Shadows of the Falls (Twelve Oaks Farm Series Book 2)

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Shadows of the Falls (Twelve Oaks Farm Series Book 2) Page 8

by Teresa Greene

  She got out of the car and found herself engulfed by Mr. Phillips. A man of average height, he was approximately an inch taller than her. His brown hair was cut short and he had full lips and well defined bone structure. He could almost be deemed pretty. “Are you okay? I heard what happened yesterday.” He pushed her at arm’s length and his eyes roamed over her.

  “I’m fine.”

  Eyes deep and dark with sincerity looked right into her face. “I feel terrible that you got caught in that ugly business at the bureau yesterday. I swear getting shot is not part of the job description. If you’re not prepared to confront Chase Powers, one of the other attorneys can assist with the interview.”

  “I’m prepared. Now that the attempt to kill Mr. Lewis and Miss Lassiter failed, I’m sure he is ready to admit who hired him to assassinate Miss Lassiter. He’d be crazy not to make a deal.”

  Josh moved to her side. “Mr. Phillips, this is Josh Wilson. He is the FBI agent in charge of protecting Miss Lassiter and Mr. Lewis.”

  Mr. Phillips offered his hand to Josh. “It is nice to meet you.” He looked at his Rolex watch. “I have a very busy day so if you don’t mind, let’s get this over with.” He bent at the waist and motioned Beth to go first. Josh moved to her side and they entered the court house, and took the elevator to the third floor. From there they were escorted to a room where Powers was waiting for them.

  A huge smile split his face as if he didn’t have a care in the world. He wasn’t what came to mind when Beth thought of an assassin. He was of average height with thinning brown hair. He was fit without an ounce of fat on his body. For some reason she pictured an assassin being bigger with a menacing stare. Powers had a pleasant face with warm green eyes. The only thing that hinted he might be a violent man was the small scar on his right cheek. She wondered if he had been injured during an attempt to assassinate someone. Maybe someone fought back and injured him. Too bad they didn’t kill him.

  Mr. Phillips sat across from Powers, opened his briefcase, and took out a folder and a notepad. He stretched out his legs to get comfortable. Beth sat beside Phillips and Josh slipped into the chair next to her. “I hope we haven’t kept you waiting long.”

  “Not at all. While the room is not cheery, it is more pleasant than my drab cell.”

  Right to the point, Mr. Phillips said, “In light of new information we advise you to make a deal with the D.A.”

  Powers leaned back in his chair and his eyes grew serious. “Why would I make a deal when I have done nothing wrong?”

  “Someone tried to take out Kathy Lassiter and David Lewis yesterday. You wouldn’t know anything about that would you?”

  Powers’ eyes cut to Josh. “How could I? I have been right here behind bars. The only visitor I have had is my wife. Could it be the person who attempted to kill her and failed decided to make another attempt? That sounds like the most logical answer. This proves I wasn’t the man that attempted to murder Miss Lassiter.”

  “We’re not burying that. We believe you made the attempt on Miss Lassiter’s life.”

  “As your lawyer, I advise you to give up the name of the person who hired you to assassinate Miss Lassiter. We go to trial in three days. If you tell us who paid you to kill her, I’m sure the D.A. will cut you a deal. I’m sure he’ll agree to life instead of the death sentence.”

  “And as my attorney you know I will not accept such a horrible deal when I have done nothing wrong. What motive would I have for killing a woman I have never met?” He put his cuffed hands out in front of him. “I was home with my wife when someone attacked Miss Lassiter. She can attest to that.”

  “So you’ve said.” Beth tried to sound confident, but inside she was shaking. “Mr. Lewis will also be testifying that you attacked Miss Lassiter. He got a good look at her assailant and swears it was you.”

  “Both are confused. It must be someone who resembles me. A case of mistaken identity. I’m a pretty ordinary looking guy. There is not a shred of evidence to support their claim. It is their word against mine.” His jaw firmed. “The couple has my sympathy, but I’m not the man that attacked Miss Lassiter.”

  In a firm voice, Josh asked, “Is your wife aware of the consequences of lying on the stand? Perjury carries a stiff penalty.”

  Powers stared at him a moment before he answered. “I would never ask my wife to do something illegal. She is the mother of my three children. I put her above all else in the world.”

  “I have evidence tying you to two other murders. One in Washington, DC, one in New York” Josh tossed a picture on the table. “Is that not you at the Marriot Hotel in Washington, DC?”

  Powers picked up the photo, examined it. Beth had seen the picture. The man in the photo was wearing a hat and had his coat collar pulled up as if trying to hide his face. Little could be seen of his face, but the small car was visible and the shape of his nose and lips.

  “No, that is not me. I admit it resembles me, but it is not me. As I have said before, I have never been to Washington, DC or New York. My family and I prefer the warmer climates of Hawaii and Mexico for our family vacations. Being a family man, I do not travel alone. Can you put me in Washington, DC or New York at the time of the murders?” He shoved the picture back across the table at Josh. He sedately folded his handcuffed hands on his knees.

  Wide accusing eyes glared at Powers when Josh snapped, “No, but I will.”

  “What makes you think the man in the photo is a murderer?”

  “More like an assassin. Tom Taylor was murdered at the Marriot the very day this photo was taken by a surveillance camera. Mr. Taylor was scheduled to testify against someone in the mafia.” Some of Josh’s irritation showed through. It was obvious he had hoped Powers would be more forthcoming in his answers.

  “I do not know anyone named Tom Taylor.”

  Josh ignored him and continued, “The man murdered in New York was scheduled to testify against a dirty politician. Several witnesses described a man of your height and build with a scar on his right cheek. Both witnesses had their throats cut. Isn’t that your M.O? Don’t you prefer a knife to a gun? Messy but quiet. I’m sure if I keep digging I’ll link you to some other murders.” Despite Josh’s best efforts, Powers didn’t seem the least bit worried about his accusations. Beth kept her eyes on Powers noting his bland expression. He was either great at hiding his fear, or he didn’t have any.

  His bold laugh caused Beth to cringe. “You have nothing. No conclusive evidence. Everything you have is unsubstantial. None of it can be used to convict me of murder.”

  “Please, Mr. Powers. Give us the name of the person who paid you to assassinate Miss Lassiter.” Beth was so nervous she found it hard to swallow. She felt like they were getting nowhere. She didn’t feel comfortable going to trial. What if she and Mr. Phillips managed to convince a jury he didn’t attack Kathy? What if they helped a murderer go free? “If we go to trial and lose, you will get the death penalty.”

  Powers drummed his fingers on the table as if bored. “You don’t actually think you’re going to get me to confess do you? I don’t see myself doing that. I have all the confidence in the world Attorney Phillips and you Miss Reynolds will prove to a jury I didn’t attack Miss Lassiter. I know you will defend me with all the gusto and passion I am entitled to. I am paying your company an excessive amount of money to make sure I am found innocent of a crime I did not commit.”

  Josh scraped back his chair when he bounded to his feet, placed both hands on the table, and leaned in so close he almost touched Powers. “Take your chances with the needle.” He stormed out of the room slamming the door behind him.

  Mr. Phillips stood and started placing everything back into his briefcase. “I strongly advise you to reconsider, Mr. Powers. The District Attorney is building a strong case against you. I’ve defended hundreds of criminal cases just like yours. Trust me, you will be found guilty.” He moved toward the door. “Should you change your mind, give me a call. You have my card.”

bsp; The door closing behind him made it all seem so final. Yet, Beth wasn’t ready to give up. She had to find a way to convince Powers he had no possible way of getting away with attempted murder. “Time is running out. Josh Wilson will keep digging until he finds a way to connect you to the murders in Washington, DC and New York. He was with Miss Lassiter and Mr. Lewis when someone tried to kill them yesterday. If he finds more evidence, the D.A. will not make a deal. This is your only chance to make a deal.”

  He let out an impatient breath. “Miss Reynolds, I did not make an attempt on Miss Lassiter’s life. I have never hurt a soul in my life. I was home with my wife when Miss Lassiter was attacked.” His tone was flat, final. “This conversation is over. I will see you in court Monday.”

  Her temper was just about to erupt. Never in her life had she seen a more arrogant, conceited man. She took a couple of breaths waiting for the first lashes of her anger to pass. Standing, she hooked her purse on her shoulder and held her notepad to her chest. “Have it your way, Mr. Powers. I hope you know what you’re doing.” A chill went up her back when her eyes met his. She had the feeling he was concocting another plan to eliminate Kathy and David.

  He cocked his head, and smiled. “Good day, Miss Reynolds.” The man was as cool as spring water.

  Chapter Five

  Beth raked her hands over her arms to warm them. March evenings were pretty cool. The house was too full of people. Dinner had been one loud conversation. Everyone was excited because it was Lacy’s birthday. It was hard to believe her little sister was twenty today. Usually, she loved having people around, but at the moment she had a lot on her mind so she escaped to the front porch. She should be home working on the Powers’ trial. Problem was she cringed every time she looked at the evidence file. The man was so sure he would be found not guilty.

  At her feet lay Shadow. Beth had slipped off her shoes and was massaging him with her feet. She dug her toes into his soft fur. He didn’t move an inch as he enjoyed the attention.

  From where she sat, she could see the animals meandering their way toward the barn. It was a serene view. Goats, sheep, a couple of small cows, and her favorite, the horses knew it was time to eat. She missed riding Midnight. His black coat glistened in the late evening sun. He leaned over the red gate and bellowed when he saw her sitting on the porch. When he didn’t think he had her attention, he stomped his powerful hooves on the ground. Thunder stepped to his side and Midnight nipped at him. Accepting that Midnight was the boss, Thunder moved out of his way. Sometime soon she hoped to find the time for a long ride. Maybe she would go to the waterfall.

  The spring grass was sprouting and already turning a bright color of green. The heavy sun was just beginning to fall behind the trees. Content to watch and listen and take it all in, she smiled. The animals and beauty of the farm had always been able to calm her when she was worried about something.

  The door opened but she didn’t bother to look to see who was disturbing her peaceful moment. “Do you want to tell me what’s bothering you?” Josh sat in the rocker next to her. Shadow raised his head and peered at Josh. He stood and stretched before he sat on his haunches at Josh’s side. A glass of red wine in each hand, he offered her one.

  She took a sip and let the warmth roll over her. “What makes you think something is bothering me?”

  “You’ve been awfully quiet.” Stretching out his long legs, he crossed them at the ankles. “Why are you moping?”

  “I’ve been thinking.”

  “Isn’t that dangerous?”

  “Very funny.” Today I met with Shirley Powers, Chase Powers’ wife to go over her testimony for Monday.” She pushed her hands through her hair. She knew she shouldn’t be discussing the case with him, but she needed someone to tell her suspicions. “Guess how tall she is?”

  “Five foot seven.”

  “Give or take an inch. She is also fit without an ounce of fat. After a little small talk, I discovered she runs in marathons. She’s a fast runner. Usually finishes in the top ten to cross the finish line.” Her gaze whipped to his. “I checked the sign-in-sheet at the jailhouse. The only visitor Powers has had since he has been incarcerated is his wife.” She took another sip of wine.

  His lips twitched as he rested his hand on the top of Shadow’s head. “What’s happening in that head of yours?”

  “Don’t act like it hasn’t crossed your mind. What if she was the shooter yesterday?”

  He placed his wine glass on the floor of the porch then leaned toward her with his elbows on his knees. “The thought has crossed my mind. I can add to that suspicion. What if she was also present when Powers tried to kill Kathy?”

  Catching her lip between her teeth, she mulled that over. It seemed a little farfetched to her; husband and wife assassins? “You’ll have to explain how you came up with that one.”

  “What if she was the driver the night at Kathy’s? David said by the time he got to the bottom step of the fire escape Powers was already driving away. Maybe Shirley Powers drove the car. The car could have already been running saving valuable time.”

  “Is there any way to prove your suspicions?”

  “I have an agent going through video feed from stoplights on the night of the attempted murder as we speak. Just maybe we can find a clip of the car and hopefully the passengers. If we’re lucky, we’ll find something.” Josh wanted Powers convicted of murder as much as she did. “It would help if we knew the route they took. Obviously, they ditched the car somewhere.”

  She rubbed her face hard with her open hands. “We need to find that car.”

  “Powers has been meticulous so far. Without Kathy and David’s testimonies we have no conclusive evidence. He could walk.” A weighty silence lingered.

  Deep down she was nervous. “If anyone at my law firm discovers I am trying to find evidence against a man I am defending, I will lose my job. I can’t get fired, Josh. You have to tread carefully. Please don’t mention my name to anyone connected with the investigation.”

  “Your secret’s safe with me, honey. The best we can hope for is the prosecutor is able to prove Mrs. Powers is lying.” Josh straightened and picked up his glass. He swirled the wine and watched as it almost spilled over the rim.

  “Shirley Powers looked me right in the eye and swore her husband was home with her. She will be a very convincing witness. If the jury believes her, we are in trouble.” Her stomach sank. “I want to talk to Kathy again. Ask her a few questions. She must have seen something, heard something. Powers was hired by someone. We have to find out whom that someone was.” Beth fisted her hands at her temples. Her mind couldn’t take much more. She couldn’t sleep, couldn’t eat. Chase Powers was constantly in her head.

  “We have to find a way to trick Powers, to outwit him.”

  Juan opened the door and replied in his slight Hispanic accent, “Come on you guys. We’re gonna’ cut the cake.”

  Beth stood and forced a smile to her face. Juan had grown at least three inches over the past six months. While he was still slim, almost gangly, she could see more definition in his muscles. Thick dark hair, dark eyes, sharp planes, sharp angles, she bet the girls at school were already crazy about him. “We’ll be right there.”

  Josh tucked his arm in hers. “Stop worrying about Powers. I’m sure Kathy and David’s testimony will suffice. Let’s have some cake and forget the trial. I can’t wait to see Lacy’s face when Grant and Nina give her her birthday gift.”

  “I can’t either. Just how much money does your brother have? Not many people can afford to buy such an expensive gift.”

  “I have no idea. We don’t talk about money. Mom is great at investing so she took care of his finances while he was in Iraq. I imagine he has quite a huge nest egg. She has the Midas Touch.” He pulled her around to face him. Linking his fingers with hers, he kissed her forehead. “How about I sneak into your room tonight so we can finish what we started this morning?”

  God, she was tempted. It would feel wonderfu
l to forget her troubles in his arms. But then she was already on an emotional rollercoaster. “I have enough insanity in my life. I need stability.”

  “You’re a hard woman, Beth Reynolds.” He crossed to the front door and opened it for her. “You won’t be able to withstand my charms much longer. I’ll wear you down.”

  “Has anyone ever told you no in your whole adult life?”

  When she stepped across the threshold he took a russet curl and tugged on it. “No, you’re the first.”

  Yes, she probably was. Women probably melted all over him.


  By the time Josh and Beth stepped into the dining room, Nina was lighting the candles on the cake. “You better hurry and blow them out, Lacy. Twenty candles could burn the house down.”

  Lacy punched Juan on the arm. “You’re only six years behind me, Juan. Just think, hours of studying and sitting in lectures. Sleepless nights spent cramming for exams. College is a bitch.”

  “You’re making my heart bleed.” Juan burst into hearty laughter. “You’re the smartest person I know. I doubt you have to study much.”

  Beth dropped her arm around his shoulders. “Doesn’t’ matter how smart you are, you still have to study your ass off in college. And then you spend every waking moment working. I didn’t sleep in college and I’m still not sleeping. Trying to make a name for myself doesn’t leave much time for fun or relaxation.”

  “This isn’t a good time for your pearls of wisdom.” Juan rubbed his chin. “Maybe I’ll stay in high school for the rest of my life.”

  Maria thumped his ear. “You’ll go to college even if I have to go with you.”

  Lacy leaned over and blew out half the candles. She took another deep breath and then blew out the rest. She closed her eyes and made a wish.


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