A Promise Kept

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A Promise Kept Page 6

by Anissa Garcia

  Evan laughed and didn’t hesitate to try it. “Shit, these are delicious.”

  “I know, right? No need to be sorry about these pancakes at all.” She finished another forkful and then ripped through a sausage link and cut a piece, setting it on Evan’s plate. “Try the sausage. Anyway, I was going to say that I don’t think anyone could get used to what follows when fame hits. Your privacy is taken away. It’s a scary loss of control. I’m sure that has to be strange for you to deal with.”

  “I just had this idea that I would be a character actor. Make independent movies for most of my life, eventually make my way into directing.”

  “But then the Ending movies came your way?”

  He nodded in response, not having discussed this with many people, especially not with a woman he had barely met. But something about Grace made him feel comfortable. As if his secrets would stay with her and his feelings were safe. “I thought about it a long time. Really weighed my options. I even said no the first time they offered it to me.”

  “They asked you again?”

  “Yeah, I said no a second time. By the fourth time they asked I realized that maybe it was…” Evan trailed off, almost uncomfortable of sounding clichéd.

  “It was meant to be. You were meant to take that role, Evan. Nobody could play that part but you.”

  He smiled wide, pausing and enjoying the moment. Acting was a very internal art. He was fascinated in human behavior, studying why people conducted themselves the way they did. At this moment, he was speculating why Grace’s lips parted and her breathing became restricted. Was she feeling the same effects that he felt around her?

  He thought he’d die if he couldn’t ever feel her mouth on his. He longed to know if she tasted like strawberry the way she smelled of it. He wanted to take her to his bedroom and strip her of those baggy clothes, let his hands roam every single inch of her sexy body and make her wet with desire. He wanted to know exactly what would make her moan, which spots would set her off as his tongue explored her sensual figure. But more than anything, he wanted in on all her secrets that she seemed to lock away. He wanted that access to her more than he had ever wanted with any woman. It was both exhilarating and terrifying.

  She cleared her throat and broke their intense stare. “I’m sure it’s something you’re glad you said yes to.”

  “Of course. Looking back at it, I’m really happy I did. It’s afforded me so many incredible opportunities. Nobody would have given me a shot to direct my first film.”

  “And look how happy you just made those girls. They’ll remember this encounter forever.” The waitress refilled their coffee cups as they continued to chat about his movie. “So, do you like acting better or directing?”

  “I like both. I really am looking for a great movie to direct next. I need a great script so I can get backed by other producers and studios, actually. I want to get better at it, you know? Continue to grow and challenge myself.”

  Grace nodded. “I know what you mean.”

  “Yeah? You going to keep writing that memoir?”

  Grace took a deep breath before speaking. “I’ve asked my publishing company about it. They don’t seem to be interested.”

  “I’m interested. Can I at least know a little about it?” He looked at her with expectant eyes. He saw her lips part in hesitation, but he stopped her. She wasn’t ready to talk about it. “It’s okay. I don’t want to push. But please, keep me in mind.”

  The waitress brought the check and Grace reached for it. Evan quickly snatched it from her hands and gave the waitress a big bill. “No change needed and thanks for your help.”

  “I was going to pay my part,” Grace disputed as they got up to leave.

  “Outrageous. Women never pay, Gracie. I thought you of all people would know that rule, Miss Manners.”

  Grace laughed. “There are no rules anymore, remember? It’s a mess.”

  Evan opened her car door and placed his hand on the small of her back. He wished he could keep it there forever and pull her against him. “It doesn’t have to be a mess, Grace,” he whispered leaning over her. “Sometimes the easier it is, the more it’s meant to be.”

  He felt her body shiver as she lowered inside the car and he closed the door behind her. They drove back listening to the radio, chatting about the upcoming festivals going on in the area. It was too soon that they were back home.

  “Thanks for breakfast, Evan.”

  “You’re welcome, Gracie Lynn. What are you up to the rest of the day?”

  “I have to meet with Benjamin Taylor. Make sure his paperwork is squared away and go through his house.”

  Evan nodded, slightly annoyed she’d be spending time with Ben and not him. It wasn’t like Evan would be home anyway, but he still wanted to be the one taking her time. “How many homes do you manage?”

  He walked with her across the yard and to her door. “Mine, plus four more. It’s an easy job most of the time. Stephen is a friend of my father’s. He’s always traveling and needed someone to look after all the small things he can’t.”

  “Gives you time to write?”

  “Yes, definitely. And I get discount on my rent. He and my dad are close, so he didn’t hesitate to help me out.”

  “Well, I’m glad I rented this place. And that my pipe leaked.” He watched her body tense up as she turned to unlock her door. “The cast party is on Friday night. I’m renting a small shuttle to come pick us up.”

  “A shuttle?” She stepped partially inside before turning.

  “Yeah, so everyone can party recklessly but get home reliably. Besides, who wants to find parking and drive in downtown traffic, right?”

  “Smart move.”

  “Be sure to wear a sexy costume, Grace.”

  “I don’t do sexy.” Grace placed her bag on the hall tree and turned back toward him. “And one date down, one to go.”

  “You are sexy. And today was not a date.”

  “Says who?”


  “See? If this was in the old days, we’d define this as a date.”

  He laughed and stuffed his hands in his pockets. “It’s not the old days, honey buns.”

  She crossed her arms and continued. “So what, in your opinion, defines a date, Mr. Matthews?”

  Evan grasped her arm and tugged her forward. Their bodies were so close, and he could feel himself stir as he breathed in her scent. His hand brushed her cheek, and his lips drifted near hers. She didn’t push him away, but he knew if he got any closer she would. “When I get to kiss you at the end of it, Gracie. And I will eventually kiss you, doll.” He winked at her and walked away, letting her settle with that notion and knowing he was getting closer to winning her over.

  Training was fierce for Evan that morning, and by afternoon, he was looking forward to relaxing with a good movie. He knew what he needed to do was find a damn script he wanted to work on. His agents and partners were beginning to pressure him, and he wasn’t enjoying the repercussions of his procrastination.

  His phone chimed and he glanced at it quickly as he drove up to the community mailboxes to retrieve a package he had been sent. Zach asked if he wanted to go to a bar downtown, but Evan really was getting tired of that scene. It hadn’t interested him in years, but he kept it going for the sake of meeting women who were there for the exact same reason he was. Hooking up was easy, making it last was less so.

  Evan responded to Zach and grabbed his mail. He smiled when he saw the handwriting on the package he retrieved. He missed his family. Boston beckoned him, and he wasn’t one to go long without a visit. Now, to convince Grace to go with him was another thing entirely.

  Reaching the driveway, he exited his car and watched Grace and a little boy walking to her door. Her laughter filled the air as she grabbed the young boy’s cup. “I’ll give it back to you when we get to the kitchen.”

  The little boy reached up with both hands and pouted. “But I can carry it. I won’t drop it.”

>   “Remember what happened last time you said that? You spilled it everywhere.” She juggled her keys and a pizza box, placing the two Styrofoam cups on top of it.

  “Here, I can help.” Evan found himself approaching hastily, offering his assistance. He quickly observed the boy to see if he looked like her. “Hi, big guy, how’s it goin?”

  “Aunt Grace took my snow cone.”

  Aunt Grace? Did she have another sibling she hadn’t told him about? He noticed the boy was around his own nephew’s age. His brown hair was spiked up stylishly, and he wore an Incredible Hulk t-shirt, cargo shorts, and Vans Star Wars shoes. His big brown eyes looked up at Evan in sadness. “I told her I can carry it. I won’t drop it.”

  “Bud, how about I hold it for a little while, and I’ll guess what flavor you got?” Grace gave him a relieved glance as she unlocked the door.

  The boy eyed Evan hesitantly and then nodded. “I bet you can’t guess. But don’t taste it, then you’d be cheating.”

  “I promise I won’t cheat.” Evan passed her as she held the door open. “Hello, Grace.” A loose, white button-down shirt and dark cropped jeans styled her body with her signature white Converse decorating her feet. Her hair was still bunched up on the top of her head.

  His smile was returned with a twinkle in her eyes. “Hi Evan. Okay, Jake, take off your shoes at the door please.”

  Jake. “Oh, Jaime’s kid?”

  Grace nodded as Jake began to take off his Vans. “Excuse me, guy, you have to take off your shoes too.” Jake pointed to Evan’s Nikes. “You can’t get the floor dirty.”

  He grinned and shucked off each shoe. “Gotcha, bud.”

  “Now, guess what the flavor is. You won’t guess.”

  Evan began to call out random flavors for the green-colored shaved ice as they walked inside. He called out spinach, broccoli, celery, and boogers as Jake yelled out things like, “sick,” “no way,” “disgusting,” and “gross.”

  As they made their way into the kitchen, Jake interrupted one of his guesses. “Excuse me, you can give it back to me now, guy.”

  Grace spoke as Evan placed her snow cone down on the kitchen island. “Jake, this is Evan. Do you recognize him?”

  “Yeah,” Jake said, grabbing his cup and spoon tightly and sitting at the dining table. “He’s your boyfriend.”

  Evan laughed and watched Grace’s cheeks turn a shade of pink. “Where did you hear that? He’s not my boyfriend, Jake.”

  “That could change,” Evan smirked as he set down his mail on the kitchen counter nearby. Grace handed him the pizza box with paper plates and napkins above it, disregarding his statement.

  “Take that to the table, please, and you’re more than welcome to join us for dinner.” She moved to the refrigerator and took out a pre-made salad and dressing.

  “Mommy said he was your boyfriend,” Jake announced with a mouthful of ice. “When I saw him on TV, she said that.”

  Evan was getting a kick out of the situation, and it also gave him something he needed. Hope. “I see you and Jaime have been discussing me?”

  She brought the salad, dressing, and utensils to the table as Evan passed out the plates and napkins. “I think that discussion was held between her husband, Dean, and her, if anything. I don’t spend my days pining over you, Mr. Hollywood.”

  Sitting next to Jake, she continued, “Your mommy is making that up, Jake. He’s my next-door neighbor.”

  “Is he your friend?” Jake peered up at Grace and she hesitated before gazing over at Evan’s eager eyes.

  “Yeah, we’re friends,” she answered with a smile.

  “And he’s a boy, so he’s your boyfriend,” he said matter-of-factly as she opened the pizza box from Home Slice Pizza and served him a piece. Jake grabbed at it quickly, ripping through it, forgetting his snow cone. “Mommy said when you were fighting the aliens on TV that aliens aren’t real. But I was still scared and Mommy turned it off. You don’t fly, anyway. Superman can fly. He’s cooler.” He took another big bite of the pizza, the pepperoni hanging out of his mouth as he tried to chew.

  “Jake, that’s not nice,” Grace scolded. “Batman can’t fly.”

  “I don’t like Batman either. I like Superman.”

  “Don’t talk with your mouth full, please.” Grace served herself a slice as Evan began putting the salad on each of their plates.

  “Well, to be fair, I’m just a space captain,” Evan clarified as he grabbed the dressing. He was surprised as Grace pushed her snow cone toward the middle of the table offering to share. He scooped up from her spoon and ate what appeared to be strawberries-and-cream flavor.

  A flash let him imagine kissing her and tasting it on her lips, but he focused instead on Jake. The kid was honest and funny. He loved that about children. They didn’t take bullshit from him. Then again, neither did Grace.

  Jake continued, “But they say on the movie that you’re a superhero.” His big eyes studied Evan a moment before blurting out, “You look different in real life.”

  “Well, I have to color my hair lighter and I have cool costumes on in the movies, not gym clothes.” He began to eat his salad as Grace served him a slice of pizza.

  “My mommy colors and cuts hair. She colors Aunt Grace’s and Aunt Marla’s and all these people who live here. She’s in magazines for Austin and wins awards.” Jake took to licking his fingers and Grace quickly grabbed a napkin, helping him clean up. “Maybe she can cut your hair too.”

  Evan grinned. “Maybe she can. Watermelon. You got a watermelon snow cone, didn’t you?”

  Jake nodded his head, then started to talk about how he was spending the night. He then rambled about his birthday party, but Evan decided to not tell him he would be attending in full costume.

  “Excuse me, guy, where do you work?”

  “His name is Evan,” Grace interrupted.

  “Okay, excuse me, Evan, where do you work?”

  “I work in different places, but usually in Los Angeles. Do you know where that is?”

  Jake shook his head up and down, “Disneyland. I went there last year.” Evan started on the pizza but reminded himself to only eat one slice. “Evan?”

  “Yes, Jake?”

  “Can you spend the night?”

  He and Grace both chuckled and looked at each other, Grace answering for him, “Evan has his own house next door.”

  “But he’s my new best friend. He can stay here.” Jake pouted.

  “He has to stay in his own house,” Grace said, finishing her slice and wiping her hands and mouth with a napkin.

  “But you can share a bed with Aunt Grace, and I can sleep in the other room.” Jake was animated with a hopeful look on his face.

  Evan couldn’t stop grinning as he gazed over her. “That sounds like a great idea to me, Grace. We could spoon, ya know.”

  “In your dreams.”

  “Aunt Grace, you don’t like Evan?”

  “Yeah, you don’t like me, Gracie?” He pouted his lip and watched as her body began to tense up. Rising from the table and grabbing the empty plates, she headed to the kitchen.

  “Jake, he’s not spending the night,” she stated tensely as she rinsed the silverware and put them in the dishwasher.

  “Pleaaaaaaase,” Jake began to mope.

  “Not til later, sport,” Evan winked at him. “When Aunt Gracie is ready.” Obviously he was still being friend-zoned, and that would have to change soon.

  Grace was beginning to feel edgy by Evan’s expectations. And Jake’s comments weren’t helping keep him at a distance. What would she have to do to get the point across that she wasn’t interested in starting anything with him? Mr. Hollywood wasn’t the relationship type, and she wasn’t one to have a fling. Grace was used to flat-out telling a man she wasn’t interested. This was more challenging with Evan. The biggest reason being that she felt herself attracted to him beyond measure.

  Evan began to help her clear up the rest of the table as Jake moved toward the living room
. On his way, he stopped and Jake called out, “What’s the box?”

  Evan looked back at the boy. “It’s a package from my mom.”

  “Your mom sent you a present?” Jake asked curiously as he skipped over to it. “She doesn’t live with you?”

  Grace watched their interaction and smiled. Well, crap. A package from his mom? How freaking cute was that? No, she couldn’t let herself be charmed by him. It didn’t matter that he was close to his mom. Or that he was really nice and funny. Or that he looked so damn gorgeous with his hair spiked up today that she wanted to run her hands through the top of it and tug it while he licked the space between her neck and shoulder. Nope. None of that mattered.

  He took the box and moved it toward the kitchen island, asking Grace for some scissors. She couldn’t stop looking at him as his big hands gripped the box, his large forearms and chest flexing, the content look on his face as he smiled—he was worth staring at. Grace found herself thinking about him all the time, and that was scaring her. She had to be vigilant and had to keep her guard up. A promise was a promise, after all.

  Inside the package was a Tupperware container full of homemade brownies, an envelope with photos, and a letter. He stuffed the letter inside the pocket of his track pants and opened the plastic container, handing a small square toward Jake. “These are the best brownies you will ever taste.”

  Jake bit into the chocolate goodness and smiled. He handed one to Grace, his blue eyes bright. Evan studied her as she bit in. The chocolate melted on her tongue, the richness overcoming her taste buds as she sighed. “I need this recipe in my life.”

  He shook his head, eating his own brownie. “Nope, not happening. My mom keeps her recipes safe, all in her head. She won’t even give them to my sisters.”

  Jake asked for another brownie, but Grace refused more sugar intake, and got him to calm down by putting on the old Superman movie for him. When he was finally settled, she joined Evan in the kitchen again. He had been reading his letter with a look of tranquility. She felt like she was intruding as he stopped and regarded her. Smiling, he folded the paper and placed it back in his pocket. “My nephew Jonah is in Kindergarten, and my mom takes care of him after school. She says he’s even more hyper than I was.”


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