Stuck in the Cabin (Exiled Dragons Book 8)

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Stuck in the Cabin (Exiled Dragons Book 8) Page 47

by Sarah J. Stone

  “Oh, what if I didn't like it?” she teased

  “Then we would change it immediately.” He was a smarter man than to anger his beautiful wife. “She is lovely, though, isn't she?”

  “What now?” Rosa asked. “Immediately back to Umora?”

  “I think as soon as you are able,” he answered. “It's the safest place. Now that the Halloway magic is active again–”

  “I can kill your father,” she finished for him.

  “Or at least control him,” Nicholas answered.

  She took a deep breath. “What do you want?”

  “He's my father,” he said, “but we cannot live with him threatening our lives at every turn. I know how he is. He won't stop until he has what he wants.”

  “Immortality and the throne,” she turned to Charity. “And he won't get it, not from me or my daughter. We will defend the throne.”

  “The four of you should be enough to send him back to the Other,” Nicholas said.

  “Do you think he might stop if he met his granddaughter?” Rosa asked.

  “Any other man, I would say yes,” Nicholas answered. “But him…I don't think so. That's the sad bit.”

  “Then we won't take any risks,” she sat up straighter. “Give me a day to recover, and then we shall go.”

  “I should call my brothers,” he answered. Gingerly, he handed over Charity who smiled at her mother. “I don't want to leave her for an instant.”

  “We won't go anywhere,” Rosa assured him. “But maybe if you just stand at the other end of the room to make a phone call?”

  “Brilliant,” he said, standing up. “What would I do without you?”

  “Just make the phone call, Nicholas,” she rolled her eyes as she turned her attention back to her daughter.

  Pulling out his phone, he punched in the numbers and then stopped himself.

  “What am I doing?” he said, switching to Facetime. They may be able to call each other over Wi-Fi, but the technology of making phone calls did not go through planets. Clearly, he was distracted.

  He called Alexander first, expecting the calmest response. Each brother had always taken care of the one closest in age to him, and Alexander had practically raised him, encouraging him despite Nicholas' shortcomings. He wanted to tell him first, and hopefully the rest of them were close by.

  To his surprise, Alexander didn't answer, which was odd. Alexander always answered his phone, no matter where they were.

  It rang and rang before he hung up, trying Cole next. Surely, Cole would be waiting for the news, excitable as always.

  Except, Cole did not answer his phone either.

  “What is happening?” he asked himself, confused.

  “Maybe they are throwing us a party,” Rosa suggested. “Ready for our return.”

  “Maybe,” Nicholas said. He tried Peter, although he knew that Peter was terrible at answering his phone. Peter hadn't quite grasped Earth life as well as anyone would have liked, although he was much better these days.

  “Try the wives?” Rosa suggested. “I have their numbers if you don't.”

  “One of them should be answering their phones,” Nicholas frantically dialed Ariel. To his relief, she picked up, right before it went to voicemail. “Oh, thank God. Precious, is everything all right?”

  “Why wouldn't it be?” Ariel answered, confused. In the background, he could hear strains of music.

  “Are you on Umora?”

  “No, I'm at rehearsal,” she said. “Did Rosa have the baby?”

  “She did!” He was momentary distracted by the terrible feeling in his chest. “A girl. Charity.”

  “Really? I mean congratulations, but so old fashioned.”

  “That's us,” he answered. “Where's your husband?”

  “Everyone is on Umora,” she replied. “I think there's some strategy meeting going on right now.”

  “So, they are all in the same place?” Nicholas responded

  “They should be. Why?” Ariel answered, confused.

  They were all in the same place. They weren't answering their phones.

  “Ariel, text me exactly where you are,” Nicholas answered. “We have to get back, and now.”

  He hung up without giving her an explanation. Rosa clutched Charity closer, confused.

  “What's the matter?” she asked.

  “Something is wrong. Hold her tight,” Nicholas replied. “We're going to get Ariel, and we need to go.”

  “But…” Rosa answered.

  “My love,” he looked right into her eyes. “I will take care of you. I promise.”

  She took a deep breath. This was what it had all been about, wasn't it? Being his wife, saving his planet, loving him.

  She stretched out her hand and then stopped.

  “Wait,” she said. “I can transport myself now.”

  “Do you know the spell?” he was taken by the momentary happiness. They had wanted for this for so long and had dared to hope for this. It was a shame that they finally had to experience it under such circumstances.

  “Yes,” she said. “Close your eyes, Nicholas, and tell me where to find her.”

  “Here,” he showed her the map, and Rosa gathered her strength.

  “Let's go home, Nicholas.”

  Chapter 14

  She hadn't expected it to be as easy as it was. They had all made big claims about how hard a transport was, especially with more than one person, never mind a carapace. But Rosa felt the spell fill her and move them as easy as breathing.

  She was strong. She had never been strong before. Her landing was even smoother than any of the dragons had ever managed. Magic came naturally to her as if she had been doing it all her life.

  And in a lot of ways, she had done it all her life. Every aspect of living had been done with magic instead of a life force. The simplest things were really just spells. She was just existing then as a holding cell. But now, she was alive.

  Charity was clung tight to her breast. She felt half exposed, but Nicholas grabbed one of the ceremonial robes from the wall. It was meant for a queen to sit on the throne. It fit her like it was made for her.

  “Are you all right, my love?”

  “Yes, strangely enough,” she said. “I know giving birth is supposed to be exhausting but–”

  “It's the magic giving you strength,” he assured her.

  “Hey, you two,” Ariel was already standing. “I'm happy to celebrate my niece, but maybe in a moment. Listen.”

  “Listen to what?” Nicholas asked, cocking an ear. “I hear nothing.”

  “Exactly,” she replied. “It's the palace in the middle of the day. Shouldn't it be bustling?”

  She looked fierce, in boots and an American revolutionary coat, her hair pulled back, and her eyes lined. Nicholas made a mental note to go see her play one day when there wasn't chaos in their lives.

  “What's the plan?” Ariel prompted him.

  She was right about the silence. It was deadly, as if someone had wiped all trace of life from the building. For all Nicholas knew, there were hundreds of bodies lying just outside of the door. The building could be about to collapse. He needed to find out.

  “Rosa,” he said. “If we find my father–”

  “You've made your wishes clear.” She held her chin high.

  “But our baby…”

  “For such a time as this we were placed upon this Earth.” Rosa clutched the child close to her.

  “All right, enough sap,” Ariel pushed open the door.

  The palace was empty and cold. There was no trace of life anywhere. The epic battle that they had engaged in last time had caused quite a bit of damage, and not all of it was repaired. But Nicholas noted there was still debris on the floor.

  “This is new,” he crouched down. “Someone has been here. Ariel?”

  “Step away from me a moment,” she said, trying to feel the magic around her. She closed her eyes, extending her palms, and then re-opened her eyes. “He is here. N
ear the bedrooms, I think.”

  “The bedrooms,” Nicholas replied. “Of course. It's the easiest place to trap them all, away from the vortex. This way.”

  He was questioning his movements even as he made them. What kind of father brought his newborn child into a battle that they had lost last time? What kind of father introduced his child to the world through violence and tyranny?

  It was the price children paid to be born to royals, he knew. He had survived, and his brothers had survived, but it hadn't been easy.

  This poor child wasn't even a day old and was already filling her princess duties.

  “Here,” Ariel stopped outside the king's bedroom. She could feel the magic coming from that room, stronger than any others. Nicholas pushed the door open, half expecting it to be locked. It opened with no resistance, and what he saw in the room shocked him.

  There was blood and the stench of death everywhere. Two servants lay on the floor, clearly devoid of life.

  Peter lay on the bed, bleeding out of a stomach wound.

  “Peter!” Nicholas grabbed his hand and was relieved to find a weak pulse. “Peter! Peter, can you hear me?”

  To his relief, Peter's eyes flickered open. Nicholas had never gotten along with his oldest brother, but he was eternally grateful to see him take a deep breath.

  “Nicholas,” Peter managed. “Father…”

  “I figured,” Nicholas said. “Where is he? Where did he go?”

  “I don't know. He's somewhere,” Peter gasped, clearly in great pain.

  “It's okay,” Nicholas replied, trying to soothe him. “It's okay, Peter. You're going to be fine.”

  “This is Charity,” Rosa stepped forward. Peter was momentarily distracted from his pain by the baby.

  “Oh,” he said, looking upon her as if she were an angel. “Oh.”

  Charity's little hand reached out, touching Peter's finger. Nicholas thought it was one of the most endearing things he had ever seen.

  He did not expect it to also stun him. From Charity's tiny hand, pure white magic began to flow. He had heard of white magic before, but he had never seen it. It was reserved for those who were the kindest – the best of all their race. Pure white magic was stronger than the yellows and browns that came from the dragons and older witches.

  To his amazement, Peter's wound began to close. His eyes cleared, and his blood knitted a deep scar. His chest stopped heaving, and he looked puzzled.


  Rosa could only smile in pride. “She is a Halloway, after all,” she said. “It's no real surprise she can do that before she can even walk.”

  Peter eventually sat up, his head clearing. Ariel hung back as far as she could, keeping watch in the hallway.

  Her heart was pounding at the thought that Alexander was in the same state somewhere. Peter may have been able to hang on, but Alexander certainty couldn't.

  She reached out with her hand, pushing her strength to feel for his magic. She didn't want to drain him, and it took a minute longer than she expected.

  All of a sudden, a rush of magic hit her like a tidal wave.

  “Nicholas,” she said, heading down the hall way to the queen's rooms. “This way!”

  Her brother-in-law turned rushed down the hallway after her. He wasn't sure what they were going to find, given the state that Peter had been in. He felt more confidence, though, with Peter at his side. They were going to win; they had to. There was no option for failure.

  Alexander, Enya, and Yvette were in the queen's chambers. None of them appeared to be hurt, but they were bound and gagged. Ariel needed no magic to rip the cloth gag off her husband's mouth.

  “What the hell happened?” she asked, as Alexander shook himself free of the bonds. Alexander looked more angry than hurt.

  “Father had dragon minions with him,” he said. “At least fifty of them. We were no match for them. Their orders, luckily, were not to kill.”

  “Lucky you, because he ripped my intensives out ten minutes ago before taking Cole,” Peter said.

  “Where would he take Cole?” Nicholas demanded. “Does he have Thomas?”

  “If he has both of them, they are alive,” Rosa answered. “I wouldn't feel this way if they wouldn't.”

  “I keep getting flashes of magic, and then nothing,” Ariel said. “I think he's blocking himself somewhere.”

  “Cole's room,” Nicholas figured out. “That's where he could do it.”

  “How?” she asked.

  “Cole is the last heir,” Alexander reminded her. “The youngest heir's room has enchantments on it in case of a palace attack. He will stay hidden.”

  “You all put a lot of faith in that mischievous kid,” Ariel replied. “No offense, Enya.”

  “Cole told me that Father needed all the Halloway heirs,” Enya said. “So, he is likely keeping them alive and waiting. And oh, my goodness, your baby.”

  “Charity,” Rosa said, proudly. “I'm hoping that perhaps we can have a proper baby shower when all of this is over. But for now, Nicholas…”

  “You know that your magic can kill him now,” Nicholas replied. “But it's whether you can get a clear shot at him without killing any of us. You know his style of attack. It's rough and wild. There's a good chance you could destroy the palace or our lives.”

  “So, you need to give me a clear shot,” Rosa replied. “If that's my job, then this is yours.”

  “Remember when we were children,” Peter put in. “We used to play Capture the Flag?”

  “What?” Nicholas turned to him in shock. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  “The four of us would split up into teams and take turns distracting each other,” Peter replied. “We'd trade off every time the prize was in sight. We had it down to a science.”

  “Am I the flag?” Rosa answered, a bit horrified. Alexander actually chucked.

  “I suppose you are. Don't take offense.”

  “I don't think I've ever been called a flag before,” she answered. “But I'm game if you are.”

  “That's the plan,” Peter said. “Alexander? Nicholas?”

  “If I can get my hands on him,” Ariel said. “I can weaken him. I'll stay behind him. It should make it easier.”

  “What can we do?” Enya asked, eager to help. “Please do not leave us out.”

  The two girls were humans, and sickly ones at that. No amount of strategic planning could make them strong in the fight. But Rosa saw the need in their eyes, to be with their husbands, to fight for this family that had become their own.

  “Can you take care of Charity?” Rosa said, handing her over. She never wanted to be separated from her baby, but this was the moment she had been born for. “I can channel her magic, but I need her to be safe.”

  “Yes,” Yvette said, touching the baby's head softly. “We can keep her safe.”

  Rosa kissed the top of Charity's head, and Nicholas did the same. For a moment, they stood, a small family of three, their eyes closed, praying for hope.

  But then Rosa opened her eyes, meeting her husband's.

  “Now,” she said, and he was not going to argue.

  “Now,” he echoed. Now was the time they would bring their father down. And this time, they would make sure that he stayed dead.

  Chapter 15

  Nicholas wasn't sure whether he was happy or angry that they had been right. Sure enough, as soon as they reached Cole's room, they knew that Thomas and Cole were in time. And from the crashing, his father was likely in there as well, in dragon form.

  “Should we?” Nicholas asked. Alexander nodded, glancing to Peter for agreement. Ariel stepped as far back as she could, and they stretched their necks, giving each other room.

  “I'm impressed with how you can control your powers,” Rosa said, as the princes began their transformation. “I didn't realize it before. But being around you, you are completely in control and you can flex it. That's rare.”

  “Practice,” Ariel said, grimly. “More th
an I would like. In the recent months, I've tried to control it even more around Alexander, just in case.”

  “Hopefully, all that practice comes in handy at the moment,” Rosa answered. Ariel winced, watching, with her arms crossed.

  “They say practice makes perfect,” she said. “But to what end?”

  Once the three dragons were standing in the hallway, they checked in with each other, waiting half a moment.

  And then they stormed the door, breaking it down.

  King Richard was standing in the middle of the room. Both Thomas and Cole were bounded as Alexander had been. They were injured, but alive, frantic for help.

  Ah, my boys are all together. Richard looked at the three majestic dragons in front of him. His long neck swiveled down to look at Rosa. His eyes flared, recognizing that the magic had finally reached its peak. Immortality.

  Is that really what you want, Father? Peter distracted him with a slight step to the left. The throne is terribly exhausting.

  Of course, you think that. You were never properly prepared. You hate what you are.

  Do I? Peter cocked his head. Or did I just hate what you tried to make me?

  Richard focused on Peter for a moment and then turned his head back to Rosa, trying not to be distracted.

  You fashioned him into a tyrant, Alexander put in, circling him. When in truth, he's a much better king than you could ever dream to be.

  Richard snapped at Rosa, and she jumped, trying to be brave. Nicholas got in his way, his nostrils flaring.

  Why don't you give up, Father? He asked. You can't win.

  You forget, boy, Richard said. I taught you everything that you know. I know how you move. I know how you fight. I know how you think.

  Do you? Alexander taunted him. Do you think we take after you?

  I think we take after Mother, rest her soul, Peter said.

  The conversation was hard to follow; Richard's head going every which way. Ariel pushed herself up against the wall, taking a step and then another one and another. She was edging behind Richard, moving carefully, one leg behind the other.

  Rosa snuck toward Thomas and Cole. She didn't dare take off their bonds for fear that Richard might notice. But she thought she could channel their power better if she was touching them.


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