya’s phone records. There is a number which appears on Tanya’s calling list off and on for a period of two weeks prior to her death. On the day she disappeared, that same number is listed on both your phone and hers.”

  Ursula chugged her soda before answering. “My aunt found out Tanya was talking to an older man online a few days before she left. Aunt Bev got pissed and grounded her.”


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