Prepared to Fight

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Prepared to Fight Page 29

by E. J. Shortall

  Taking a deep breath, I stepped through the doors. As soon as the first click of my new heels echoed around the reception area, Trish was on her feet and rounding the desk. “Oh my God, look at you,” she gushed as she engulfed me in a bear hug. “You look amazing. How was France? How was Mr. Oakes? What was his place like? What was Monaco like? I’ve always wanted to go.”

  I giggled dragging myself from her hold and wrapping an arm through hers, encouraging her to walk with me. “First off, thanks. I feel amazing.” And I did. The mixture of healthy eating, exercise and some French sun had done wonders for me. I had toned muscles, my skin glowed and for the first time ever, my hair had a constant shine. It was all down to Nate. When we got to the stairs that would lead me to my floor, I stepped away from Trish, answering the rest of her rapid fire questions. “France was amazing. Mr. Oakes was amazing.” I grinned and she raised a questioning brow. “His place is beautiful and tranquil. I actually didn’t want to leave. Monaco was just as you see on television and well worth a visit if you get the chance.”

  As I turned to walk up the stairs, she stopped me. “Back the heck up there missy. What do you mean Mr. Oakes was amazing? Something you’re not telling me?”

  I shot her a beaming grin. “A lady never tells.”

  I heard her huff of frustration as I ran up the stairs laughing. I still had a grin on my face when I entered my office and dropped my bag in the bottom drawer of my desk before switching my computer on. It booted up and then… nothing. That little black cursor sat there not moving, not flashing, giving me the royal, ‘welcome back bitch.’

  “You’ve got to be kidding me,” I said, scowling at the screen. Nothing changed.

  “Problem, Liv?” Adam asked, standing in my doorway with a grin on his face.

  “Don’t tell me,” I said, slapping my finger down on the mouse button repeatedly. “We have network problems, and Gary is working on it as we speak?”

  He laughed and moved further in to the room, settling down in one of the seats opposite my desk. “How did you know?”

  “Oh, lucky guess.” I gestured wildly with my hands in the air.

  He chuckled again before his face dropped and he stared into his lap for a moment. When he looked up, I was startled by the sadness in his usually sparkly eyes. “Please tell me he’s looking after you well,” he said, wistfully.

  My irritation with the computer forgotten, I sat back in my chair and smiled. “He’s wonderful, Ad. He is so loving and challenging, and annoying and frustrating. He’s perfect for me.” We both laughed at that. It was the truth. Nate really was perfect for me in every way.

  “I’m glad to hear it, because if I ever hear he treats you as less than the princess you are, he’ll have me to answer to.”

  “Okay, Ad, I’ll let him know.” I said with a smile.

  Adam pushed to his feet and nodded with a grin. “Good, make sure you do because my best friend deserves nothing but the best.” I smiled with affection. I loved Adam, just not in the same, all-consuming way I did Nate.

  “Oh, and my dad wanted to see you when you got in. You shouldn’t keep the old man waiting.” His brows shot to his hairline in mock horror as he made his way to the door. “I’m glad you’re back, Liv. It hasn’t been the same around here without you.”

  When he left, I stared at the empty doorway for a minute before remembering I was needed somewhere. I rushed across the office space to the larger, executive offices at the far end of the building. I paused in front of Robert Ashworth’s door with my hand ready to knock. What if he was pulling me in to tell me I’d let the company down, that he’d heard about my inappropriate and unprofessional relationship with my client and therefore he had to let me go? I loved my job. I didn’t want to lose it.

  “Come in, Olivia,” came the deep, booming voice of the company chairman.

  Steeling myself to receive my fate, I pushed through the door and plastered on a fake smile as I approached Mr. Ashworth’s desk. As usual, his expression was unreadable and gave nothing away while I sat nervously in one of his expensive leather chairs.

  “Welcome back,” he said, steepling his hands in front of him on the desk.

  “Thank you, it’s good to be back.”

  “I’m sure you’re wondering why I’ve called you in.” The lack of intonation in his voice or expression on his face was unnerving.

  “Yes,” I said, trying, and failing, to sound confident.

  He stood from his desk and shocked the hell out of me by coming around to my side and resting against the edge of the desk. I stared up at him with wide eyes.

  “I just wanted to congratulate you on a job well done in France, Olivia. Mr. Oakes has expressed his deepest gratitude for our allowing you to accompany him over there and for once again exceeding his expectations with the plans for his new facilities.” I felt the corners of my lips twitch with the desire to beam at him. I couldn’t become complacent though, with Mr. Ashworth there was usually a but. “I have also been contacted by Monsieur Rondaeu, who was extremely impressed by your talent and professionalism. He has proposed that we form a partnership for UK expats or holiday home owners wishing to build or otherwise renovate their French properties. And Olivia, once we have the agreements in place, I would like you to head that up. In fact, I’d like you to expand us further into European countries.”

  I nearly choked. “Come again?”

  For the first time ever, as far as I was aware, Robert Ashworth’s eyes softened and he grinned. “You heard me. You have done exceptionally well since you joined us here. I know it hasn’t always been easy for you, but I see a bright future for you in this business. I want to tie you in with us so we don’t lose you to someone else.”

  “Wow, thank you. I don’t know what to say.” I honestly didn’t. For the first time ever, someone had left me totally speechless.

  After promising Mr. Ashworth I would at least consider his proposal – oh who was I kidding, of course I’d accept as soon as any paperwork was placed in front of me – I flounced back to my office and immediately dialled Nate’s number.

  He answered on the third ring. “Hey sexy, how’s your first day back?”

  “Oh, the same old. Got called into the chairman’s office and was offered a promotion to head up a new European design section.” All my intentions of remaining cool, calm and collected evaporated when I let out the loudest, girly squeal ever.

  Nate laughed. “That’s fantastic, JB. I’m so proud of you.”

  Warmth spread through my body hearing him say that. I still hadn’t gotten used to any praise coming from him. Our relationship was still so new, but it was blossoming every day, and every day I fell deeper and deeper in love with him.

  “Listen, I’ve got a meeting with my lawyers. You’re still coming to the gym after work though, right?”

  “Oh yes!” I said with far too much enthusiasm. “Tonight, Mr. Oakes, I am going to take you down.”

  “I’ll look forward to it, JB,” he said and chortled before hanging up.

  Flopping back in my chair, I stared up at the spotlights in the ceiling with the biggest grin on my face. Oh, how things had changed, and all because one skinny, plastic Barbie-bitch couldn’t keep her cruel and snarky comments to herself. I owed her a ginormous jam donut and a fully loaded chocolate and caramel latte.


  Eighteen Months later

  The place was the same but different. The same loud and raucous crowd chanted Nate’s name over and over. The giant cage in the centre of the room looked just as big and imposing as before, but not quite so intimidating and scary. The overly loud music that threatened to pierce my eardrums added to the excitable ambience of the fancy Monaco casino.

  Last time we sat in these seats, I had been a bundle of nerves. A deep, dark feeling of dread had consumed me, paralysing me with fear about what Nate was about to do.

  Today, I couldn’t wait.

  Adam again sat to my right, trying in vain to conta
in my excitement. It had got to the point that he almost had to restrain me from leaping up and hollering out Nate’s name as only his number one fan could.

  “Liv, calm the fuck down,” he grumbled, slapping his palm on my knee as it bounced like a space hopper on speed.

  I slapped his hand away and narrowed my eyes on my best friend. “I will not calm the fuck down, Adam. Do you know what all this means?” I shrieked and grabbed a fistful of his t-shirt.

  Adam grinned at my over exuberance and pulled my hand away. “Yes, princess, you might have told me once or twice.”

  It meant that Nathan Oakes was about to take to the cage again to beat the crap out of Damián Sanchez. And this time he was going to win.

  After his defeat to Sanchez, the rumour mill had worked overtime making Nate out to be some kind of drug-dependent cheater. Not only had it damaged his reputation in MMA, Golden Oakes and GO had suffered as well. That was until Nate’s lawyer—with the help of Adam’s recording—exposed the truth about the Mal, Roy, Sanchez debacle. Despite the fact they were each suitably punished for their actions and Nate was cleared of any wrong doing, he still felt the need to have one last fight to regain his title and his credibility. Personally, I thought it was all about his ego. He didn’t want to retire on a loss. I told him time and time again that it didn’t matter. His loyal fans and I loved him and respected him regardless. He was determined though, especially when Sanchez had somehow managed to not get kicked out of the sport as most people had expected he would.

  So, with the help of only those he trusted implicitly—Bernie, Cassie, Wes and me—he trained like a dog so he could have a rematch. He wanted revenge in the only way he knew how to get it, in the Octagon.

  Sanchez, being the fucking idiot he was, rose to the rematch challenge. Despite finding out it had in fact been Sanchez’s drunken father who had caused the accident that killed Nate’s parents and Louise, Sanchez still held the Oakes brothers responsible for the fact his father had then been taken out too. It would appear that Sanchez didn’t want to accept that his father had in fact been the one involved in crooked deals and had been executed for losing over one million dollars’ worth of cocaine. His respect for his father was so intense that it was easier for him to lay blame everywhere but where it should have been.

  I let go of Adam’s t-shirt and turned in my seat as a rush of activity in the cage set the crowd into overdrive. Just like I remembered from last time, there was suddenly a larger security presence in the arena and the music had definitely become louder and obnoxiously more techno. It was crowd pumping music. And it was working. All around me, men bellowed ‘kick his ass Golden Boy’ and ‘Oakes, Oakes, Oakes.’ Those chants made me grin like a loon. The sexual suggestions being yelled by the ladies, not so much. I got it, I did. He was hot as hell, and no pre-menopausal lady could be unaffected by his looks and charm. But he was mine, and I had become very territorial. Until a little over eighteen months ago, I’d planned on being married to my career. One set of intriguing grey eyes was all it took to obliterate that idea.

  The cage announcer moved to the centre of the stage and pulled the microphone to his lips. The adrenalin that had been trickling through my veins suddenly ramped up tenfold into a tidal surge. My palms were sweating, my knees bouncing uncontrollably—Adam gave up trying to pin them down—and my heart was pounding to the frantic beat of the music.

  “Ladies and gentlemen, the moment you have all been waiting for…”

  Unconsciously, I grabbed Adam’s arm and squeezed hard, keeping my eyes trained on the door and, ignoring Adam’s cries of pain. I was just too excited to see my man.

  “…Let’s hear it for your golden boy, Nathan Oaaaaaakes.”

  “Oh My God!” I shrieked, jumping out of my seat and clapping loudly. It took everything in me to stop from jumping up and down like an overly excited five-year-old. Then the music hit me. The song had changed to Nate’s entrance music, a song I instantly recognised, ‘Wiggle’ by Jason Derulo. It had kind of become my anthem since meeting Nate. A smile tugged at my lips, even though I narrowed my eyes and pursed my lips in mock annoyance at the handsome man slowly making his way along the walkway. People were yelling his name and shouting words of encouragement, but he blanked them out, focusing on keeping his muscles warm and supple. And me.

  As he neared, his eyes were fixed on mine, his focus now on me and me alone. I swallowed hard when he stopped a mere inch in front of me, much to the surprise of the officials walking along with him.

  “This song, really?” I croaked, failing miserably at trying to stay composed when his body and eyes were burning so fiercely into me.

  His head tilted as though listening to the music for the first time before his face lit up into a dazzling smile.

  Much to the delight of his audience—well the male members of it anyway—he snaked his arms around my body and tugged me in tight. “It’s for you. It’s all for you.” He growled against my ear before smothering my lips with his in a kiss that had my knees trembling and my heart practically jumping from my chest in an attempt to throw itself at him.

  All around us, people were whistling and catcalling, but I barely heard. In that moment, it could have been just the two of us.

  All too soon, he pulled away, but not before sliding his hands down to my backside and giving a cheeky squeeze. I yelped and looked frantically around me, flushed with embarrassment, as he laughed and backed away towards the entrance into the cage.

  The next few minutes went by in a blur while I tried to calm my racing heart and shaking hands that had nothing to do with nerves anymore. Adam sat beside me, laughing the whole time. Bastard. It was safe to say he’d moved past his apparent romantic love for me and had reacquainted himself with the older emotion of loving me as a friend. It had been a huge relief when he’d reverted back to his old ways with me, although I suspected there was someone else I needed to thank for that—a petite, yet fiery, masseuse to be precise. Not that either of them would admit it, but I’d seen the lust filled gazes they’d been shooting at each other lately. I couldn’t be happier for my two closest friends if things were working out for them. Adam needed a challenge, and Cassie certainly provided him with one.

  With my senses finally returned to near normal levels, I focused on the cage and the men now in it. The fighters were being introduced; their stats, fighting records and disciplines being announced to their adoring fans. I noticed the posture of the two men as they stood facing each other. Sanchez was glaring at Nate, but he seemed different than before. There was a definite uneasiness to the way he held himself, almost as if his shaking arms and legs were masking his fear. I knew why when I studied Nate. He stood taller, prouder, and definitely had the edge over Sanchez with his physique. His arms, chorded with thick veins, tensed into fists ready to strike. Strong leg muscles rippled with his eagerness to get started. His usually sparkly silver-grey eyes were dark and dangerous. They bored into Sanchez with the intention of destroying his opponent.

  He was sexy as hell.

  The horn sounded, echoing throughout the arena, drawing spectators to their feet whilst others cupped their mouths and shouted tactical ideas. Without the feeling of dread settling over me, it was a buzz like no other. And knowing that one of the guys in the cage was mine, well it set my heart on fire with pride and possession.

  Nate and Sanchez touched gloves, and then, like they had previously, they spent about a minute circling the cage, testing, judging each other. They threw out half-hearted punches to either gauge reaction or open up a defence. Whatever they were doing, the crowd were getting restless, wanting more action.

  “Take him out, Golden.”

  “Oakes, Oakes, Oakes.”

  “Kill the fucker, Nate.”

  They were just some of the chants ringing out around the arena yet the two men were still moving around tentatively.

  Without warning, Sanchez lashed out, striking Nate with a full-powered punch to the jaw that had his head cracking to th
e side. Startled by the sudden hit, Nate’s guard momentarily dropped and Sanchez used it to his advantage, swinging with a left hook and following up with a fierce knee to the stomach. Unable to keep his balance, Nate toppled to his knees with Sanchez following him to the canvas.

  Suddenly my excitement and jubilation were gone as sickening memories of the previous fight returned. All I could see was Nate’s lifeless body lying prone on the cage floor.

  Turning in my seat, I buried my head in Adam’s shoulder, not wanting to look. I couldn’t see him lose again. I couldn’t watch while Sanchez choked the life out of him and laughed.

  Suddenly the cheers became fever pitched and I could sense the crowd all jumping to their feet.

  No, no, no, not again.

  Adam wrapped an arm around my shoulder and drew me in. “Liv, you need to see this,” he yelled in my ear to be heard above the over-exuberant crowd.

  My head shook. “I can’t. I can’t see it again.” Grabbing a fistful of his t-shirt, I held tight hoping his comfort would protect me from whatever Nate was going through in the cage.

  The crowd grew louder.

  “Liv, you really need to watch this.” With a gentle force, Adam pushed me away and made me face the cage.

  “Knock him out, Nate.”

  “Kill the bastard.”

  I was shocked to find the person who had jumped to their feet and was yelling at Nate to, “finish him,” was me.


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