Prepared to Fight

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Prepared to Fight Page 14

by E. J. Shortall

  Nate sighed and pulled away. Leaning back onto the balcony railing, he placed both hands on the decorative stone edge and bit on the inside of his lip. A storm of thoughts and emotions swirled behind his beautiful, yet tormented, eyes.

  “I’m sorry,” he said after a minute. “It’s just…” he sighed again. “Fuck! Look, I swore to myself I wouldn’t do this. I shouldn’t do this. But shit, seeing you again, here with me… you do something to me, Liv. I’ve been agitated and looking forward to your arrival ever since I left the UK. Now you’re here… I feel… fuck, I don’t know. I’m glad you’re here. I want you here, but… I also have to stay away. I have to focus and train and…” His eyes closed briefly, and when they reopened, they were full of resolve. “You’re here to do a job for me. I need to remember that. We’re stuck here for a few days and then we’ll travel up to my property so you can start doing your thing. In the meantime make yourself at home here.” With a nod of his head, like he was trying to convince himself of something, he strode off back into the room, the white curtains fluttering around him as he passed.

  Staring after Nate, I was left reeling. What the fuck was that all about? I dropped down into a patio chair and stared at the empty doorway. I felt both exhilarated and appalled all at once. Exhilarated because I had clearly heard him say he was happy I was there, and it wasn’t just because of my design capabilities. I felt appalled because he had basically confirmed I was there as his employee and nothing else. He was paying me to be there, and I needed to remember that. It would be easy to get caught up in the romanticism of my surroundings, to dream up fairy tales of princes in rich French splendour. But Nate was no prince, and I was certainly no princess.

  When I ventured back inside, I found my cases and bags had been placed in a bedroom off of the large main room. Nate was nowhere to be seen. Taking a seat on the padded bench at the foot of the extravagant queen sized bed, I stared through another set of French doors leading on to another smaller, private balcony, remembering Nate’s lips lightly pressing into my skin, his hands sinking into my hair as he moved it back.

  “Get a grip, Liv,” I said to myself, shaking my head and dragging myself back to my feet. Whatever this attraction between Nate and me was, it couldn’t go anywhere.


  The setting sun began casting a picture-perfect glow of oranges and pinks across the harbour. Using my thumb to smudge a shadow onto my sketch, I studied the paper in front of me and nodded. Perfect. I’d spent at least two hours sitting on my private balcony drawing and sketching and jotting down observations I’d already made of local architecture. The place was a wealth of ideas and inspiration.

  A knock on the main suite door startled me as I packed my things away. Nate still wasn’t back from wherever he’d disappeared to and I hadn’t heard from him either. Dropping my sketchbook on the bed as I walked through my room, I continued over to the gilded mirror on the wall. I needed to make sure I looked presentable before greeting our visitor – I wouldn’t want to answer the door looking like I didn’t belong in a place like this. I was wiping a smudge of charcoal off my face when I heard raised voices filtering in through the slightly cracked open bedroom door. And they were getting louder. I hadn’t realised I wasn’t alone.

  “I told you earlier, Mal, this has nothing to do with you.” The distinct sound of Nate’s deep voice followed by the quieter yet strong sound of another male filtered through the air. Not knowing if I should interrupt, yet curious about the obviously heated discussion, I stood at my door and watched. Nate was talking to the gentleman he’d been with in the lobby when I’d arrived. He was a middle aged man, tall and slim, with greying hair and a slick, black pinstripe suit. He looked smart and put together, but there was an air of arrogance surrounding him that made him look hard and moody.

  “And I’m telling you, you cannot fuck this up. You don’t have time to be worrying your pretty little head over a piece of skirt. She will distract you, Nate. She already has. If you take your eye off the prize for just one minute, Sanchez will be all over you. If you need to blow your load in her, do it now. Get her out of your system, because your dick will not be going anywhere near her after tomorrow. If this is why you’ve brought her here, fine, fuck her all you want tonight, use her tight little cunt to burn off whatever fucking mood you’re in, but tomorrow, she goes.”

  Nate’s hands clenched into tight fists by his sides, his whole body vibrating with barely contained fury as he stood chest to chest with Mal. “Don’t you fucking talk about her like that. Why she is here has nothing to do with you,” he seethed.

  I gasped. Were they talking about me?

  Nate’s head snapped around at the sound. He looked at me with wide, deep grey eyes, eyes darker and deadlier than I had ever seen them as I opened the bedroom door a little wider. His companion glanced over, clearly unaffected by Nate’s tone. A menacing grin spread across his face. “Ah, speak of the devil.”

  “Shut the fuck up, Mal,” Nate growled.

  When Nate began walking towards me, I backed up. I couldn’t face him, not like this. I hadn’t seen this side of him before and it scared me. I’d known he was dangerous, known what he must be capable of, but he’d always been so controlled around me. This other side of him took me by surprise.

  There was also the matter of what they had been talking about. Despite how he had reacted to Mal’s remarks, I wondered if that had been Nate’s intention all along. No, I couldn’t believe that. I wouldn’t. I was there to work for him. Maybe that was the point, though; maybe he’d wanted me for a different kind of work. My head shook as Nate inched closer.

  “Olivia, please,” he pleaded. “Don’t listen to him. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Let me explain.”

  “Is that why I’m here, Nathan? You thought poor Olivia would be an easy lay for you?” Looking into his face, the scene I’d just witnessed replayed in my head. Anger began washing away the fear, hurt and humiliation. “I’m sorry to disappoint you, Mr. Oakes, but I’m here for one reason and that doesn’t involve spreading my legs for you. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’d like to be alone.”

  Turning my back on Nate, I closed my eyes and willed back the tears that seemed ready to spill out. I was stronger than that. I’d never let a guy make me cry before, and I was damn well not going to let one do it to me now.

  “It’s not like that, JB—”

  I pivoted around so quickly my head went giddy for a split second. “Stop calling me that,” I yelled. “I’m here as your employee, you said so yourself. Employers don’t give their workers cute little pet names. I’m here to do a job for you, Nathan, nothing more, nothing less.”

  Before I could spew any other infuriated words at him, I found myself pushed further into the room and pinned against the wall by Nate’s rock hard body. He had both my hands clasped in one of his and captured between our bodies. His other hand cupped my jaw and tilted my face up to look at him.

  “You are not just my employee,” he growled. “And no, I don’t think you are an easy lay. Far from it.” I felt my anger melt away when soft, yet firm, lips crashed against mine, seeking forgiveness and demanding understanding. He licked along the seam and dragged my lower lip between his teeth before melding his mouth back over mine and staying there. The kiss wasn’t deepened, he didn’t push for more. He simply stood with his pounding heartbeat vibrating against my chest and his thumb gently caressing my chin. When he finally broke contact, he said, “You are so much more to me than that, Olivia. So much more.”


  With closed eyes, Nate rested his forehead against mine and slowly shook his head. “Christ! I can’t do this, Liv. Not with you. Not now,” he said softly.

  If he had attacked me full force with one of his expert martial art moves it could not have hurt as much as those words did right then. Yet again, he’d reeled me in, seducing me with a look or a touch, taking what he wanted, and then pushed me away. I hadn’t asked for this. I hadn’t asked fo
r any of it. Yet here I was, in a foreign country, being emotionally tossed about with no care for my feelings.

  I pushed him away, putting all my strength into the movement. “Fuck you, Nathan,” I yelled. “I don’t understand you. You come on to me, kissing me, touching me, and then act like it’s my fault, like I won’t leave you alone? What the hell is that all about? I’m glad you don’t want to do this, whatever this is, because I don’t want it either.” Liar.

  My heart pounded heavily in my chest, and with each word, my irritation grew. Was this how things would be while I was there? If so, I feared I had made the biggest mistake of my life in accepting the job.

  “Get out. Please. I need to be alone.”

  He stood still, his jaw tight as he watched me for a moment before backing away slowly. “You have it all wrong, JB. I can’t do this,” he said firmly, keeping his sad, haunted eyes on mine until he was out of my room, punching the wall as he left. The door slammed closed, leaving me alone once again.

  Falling onto the bed, I screamed into a pillow. I had never felt as alone and out of my depth as I did at that moment. I’d only been in Monaco for a few hours and I was already wishing I was done so I could go home.

  Running back to London wasn’t an option though. Despite Nate’s mood swings, I knew working on his project was a fantastic opportunity for me. My credibility at Ashworth-Moore was on the line. If I completed the project well, Mr. Ashworth and the others would have to give me greater respect. If I failed, all they would see was the fact I hadn’t been good enough to complete the job. I would be seen as the silly little girl that couldn’t hack it when the going got tough.

  I would see this through, no matter what. I would just have to make sure I kept my guard up around Nate. Any feelings for him that had crept in would have to be buried, and we’d have to go back to being the strangers we were before I’d stupidly taken him up on his offer of training.

  Turning on to my back, I felt the weight of the day’s events catch up with me. I was exhausted, both emotionally and physically. I threw my arm across my eyes, and just before my eyes drooped and sleep claimed me, I heard the unmistakable sound of Nate’s raised and angry voice in the other room.


  The sound of laughter carrying on the wind slowly brought me out of my slumber. I was cosy, curled on my side and enjoying the feel of luxury bedding beneath me. Groaning, I fought with myself to remain asleep. I wanted to stay in the pleasant realm of happy dreams, where I didn’t have to worry about mood shifting sex gods blowing hot and cold. Or best friends who were MIA.

  Reluctantly I opened my eyes just as a sudden breeze blew warm air into the room, fluttering the white voile panels covering the open French doors. The remnants of early evening sun had disappeared, replaced by the inky darkness of night time. From my position on the bed, all I could see through the doors was a faint golden glow on the balcony and the silvery rays of moonlight that were peering through intermittent gaps in the clouds. Other than the sounds of laughter drifting up from somewhere below, the suite was quiet. I wondered where Nate was and what he was doing. If he was okay.

  “Good, you’re awake. I was debating setting the fire alarm off or something.”

  Blinking into the dark room, I tried to focus on the dark shadow in the corner. “Nathan? What time is it?” I asked sleepily.

  “Nine thirty. You’ve been out cold for a couple of hours.” The chair he was sitting on creaked as he stood. His silhouette came into view in front of the doors, lit only by the soft glow behind him. He was a sight to behold, his fine physique outlined by nothing more than the gentle light behind him.

  “Are you hungry? I presumed you probably would be so I ordered room service.” He sounded apprehensive.

  With a yawn, I stretched then climbed off the bed. “Actually, I’m starving. Thank you.”

  Walking slowly across the room, Nate’s profile became more visible the closer I got. He looked wary, standing stiff and awkward. “You’re welcome. It’s all set up out on the balcony.”

  I offered him a tentative smile as I walked past. Things were strained between us, and I didn’t know how to act around him anymore. I came to an abrupt halt on the balcony when I saw what was before me. The large, round, iron and glass table was sitting in the middle of the terrace, set with a large pillar candle burning slowly in a hurricane vase. Around it, several tea lights flickered in the balmy evening breeze. The table was set for two with silver cutlery, crystal wine glasses and fine linen napkins. Along the outer edges of the area were tall hedges affording us privacy from any onlookers. Fairy lights were strung through the greenery giving the space a romantic, soft feel. None of that had been there when I went to sleep.

  “Very romantic, Mr. Oakes,” I said lightly, not understanding the meaning behind the grand gesture. This wasn’t just a meal between two colleagues. We could have eaten down in the restaurant or at the small dining table in the living room for that. The candles, the lights, the atmosphere he’d created, it all screamed of a deeper meaning that confused me.

  He laughed, and if I wasn’t mistaken, there was a hint of relief in his tone. “Yeah, it’s not my usual style.” He pulled out a chair and indicated for me to sit. I tried to contain my grin at his gentlemanly gesture.

  “Would you like some wine?” He pulled a bottle out of a wine cooler.

  “What? You’re allowing me alcohol?”

  “All in moderation, Liv.” He raised the bottle and I nodded, lifting my glass to him. Once it was full, he pulled out his own chair and sat. I noted he didn’t pour himself any wine.

  “So,” we both said in unison after a brief, yet uncomfortable silence had descended.

  “Go on,” I urged, taking a sip of the crisp, fruity liquid in my glass. I was pleasantly surprised. Wine wasn’t usually my thing; I would much prefer a cold beer over the stuff any day.

  Nate looked out over the harbour for a moment before bringing his gaze back to me. There was a fierce resilience and determination in the depths of his grey eyes.

  “Look, I want to apologise for earlier. And I need to explain a few things.”

  I wanted to tell him he had nothing to apologise for, but the truth was he had pissed me off and his friend had been beyond rude. An apology and explanation were the least I deserved. With my lips pressed to my glass, I watched him over the top for a moment.

  “Who was that guy you were talking to earlier? He seemed like a total bundle of laughs,” I said wryly when he didn’t seem to know where to start.

  He had the good grace to look embarrassed. “That was Malcolm, my agent. He seems to think that he owns my arse and can therefore dictate my life beyond the cage. I’m sorry about what you overheard.”

  I swirled the wine around in my glass. “Was he right? About me I mean.”

  “Fuck, no. He’s pissed off that I didn’t act the part of the obnoxious fighter during the press conference. Mal is all about putting on a show for the press, playing mind games with your opponent and that sort of thing. When I don’t play his games, he tends to throw his toys out of his pram. None of that was aimed at you. He was just trying to use an old school rule to make a point.”

  “Rule?” I asked, intrigued.

  Nate scratched his head and looked away, embarrassed. “Yeah. During the lead up to the fight, I’m not supposed to have sex.”

  “Are you serious?” I spluttered and choked on a mouthful of wine. “That shit really happens?”

  “With some, yes.” He glanced over, his eyes burning into mine. “Some see sex as either a help or a hindrance. But abstinence before a fight has never bothered me before now.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  My question was interrupted by the sound of Nate’s phone ringing. He apologised and excused himself from the table, wandering over to the railing to answer his call in private. I sat there, watching him, and witnessed the change from the almost relaxed Nate that I’d known in London, to a raging bull… again.

  “No, Mal, this is fucking bullshit,” he bellowed making me flinch in my seat. He was clutching the railing with white-knuckled ferocity and shaking in rage. “Stop trying to dictate what I do and do your own job. You are my agent not my fucking coach.” He punched the screen of his phone to end the call and stood looking out to sea, his shoulders still hunched and tense with rage.

  I moved up next to him and placed a tentative hand on his arm. “Nathan… is everything okay?”

  He turned abruptly. “I’m really sorry, Liv, but I’ve got to get out of here. I’m so sorry.” Without a backward glance, he stormed into the suite and a moment later I heard a door slam.

  Walking back to my seat, I wondered what his conversation had been about to have made him so angry.

  “Welcome to Monaco,” I murmured to myself with a barked laugh. The day had certainly not gone how I’d expected it to. I could only hope that things would get better. Taking my glass, I abandoned our untouched meals—my appetite having vanished—and returned to the relative comfort of my room to call my mum. I needed to hear a friendly voice.


  Nate hadn’t returned to our suite by the time I’d finally given in and fallen asleep. When I finally caught up with him eating breakfast the next morning, he was quiet and brooding. It became apparent I would need to keep myself occupied during the day while he was training, so I decided to take a stroll down to the harbour. The peace and tranquillity of the lapping water and the elegance of the yachts soothed me. I sat there for hours, just watching the world go by. Eventually, I made my way back to the suite, hoping to find Nate. We had things we needed to discuss if I was going to be able to get on with the job I’d been hired to do, but all that greeted me when I’d walked through the doors was a note written on the hotel branded notepad. He simply said he was training and then had a meeting to go to. I vowed then to get his plans done as soon as possible so I could return home.


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