Their Independent Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Their Independent Submissive [Knights in Black Leather 5] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 16

by Marla Monroe

  “I’m ready when you guys are,” her son said.

  The sight of him smiling with eyes all bright and clear nearly made her start crying again. Instead, she took in how much he’d grown of late. Gunner stood up and started walking toward the kitchen.

  “Come with me, Tommy. I want to be sure you have a snack in case we are late picking you up.”

  She watched her son follow after Gunner without a second thought. He trusted both him and Scope. The thing of it was, she did, too. They were good men and had been there for her when she’d needed them. She knew they would take care of Tommy just like they would take care of her. She knew they would be great husbands and good fathers to her son, but would it be fair to them if she couldn’t submit to them in the long run? She just wasn’t sure she could wear a collar and call them Sir or Master. It just wasn’t her anymore. It had been at one time, but she’d conquered a lot of problems on her own over the years. She couldn’t just drop it and pretend she hadn’t now.

  Could she?

  “I’m ready now, Mom. Are you ready?” Tommy hurried back to her side, wearing the backpack that looked to be a little heavy for him. She cocked her head and smiled up at him when he held out his hand.

  “Sure looks like you’re ready. What do you have in that thing, half the refrigerator?” she teased.

  “That’s silly. I’ve got two bottles of water, an apple, and a granola bar,” he said. “Oh, and my ball and glove and a change of clothes.”

  “That’s all, huh?” She let him help her up, making sure she didn’t put any weight on her injured hand. “Let’s go.”

  The three of them piled into the truck with Gunner fastening her safety belt for her while Tommy took care of his own in the back seat. As Gunner drove them to Peggy and Joe’s house, she watched him. He was a complicated man to try to get to know, but she knew that he was honest and trustworthy. Yes, at times she felt uncomfortable around him, but it wasn’t out of fear. He made her think of things that unnerved her, like the BDSM lifestyle.

  She was curious about it, but had never thought she’d ever have a chance to learn first-hand what it was all about. Since she doubted she could be a good submissive, Darla was worried where that would leave them. Scope she could see relaxing some of what he wanted, but Gunner was an entirely different person. Dominance wasn’t really what it was all about for him, she didn’t think. It was the control. It was important to him and that worried her.

  “Penny for your thoughts, babe.” Gunner’s deep voice startled her.

  “Oh! Um, they probably aren’t worth a penny. I’m just thinking about how different you and Scope are. Peggy and I are like that, different from each other, but we’re still friends.”

  “People have always said that we worked so well together because we complemented each other. We were the other’s strength where they were weak, so that together we were unbeatably strong.” Gunner glanced at her before returning his eyes to the road.

  “Yeah. I can see that. Scope can be a pushover where women are concerned. He’s not a playboy, I get that, but he can’t help himself around women when they ask for help. You, on the other hand, won’t take any crap off of anyone, much less a woman. I imagine you’ve gotten him out of a few scrapes over the years that probably started when he was being entirely too nice to someone.” She smiled over at him and was pleased to see that half smile in return.

  “Yeah. He’ll let people walk all over him if he thinks they need something. Don’t get me wrong. He knew when things were serious and didn’t cave and put anyone of his team in danger, but everyone knew to try and steer him clear of anyone who they knew would take advantage of him.”

  “How did he get his nickname?” she asked him.

  “It was kind of something that developed over time. Anytime we had something to do or somewhere to be, he’s the one who went in and ‘scoped’ things out for us. He’s got an amazing memory and can pinpoint things almost to the inch. The name stuck.” Gunner shook his head. “He was the one who would ‘scope’ out the bar for the rest of us while we drank and got stupid. He knew where all the exits where and who to steer clear of. He wasn’t much of a drinker. He likes a cold beer after work and all, but he didn’t drink to get drunk like the rest of us did.”

  She wanted to ask him why they did it but decided that was too serious and was best left for another time. Instead she asked him the next obvious question.

  “How did you get your nickname?”

  “Gunner is my real name. Whoever it was that gave birth to me took the time to leave a note that my name was Gunner before she dumped me in a trashcan and left.”

  This time he didn’t smile or look her way. She could tell by the tight lines around his mouth and the corners of his eyes that it bothered him to talk about it, but he wasn’t going to stop her from asking the questions.

  “I think you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to Scope. He wasn’t hard enough to survive what you both went to when he first joined up. He got that way eventually, but I think you helped to keep him on the right line while he learned to cope.” She meant that. The Chester she’d watched drive off to head to boot camp wasn’t the same Scope who’d returned from overseas.

  She could see the playfulness in his eyes and there was still that tendency to let her get away with anything, but there was a hardness to him now as well. While she mourned the loss of his innocence and the relaxed smile he’d always had, she treasured the man who had developed as a result and valued his strength.

  “I think you’re the best thing that ever happened to him, babe. He talked about you nonstop when we first met. You were his light in the crap we were in. He thought of you as his special friend and it was only after a particularly brutal fight that he stopped talking about anyone from home.” Gunner still didn’t look at her while he drove.

  “Did he know me, too?” Tommy piped up from the back seat.

  “No, son. This was before you were born. Your mom knew him when they were in school together.

  Darla had almost forgotten that Tommy was back there. She was thankful she hadn’t said something she shouldn’t in front of him. Damn, when she was around those two men, her mind went to mush, and she said and did stupid stuff.

  “Oh. Wow! That was a long time ago,” Tommy said.

  Darla couldn’t help but chuckle at that. Her son was convinced that she was older than dirt and would remember horse-drawn buggies that he’d read about, and might be able to describe the dinosaurs to him from memory. She smiled at the thought of what Scope or especially Gunner would say the first time Tommy asked them about something like that.

  “What are you smiling about over there?” Gunner whispered.

  “Oh, nothing. Just thinking that poor Peggy is going to be worn out by the time we pick him back up. He’s full of energy and questions today.”

  Gunner cocked his head to the side and looked at the boy in the back seat. She wondered what he was thinking as he studied her son. There was a thoughtful expression on his face, but he didn’t say anything until they pulled up in Peggy and Joe’s drive.

  “All right, young man, let’s go thank your friend’s mom for having you this afternoon,” Gunner said, opening the door to climb out.

  When Darla started to do the same, he shook his head. “I’ll come around and help you down. I don’t want to take a chance that you might slip or bang it on something. Just a second.”

  She almost rolled her eyes but thought better of it. Actually, he was right. It would be very easy to hurt her hand getting down from the big truck. She’d wait for him to help her.

  “Good girl,” he said with a warm smile that actually reached his eyes.

  Darla didn’t even remember him helping her out of the truck after that amazing smile he’d given her. She wanted to do something he asked of her again just to see him smile.

  As they head back after dropping her son off, Darla thought about it over and over again, picturing how both sides of his mouth curled up an
d his eyes sparkled when he looked down at her. It had been magical, sending a thrill through her that made her soften all over for him. She realized that she wanted to see that smile again. It had felt special, just for her, and Darla knew she would do just about anything to win that special prize again and again.

  I’m so screwed.

  Chapter Eighteen

  I’m so fucked!

  Gunner had to keep a tight grip on the steering wheel all the way home after the way she’d reacted to his praise earlier. Fuck, but he was harder than a diamond bit in an industrial drill. Seeing her eyes light up like they had when he’d told her good girl made him feel like a million dollars and the greatest man in the world.

  “Is something wrong, Gunner?”

  He jerked his head around to look at her. “No. Why?”

  “You’re gripping the steering wheel like you’re in pain or something.” Darla stared at him with worry.

  “I’m just anxious to get you back home so you can rest. You looked a little peaked. I hope this outing wasn’t too much for you,” he said, lying through his teeth.

  She narrowed her eyes at him and he thought he’d been caught. “I’m not a porcelain doll that will break with the slightest touch, Gunner. There’s nothing wrong with me other than my hand. Stop treating me like an invalid.”

  He felt the anger in her words as if she’d punched him. He grimaced. “Sorry. I just hate that you’re hurt at all, babe. It bothers me.”

  He heard her sigh and glanced in her direction again. This time she did look tired, but her lips were no longer thinned with her ire. That was progress, he guessed. Despite what she said, Darla needed a short nap. He’d lie down with her if that was what it took. Somehow the thought of a nap with her next to him didn’t sound like a waste of time at all.

  “Now you’re smiling. You don’t do that much so it worries me,” she said.

  “There’s not usually all that much to smile about.”

  “So what did you find important enough to smile this time?” she asked.

  He looked over at her then returned his eyes to the road. “I liked that you aren’t afraid of me and will put me in my place. You’re a strong woman, Darla.”


  They didn’t speak again the rest of the way home. Once he’d helped her back inside the house, he fixed them both a tall glass of iced tea and they sat on the deck in amiable silence. When they’d finished their tea, Darla yawned, giving him the perfect opportunity to suggest a short nap.

  “Sounds like someone needs a nap. I’m a little peaked myself. Want to lie down for an hour? I’ll set my watch to wake us up,” he said.

  “Actually that sounds pretty good. I don’t know why I’m feeling so lazy. I never take naps unless I’m working twice in one day,” she said.

  “You’re healing. It takes a lot of energy to heal something like a broken bone, Darla.” He stood up and took both empty glasses, then held out a hand to help her up.

  After dropping the empties in the kitchen, Gunner followed Darla upstairs to the master suite he hoped all three of them would be sharing soon. He knelt on the floor before she could say anything and removed her shoes and socks for her.

  “You didn’t have to do that.” She frowned at him.

  “Well, I didn’t think you’d want to wear them on the bed and your hand is compromised,” he pointed out.

  “Oh, right. I forget sometimes, until I jar it and it reminds me,” she said with a shy smile.

  When he started removing his boots and socks, she stared at him with first a shocked expression then a spark of what he was sure was excitement. Once again he felt the urge to smile, but he held it back. No need to be smug. It would only make her mad and he didn’t want her mad.

  “Do you mind if I share your nap?” he asked without looking at her.

  “Uh, no. Not at all. Don’t forget to set your watch to wake us up,” she said. “Oh, and do you have your phone in case Peggy calls for some reason?”

  “I’m putting it on the table next to the bed. I’ll hear it. I’m a light sleeper,” he told her.

  “Okay. Good.” She turned on her right side with her injured left hand out of the way.

  Gunner started out on his back and waited for her to relax into sleep. Then he carefully curled around her and drank in the feel of a woman in his arms for maybe the first time in his life. Cuddling had never been something he did. This was different. Darla was going to be their forever woman, their wife. Holding her as she slept felt good. It felt right.

  * * * *

  Something felt amazing. She had to be dreaming, but it felt so real. Darla didn’t want to open her eyes and dissolve the dream or the wonderful sensations. An involuntary moan escaped her lips.

  “Open your eyes, babe. Pretending to be asleep doesn’t change the fact that your hand is gripping my hair so that I can’t pull away.”

  Why did he have to spoil it? As long as she kept her eyes closed and he hadn’t said anything, Darla could pretend she wasn’t fooling around with him in her head.

  I’m not fooling myself one bit. I want him just like I want Scope. I just don’t want to admit it.

  The sudden pressure of Gunner’s tongue directly over her clit had her digging her fingers into his scalp and shoulder all over again.

  “Oh, God! Gunner. I–I. Don’t stop.” She lifted her head from the pillow to stare down her body to see Gunner lying between her legs, face wet with her juices.

  “Don’t stop? Are you sure, because you looked like you were going to ask me to for just a minute there,” he said, cocking his head to one side.

  “Yes! I mean no. Don’t you dare!”

  “You did say to wake you up in an hour.”

  “I–I wasn’t expecting you to wake me up like this.

  He grinned. The man actually grinned, transforming his normally stoic face into one that was handsome, striking even. Why hadn’t she ever noticed that about him before? Then she remembered what was going on.

  “Gunner. I’m not sure this is…oh my God!”

  He’d effectively cut her words off when he ran his tongue around her clit and back down her sopping wet slit. What was the man doing to her? She hadn’t expected to react to him just as strongly as she had with Scope. She knew Scope. Gunner was still a mystery to her. She realized that they were really planning on sharing her.

  “You taste sweeter than strawberry jam, babe. I could stay between your legs forever and live off your juices. Scope told me you were delicious, but I didn’t believe him. He was right.”

  The sound of Gunner bringing up Scope’s name should have cut her arousal immediately, but instead, it seemed to build it even higher. She felt sexy in that moment, knowing that two men wanted her.

  Then all rational and irrational thought flew out the window when Gunner sucked lightly on her clit. Her orgasm exploded from her so unexpectedly it almost hurt. When had she started going off like a light switch? Even she couldn’t diddle her way to a climax this quickly. Stars exploded behind her eyes as the roaring in her ears intensified then slowly dulled as she settled back on the bed.

  Gunner licked at her cream, cleaning her with his tongue from top to bottom. The raspy sensation left goose bumps all along her arms. She wasn’t sure how long she lay there trying to catch her breath, but it seemed like hours, maybe even days. Time seemed to disappear.

  “You are so amazing, babe. Getting you off like that was like magic. I felt it all the way to my toes. Next time dig those nails of yours into my scalp or my shoulders. Don’t waste them on the bed covers.” Gunner crawled up her body and stared into her eyes from above her.

  “N–next time?”

  “Oh, there’ll be a next time all right. Hopefully with Scope here to help me drive you insane with enough orgasms to put you to sleep with a smile on your face,” he said.

  “I think I’ve got a nice big smile on my face now,” she told him.

  He winked at her. “That you do. Would you like a bath? I
could run one for you. I bet you’d enjoy relaxing in some of that smelly stuff you put in the water.”

  Darla laughed. “That sounds good, but what about you?”

  He frowned, his brows drawing together at her words. “What about me? I’ll run the water but I draw the line at getting into the tub with flowers or whatever they are.”

  She giggled. No, that wouldn’t happen, but she had a good imagination. “No. I was talking about, um, you didn’t get yours.”

  “Get my what?” he asked, cocking his head to one side.

  Was he messing with her, or did he really not know what she was saying? “You didn’t climax.”

  “Oh. Well, I don’t have to climax to have had a great time.” He licked around his lips and made a smacking noise.

  A small shiver ran down her spine. How was it that just a thought could turn her on? It didn’t make sense, but her body was heating up all over again at the sight of Gunner’s tongue. She was in so much trouble.

  “But doesn’t it hurt?” She looked down between their bodies with his still hovering above hers.

  “Um, it’s a little uncomfortable, but I’ll be fine,” he assured her.

  “Do you um, masturbate? Scope said something about rubbing one out later. Is that what you’re going to do?” she asked, horrified that she was being so bold.

  She felt him tighten above her. It was as if his entire body grew rigid, his face losing that softness he’d shown her the last few minutes. She hated that she’d done that to him.

  “Gunner. Don’t. I didn’t mean to upset you. I don’t know why I said that. I just hated the thought of you hurting after you’d made me feel so good.” Fear that she’d screwed everything up settled in her belly like Charlie Brown’s bag of rocks.

  Then his body relaxed once again and his face slowly opened back up. “You didn’t do anything wrong, Darla. I’ve never had a woman say anything like that to me before. It shocked me.”


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