The Legend

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The Legend Page 9

by Shey Stahl

  Despite that, any time I was alone with my wife, I forgot the rest of the world even existed. I didn’t think about my obligations, or racing. That’s a lie, I did think of racing. But I focused more on racing in general and why I loved it so much. My point was that when I was with Sway, she made me not only focus on her but the bigger picture of the sport I loved so much.

  We flew commercial and I wasn’t impressed. Over the years I have been forced to fly commercial a handful or times. Thank god for that. This was definitely one of those aspects about my life that I would say was bragging rights. I hate airports and more importantly, their security.

  I wasn’t going to take a bomb on the plane but it didn’t stop them from assuming I was. I understood their position but they didn’t need to be so intrusive. When they made Aiden remove his socks, I was sure he felt the same way.

  My other problem was naturally, my sister. She knew she wasn’t allowed to take her lotion on the plane in her carry on so she stuffed it in mine. You would have thought that small bottle had an explosive substance in it at their reactions.

  After making it through security, Aiden wasn’t happy, Sway was upset with a group of teenage girls who were entirely too flirty and Emma, her mission seemed to be pissing me off and she was doing a great job.

  “We don’t fly all that well,” Sway said to Emma as we approached the terminal. “One of us always gets in trouble.”

  “Word to that,” Emma gave her a nod. “Last year Aiden was arrested in San Diego because of an altercation with security.”

  We were walking through the jet bridge to board now, Aiden a few steps ahead of us looked back to glare at Emma, annoyed.

  “What kind of altercation?” Sway asked.

  I tried to keep myself busy once in our seats. I hated hearing their conversations almost as much as I hated traveling with Emma.

  Emma buckled herself in next to Sway. Aiden sat beside her next to the aisle leaving me to sit near the window.

  “They made him take his socks off in the metal detector.”

  “I don’t see how this is important.” Aiden added digging through his bag for what I assumed would be his anxiety medication.

  Don’t think I wasn’t tempted to take some myself.

  Emma patted his head and handed him water.

  “Why would taking his socks off be a problem?” Sway seemed entertained by this and instigated despite the fact that Aiden was now popping pills.

  Aiden is a great spotter; maybe even the best in NASCAR but the dude had issues. Indecisive, anxiety, ulcers, you name, he has it.

  “He always wears socks.” Emma crossed her legs getting comfortable. “Even when we bone he has to wear them. He’s really weird about it.”

  “Emma!” Aiden reprimanded. “Don’t tell people that. It’s private.”

  “Nothing’s private in this family.” I added reaching for my phone in my pocket to send Justin a text message wishing him luck in Sharon Speedway tonight.

  Aiden caught the flight attendant by the arm when she walked past us. “Can you please get me Rum ‘n Coke?”

  “Yes sir,” she replied, her arm draped over his seat. “Anything for you…” realization hit her when she looked at me, her smile grew. “…Mr. Riley?”

  “How about you get my wife and sister’s drink’s first?”

  Sufficiently chastised, she looked at Sway and Emma. “What would you like?”

  “I’ll have a Jack on the rocks. No coke.” Sway didn’t look up from her iPad but instead mumbled a reply.

  “What are you looking at?” Judging by the screen it appeared to me that she was planning activities for our four days in San Jose Costa Rica. I didn’t like activities on vacation.

  Sway flipped the tablet over darting her eyes from mine. “Nothing,”

  “Listen,” My voice dropped leaning into her shoulder. She looked at me. Raising my left hand, I tucked strands of her flowing mahogany hair behind her ear. She leaned into my palm, her eyes closed. “All I plan on doing is making love to my beautiful wife and do naughty things to her body.” I took a drink of my Jack ‘n Coke the stewardess handed me and put my moist lips at Sway’s ear, my hand cupped her cheek and then moved behind her head to knot a handful of her hair. Securely in my grasp, I breathed in her ear. “I’ve been placed into drive and my compression is increasing. I need my girl badly.”

  Moaning softly, I could feel her relax beside me and smile. Beautiful emerald green caught mine. “No activities?”

  “No activities,” I repeated. “…unless of course we are naked in bed. Then I’m all for the naked activities.”

  I would like to say that my request was granted but no, it wasn’t.

  When we landed, got through customs, and on our way to the Four Seasons hotel, all hell broke loose.

  Sway complained about the humidity, what it did to her hair. Deciding to go against my wishes, she picked up every brochure she found for different activities.

  Emma was in full annoying mode and pulled out all her usual tricks including walking as slow as possible and Aiden, he was the only one that wasn’t annoying me but I also knew that was only a matter of time before that started.

  After checking into the hotel, we agreed to meet Aiden and Emma for dinner. Sway got sidetracked when she saw the beach.

  “Do you remember that time we were in Key West?” she breathed reaching up on her tippy toes to breath in my ear. I nearly bent her over on the fucking sidewalk when she did that.

  “Checking bearings in the alley?” I grunted moving my hands around her and then squeezing her perfect ass wrapped tightly in an amazing black dress.

  “Yep,” She twisted from my embrace and nodded to the beach, eyes lustrous in the pale moonlight.

  “I’m not doing it on the beach. Just imagine where all that sand could get.”

  My objections went unseen.

  Sway’s lips pursed, her hand brushed loose strands of tangled “humid enhanced” hair from her face. “Live a little. It’s been a long time since we’ve done it on a beach.”

  “Yeah, I remember because it took me a week to get the sand out of my ass. I’m not doing it.”

  She knew what to do. She always did. She fucking cried and ran off toward the beach. Angry, annoyed and horny, I followed her despite my fear of sand.

  A quick flip and she had the tables turned. She was undressing as she walked toward the water. When her toes hit the edge of the water, heels in hand, she turned to look back at me completely naked.

  What kind of man would I be if I left my wife naked on the beach just because of my silly fear of those obtrusive particles?

  Not a very good one.

  Taking my shoes off and leaving them on the sidewalk, I jogged over to her stopping about a foot from her. “You’re naked…on a beach.”

  It occurred to me about that time that she was completely naked.

  “Well then, cover me up.” She teased with a wiggle of her hips.

  Did I waste any time? No, fuck the obtrusive sand.

  Her hands found my chest and then ripped my gray button down shirt open, her hands fisted in the fabric. “I want you to fuck me now.”

  Without any assembly prep, I had my pants undone and was bending her over on all fours in the sand. No way was I putting my ass in the sand so I knelt and she knew what I was doing.

  I wasn’t exactly gentle with her but honestly, she knew what she wanted when she started stripping her clothes. She wanted the aggressive side.

  Though it was going to be aggressive, I took my time entering her, savoring the warmth and tightness. How many guys could say their wives were ready and willing to do it where ever and whenever he wanted? I was one lucky bastard that’s for sure.

  I heard her gasp, the same time I did from the pure pleasure. My hands fisted her ass again, throwing my head back as the vision of her sexy ass in my hands took my breath away. Over the years, Sway’s body had matured into this unbelievable sexy woman with curves that could make an
y man moan.

  Arching her back, she sat up to curve around my body. Over her should waves crashed around us, my mouth on her neck as my hands traced her delicate turns that outlined my favorite road course. When my hands swept over her breasts, her head fell back against my shoulder exposing the arch of her neck for me. I eased back and then pushed forward again harder this time, breathing heavy, feeling frantic and driven.

  Being slightly paranoid that Emma or Aiden would find us out here, I began imagining their shadows behind us every time the wind blew so that just sent me racing to finish in fear of being caught.

  We didn’t last long. Mostly because I was somewhat scared that we were on a public beach and my knees were burning from scraping in the sand. I also never last long in this position because Sway always looked back at me and I lost it with the way her eyes hooded with the raw lust we held for one another.

  “Thanks champ.” She said after she took a quick dip in the water to rid the sand from her body.

  From the time we left that beach and the time we got to the restaurant, Sway had a reaction to something. When they seated us, her skin was turning red and blotchy marks speckled her neck and arms.

  “I think you’re having a reaction to something.” I whispered in her ear as she scratched at her neck. “Did you eat anything strange?”

  “No, but I did get a lot of sand in places I didn’t wish to.”

  Aiden huffed. “Is that what took you so long?”

  I shot him a glare. “Why don’t you just look over the menu and stay out of this. Our food will be here before you finally decide what to drink.”

  Emma giggled. “He has a point babe.” She set her menu down. “I have some Benadryl back at the hotel. Should I get it?”

  Sway nodded. “Yeah, I think that might be a good idea.”

  Emma left after ordering her meal and went to retrieve the Benadryl. When she returned our meals had arrived and Sway had turned to drinking as a way to forget about the allergic reaction she was having. I felt bad. What if it was the sand or maybe there was something in the water?

  Aiden and I got to talking about the Texas night race coming up when Emma returned and took Sway away to get her reaction under control. Her eyes were now bloodshot and I was beginning to wonder if we were going to need to find a hospital soon.

  They were gone something like thirty minutes when Aiden suggested that we might go look for them. We’d finished eating and hadn’t seen them since.

  Just as we were getting ready to leave, that’s when my very drunk wife appeared holding a brochure for white water rafting.

  “Look!” Sway waved the brochure in my face, flushed cheeks, glossy eyes and holding a drink in her right hand. “White water rafting,” she pointed to the display holding it across her blotchy chest in front of her. “It’s for those who want an adrenaline filled heart pounding vacation! We want that!”

  “Why are you yelling?” Ripping the brochure away from her, I threw it aside. “And if I wanted adrenaline filled I’d be racing. We’re supposed to be on vacation, or did you forget?”

  She had no answer but scrambled to capture the brochure. “Our tickets are in there. Don’t let it get away.”

  “We don’t do boats,” I had to remind her, “and I told you no activities.”

  “Jesus,” Emma appeared staggering behind Sway. “Live a little brother.”

  “I thought I told you to give her Benadryl, not alcohol.”

  “I did give her Benadryl, and then I gave her alcohol.” Emma defended. “If you were me, you would have too. She looked horrible.”

  She had a very good point.

  So like I said, I had no choice in the matter of white water rafting as apparently they voted on that activity.

  The following day, we made our way to San Jose and I tried like hell to get out of white water rafting with no success. I was so desperate that I even tried to convince Sway that I had some sort of stomach bug. Still drunk and heavily medicated, she said, “Buck up and get your fucking ass on that raft.”

  The tour guide, as he introduced himself as “Tour Ted” looked at me and smiled as if he had some sort of plan for us, or me. We weren’t exactly fond of each other. He spent more time eyeing my sister and her bikini than navigating. How Aiden didn’t notice was baffling to me.

  The area where we got on the raft was beautiful with clear water, white sand and flowing waterfalls surrounding a canyon.

  “I don’t like this.” I said never taking my eyes off the tour guide as we stepped on the raft. I looked directly at Emma when she strapped her life jacket and helmet on. “You couldn’t have worn something more appropriate?”

  “This is appropriate jackass.” She reached up to her chin to buckle the helmet. “We’re in the water.”

  Looking at my wife, she was wearing a bikini top but at least had board shorts on to cover herself a little more than my sister had.

  “This isn’t spring break on Lake Havasu.”

  “Shut up.” Emma kicked my shin.

  I got up wanting to smack her when Sway grabbed my hand. “I’m so excited!”

  Pushing out the breath I’d been holding between my teeth, I mustered a fake smile.

  Just ten minutes into the adventure on Pacuare River, and a bruised ass, I had to let the tour guide know he had no business operating this raft. I’d never been white water rafting but this was hardly adrenaline filled and more annoying filled. Every other bend in the river he was fighting the way the raft would come around and slamming me into another rock.

  “You clearly have no idea what you’re doing.”

  “I know what I’m doing.” Tour Ted advised me, his eyes never leaving Emma’s legs. “This is part of the adventure.”

  “Getting slammed into rocks that could kill me is part of the adventure?” he shot me a glare. At least he actually looked at me. “I must’ve missed that in the brochure.”

  Sway put her face right in my ear. “Do you think his name is really Tour Ted?”

  “I don’t really give a shit.” I mumbled sitting back in the raft and wondering if today would be the day I died. I always thought I would die doing something I loved and I didn’t love white water rafting.

  We were on the raft maybe twenty minutes when we went through a number of tight turns. Tour Ted would shout out what they were, not as if I could hear him, and I was pretty much done with hitting my ass on rocks. Having to hold Sway in the raft and watching Tour Ted molest my sister with his eyes, we came to a sandy bank and he maneuvered the raft to the shore.

  “This is Valle del Pacuare.” He said with a coy smile. “Rest a little.”

  We all stood as though we were getting out when he smiled. “I’ll be right back.”

  With a smile, he shoved the raft from the bank with his hands, tossed a map at us, and then disappeared into the thick tree line of the exotic forest.

  “Where the fuck is he going?” I looked at the map and then tossed it over my shoulder where it apparently took off with the wind.

  “I think we needed that.” Sway said watching it fly away. Leaning forward, she took the cap off her Benadryl, took a long drink from it, and then opened a mini bar that was in her bag.

  Aiden shoved a handful of peanuts in his mouth. “So let me get this straight…that douchebag left us, didn’t he?”

  I didn’t hear anything else he said. Those said peanuts were all over my skin that was all I cared.

  “What’s in that bag of yours?” I craned forward looking over Sway’s shoulder to peer into her bag. My arms wrapped around the front trying to steal it from her. “Do you have any wipes or a towel?”

  She tossed a towel over her shoulder and a travel size bottle of Tequila. “You’re gonna need this too.”

  As the raft floated away, we drank a good portion of Sway’s mini bar and debated about how stupid this white water rafting was. That was about the time our patience for Tour Ted was wearing out. We could barely see shore now and thoughts of dying in a river we
re surfacing, well for me anyway. The other three in the raft seemed to care less as they soaked up the sun and laughed.

  It wasn’t long when it dawned on these drunken fools that we were nowhere near the shore anymore, in fact at it was least a mile from the shore and floating into the Caribbean for all I knew.

  “Shit, we’re really far from shore now. Jameson,” he looked at me as if he was complete appalled that I let this happen. “Why didn’t you say something?”

  “Oh shut up, Aiden,” I told him. “Where the fuck were your navigating skills, spotter, oh right, drinking.”

  “I think he left us.” Emma said throwing back another shot.

  Don’t think it didn’t occur to me that we shouldn’t be drinking here in the hot sun in the middle of a river with no supervision because it didn’t. It just wasn’t enough to stop myself.

  “Good work detective.” I took the bottle from Emma. “You shouldn’t be drinking so much. It’s hot and you’ll get dehydrated.”

  My focus was more on my skin than the alcohol. I’m not sure how it happened, but I had so much sweat and sand on my skin that I was so repulsed, it was the only thing I could focus on. Believe me when I say this wasn’t a trait of mine that I was proud. I hated, actually despised, anything on my skin, always had. I went as far that I only had certain soaps that I could use because I didn’t want any residue left over. In addition, lotion never used it because it left a film on my skin that might as well be battery acid as far as I was concerned.

  “Maybe I’ve had a little too much,” Sway hiccupped agreeing with me some five minutes later. Aiden handed her another drink from what looked like his own stash. Emma laughed and snapped a picture of Sway.

  Convinced this was Emma’s fault that we were now stuck in a raft in the middle of the river, I gave her a piece of my mind. “I will never vacation with you again, Emma.”

  “Whatever. That was hardly my fault. You should have taken the map he handed to you.”

  “I heard that!” Sway waved her fifth coconut drink around splashing me in the face.


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