Forbes, Steve, 187
foreign aid, 111
to U.S. after Hurricane Katrina, 81
foreign investment, 266
Vietnam and, 282
Foreign Operations Appropriations Act (1991), 290
forensics teams, 298
former Soviet republics: economic conditions, 278–286 passim
fossil fuels, 94–95, 104
pollution, 94
Foule, La (Le Bon), 373
foundations: conservative, 55
Fournier, Jacques, 335–336
Fourteenth Amendment, 84–86, 88
Fox News Network, 8–9, 31
France, 221
Bismarck and, 354
Middle Ages, 336–337
Francis, David, 355–356
Franco, Francisco, 342
Franklin, Bruce, 45
free clinics: Venezuela, 314–315
free-market capitalism. See capitalism
“free trade” (media label), 21
free trade agreements, 110
media coverage, 26, 29
freedom of speech
candidates for office and, 88
corporations and, 87
Freethought Today, 136
freeways, 99
fundamentalism: child abuse and, 133
Garves, Rick, 66
gay marriage, 129–130, 137
banned in Bible Belt states, 135
gay parents, 136–137
Gelb, Bruce, 279
General Electric, 11, 12
General Motors, 101, 266–267
genetically modified crops, 178
“genocide” (label): media and, 24
George W. Bush v. Al Gore, 88
Georgia: election of 2002 and, 72
Germany, 264
Allied invasion of Russia and, 357
fascism in, 341–352 passim
planned assassinations in, 196
Yugoslavia and, 288, 299
See also East Germany; Nazis and Nazism
Gerassi, John, 53
Ghana: girl sex slaves in, 126
Gillan, Audrey, 296
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader, 88
girls: as wives, 131
gladiatorial contests, 371–372
global warming, 77, 96–97, 104
acknowledged by Bush Jr., 91
automobiles and, 99
normalized by stand-up comics, 96
globalization: media coverage, 29
glue sniffing, 281
Goebbels, Joseph, 38
Goering, Herman, 346
Goodfellas, 140
Gore, Al, 63–64. See also George W. Bush v. Al Gore
Gouldner, Alvin, 33
lying and, 304
right-wing views of, 9–10, 80–81, 187–189, 197–198
secrecy in, 87, 111, 196, 200–201, 203
John F. Kennedy assassination, 334
Lincoln assassination and, 333
spending. See deficit spending; military spending
state and, 194–207
suppression of information. See censorship
widely varying figures about Albanian deaths and, 297
See also plutocracy
Gracchus, Gaius, 376–377
Gracchus, Tiberius, 376–377
Gramsci, Antonio, 16, 244, 248–249, 259
conference on, 255
grandparents, 150–153, 157–159
overprotection of, 157–158
Great Britain
Allied invasion of Russia and, 354–358 passim
Bolshevism and, 363, 364
imperialism, 263–264, 271–272
Ireland and, 287
Japan aggression in China and, 361
Nazi Germany and, 360
Spanish civil war and, 359
World War II and, 362, 363
Great Depression, 160–161
Greece, 196, 197, 209
Grenada, 201
Groves, Leslie R., 364
Guatemala, 26–27, 272, 286
Gulf War (1990–1991), 205
media fabrication about Kuwaiti babies, 294
Gwyn, Richard, 299
“gypsies,” 287
HMOs, 109
habeas corpus, 206
Haggard, Ted, 136
Halliburton, 308, 310
“hardliner” (media label), 22
Harken Energy Corporation, 310
Harris, Kathleen, 63
Harvard University, 41, 43, 49-51 passim
Harvey, Mose, 364
Hayes, Ted, 51
health care, 183–184
Eastern Europe, 280
reform, 109
UK, 221–222
Venezuela, 314–315
heroin trade, 292
Hess, Rudolf, 343
heterodoxy. See dissent
high school, 169–170
higher education: repression in, 40–60
highways, 99
history and historiography, 331–341
Allied invasion of Russia and, 358–359
Ancient Rome, 366–383
Hitler, Adolf, 341–343 passim, 347–349 passim, 360
leaders of “rogue nations” and, 299–300
pact with Stalin, 361–362
hoaxes, 254
Holocaust revisionists, 291
Homeland Security Department, 79
homelessness: Eastern Europe, 281
Honduras: aid from, accepted, 84
Hoon, Geoff, 297
Hoover, Herbert: aids Eastern European militarists, 358
Hoover, J. Edgar, 194
Horowitz, David, 3–7
House Intelligence Committee, 203
housing: New Orleans, 82
Hume, David, 34
economic conditions, 279, 283–284
Herbert Hoover and, 358
rising suicide rate, 280
hunger, 160–161
Hurricane Katrina, 74–83 passim, 122
Hussein, Saddam, 37, 127, 301–309 passim
labels indicative of demonization, 299–300
Hyde, Henry, 135–136
hydrogen-cell energy, 104
ideological bias. See bias
Italian, 150–163 passim
Soviet, 50
immolation: as method of torture/execution, 118, 126. See also self-immolation imperialism, 263–278
British, 263–264, 271–272
former Soviet republics, 283
inequality, 234
income tax reform, 105
asthma in, 5
British imperialism and, 271–272
child labor in, 273
violence against women in, 126
indoctrination, 331
Indonesia, 287
media coverage, 19, 26
inequality, 234–243
Eastern Europe, 279, 284
Venezuela, 312–313
Vietnam, 282–283
infanticide, 125
infibulation, 125
Inouye, Daniel, 200, 204
Inquisition, 335–336
insider trading, 310
insurance: Nazi Germany, 350–351
Intel, 231
International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Republic of Yugoslavia, 297, 298
interventionism. See military intervention Invasion USA, 358
Iran-Contra scandal, 202, 203, 333–334
crack cocaine and, 19–20
Iraq: U.S. bombing of, 287. See also Gulf War
Iraq War, 301–312, 320
casualties not mentioned by Fox News, 9
Congress and, 301
normalized in advance by media, 25
pretexts for, 301–304
propaganda and, 37–38
supported by Clear Channel, 11–12
Ireland, 263–264, 272, 287
Isaacs, Harold, 255
nbsp; Islamic extremists, 318–319, 321
repression of Palestinians, 287
United States and, 308–309
Italian Americans and Italians
families, 149–163
family businesses, 164–168
in films, 140, 141
in television commercials, 141–142
in television shows, 140
men, 152–154
stereotypes of, 138–145, 153
women, 150–152, 154
Italian words: in English language, 142
fascism in, 341–352 passim
neofascism in, 196–197, 198–199
World War II and, 155
Izetbegovic, Alija, 291
James, William, 40
aggression against China and USSR, 361
enters “Axis alliance,” 361
jargon, 254
Jennings, Christine, 73
Jewish Holocaust revisionists, 291
massacred by Russian White Guard, 357
Nazis and, 343
Jihad, 319
jingoism, 343
job programs, 107–108
Jones, Walter, 50
journal articles, 254
journalists: self-censorship, 16–17
judges, 83–90
term limits, 90
Juvenal, 368, 370
Keillor, Garrison, 139
Kennedy, John, 200–201
Kerr, Charles, H., 339
Kerry, John, 64–72 passim
Kirkpatrick, Evron, 52
Kissinger, Henry, 52, 197
Knox, Alfred, 355
Kosovo, 289, 290
ethnic cleansing in, 292–293
Kosovo Liberation Army, 292
Kouchner, Bernard, 297
Kumar, Satish. 365
Kurdoff, Emil, 348
Kurds, 287
class and, 252
“genocide” in Yugoslavia, 299
“hardliner,” 22
imperialism and, 263, 264
“left” and “right,” 186–194, 316–317
“Marxist,” 253, 255, 258
media and, 20–22, 30
military interventions and, 263
of assault, 128–129
of common people of Ancient Rome, 366–68
of Hugo Chávez, 315–317
of one whose only crime was to resist police beating, 119
of those who talk of U.S. imperialism, 265
racism and, 123
“rogue nations,” 299–300
“Third World,” 268, 270, 274
“underdevelopment,” 271, 272, 273
labor exploitation, 213–214, 229–234 passim, 256
goal of U.S. in Yugoslavia, 289
Third World, 266
labor laws, 109–110
struck down by courts, 85
labor movement: collaboration with national security state, 205
labor unions, 109–110, 205, 254
housing and, 221
repressed in Eastern Europe, 279, 283
Ladurie, Le Roy, 336–337
Lansing, Robert, 355
Lasswell, Harold D., 365
Lay, Ken, 217
Le Bon, Gustave, 373
Lea, Charles Henry, 335
“left” and “right” (labels) 186–194
“lemon socialism,” 208, 221
Lenin, Vladimir, 355
Leontif, Wassily, 51
lesbian and gay marriage, 129–130, 137
banned in Bible Belt states, 135
lesbian parents, 136–137
levees, 76
liberals, 190
libraries: bias in book selection, 340–341
Likud Party, 308
Limbaugh, Rush, 135, 188
Lincoln, Abraham, 232
assassination, 333
Lippmann, Walter, 32–33
living-wage movement, 110
Locke, John, 243
logging, 92
logic, 38
Lombardi, John, 47
Louisiana: coastline receding, 77
Lubet, Steven, 56–57
lynchings, 117–124 passim
of Mexicans, 117
Macmillan: “inadvertently” destroys book plates, 340
MacNeil, Robert, 142
Madison, James, 231
mafia, 138–145 passim
Manhattan Project, 364
Marcoviç, Mira, 293–294
marital rape, 133
marriage, 129–138
married women, 131, 132
Marshall, George, 364
Marx, Karl, 218, 231, 265
on state, 199
Marxists, 49, 190, 259
Andrew White and, 43
labeling of, 253, 255, 258
mass transit, 97–98, 99, 100, 104
masses. See workers and working class
Masterpiece Theater, 248
Mayans, 272, 287
McCarthyism, 44–45
McCone, John, 200–201
McGovern, George, 196
media, 3–31
“balance” and, 26–27
CIA and, 205
corporate nature of, 10–12
demonize Hugo Chávez, 315–317
“dominant paradigm” and, 38–39
downplay anti-Serb war crimes, 294
election candidates and, 112
fabricate atrocity stories, 294
framing and, 28
Hurricane Katrina and, 79
hype alleged mass graves in Kosovo, 296, 298
ideological lens of, 15
Iraq War and, 37
liberal bias alleged, 7–17
manipulation techniques, 17–31
on terrorism, 318–319
ownership of, 10–12
political campaigns and, 112
reform, 111–112
repetition and, 24–25
right-wing Christian, 9–10
science and, 4–7 passim
spectrum of opinion, 13, 26
target of NATO bombings in Bosnia, 290–291
Venezuelan, 315
Vietnam War and, 38
See also newspapers; radio; television
medical care. See health care
Medicare, 109, 171
medieval history, 334–337
Meier, Christian, 368
Meranto, Philip, 52–53
Mexican War, 117, 353
Mexicans: lynched in the Southwest, 117
Middle Ages, 334–337
middle class, 240–241
Middle East. See Arab states, Israel
midwifery, 152
Miers, Harriet, 83
military bases, American, 287, 365
Czech Republic, 285
Military Commissions Act, 207, 311
military intervention, 110
Allied invasion of Russia, 354–359
centrists and, 189–190
demonization of leaders and, 299–300
labeling of, 263
marked selectiveness of, 287
news media cover from Pentagon point of view, 13
news media fail to cover, 9, 11
resultant terrorism and, 322
U.S. history of, 211, 303, 322–323, 353
Afghanistan, 127
Grenada, 201
Nicaragua, 202
Panama, 205
Yugoslavia, 286–301, passim
pretexts for, 294–295
See also Iraq War, Mexican War; Philippine War; Spanish-American War; Vietnam War
military spending, 110–111
media and, 22–23
military technology, 178–179, 269–270
Bush Jr. enthuses about, 310–311
milk production, 178
Miller, Willard, 53–54
Mills, C. Wright, 48, 181
Milner Group, 332–333
sp; Miloseviç, Slobodan, 293–294
atrocities ascribed to, 298
demonized, 300
indicted for alleged war crimes, 298, 299
minimum wage, 110, 214
outlawed in Italy, 350
Kosovo, 289
mountaintop removal, 92
See also coal miners; Trepca mine
Minor v. Happersett, 86
in television shows, 140
violence against, 117–124
voters, 67, 68, 74
See also African Americans
Miramax, 12
miscegenation laws, 132
“moderate” (label), 189, 191–194 passim
Mommsen, Theodore, 368, 377
money, 170–171, 179–181, 232
Adam Smith on, 230
See also currency
Mongolia, 281–282
monorails, 100, 169
Monsanto, 178
Montaillou, France, 336–337
Montgomery, Bernard, 366
Moore, Michael, 12
Morison, Samuel Eliot, 338
Morrow, Robert, 196
Mossad, 309
Mouffe, Chantal, 257
mountaintop removal mining, 92
Mumford, Lewis, 368–370 passim
Bosnia, 295
extremist, 318–319, 321
Mussolini, Benito, 154–155, 341–346 passim, 349
Nader, Ralph, 65
napalm, 41
narcotics trade, 19–20, 196, 206. See also heroin trade
Nasica, 376
national debt, 108, 110, 240
India, 271
Iraq, 306
National Forum Foundation, 8
National Guard: Hurricane Katrina and, 78, 80
national health care, 183–184, 221
national park privatization (proposed), 92
national security state, 200–207 passim
National Socialist German Workers Party, 342
Italian-American, 154
Serbian, 293–294
nationalization of industry, 208–209, 221
Bosnian operations, 292
neofascists and, 196–197
Yugoslavian operations, 286–301 passim
natural resources, 268–269
First World consumption of, 270
Yugoslavia, 289
corporate capitalism and, 90–91, 268–269
Friedrich Engels on, 90
Nazis and Nazism, 264, 291, 341–343 passim, 346–352 passim
admired by plutocrats, presidents, et al, 359
Czechoslovakia and, 360
seen as bulwark against communism, 360–361
Soviet Union and, 361–363 passim
neoconservatives, 308–309
Nero, 375
New Deal, 107
New England School of Law, 46
New Orleans
Hurricane Katrina and, 74–83
violence against African Americans in, 118–124 passim
New Orleans Corps of Engineers, 76
New Mexico: election of 2004 and, 68–70, 72
New York City
bakeries, 164–167
Parenti’s childhood in, 149–167
New York Times
Venezuela coverage, 316, 317–318
Yugoslavia coverage, 293–295 passim
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