The Gemini Bridge

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The Gemini Bridge Page 26

by Shea Meadows

  “Before we use the etheric emeralds to charge your stones, please realize some important facts. Once your stone is linked to the emeralds they take on a different quality. Like all etheric stones, you must never use them as a weapon or with feelings of fear or anger. If you attempt to do this, your stones will disappear. They will not just lose their charge; they will no longer be available to you in the third dimension. They will increase your ability to see the linked ghosts that might be around others near you, and allow you to release them, but you are not to speak about this to people who wouldn’t understand what you’re doing.”

  A round woman with a bright pink pant-suit raised her hand. “So if they’re not a weapon what are they?”

  Ricky smiled. “The linked ghosts are not linked by their own will. They are enslaved. Usually a story has been planted within them, and they perceive what they are doing as helpful to the person to whom they are attached. Since you are all capable of medium-ship, you can communicate non-verbally with the ghost and explain the situation. Usually a door to the higher frequency dimensions will open for them as soon as you break the link. So the stone will become a tool of deliverance, not a weapon.”

  Ricky went on to describe some of the conversations she experienced since she began using the etheric emeralds, then said: “Realize you are not alone. You can call me, my father, or Avery if you get into a tough situation. Someone at Moon Angel Network is setting up a website where you can ask questions or report information you received from the released ghosts.” She passed out a paper with the web address and a password, and the phone numbers for Moon Angel Network and Avery Sweet’s organization. “If you suspect someone has had a past incarnation brought forward to take over, such as Avery experienced, speak with us to be sure. Moon has already alerted your guides that you will be working with us.”

  Ricky took out one of the etheric emeralds and went around the circle touching the stone to each person’s healing stone. It was so quiet in the room you could hear the collective breathing, which drifted into synchronization.

  After this was complete, she answered questions from the group with Moon’s help, then tasked them to go out into the hotel and points surrounding with the intention of finding anyone with an attached ghost. They were cautioned to go in groups of at least two, and were to return in an hour.

  As the class left to test their ability with the stones, David returned with a perplexed expression on his face. George, Avery and Katera gravitated over to them to hear his news.

  “I found out some interesting things. Bud Strong, the officer monitoring his case, reported that Chester was awake for a period of about an hour and a half at the hospital. An aid conveyed that his eyes popped open Friday evening, he looked around and smiled. He asked for a ham sandwich, which is bizarre since his stomach had to be shrunken from weeks of tube feedings. He gobbled it down, seeming to relish every bite. He then asked if he could call you, but was told you were off limits, given the reasons for his arrest. He was allowed a call to Sam Reading and requested privacy. The aid, who was watching on the in-room security, said he talked in a very agitated manner for a few minutes, then listened to Sam, nodding now and then, for the rest of the call.

  After that he requested a shower, with the supervision of the aid, because he was pretty weak after not moving around for all that time. He brushed his teeth, had a drink of tea, then closed his eyes and has been catatonic ever since. He breaths slowly and deeply, blood pressure is low, and his brain waves match those of a person in a coma. The hospital says they’ve never seen anything like it.”

  Ricky sat and listened with a look of astonishment. “It makes sense, in a confused, other-worldly way. He was zapped back in his body when we used the etheric emeralds on Friday. Obviously he wanted to call me to complain, or taunt but settled on talking to Sam. Anything else you’ve learned?” She asked.

  “Ready for bizarre news, edition two?”

  Ricky nodded.

  “This won’t mean much to anyone except you, me and George, but I’ll fill in Avery and Katera on the background later. I called Brink Matthews who I talked to on Friday about Dr. Roy and his best friend Julie. Brink has had people investigating. They traced the two to Athens, Georgia. After all the effort the police put into locating them, I thought it would be a waste of time, but they found info easily through legal documents. The couple rented a house owned by Sam Reading. They have no phone listed under either Julie Richards or Roy Fielding, but there is a phone at a house registered to Sam Reading. Obvious to one and all that they and Sam have some sort of commonality.”

  Ricky shook her head, a bewildered look on her face. “Neither one of them showed the least bit of interest in metaphysical phenomena.” She shrugged. “But to be honest, I wasn’t interested in it when Roy and I were together.”

  “So, still more to tell; are you up to it?” David asked.

  “Bring it on.”

  “Brink did a background check on both of them, and found their history was camouflage. Even digging years back, they were unable to find the beginning of the personas for Roy and Julie. Neither one has been finger printed so they’re not in the justice system. Their social security numbers belonged to people named Roy Fielding and Julie Richards, but both are long dead. Either these guys are really substantial ghosts or are deeply under cover. It makes me wonder why they didn’t swap identities when they left Chicago.”

  Ricky nodded. “Moon says it’s a setup to lure us down to Georgia. They think we’re not ready to take them on, and that we want revenge for Moon’s death. They think we’ll hit Athens green as grass and unprepared. Roy and Julie are the bait. Sam Reading might be the Soul Stealer, but there is also evidence that it’s been Chester all along.”

  Avery spoke up. “Didn’t you say before that Moon suspected it could be me or Mel Shank? Mel is having a special training for his star students next weekend. Maybe we should drop by. He might be in the same fix I was.”

  “I’ll have to talk to Moon about it, Avery. Find out if we should stick around here or be on our way to Georgia. Maybe Georgia is a diversion and Mel is the one we’ve been looking for. This whole thing is unpredictable.”

  Katera cleared her throat to get Ricky’s attention. “Perhaps Avery and I can stay here and take our programmed crystal to Mel Shank’s event.

  So what do you think Moon? Should we break up the group? Can Avery and Katera handle it? The answer came back from Moon. I’m sure they’re ready. Avery is highly motivated, considering what happened to him and his students. All he’d have to do is call up and ask and Mel’s group will have no choice. It would be an insult to tell Avery no.

  “Moon approves of the idea. Says that Avery can call and ask if he and Katera can observe. Maybe get a couple of his talented people to join them. Talk to them about integrating gemstone training with mediumship,” Ricky told them.

  Avery nodded. “We’ll get that set up if Moon is sure. I imagine our guides will be in on it too. But will you have enough back-up in Georgia without us?”

  “I’m putting in a call for Beth Ann and a couple of the students we’ve already trained with the stones, and Moon has contacted Shri Kria Baba. He’s coming in his body this time, which should be amazingly helpful.”

  “Do we need police back up? I have friends in Atlanta who could make it to Athens,” David asked.

  Ricky thought a minute and conferred with Moon. “No one official. We don’t really have an evident crime in all of this. Not until a ghost-infested person is pushed into doing something crazy. But some unofficial muscle might be helpful, if you know someone who won’t laugh you out of town when you try to explain.”

  David nodded. “Think I may have two guys that fit the bill. Let me check before I promise you.”

  “Anything else?” she asked. David shook his head. “Is Bert Huggins still in the hallway?”

  “Not that I could see. He might have gone off ghost hunting with the rest of the group, or is a ringer sent by the Steale
r. Maybe Chester relinked. Does Moon have an opinion?”

  Ricky conferred with Moon silently and shook her head. “They’ve lost him for the moment, but he might wander back with the rest of the group. The guides find it disturbing, but think if he’s aligned with the Stealer the stone he carries will disappear from the third dimension as soon as he or anyone else tries to determine the pattern it uses to unlink ghosts.”

  Soon the students were back from their trolling expedition, with excited stories of freeing linked ghosts and counseling the humans to whom they were linked. All of the students were accomplished counselors and mediums so most of the befuddled humans were able to come out of the experienced unscathed. Only three of the formerly linked people showed signs of psychological damage. They worked with Ricky who had the advice of Moon during the clearing process.

  Arrangements had been made for the next leg of the journey. Shri Kria Bubba was flying into Chicago on Monday and would be traveling to Athens, Georgia with David, Ricky and George. Beth Ann, Jessica and Dylan were flying from Minneapolis, and Avery, Trix and Katera were staying in Chicago to supervise the students who could help with the task of unlinking ghosts as they waited for Mel Shank’s training the following Saturday.

  David had contacted a set of twins who were yoga and meditation instructors working out of Atlanta. Jim and Bob Reynolds were former cops and Navy Seals and were happy to help David with security.


  Ricky cuddled up to David in their room at the hotel, enjoying one last private night together. “I’m staying centered in the knowing that we have Moon’s team in the higher frequencies working with us, otherwise the fear would be creeping in around the edges.”

  David smiled at her and brushed her hair out of her eyes. “I am centered in being the partner of the most powerful and amazing person I’ve ever met. Even without Moon’s help, you’ll make it through.”

  Ricky kissed him on the nose. “If it wasn’t for Moon I wouldn’t be in this mess, but I wouldn’t have met you either, so it’s worth it.” She sighed. “Let’s get some sleep. Tomorrow starts a long trip and perhaps will give us answers to the most important questions.”

  Chapter 18

  A handsome mocha-skinned man about five feet two inches tall, with a round stomach, dressed in a simple linen tunic walked toward Ricky, David and George. He was surrounded by a glow that was evident to them, and probably many others in the landing dock of the airport. He carried a briefcase and a canvas satchel and went directly to Ricky with a radiant smile on his face and wrapped his arms around her. Ricky hugged him in return, smelling the exotic aroma of saffron, and frankincense, just as she had experienced when he was with her out-of-body.

  “Dear one, I am grateful to serve,” Shri Kria Baba said, as he moved a step back and bowed his head. “And there is David” he said, hugging David like a long lost brother, “I remember you from our testing of the stones. I waved at you, but you could not see me.”

  He turned to George and bestowed another loving hug. “And George, you look just as you did when I saw you five years ago, you never age.” The three of them glowed almost as brightly as the teacher.

  “Shri, I would know you anywhere,” Ricky said with a chuckle. “You told me you would look different when you were wearing your body, but as you said, just as charming. Will you need some time to rest before we start our journey? How many hours were you in the air?”

  Shri Kria Baba walked with them toward the parking ramp, looking fresh and eager. “I was on two flights one from Mumbai to New York, then New York to Chicago. While in India, I rode the trains from my ashram near the state of Kashmir to Mumbai which takes most of the day. Altogether, my body has traveled two days, but I cheated. My body was on its own for much of the time. The rest of me spent time with the team in the other dimension. I am completely rejuvenated by the experience.”

  David had been listening silently with an awestruck expression on his face. “I can’t imagine being able to do something like that,” he said, “even though I know Ricky visits Moon, it’s just sinking in how unusual that is. I feel like I’m a rookie trying to play in the Major Leagues.”

  Shri smiled and nodded toward him. “Ah, yes, American baseball. A devotee from your country who lives in the ashram is a fan and has introduced the game to us. I am a very poor player, but enjoy watching those who are excellent. Just as with practice and intention, I will someday be able to make the ball fly over the plate, you will easily slip from the illusion of the body and travel to other realities. Continue to be part of this endeavor of saving trapped souls and by the time this mystery is solved, your whole idea of what is possible will change radically. You will be joining Ricky and Moon for conferences in the eighth frequency.”

  “I’ve been able to travel in my dreams ever since I started studying with Moon,” George chimed in, as the group arrived at the van. “They call it lucid dreaming. Have you ever done that David?”

  David stopped in the middle of making room in the back of the van for Shri’s satchel and thought for a moment, a look of surprise on his face. “Yes, I’ve done that! I’ve had flying dreams, and was able to tell myself where to go next. It also happened while I was meditating, even more since the etheric emeralds arrived. Is that what we’re talking about? I thought I was hallucinating because I wanted to do it so badly.”

  Ricky gave him a hug around the waist. “That’s the beginning, dear heart. Keep it up and before you know it you’ll be flying to realities you’ve only imagined.”

  “Shri, you’ve been with Moon, so you probably already know our plans,” George said.

  Shri Kria Baba nodded. “Yes, the guides strongly suggested you fly in a private plane to Georgia instead of driving. I understand from Moon that David is a pilot of small aircraft?”

  David nodded. “Yes, that’s one way I can fly for sure. We will be driving to a private airport about an hour from here for our rented plane. A student of Avery’s is bringing us food for the trip, and we’ll be taking off in about an hour and a half. Does that sound okay?”

  Shri smiled and bowed deeply. “You are masters of planning. I have been told to protect the plane before we fly. I have the stones needed for such a task.”


  Beth Ann Aims woke up with a startled jerk, finding herself in the middle seat on a plane landing in Atlanta, head resting on the shoulder of Dylan Patton who occupied the window seat. Dylan grinned at her, his grey eyes sparkling with merriment. “Earth to Beth Ann, are you in the body? I know your nose has made re-entry because it’s twitching like crazy.”

  Beth Ann swatted him, as she sat upright with an effort. “I guess my inner rabbit isn’t happy with taking an out-of-body trip at the same time we’re moving through the sky in this reality. Took me a while to reconnect.”

  Jessica looked at her with her big azure eyes, concerned wrinkles forming across her forehead on the otherwise flawless face. “Where were you? Did you plan to jump out-of-body?”

  Beth Ann shook her head. “I was napping. Things have been so hectic, what with having to cancel classes, getting a house sitter who wouldn’t freak out about potential ghosts, and packing and planning. I’ve slept very little since we got the call from Ricky.”

  Dylan nodded as he ran his fingers through his spiky black hair. “Yea, it’s been crazy. Good thing Christina was available. Shelia’s still meeting us in Athens tomorrow?”

  “Yup, she’s flying out tonight,” Beth Ann answered with a troubled look on her face. “Either of you have a notebook? Mine’s in my suitcase.”

  Dylan took a small notebook out of his backpack and handed it to Beth Ann. “Moon gave me some locations in Athens to check out. One is an old converted school house which is being used as an office building. 3310 Vincent Avenue North. The other is a three story house that belongs to Sam Reading, 982 Boston Lane,” she said as she wrote them down.

  The fasten-your-seatbelt sign lit up and the crew traveled throughout the cabin taking cups and bot
tles from the passengers as the plane began to descend into the Atlanta airport. So Dylan and Jessica didn’t have time to hear the rest of Beth Ann’s out-of-body experience. Instead, they chatted as they left the plane about the long history of ghostly experiences that were credited to Athens, always aware of who might be listening.

  They worked their way from baggage pickup to the Drive Away rental kiosk at Hartsfield airport and stood behind a line of about ten people. Dylan casually reached into his pocket that held a crystal that had been programed with the etheric emeralds, curious about what he might see. Ricky had told them to keep the charged stones close but not use them, but the temptation was overwhelming. A zing of energy confirmed his suspicion, right behind the big, shaggy haired male attendant with the gigantic glasses another form sparkled with spikes of red/orange light. He nudged Beth Ann and whispered in her ear. The form seemed to jerk forward and stand next to the attendant, its focus on them. Beth Ann reached out for Jessica who was busy organizing her satchel, and urged her out of line.

  “What’s going on?” Jessica asked confusion evident.

  “The guy at the desk, the one with the glasses? He has a linked ghost who was very aware of us,” Dylan answered. “Not a good place to rent a car.”

  “Why did you use the crystal, Dylan? Ricky told us to stay as low profile as possible,” Beth Ann asked.

  “Just had a zing. You know how I sense things. Even before I took out the stone, my natural ghost detection skills had kicked in. What do we do now?”

  “Let’s scan the Cars-R-Us counter, see if that one’s safe,” Jessica said as she reached for her own charged stone.

  “No linked ghosts there; now let’s hope they have a car. I had a deposit at Drive Away, there’s $60 wasted,” Beth Ann grumbled as they walked toward Cars-R-Us.

  A half hour later, they were in a 2002 blue Ford Escort in the airport parking ramp car rental area. There was just enough room for them and their luggage.


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