Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance

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Mister Perfect: A Bad Boy Romance Page 2

by Alice Cooper

  He also had the habit to flirt with the girl I would date. His reason was to “test” their loyalty, and usually the girl I’m dating would fall for Zen.

  Zen lit up his cigarette and mumbled “Should I test this girl out?”

  Just the thought of Zen being near Fran didn’t settle well with me. I shrugged off my anger and said “There’s no girl, Zen.”

  I wanted to stay away from Fran to keep her away from Zen. We are definitely the type of men you would want to stay away from. But every time I thought that I wouldn’t see Fran only made my stomach clench painfully.

  I ended up staying the night at the bar again. I lived in an apartment away from my family. My parents were business people and they would do anything for me to jump into the family business. But I wanted so much more.

  I woke up from a very uncomfortable position on one of the sofas that sat in the lounging room of the rusty bar. My head throb from all the beers I drank last night. Trying my best to ignore my idiot friend, Zen.

  My head whirled around in search for said idiot friend but he was nowhere to be seen. I grabbed my leather jacket and walked up to the bar. “Has anyone seen Zen?” I asked no one in particular. Zen was probably with another woman today.

  “He said he’ll be back.” the bartender answered.

  I then proceeded to leave the bar and making way towards Fancy cups. My heart started racing as I realized that I was going to see Fran once again. Maybe I should bring up the kiss. Who knows it could turn into something more. I smirked as I can imagine her face being red as she starts yelling at me. I have it bad.

  My blood suddenly started racing towards my face as I arrived at Fran’s shop. The shop was made of glass so you could see who was inside. But what made my blood boil was that idiot friend of mine sitting at one of the tables. He had a grin on his face as he was saying something to Fran who was serving him.

  Fran had her arms folded in front of her chest as a scowl was plastered on her beautiful face. Probably frustrated from something that Zen said. But that’s not the only thing that made my blood boil, it was Zen’s hand caressing Fran’s arm.

  I gritted my teeth and clenched my fists ready to kill my friend. I pushed the door open making the entrance bell ring violently.

  “Get away from her!” I snarled at Zen, grabbing everyone’s attention. Zen casually looked at me with his grin plastered face and said “Look who arrived in time. Ciel, this is her isn’t it?” he said it like he just won a prize.

  I stormed over to where Zen sat. Fran took a step back as I grabbed Zen by the shirt and yanked him up. “What the hell are you doing here?” I growled at him. Zen chuckled and said “I never thought you’d be overprotective of something… or someone.”

  I tightened my grip on him as I easily lifted him off the floor. “Stay away from her!” I hissed.

  “Chill Ciel, I’m only testing her,” he said as his gaze turned towards Fran who looked at us with wide eyes. She looked like a deer caught in the headlights. “And it helps that she’s a total babe.” He added which only added fuel to the fire.

  As I saw the way he’s looking at Fran like she was a piece of meat. Like she could be his play thing. Like he could toy with her like some kind of object only pissed me off. I couldn’t hold it back anymore as I dropped him and pulled my fist back and gave a hard punch to his jaw making him knock down the table.

  Once I found out that he was still looking at her I continued assaulting him making some of the customers shout in fear as they ran out the shop. Zen stopped looking at Fran and decided to attack me as well. He started grabbing wooden chairs and cups from tables and throwing them at me.

  I easily dodged them but I know he wouldn’t be able to dodge me. My anger was too much for me. Fists met our faces as we started kicking each other. Blood was dripping on the floor. “Stay away from her.” I hissed as I gave him a punch for each word.

  I was too caught up in my own anger that I didn’t hear the small pitter patter of feet approaching us nor did I hear her angelic voice yell out “Stop!”

  Somebody grabbed my shoulder and instinctively I drew my fist back and punched the person who grabbed me only to be completely mortified. A shriek left Fran’s lips as she fell to the ground harshly.

  “Fran!” Fran’s two friends yelled as they came to her aid.

  One hand was still gripping Zen’s shirt but both of our gazes were on the unconscious red head.

  I hurt her.

  I immediately dropped Zen to the floor as I awkwardly stood in front of the two friends who were aiding Fran. Confused on what to do. Should I help or should I apologize?

  The guy friend moved Fran’s silky hair out of her face revealing a swollen cheek. Guilt instantly filled every part of my body.

  Fran’s female friend turned towards me with a glare as she asked “What the hell is wrong with you?” those words echoed through my head.

  Then I did the most cowardly thing.

  I ran.

  Chapter 3


  It’s been a week since the day Ciel and his jerk of a friend trashed our shop and included me in their fight. My cheek was still a bit swollen and is now a light purple now. I had to assure my customers that I was alright, that I was just a clumsy person.

  Stephen and Angela were furious. Stephen was even able to punch Ciel’s friend. But ever since then I haven’t seen Ciel. He didn’t come to the shop to get his coffee like he usually does.

  Sure, Ciel could be an absolute douchebag but I expected him to come back to the shop with his tail between his legs and start apologizing.

  “Stay away from her.”

  His voice echoed through my mind like a broken record player. Even if it’s been a week I was still torn between either being angry towards Ciel or… grateful?

  I realized I was standing behind the counter with my hand supporting my head in a dreamy state, thinking of the one man that frustrates me to no end. I shook my head from the thought of being grateful towards him.

  I could’ve handled myself.

  But then I remembered the look in Ciel’s eyes when his friend touched my arm. It was feral. Like a breast released from its cage. Ciel did had the bad boy look and his aura reeked of it but I expected him to be the type to flirt and maybe cause a bit of trouble.

  My heart jumped in my throat when Ciel defended me when his friend commented that I’m a babe. But he was no different, right? Ciel flirted way worse than his friend.

  “Look who arrived in time. Ciel, this is her isn’t it?”

  What did Ciel’s friend mean by that?

  This is her.

  I shook my head furiously. I’m overthinking things.

  “Hey Fran, does your cheek hurt?” Stephen asked worriedly. He’s always been a worrywart. I sighed and replied “Barely.”

  “Don’t bother her Steph, our friend here is thinking of her knight in shining leather.” Angela teased. I scowled at both of them as they both chuckled. They’ve caught me a few times staring out of space, of course, I was thinking none other than that douchebag. Sometimes I would also think about that wet dream of mine.

  “I’m not thinking of Ciel.” I spat out quickly which only caused them both to giggle at my reaction. “Who said it was Ciel?” Angela asked teasingly. My face fell into my hands as I sighed.

  “You know there’s a saying the more you hate the more you love.” Stephen suddenly wanted to join the teasing club. As if I could ever love a person like Ciel. It’s one thing to lust over someone and another to fall in love with him.

  The day passed by quickly and every time the entrance bell rang my head would snap towards its direction only to end up disappointed. The day was coming to an end and it was my day to do closing.

  “Are you sure you’re going to be okay?” Stephen asked as he and Angela were going out for a few drinks. “I’ll be okay. I’m going to go straight home after this.” I assured them. Angela rolled her eyes and said “You’d have a lot more fun in your lif
e if you’d come during our outings.”

  I smiled sheepishly and said “I’d have more fun just sitting here in my shop and reading—” “About Mr. Darcy. We know, we know. Just take care.” Angela finished for me. After they left I stayed for almost an hour as I read a few chapters of my book.

  I checked my watch to see that it was midnight and decided to start heading out. But as I looked up from my watch I noticed that it was heavily raining. I sighed frustratingly as I remembered that I didn’t bring my umbrella. I slowly got my bag and jacket and exited the shop.

  I stood in the pouring rain as I tried locking the doors to the shop but it’s difficult to see through the rain. Not to mention, I dropped the keys on the ground making me stay longer in the rain. By the time the shop was secured and locked I was already drenched from head to toe.

  There was no point in running to my apartment, I would either sprain something or slip and fall. As I started walking I noticed a figure standing at the corner of the shop. I looked up and couldn’t help but let out a gasp. There stood in the pouring rain under an umbrella is none other than the man I’ve been waiting all week for. Ciel.

  He noticed me and it could be my imagination or the rain but I swore his eyes widened as he saw me. I stood still not knowing what to do. I could feel my inner self start yelling profanities at me. I’ve been imagining all week that he would stop by at the shop and we would get into our usual argument and he would apologize. I even practiced arguing.

  It even shock me that he wasn’t wearing his signature leather jacket. This time he’s wearing a long black wool jacket. It didn’t surprise me that he even looked good in it. Actually, he looked completely good in it… it made me wonder if he had abs like in my dream.

  He frowned and this time it wasn’t his usual frown. He literally looked upset. He stormed towards me until I stood right under the umbrella with him. It was a shock to see him this close without his grin or playful stare. He looked at me with such intensity I swore I was going to melt right on the spot.

  “What are you doing?” he asked sounding upset. This snapped me out of my bubble as I frowned back and replied “Are you an idiot? I’m going home.” His frown deepened as he said “You shouldn’t be walking out here in the rain.”

  I rolled my eyes and said “Thank you for stating the obvious. Besides it’s none of your—” but I didn’t get to finish my sentence because I felt something warm on my shoulders and noticed that Ciel put his large wool jacket on me. I suddenly blushed and averted my eyes. “I don’t need your jacket.”

  I heard him sigh. “If you didn’t notice you’re shivering. A simple thank you would’ve sufficed.” I deepened my frown as I held onto his jacket. I couldn’t help but smell the manly scent of his jacket and all I wanted to do was make love with the smell.

  “Thank you.” I stuttered.

  “That will keep you from catching a cold. Let’s go.” He said as he faced a certain direction waiting for me to walk since we both were under the umbrella. My head snapped towards him as I asked in surprise “Where are we going?”

  “I’m going to walk you home.” Was his answer.

  “Why? I can take care of myself.” I said.

  His eyes narrowed at mine and I didn’t back down. “A woman shouldn’t be on the streets during midnight especially when it’s raining. Even if you’re a Habanero that doesn’t make you an exception.” He said.

  I could feel it again. That feeling I only get when he’s around, the throbbing vein on my forehead. As I tried to keep the urge to strangle him I suddenly felt his hand grabbed mine as he started dragging me.

  “Hurry. We shouldn’t be standing in the rain like a bunch of idiots.” he said. He asked where I lived and I was reluctant in telling him as I remembered my wet dream.

  He sighed frustratingly. “Fine. Then we’re going to my place. It’s much nearer.” I could already feel the look of horror spreading through every inch of my face. I could imagine a small apartment that hasn’t been cleaned in weeks. He doesn’t seem like one to clean and cook. I could also imagine rats and roaches running around his kitchen.

  I have a horrible feeling about this.

  My jaw only hung open when we arrived at a fancy building complex. He had to enter a certain code to enter the building and not only did that shocked me but the interior of the lounge was enough to tell me that this place was super expensive.

  Did he actually live here?

  When we got into the elevator that’s when I actually felt super cold. My body was shivering violently. Good thing that ever since we entered the building neither of us had any eye contact.

  We surprisingly arrived on the top floor and as he opened the door to his apartment I could feel my brain crack. His apartment was nothing like I expected it was completely the opposite. It was pristine clean and modernize.

  It was an open area with a joint kitchen and living room. The whole wall behind the kitchen and living room is glass giving a beautiful view of the raining sky and a small park nearby. There was three other doors leading elsewhere. The dark marble floor sparkled and the silver kitchen looked brand new.

  I could feel a huge banner hanging above me that says judgmental.

  “Sorry if my place is a bit messy.” He said as he picked up jacket from the sofa. He called that messy?

  I couldn’t stop shivering as I tried tightening his jacket around me. I suddenly felt very weak and black dots dancing in front of me.

  “Something wrong Habanero?” And there it goes again with that annoying nickname.

  My view suddenly became blurry and started swaying back and forth.

  “Habanero?” he called from the kitchen.

  My eyesight suddenly got dark and I felt like collapsing.

  “Francesca!” he shouted.

  One thing ran through my head before everything went black.

  It’s his first time saying my name.

  And I liked it.



  I was too late to catch a falling Fran. When I saw her sway back and forth I sprinted towards her but before I could at least catch her she completely fell with a thud. I quickly scooped her head.

  “Fran? Fran?” I called out as I lightly tapped her face. I then noticed that her skin was burning up. I put my hand against her forehead and found out that she had a fever.

  What to do?


  I didn’t know what to do. I’ve never taken care of someone. I scooped her up into my arms and once her wet clothes were pressed against me I knew that I had to change her into dry clothes. As I made my way towards my room with Fran in my arms, I stopped dead in my tracks as I realized that I would have to change her clothes.

  I shook my head and continued walking. This should be normal. It’s not like it’s the first time I’ve taken off a woman’s clothes.

  I gently laid Fran on my bed as I started by taking off her shoes and jacket. The longer I stared at her the more hesitant I’ve become. We’re talking about my little Habanero, pure and innocent. Yet here I was taking her clothes off and I’m trying my best not to enjoy this.

  She has a fever for crying out loud.

  I had to at least get her something dry to wear. I snapped out of my hesitant bubble when Fran started shivering from the cold. I quickly started unbuttoning her shirts and instantly felt my face heat up when I saw her cute baby pink bra. It suited her. I stared at it a bit too long. When her shirt was completely off and I had a perfect view of her breasts and body a certain body part of mine was getting too excited.

  I shook my head once more and replaced her shirt with one of my shirts. My shirt stopped right below her butt. She looked absolutely amazing in my shirt but I quickly shrugged the thought off as I continued by taking of her pants and replacing it with a pair of sweats. I even successfully fought the urge to peek at her panties.

  Once Fran was in dry clothes and snuggled into the sheets of my bed I found myself not being able to look away. I even dried
her beautiful red hair and ever since then I wasn’t able to take my eyes off her.

  She had a heart shaped face with light freckles scattered across her cute button nose and cheeks, and plumped pink lips that I wasn’t able to forget since the first time I kissed her. Without even thinking I touched my own lips and remembered how hers felt upon mine.

  I hesitantly stood up to get a bowl of ice cold water and rag to cool her fever down. I remembered my mom would do the same for me back when I was a child. Regretfully, after taking care of Fran and making sure she’s comfortable I left my room. I entered the kitchen to cook some hot steaming for my little Habanero.

  It was helpful that I knew how to cook. After finishing the porridge and fetching some medicine I grabbed Fran’s bag and started digging for her cellphone because I know that her two friends are going to be looking for her soon. I had to let them know about her or else they would call the cops.

  Right as I found her phone somebody decided to call. The name Angela flashed across the screen of her phone. Hesitantly I answered.

  “Hello.” I greeted.

  “Who are you? And what have you done to my precious Francesca?” the woman shrieked from the other side of the phone. I even had to pull the phone back a bit.

  “It’s Ciel.” I said without any emotion knowing I’m going to get an earful from this woman.

  “You bastard! Give Fran back or else I’ll call the police.” She threatened and I could only chuckle which only added fuel to her fire. “Don’t you dare—” I didn’t let her finished because the argument was getting pointless.

  “Don’t worry. Fran got caught up in the rain and she willingly came here to my apartment that’s when she collapsed.” I explained.

  “What?” I hear two people shout from the other side of the phone. “Is she okay?” the woman asked. I looked back at Fran.


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