Their Independent Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Their Independent Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 14

by Marla Monroe

  She felt a little guilty when they were trying so hard to make her comfortable and happy, but starting a relationship with anyone and especially when there would be more than two, was serious. She’d already made one mistake where men were concerned. She wouldn’t give anything for Tommy and didn’t regret having dated his father, but it didn’t mean she wanted to go through the pain and heartache all over again.

  Darla closed her eyes and turned her face up into the sunshine, soaking up the warmth and how alive it made her feel. Even the dull ache in her hand couldn’t take away from the moment as she let the worries slide off of her for a precious few minutes. There would be plenty of time to worry again later. For now, she just wanted to pretend that her life was as normal as anyone else’s was.

  “Darla? Sweetness, can you hear me?”

  Her eyes snapped open to find Scope crouched next to her with a wide grin on his face. She blinked, bringing everything back in to focus, and realized she must have fallen asleep at some point.

  “Hey,” she said with a yawn. “Sorry.”

  “You looked so comfortable and were sleeping so peacefully that I hated to wake you up, but I thought you might like to come in and cool off before the guys get home for dinner. How are you feeling?” he asked.

  “I feel great. Sitting out in the sunshine was good for me.” Darla started to stand up and realized she wasn’t going to be able to do it alone with her bum hand. “Um, can you help me?”

  “No problem. Just hold your arms up and I’ll put mine under yours to pull you up. That way I won’t pull on your arms and accidently hurt your hand. Ready?” he asked.

  She nodded and held up her arms. In less than a second he had her standing up as if she weighed less than a feather. The fact that she was close enough to him that her breasts brushed lightly against his chest stole her breath. The brief contact had her nipples tightening into hard points.

  It was obvious that he felt the closeness as much as she did by the slow, steadily lengthening pressure of his cock against her belly. It hadn’t been there just seconds before. In fact, its growth corresponded exactly to her nipples turning into pointers. She felt her cheeks begin to burn, but didn’t have time for it to really bother her since Scope closed the narrow distance between them to claim her mouth with his.

  She realized it was their first real kiss. The soft brushing of his lips across hers now and then didn’t count, she decided when this one was decidedly not soft or quick. He licked and nipped at her lower lip until she opened her mouth to do a little nipping of her own. Instead, he slipped his tongue in and explored until she thought she would go crazy with the need to taste him as he was tasting her.

  Scope pulled back, trailing kisses along the corner of her mouth and down to her jawline where he nipped and licked his way to her neck.

  “You smell like sunshine with your warm skin that’s slightly salty. I could make a meal off of you, Darla. Would you let me? I’d lick and suck my way all over your body until I found the perfect spot to settle in for dessert,” he whispered along her neck.

  All she could do was whimper at the promise in his words. She wanted what he offered. It had been so long since she’d felt the touch of a man. She cupped his face with her good hand and smiled at the prickle of whiskers.

  “Yes, Scope. I want to feel your mouth on me,” she whispered.

  She’d barely uttered the words before he’d swept her up in his arms and strode across the deck with single-minded purpose. She managed to push the French doors closed behind them with her good hand as he continued toward the stairs leading to the bedrooms.

  It wasn’t until he’d gently lowered her to the bed that it hit her what they were about to do. She wanted it with a need that bordered on insanity, but what about Gunner? This wasn’t right. She felt as if she were cheating on him.

  Scope crawled up the bed to hover above her, looking into her eyes with enough heat to singe her skin. Then his heavy lids widened a bit, and he leaned back and looked at her splinted hand.

  “Did I hurt you?” he asked, sitting up now.

  “No! You didn’t, Scope.”

  “Then why the sudden panicked look? What’s wrong, sweetness?” he asked.

  “Gunner. I don’t want to hurt him. He should be here, too, if we’re going to try and make this work, right?” She watched his face for any sign that he felt the guilt as well.

  “He’s fine with this, Darla. We’re going to each be with you alone sometimes. We don’t always have to all three be together.” He turned over and sat next to where she lay and smiled. “We thought you would feel less pressured if we each spent time with you alone first. Sort of become friends and comfortable with each other before we overwhelm you.”

  She let out a breath of air and relaxed against the mattress. She’d been worried that Gunner would find out later and be upset that they’d been intimate without him. Scope was probably right. Getting close to them individually would probably help strengthen their relationship when they were all three together.

  “Besides, sweet pea, none of us ever need to feel slighted or left out. I know that you’ll be with Gunner sometimes without me. That doesn’t mean that as soon as we’re together we have to have sex just to keep the tally even. There’s no keeping score or scheduling time with one another in this. Understand?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I suppose. It’s going to take some getting used to. I mean, I’ve heard Taylor talk about it and Tessa, too. They laugh at how the men seem to keep everything on kilter so that they don’t ever feel like they have to try and make it up to the one they weren’t with.” She sighed. “I still don’t understand how men can share without getting jealous of each other. Taylor said they don’t, but maybe she just doesn’t see it.”

  “I’m comfortable with Gunner. We’re best friends and I know that if I can’t see about you that I can count on him to do it. He knows it’s the same way with me. One of us will always be available to make sure you’re safe and happy. I might get jealous that he’s with you when I’m working or something, but it’s not jealousy of him, but of the time. It will all work out though.”

  “I guess I’m just going to have to take your word for it for now. I can’t even imagine what I’ll do the first time one of you gets in a fight with the other one. I can’t take sides,” she said, shaking her head.

  “That will never happen if it has anything at all to do with you or Tommy. We’ll settle our arguments outside of you. You don’t need to be in the middle of it if it even happens,” Scope told her.

  “Is he going to ever relax around me, Scope? I care about him so much already, and it scares me that I feel like he’s always walking on eggshells around me. Is he afraid he might hurt me? I know from what you’ve both said that he has a temper that he keeps a tight control on, but could he hurt me? I just can’t believe it.”

  “No! He would never hurt you. You could get mad at him and hit him and he’d never lay a finger on you. He might go outside and tear up the yard, or go running and be gone for a few hours, but he isn’t capable of ever harming a woman or a child. I don’t want you to ever worry about that. Okay?” Scope’s face creased as he talked, telling her he was really anxious that she believe him.

  “Okay. I believe you. I didn’t think it was possible, he’s so careful of me, but the way he holds himself and the lines on his face tell me he doesn’t relax around me. It hurts, Scope. I want him to feel comfortable with me. It feels like he doesn’t trust me with the real him.”

  “Sweetness, give him time. Right now he’s dealing with wanting to take apart those two bastards who hurt you. Seeing you hurt tears him up. I promise he’ll relax once everything settles down.” He leaned over and kissed her again.

  When he lifted his head again, the heavy arousal had returned to his eyes. Once again her body responded, heating where he looked and tingling where she wanted him to touch her. He ran his tongue around her ear then blew on it. Chill bumps exploded over her neck and shoulders.
/>   He backed down the bed a few inches and moved his mouth around her neck to the neckline of the blouse she was wearing. The way he caressed her with his tongue made her squirm. She’d never felt anything like this before, but then her only other experience had been with Tommy’s father and he’d obviously not known what foreplay was.

  Holy hell, Scope sure knew.

  I’m going to come before he even makes it to my breasts. My pussy feels so wet and swollen it’s embarrassing.

  Scope unbuttoned her blouse in slow deliberate moves that frustrated her to the point she wanted to rip the thing off and to hell with ruining it. The feel of his fingers trailing lightly across the mounds of her breasts still held captive by her bra made something deep in her cunt flutter. When he scraped his finger nail across the silky material over her pebbled nipples, she actually cried out and lifted her chest toward him.

  Please, pinch them, or I’m going to go crazy.

  He didn’t. Instead, he let his fingers drag lightly across her belly to where the waistband of her shorts stopped their exploration. She tried to reach between them to push them down her body, but her splinted hand got in the way, sending a sharp pain up her arm.

  “Hell, Darla. I’m sorry. Easy, sweetness. I’ll kiss the pain away.” Scope gently moved her hand back by her side and proceeded to ruin her with his mouth on her breasts then across her belly.



  He squeezed her breast then plucked at the still-covered nipple before finally reaching to the center of the material where the clasp of the bra lay hidden. With an ease that should have made her wonder just how many times he’d done that in the past, Scope had the three hooks open and had brushed the cups aside so that he could see all of her.

  “Fuck me, those are the prettiest tits I’ve ever seen, Darla.”

  She started to say something, she quickly forgot what it was, when he buried his face in her cleavage and squeezed the mounds with his hands, smothering him in her flesh. When he growled, it vibrated so that she wanted to squirm beneath him.

  When he drew one nipple into his hot, wet mouth she swore she saw sparks. He didn’t just suck on them like her ex had. Scope licked, nibbled, and pulled on the hard nubs until she swore she could feel each touch on her clit. God, were there nerves that attached her nipples to her clit?

  “So good. They taste like raspberries,” he said as he nibbled on them some more.

  When Darla was sure she couldn’t take one more second of the torture he was putting her through, Scope moved lower, exploring her belly and pelvis with that magical mouth of his. He ignited a trail of fire to the crease of her hip where it joined her groin. She couldn’t help bucking when he touched one spot in particular she hadn’t even known existed before.

  “You smell delicious, Darla. I can’t wait to taste you. I bet you’re going to be sweeter than cherry pie.”

  She groaned when he kissed her pussy lips. She trimmed but had never shaved that area except when she’d had Tommy. She worried that he wouldn’t like that she didn’t shave, but it didn’t seem to bother him when he surprised her with a long slow slide of his tongue up her slit. If he continued to move this slowly she would die of frustration long before he ever fucked her.

  Oh, God! Tommy and Gunner will probably be here at any minute!


  Chapter Sixteen

  “What? What’s wrong?” Scope move back a little.

  “Tommy and Gunner will be here at any second. I can’t be up here having sex like this when they get here,” she whispered.

  Scope grinned. She was so cute. “Why are you whispering? They aren’t here.”

  She narrowed her eyes at him. “This isn’t funny, Scope. I can’t let Tommy wonder what we’re doing if they come in and I won’t come out to see him.”

  “Darla, it’s only four. See?” He pointed to the clock on the bedside table. “They won’t get here before six at the earliest. We’ve got plenty of time, sweetness. Relax. I’d never let something like that happen.”

  “But when you woke me up you said they’d be here before long.” She frowned up at him for a second then his eyes darkened and she shook her head. “You tricked me, didn’t you?”

  “I’m not one bit sorry, either,” he said. “I wanted to make long, slow, passionate love with you and needed to get you back inside. Until we get the rest of the privacy screen up I didn’t want to do something like this outside in the open.”

  “You are devious, Chester Nettles.”

  He just shook his head and didn’t bother correcting her. She was the only one outside of Gunner that he would let get away with calling him that. Instead, he took her by surprise and nipped the inner thigh of one leg before burying his face in her sweet-smelling, wet pussy. The groan that escaped him sounded desperate even to him.

  I knew it. She’s sweet and ripe. Her taste explodes across my tongue making me want to lick every drop of her tasty nectar. I’m never going to want to leave this spot.

  “Oh, God. Scope!”

  He smiled at his name on her lips sounding of passion and need. He was doing this to her. It didn’t matter that he was hard of hearing or that he had scars all over his trunk. She was responding to what he was doing to her. It made him feel like Superman and the Incredible Hulk all rolled up into one.

  It barely registered that her nails where digging into his scalp as he ran his tongue up and down the seam of her pussy lips. When she started pressing her pussy against his face, Scope spread her open like a flower and stabbed his tongue into her tight, hot cunt. She actually screamed and bucked as if she were about to come.

  “Scope! I can’t stand it. I’m going to climax. Please, do something.”

  He stilled. Was she serious? Fuck yeah! Scope ran his tongue up her slit to circle her clit and felt her body tighten in preparation. His dick lay trapped in his jeans between his leg and the mattress. He realized that even as he licked and sucked on her pussy, he was rubbing his groin against the mattress. He’d come in his jeans like a randy teenager if he didn’t grab some of that famous control his buddy lived by.

  Darla bucked against his mouth as he sucked on her clit and ran a finger up and down her slit. He knew the moment she started to come by how her hands flexed in his hair and her hips lifted and stalled as he drew on the little nub at the apex of her pussy lips. A half scream lodged in her throat and withered away until he slowly eased her down with long easy laps of his tongue against her pussy lips.

  “Sweetness, that was fucking amazing. You’re gorgeous when you come. Your face is flushed along with your breasts. There’s a trail of sweat making its way between your tits that I want to lick. Watching you come apart like that will never get old, Darla.”

  “Was amazing. Can’t breathe though.” Her words came out in little gasps.

  “Oh, damn, Darla. I’m sorry.” Scope rolled off of her on the side opposite her bad hand. He’d forgotten that he’d been lying on top of her. His weight was making it difficult for her to draw in air.

  She giggled. “Give me a minute to catch my breath and I’ll return the favor.”

  “What?” Then it hit him what she’d said. “No, sweet pea. That was just for you. I wanted to make you come and see you all relaxed and lazy. This wasn’t a payback thing.”

  “But I can feel how, um, hard you are. Doesn’t it hurt?” she asked.

  He smiled. “It’s not exactly comfortable, but I can take care of it later. I wanted to do this for you. Well,” he amended. “It was for me, too, because I really loved eating your pussy.”

  “Take care of it yourself?” she asked. “You mean, um…”

  He chuckled. “Yeah. I’ll just rub one off in the shower later. I’ll be fine till then, Darla.”

  “Rub one off?” she frowned. She was so damn cute and clueless.

  “You know, jack off. Masturbate,” he explained.

  “Um, you’re really comfortable talking about that,” she said with rosy spo
ts blossoming on her cheeks and along her neck. “C–could I watch?”

  He stilled in the process of rubbing light circles around her belly button. She wanted to watch him? Fuck! That would be so damn hot.

  “Of course you can. That would really turn me on for you to watch.”

  “Now?” she asked, her eyes growing wider by the second.

  “Yeah. Hold on.” He jumped off the bed and raced to the bathroom to grab a towel and some lotion.

  When he returned she’d sat up and pulled her blouse on but not the bra or her panties. He stood next to the bed and dropped the towel and lotion on the mattress in front of him. When he started to unfasten his jeans, she stopped him.

  “Let me.” She crawled to the end of the bed and slowly unfastened the top button before carefully lowering the zipper over the bulge of his straining dick.

  Seeing her on her knees directly in front of his crotch didn’t help the size of his erection or the throbbing along the shaft. He could already picture her wrapping her plump red lips around the crown and sucking.

  Hell, he was going to come before she’d even gotten his jeans down. When she finally managed to push the material down his legs to just below his knees, he blew out a breath in relief. She had no trouble pulling the boxers down. Once she’d done that, Darla sat back on her knees to watch him. He gripped the back of his T-shirt and pulled it over his head and off his body, tossing it to the floor.

  At her startled gasp, Scope looked up to find her staring at the scars on his chest and abdomen. She reached out her good hand and touched the largest of the raised scars on his chest. Then she touched the tattoo of the Texas flag on his left upper arm before doing the same to the American flag on his right. He smiled and turned around so she could see his back.


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