A Promise Kept

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A Promise Kept Page 3

by Anissa Garcia

  Grace chuckled and sat down, grabbing the deck of cards and shuffling them expertly. One of the many things she learned from her brother—how to play a mean game of poker and of course, how to ward off womanizers like Evan Matthews.

  Within minutes, Grace was already winning the first round of their game. It might've been the fact that Jaime and Marla were too busy trying to glance next door to see if anyone was exiting or entering the house.

  “Pay attention!” Grace demanded and reached over to close the blinds. “We're playing a game here, not checking for the idiot next door.”

  “Fine. But I still want to meet him. You have to have some type of get-together and invite him over,” Jaime suggested.


  “What did he smell like? Was he as pretty as he is on screen?”

  Grace tried to hold back a grin but she couldn't help it. She gave a slight rise of her shoulders. “He smelled…good.”

  “Good? That's it?” Marla asked. “Bullshit, you’re so trying to be coy, Grace Lynn Clark. Tell us now!”

  The doorbell rang and Grace hopped up to answer. “Pizza’s here.”

  “You're not getting off that easily, dearie. You're giving us details!” Jaime called as Grace turned back.

  “Why don't you just go over and you can sniff him yourselves?” She swung the door open and instead of the delivery guy, there stood the dreamboat neighbor she just couldn't seem to get out of her head, along with giant icy-blue eyes.

  Grace’s own eyes bulged and her stomach churned as if a storm was beginning to brew. She heard yelling from inside her house. “Give the delivery guy a good tip!”

  She blinked several times to make sure she wasn't hallucinating. Evan stood in front of her with two boxes of pizza. “Someone order pizza?”


  Before she could continue, Evan sauntered in. “Delivery guy got the wrong address, apparently. This is Josh.”

  Grace said hi and shook Josh’s hand. She then looked over to Jaime, who kept her eyes on her cards. Her poker face was total shit. “Jaime…”

  “Whoops,” Jaime looked up with a smile. “I always get the numbers of your house mixed up. I’m so glad the neighbor was nice enough to bring the order over.” She stood and stretched her hand out, her eyes wide as she took in both men. “I’m Jaime. Hi. Sorry about that, I didn’t know the house number, and I took a wild guess, and um, well, I didn’t expect you to come over. I mean, I sort of expected this Mr. Muscles guy to come over…” Grace tried to hide her laugh as Jaime continued to ramble. “Not that I did it on purpose, but I mean…never mind. I’m shutting up.”

  The smile from Evan’s face was radiating, his eyes crinkling at the corners in amusement. “Evan. Nice to meet you, Jaime.” He let his gaze move to Marla as they introduced themselves. Grace grasped the boxes balancing in Evan’s hand and set them on the table.

  “I’m so sorry about this, Mr. Matthews.” Grace shook her head. Jaime had gone too far, and Grace didn’t want her neighbor to feel like he was being stalked. Strangely, he didn’t seem to mind.

  His hands rested in the pockets of his jeans and his face remained open and friendly. “Don’t be.” His smile turned into a sly and knowing grin. “Josh told me you girls were having a little party.”

  Josh’s expression said everything and Grace’s cheeks instantly flushed. “You saw my friends peeking out the window, didn't you?”

  The guys laughed. “I promise we won’t hold it against you,” Josh stated with his voice soft as silk. It was completely contradictory to his tough exterior. The smooth, British sound of it was lilting.

  Evan continued, “Although, that looming deadline excuse? That one I might hold against you.” He winked at Grace and she felt her insides flutter. God, what the hell was he doing to her, and why was the effect so instantaneous?

  She stood staring at him, trying to figure out why he didn’t just send Zach over with the pizza. But she knew the answer. It was because he was appeasing her friends. He knew they wanted to meet him. Grace defended herself. “We’re just hanging out for a little while. It’s not a party.”

  “We’re playing poker. You gentlemen can join us!” Jaime exclaimed with no qualms, and Evan laughed.

  “I love playing games,” Evan smirked at Grace then took his seat.

  “I'm sure you do,” Grace muttered under her breath. How the hell had Evan Matthews ended up in her dining area? And how was she going to resist him when he was attempting to stick around?

  Evan couldn’t help but be curious when Josh had told him that several sets of snooping eyes kept peeking out of his neighbor’s window. Zach urged him to go see what Grace was up to when he couldn’t convince the guys to go out bar hopping with him on 6th Street. The pizza getting sent to his house was a deliberate move on her part and the perfect excuse for him. In most cases, he’d be bothered, but he had to confess that he was looking forward to seeing Grace again, even if it was twice in the same day.

  And now that he saw her, he knew it was a good decision. His heart sped up the moment she’d opened the door. Grace looked adorable in her hip-hugging jeans and loose shirt. It had an outline of Texas on it stating, “Y’all” in white letters. A pair of pristine white Converse adorned her feet and her hair was once again knotted on the top of her head.

  Her surprise of his arrival instantly alerted him that the pizza mistake hadn’t been her strategy, and he soon figured out Jaime was the one to blame. At least he knew Grace had talked about him. And that was key. Yeah, he definitely wanted to know this girl better.

  He promptly felt warmth radiate from her home when he walked in. Something about the decor and the atmosphere made him feel embraced and peaceful. As though he took a step into a different era. It felt personal, creative, and fearless. Swing band music played from an antique record player that rested on full bookshelves, and he could see himself spending quite a bit of time there.

  Grace’s friends stood as he made his way toward the table where a deck of playing cards, poker chips, glasses of wine, and snacks were set out. Evan could sense each of the women were down-to-earth and fun. Josh sensed it too. If he wasn’t comfortable he would have left immediately. That was Josh. He didn’t take shit from anyone.

  “I want in on that poker action.” Evan scooted a chair out and sat down easily. “Josh, you in?”

  “Yeah, why not?”

  “Where’s Zach?” Grace asked as she moved to the kitchen.

  Why the hell did she care where Zach was? Was she into him? He moved that idea aside. “He went out with some of the crew to 6th Street.”

  It was only a moment before Marla began to chat with him. “Have you been to 6th Street before, Mr. Matthews?”

  “Not really my scene.” Evan shrugged as Josh agreed. “And call me Evan, please.” He picked up a carrot and dipped it in the hummus. “I just got here last week, so I haven’t had much of a chance to explore.”

  “I’m sure work keeps you busy,” Jaime chimed in, fiddling with her poker chips. She was obviously nervous, but it began to subside the more he talked to her.

  “I have some long days scheduled, especially at the beginning, but it won’t be as bad toward the end.”

  “Don’t tell me you die in the last one!” Jaime exclaimed with worry.

  “Grace said you’re filming the Ending movie here.” Marla served more vegetables on her plate and chewed on a celery stick.

  He ignored Jaime’s question, not wanting to give spoilers. “The last one. Ben and Kara are flying in this weekend to start filming. Right now, I’m rehearsing some action scenes with the stuntmen.”

  Evan heard Jaime give a small whimper. He sensed she was trying to keep herself calm. “Ben, as in Benjamin Taylor? Will he be living nearby too?”

  Evan laughed and wondered if Jaime would pull the pizza delivery trick with Ben as well. “Yeah, he’s renting out across the street.”

  “So, he’ll be my tenant too?” Grace seemed more excited about that
than about him, and the thought of her liking Ben irritated him. Getting jealous already? He had just met her.

  “I’m guessing so. These gated townhomes were recommended to us by the studio. I was surprised there were any available since they’re so close to downtown.” Evan grasped the deck of cards in his hand and squinted his eyes in concentration as he shuffled them. It was difficult keeping focus. He was more concerned about how he was going to get Grace to go out with him.

  “They’re leased month-to-month. My friend Stephen owns a handful of them, but doesn’t allow college kids to rent anymore, even though the universities are nearby.” The girls all grabbed a slice of pizza and Grace held the box open. “Evan? Josh? Would you like pepperoni?”

  “Or pineapple?” Jaime asked.

  “Nobody likes pineapple,” Marla and Grace spoke simultaneously.

  “No, I like it. I’ll take a pineapple,” Evan piped up.

  “See? I knew I liked you, Evan Matthews.” Jaime smiled at him as he grabbed a slice.

  “Evan, don’t.” Josh’s voice became harsh. “You already had a beer.”

  “Come on, man,” he whispered under his breath, cursing the diet. He hated the damn diet. “One slice.” He dug into the piece and reveled in the delicious taste.

  “I will not go easy on you tomorrow. Neither will Joe.” Evan knew his stunt trainer would learn about this and wouldn’t be happy.

  “Lighten up, he looks amazing.” First impressions were never what they seemed. Evan had taken Marla to be quiet and shy, but the redhead had a feisty nature that was beginning to emerge as she defended him against Josh. “Besides it’s only one slice of pizza…with fruit on it.”

  Josh rolled his eyes at her and crossed his arms. “Fine, one slice, Evan. Tomorrow, you’ll be sorry.”

  “Til I puke,” Evan stated, knowing the drill.

  “Ugh,” Marla groaned in annoyance with the man who sat across from her. Evan tried not to smile, but he saw the flash in Josh’s eyes as they zoomed in on the spirited woman. Oh, Josh was interested in this girl.

  Everyone sat cozy and chatted as Grace took out napkins, wine, and cookies. She took her seat beside Evan and he caught a trace of her scent. Whatever she wore, it had that strawberry aroma that was starting to drive him nuts. He gave her a little nudge with his arm to grab her attention. Her smile seemed to be tentative as he spoke. “So, what’s your new book about?”

  “I’m actually in the process of writing two books. One’s for my publisher. The other one, I don’t think they’ll want it.”

  “Grace is writing a memoir,” Jaime blurted.

  “A memoir?” He focused in on her with curiosity. “That’s intriguing.” His voice was huskier than he intended, but he really was curious to know more about this guarded woman. “Would you be willing to let me read it?”

  Grace looked at him skeptically, a huff escaping her pretty pink lips. “Um…well, it’s not finished yet.”


  Grace diverted the subject. “Let’s play some poker.”

  “She hasn’t let anyone read it,” Jaime whispered to Evan.

  He grabbed a cookie from the tin and took a bite. Without meaning for it to happen, a groan escaped his mouth. “Damn, these cookies are amazing.”

  “Evan…” Josh grumbled trying to get him to stop eating.

  “Grace made them.” Marla gave a sly grin. “You should try one, Josh. They're actually protein cookies.”

  Josh’s gaze was taut. “No, thank you.”

  “Seriously? Wow.” Marla hitched a discerning brow at him. “It’s one cookie.”

  Josh reached over and tried one. He nodded as he chewed, his whole body seeming to relax as he gave in to the pleasure of sugar. “These aren’t healthy cookies.”

  Marla’s honeyed voice rang out. “No, they aren’t. But they’re delicious, right?”

  Evan was certain Josh would give Marla an ugly look or leave on the spot. Instead, his taciturn nature shifted and a small smile played on his lips. “They are.”

  Evan would have to tease him about that later. He grabbed a second cookie and let the perfect flavor sit on his tongue. “So, you made these, Grace?” He looked up into her chocolate eyes and she nodded slightly. “I might have to marry you.”

  She laughed heartily at the insinuation until she realized how determined he seemed. She shifted uncomfortably as he stared at her with admiration. “These rival my mom’s recipe, believe it or not.”

  “Thanks. I’m sure Nestle Tollhouse would appreciate the sentiment,” Grace joked as she grabbed the deck from Evan and began to deal.

  They soon got lost in the game of poker. Evan stared at his cards and glanced at Grace. “Fold.” He stated and threw his hand down.

  Josh set his cards. “Call it. Two pairs.”

  Grace nodded and smiled, placing her cards out. “A straight. Read ‘em and weep.”

  “Never fails. How the hell do you always win?” Marla sighed as Grace took all the chips.

  “It’s called practice, dear friends,” Grace retorted with a victorious grin spread wide across her face.

  Evan’s gaze was focused on hers. Shit, she was his dream woman come to life. How the hell did she even exist? He then straightened as she piled up her chips in neat stacks.

  “Let’s play another round,” Evan suggested. “And this time, if I win, you have to let me read your memoir—as is.”

  Grace chuckled as he heard Jaime gasp under her breath. “And if I win?”

  “I have to go out with you.” He tried to hide his smirk.

  Her laugh grew louder, but her friends stared in awe. He knew he was making a fool of himself, but he had to find a way to get this girl to go out with him. “That’s not really a win for me.”

  “Damn, that’s harsh,” Marla teased.

  “Okay, fine. I’ll cook you a meal.” He wanted to somehow find a way to spend time with her, and he knew she wasn’t an easy win. He was bringing out just a taste of how big he could go.

  Grace scoffed, “I’m still not sure that would be a win for me.”

  “Hey, I’m a great cook,” Evan contended. “I’ll even wash the dishes after.”

  “No, if I win, you have to help me refurnish a desk I have waiting for me in the garage.” Grace smiled. “It’s heavy and difficult to move.”

  “Deal,” Evan agreed. That couldn’t be too hard, right?

  “And what if I win?” Jaime claimed boldly.

  Marla laughed. “Really? We both know neither one of us has a chance in hell against Grace.”

  “Shut up. I could totally win,” Jaime asserted.

  “Okay,” Evan began, “if you win, what?”

  “If I win, you have to come to my son’s sixth birthday party. In costume.”

  “Deal.” He put out his hand and shook Jaime’s. “I didn’t know you had a kid, Jaime.”

  “Yeah, my husband wanted one. I guess I did too.” She winked playfully at him, and Evan began to really like these women.

  “What if I win?”

  “Seriously, Marla?” Jaime countered. “You just said we couldn’t win.”

  “Well, we might as well all state what we want.”

  “Then tell us what you want,” Grace said as she shuffled the cards.

  “I want dinner at Uchi.”

  “Whoa, nice one, but expensive,” Grace chuckled. The sushi place was one of the best in the city, and quite costly. But worth every dime.

  “Fine, I’ll change it. Loser has to go to a yoga class with me.” Marla then pointed to Josh, “But you’d have to eat a slice of pepperoni pizza.”

  “Never,” Josh laughed, shaking his head. “If I win, loser has to take a training session with me.”

  “Ew.” Jaime grimaced and then smiled. “I mean, uh, cool. Yay, to exercise.”

  “Let’s get this done.” Grace began to deal the cards, and they launched the game. Evan had to hand it to Grace, she knew what she was doing. He could’ve sworn she was bluffing,
but he didn’t know her habits well enough. He looked at his hand and scowled. Marla and Jaime had already folded. Evan waited for Josh to look at him, then kicked his foot.

  Josh growled then shrugged. “I fold.”

  Evan’s eyebrow raised and he cleared his throat. “Okay, I’m raising. If I win, you have to not only let me read your memoir, but you have to go on two dates with me.”

  Grace craftily grinned. “I see your two dates, and add a homemade dinner – dishes washed after.”

  “I’ll see your bet, and raise you a trip to Boston.” His face was serious, but his eyes were alight with mischief.

  Jaime and Marla stayed completely still watching the two of them in shock as Josh sighed in boredom. Grace sniggered. “I can’t afford that.”

  “We didn’t talk about a pot-limit, darlin’. You gonna fold?”

  Grace shook her head. “I’ll find a way.” She placed her hand down and smiled. “I call. Four of a kind.”

  Evan chortled under his breath and shook his head. “Shit. You’re good.” He held onto his cards and leaned back on his chair. “Looks like I owe you a refurnished desk, a couple of dates, a homemade dinner with dishes washed, and a trip to Boston.”

  “What did you have?” Jaime asked him as Grace yelled in triumph and gave Marla a high-five.

  “I am the master,” Grace sang as she got up from her chair and did a little dance that made Evan’s heartbeat rise. “Gotta use the little girl’s room. I’ll be back in a bit.”

  Josh followed Marla to the kitchen as Evan set his cards back into the deck. He noticed Jaime’s large hazel eyes staring at him. “Why didn’t you set out your cards, Evan?”

  “I was bluffing. Didn’t have a good hand.”

  Jaime looked at him skeptically. “Then why didn’t you let us see your cards?”

  She was undeniably on to him. “Um, I was embarrassed?”

  “Is that so?” She crossed her arms and cocked her eyebrow at him. She wasn’t going to let it go. “You were winning, weren’t you?”

  He lowered his head and chuckled. “You can’t prove a thing.”

  “All I have to do is tell Grace, and she’ll believe me over you.”


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