RAGE: President & First Lady Of The Death Dealers MC

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RAGE: President & First Lady Of The Death Dealers MC Page 55

by Alana Sapphire

  “I’m happy for him.” And I am. Chris is a great guy who didn’t deserve what I did to him. Technically, I cheated on him. Gage and I only kissed, but I was falling for him while Chris and I were still together. I’m fortunate that he was able to forgive me, and I want nothing but the best for him.

  “How are things with you and your mother?”

  “Good. Laurelyn is not exactly what I thought she was. She’s hype about me visiting, so we’ll see how that goes.”

  “And Lonnie?”

  “I’ve spoken to her a few times. She’s still in Miami, working in some department store now. I’m supposed to see her when I go back.”

  “Sounds like she’s getting her life together.”

  “Yeah,” I agree. I don’t see us ever being close after the way she treated me, but she’s my sister. If we can be civil then I’ll take it. Gage still doesn’t know she was the one hurting me, and I intend to keep it that way. He’ll want to do something about it and I don’t need him stirring up shit with me and Lonnie.

  “So, what’s the scoop?” Chrissy changes the subject. “You knocked up yet?”

  I turn away from her, avoiding her gaze. What do I say? How about the truth for once?

  “No… and it’s all my fault.”

  “What? How do you know? Have you seen a doctor?”

  “No. I did… I’m doing….”

  The words die on my tongue as I burst into tears. Chrissy scoots closer, wrapping her arms around me. How much longer can I keep this up before Gage finds out? What will happen when he does? I know what will happen, and that’s what scares me to death.

  “It’s me, Chrissy.”

  “You don’t know that. You’re young. It could be Papi Chulo.”

  “It’s not.”

  “Well maybe you should take his advice and go see a doctor.”

  “You don’t understand.”

  “Then explain it to me,” she begs.

  But I can’t. I can’t tell her. I can’t tell anyone. I cry into her shoulder, sobs racking my body. He can’t find out. If he does, then it’s over. I’ll lose him. And if that happens, I lose everything.



  We stop at one of the rest areas on I-75, and I check my phones. There are a few on the burner from Mission—the president in Jacksonville—that I answer first. The whole point of going down there is to help him. Somehow, their warehouse where they store the pain meds was compromised. With the system Tek installed, that should have never happened. They lost a big chunk of their supply, which affects my chapter, too. After shit went down with the Black Snakes, I brokered a deal between Mission and Ace, the Snakes’ president. Jacksonville supplies the meds, the Snakes distribute in Mississippi, and Georgia gets sixty percent of the profits for two years. After what his boys did, Ace is lucky I didn’t kill him and his entire club. He got off easy.

  There are two messages on my personal phone—one from Charger that he and Booker are in place, and the other from my baby doll. I read hers with a smile. I fucking love this woman.

  Gage: Distance means nothing, because you are everything. – Gage Hunter.

  Raven: That was beautiful! I miss you.

  Before I can reply, another text comes in.

  Raven: P.S. I FUCKING LOVE YOU. Come home.

  Gage: I’ll be home soon.

  “You’re such a fucking lovesick puppy,” E says as he approaches. “Come on, man. Let’s go.”

  “Maybe Raven was right. You jealous, bro?”

  “Dickhead. We gotta get back on the road.”

  I laugh as I swing my leg over my bike. I think I need to get E laid.


  I walk around the almost empty warehouse, shaking my head. The fuckers not only stole the merchandise, they trashed the place. I called Ace and he said he’d come down with a few of his boys tomorrow. I still have no idea how the fuck this happened.

  “Whoever it was, took out the cameras,” Mission says next to me. “I haven’t told anyone else, but that fingerprint scanner your boy installed? Says it was Thorn who entered that night.”

  “Your VP? Where is he?”

  “No clue. Been MIA since the day before the break-in.”

  “No leads on where he could be?” I ask.

  “Got some of the guys looking into it but nothin’ yet.”

  “Okay, Mission. Keep looking.”

  I pat his shoulder and make my way over to Tek, who’s bent over his laptop as usual. His brows are furrowed in concentration, and his tongue is fiddling with his left labret piercing. Motherfucker got two of them a few months back. “Snake bites” he calls them.

  “Talk to me, Tek.”

  “Well, they did take out the cameras. Just not the important ones.”

  “What do you mean?” I ask, lowering my voice and moving next to him so I can see the screen.

  “Most of the cameras I put up were for show. I have four hidden outside; front, back, and both sides. I also put a few on the inside. I’m the only one with access to those.”

  “So you caught everything?” I ask optimistically.

  “Yep,” he answers with a smug grin.

  “Brother, every day I get more and more grateful for your paranoia.”

  He brings up the video and we watch as a masked figure goes around the building, shooting out the cameras. When he’s done, six other masked men show up.

  “Zoom in,” I tell Tek when I notice one of them removing an object from a messenger bag.

  Fuck. It’s a motherfucking hand. If Mission finds Thorn, I doubt he’ll be alive. Too bad. He was a good man. The men on the monitor use the hand to get in, and shoot out the interior cameras. A box truck backs up to the entrance and they start packing it up. They couldn’t have been here for more than ten minutes—in and out.

  “You get the plates on the truck?” I ask.


  “Good. Work your magic. I’m gonna go talk to Mission.”

  Mission isn’t too happy with the news I give him. He’s upset about his VP, but also because he didn’t know about the other cameras.

  “I didn’t know either, man. But that’s why Tek handles all my security issues. The way they moved, they knew exactly where those cameras were. I think they may have tortured your guy before cutting his hand off.”

  He winces, clenching his fists at his side. “They’re gonna pay for this, Reaper.”

  “Of course. That’s why I’m here. We need to find another warehouse, too.”

  “I got eyes on a place. I’ll talk to the owner in the morning.”


  “Boss!” Tek shouts from across the room. “Got something!”

  “Already? That boy’s not good; he’s amazing,” Mission says, impressed.

  “Told you. He’s the best.”

  We both head over to where Tek is set up, and he starts reeling off what he found.

  “Truck is registered to a shell corporation. Lots of legal shit but I tracked it back to Hector Ramirez. Wannabe drug kingpin from Miami. Seems he’s looking to expand and is taking out all the competition. I got a traffic cam putting him in the area two days ago.”

  “What’s his set-up like?” I ask.

  “Didn’t find much else but I have a guy I can call to find out more.”

  “Make the call.”

  He nods and walks away, punching numbers on his phone. I catch myself yawning, realizing just how tired I am. I guess that ride took its toll on me. Checking my watch, I see it’s 1:22 a.m.

  “Come on,” Mission squeezes my shoulder. “Let’s get you back to the clubhouse so you can get some sleep. I have a feeling tomorrow’s gonna be a busy day.”

  It’s after two when we arrive. Mission likes his privacy, and this place is an old estate—not another house around for miles. It belonged to his old lady’s agoraphobic uncle, and is surrounded by twelve-foot high walls, and gates that would take a tanker to get through. When the man died, his niece was the on
ly family he had, so the property went to her. She sold it to the MC for pennies on the dollar, and Mission had his perfect clubhouse. I lock the door to my room and take a quick shower before dropping into the huge bed. They didn’t change much of the décor, so the place looks more like a hotel, with four poster beds and paintings on the wall.

  I reach for my phone and dial Raven, needing to hear her voice before I go to sleep.




  “Did I wake you?” I ask.


  “You okay?”


  This is not the Raven I know—monosyllabic answers and gloomy voice. She hasn’t sounded like this since after she was attacked. Something’s wrong.

  “What’s going on?”


  “Don’t lie to me, Raven. Tell me.”

  “I just… I miss you. That’s all.”

  “I’ll be home soon, babe.”

  “’Kay. Do you miss me?”

  “Wish you were here. This big bed feels kinda cold.”

  “Is that all you miss me for? My warmth?”

  “Among other things.”

  I hear a soft giggle at the other end and settle in under the covers. The sound, along with the thought of her there in my bed, makes me instantly hard.

  “What are you wearing?”

  “One of your T-shirts.”

  Fuck. “What else?”

  “Just panties.”

  Her breathing gets ragged, and I grab my dick through my sweats. Suddenly, I’m not so tired.

  “Take them off.”

  “Everything?” she asks.

  “Just the panties.”

  I hear her fumbling around, and I head to the bathroom, grabbing some tissue.

  “They’re off.”

  “Touch yourself for me. Use my shirt.”

  I climb back under the covers, releasing my dick when I hear the first moan. I stroke it slowly, picturing her legs spread wide, my shirt rubbing her clit.

  “Tell me what you’re doing, baby doll. Draw a picture for me.”

  “Just like you taught me…” She draws a sharp breath. “Circles on my clit.”

  “Good girl.” I know how much she loves it when I say that, and it has the desired effect. She lets out a long moan. “Tell me what you want.”


  “Gotta be more specific, doll. What do you want me to do?”

  “Lick me,” she whispers.

  “Where?” I stroke faster, closing my eyes and thinking about her taste.

  “You know where.”

  “Say it,” I command.

  “My pussy. Lick my pussy, Gage,” she says in a soft voice.

  “I love it when you talk dirty to me. I just want to bury my head between your thighs and never come up for air.”


  My breathing accelerates as her moans grow louder. If she keeps it up, I won’t last much longer.

  “Tell me how wet you are.”

  “So wet… Your shirt is soaked.”

  “Fuck. Slide your middle finger inside. Tell me—”

  There’s a knock on my door and I swear I would put a million voodoo curses on the motherfucker if I knew how.

  “I’ll be right back, Raven. Don’t finish without me.”

  I tuck my dick back into my sweats and open the door, using it to hide my erection. Motherfucking Tek. I swear this man never sleeps.

  “What’s up, Tek?”

  “Ramirez has a cook shop in the Glades, and a spot in Miami for storage. He has a tight knit group. His closest guys are up here with him. Everyone else is disposable.”

  “Good job. I’ll talk to Mission and Ace in the morning and work out a plan.”

  “Okay, boss.”

  “Get some sleep, Tek.”

  He chuckles. “Yeah, boss.”

  I lock the door and head back to the bed, picking up my phone.

  “Babe?” She doesn’t answer, but I know she’s there. “What did you do?”

  “I…” she begins timidly. “I finished.”

  “I told you not to.”

  “I know. I just… I couldn’t stop.”

  “You’ve been jonesing for a spanking and trust me, you just earned one.”

  She giggles. Fucking giggles! My fingers twitch. It’s been too long since I’ve seen my palm printed on her ass.

  “Close your eyes,” she whispers.



  With a deep sigh, I give in. “Fine.”

  “Now, imagine I’m there. I’m on top of you… naked.”

  Fuck. I grab my dick, releasing it once more.

  “I’m massaging my breasts, pulling on my nipples the way you like.”

  “Keep going,” I tell her as I stroke myself from base to tip.

  “Do you want my mouth or pussy?”

  “Pussy. Ride me, babe.”

  “I’m sliding down your dick, moaning as you go deeper. You’re so big, baby. It hurts… but in a good way.”

  I groan as the image in my head becomes more vivid. If I didn’t know better, I’d think she was actually here. I stroke faster.

  “Feel how wet I am for you?” she continues. “Only for you, Gage.”

  “Fuck, Raven.”

  “I’m gliding back and forth, my muscles tightening around you. Can you feel me?”

  “Hell, yeah.”

  “I’m yours. All yours.”

  “Fuckin’ right,” I groan. “My pussy.”

  “I’m moving faster now. I want you to come. Come inside me, Gage. Come inside your pussy.”


  The phone falls from my fingers as I scramble to find the tissue. At the last moment, I grab it and press it to the head of my dick, feeling my cum spurt out in short bursts. Fucking hell. I pick the phone back up, placing it at my ear as I dispose of the tissue.

  “Where the fuck did you learn that?” I ask playfully.

  “I know what my man likes.”

  “You got that right.”

  “When are you coming home?”

  “Maybe another day or two. I’ll let you know tomorrow.”

  “Okay. Get some sleep. You sound tired.”

  “You, too, doll.”


  “Gimme a kiss.”

  “Mmmuah!” she gets out while trying to control her giggles.

  “Now put some tongue in it.”

  She bursts out laughing. “You’re crazy!”

  “But you love me, though.”

  “I do. Maybe I’m crazy, too.”

  “We’ll be crazy together,” I tell her.


  “I’ll talk to you tomorrow, babe.”

  “Yep. I love you.”

  “Me, too.”



  I rush to my phone when I hear “Forever Yours”—Gage’s ringtone. I haven’t heard from him all day and I was worried. I’m a mess whenever he goes out on club business because I never know what he’ll get into. There will be a lot more days like this in my future, but it’s what I signed up for, being the old lady of the president of an outlaw MC.


  “Hey, doll.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m good. Got some good news.”

  “You’re coming home?” I ask excitedly.

  “Tomorrow. We’re gonna rest up tonight and head out in the morning.”

  “Thank God!”

  He lets out an amused chuckle.

  “The Snakes are riding with us. They’re spending the night in Stony View and we’re gonna show ’em some hospitality. We’re going straight to the clubhouse so I’ll have Charger drop you off. You’re on my bike back home.”

  “What time?”

  “I’ll let you know tomorrow.”


  My man is finally coming h
ome and I couldn’t be happier. It’s only been four days but it seemed like forever. We spend an hour on the phone, and then, for the first time since he’s been gone, I fall asleep easily.


  We pull into the clubhouse and it’s like a beehive. There are Dealers and Snakes scattered all over the courtyard, and bitches moving around like kids in a candy store. While I’m scanning the crowd for Gage, Chopper walks over, pulling me into his arms.

  “How’s my future daughter-in-law?”

  “I’m good, Chopper. Once I find your son, I’ll be great.”

  “What’s this ‘Chopper’ business?” he asks. “You call me ‘Dad’ from now on.”

  I’m absolutely dumbfounded. He’s always acted like a father to me but I’ve never thought of calling him anything other than his name.

  “Okay… Dad.”

  It’s going to take some getting used to, and I’m sure it will be a while before I’m comfortable with it. The word brings my father to mind, so it’s weird. I grab my arm, massaging the spot where I have Daddy’s name and badge number tattooed. It just feels like I’m cheating on him with Chopper. Like I said—weird.

  “Good.” He gives me a proud smile. “And my son is out back by the fire.”


  Ron grabs my hand, leading me as we weave our way through the mass of people. We get to the back of the clubhouse, and even though it’s dark, I spot him right away. I tug my hand away from Ron’s grasp.

  “Thanks, Farmer,” I say with a smile, referencing Kevin Costner’s character from The Bodyguard.

  “No problem, Rachel.”

  He grins and walks away. I made him watch the movie with me the last time he had bodyguard duty, so it’s become our thing. As I approach Gage, I notice he’s with the Snakes president and some other men, so I stop and watch him for a while. God, he’s beautiful. As he jokes around with the other men, I decide I need to get my shit together. I can’t afford to lose him. I won’t.

  Our eyes meet, and he blesses me with a gorgeous smile. I give him a questioning look, seeking permission, and he waves me forward. I run into his arms and he picks me up, capturing my lips in a hungry kiss. I moan as his tongue storms into my mouth. Nothing about this kiss is gentle. It tells me the days we were apart were just as hard on him as they were on me. I wrap my legs around his hips and return it with equal fervor. Reaching down, he grabs my ass and pulls me to him, pressing my crotch against his. A few throats being cleared drag me out of my haze, and I break away from him, looking around. The Snakes president smirks at me, and all the others are wearing Cheshire cat grins. I used to be embarrassed, but not anymore. As Gage would say, I give zero fucks.


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