The Gemini Bridge

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The Gemini Bridge Page 41

by Shea Meadows

  “What do you have in mind? Should we just pull out of the area and change our core target?” Julie asked, as her eyes scanned the dusty attic and she yearned for an island surrounded by an ocean of purple water.

  Roy shook his head. “We are at the center of the lay lines. If we achieve critical mass here, we open the door for linkings all over this planet’s evolutionary system. Otherwise, we have to take one area at a time. We’ve been working on this project for five years; I planned to be in control in two. Didn’t count on such effective resistance.”

  He looked at her; frustration was clear on her face as she trudged down the stairs, anger trailing her like a cape. Roy turned to Sam, who was muttering to himself and Roy voiced his frustration to a man he’d forced into becoming an ally.

  “I have to make this happen I promised Charisa’s father I’d establish discarnacy in this reality without drawing any attention to the Prime. It would be shameful if I failed. And worse still, Beltous won’t allow me to remain her consort and merge into the family. It’s all because of two stubborn women who had the gall to keep up the battle after I unbodied the more powerful of the two.”

  “Beltous and Charisa will see it as a failure, Titian,” Sam agreed. “Failure is not an option.”

  Ricky was cuddled up against David’s shoulder after making love. Both were giggling about the amazing evening they had experienced. The topic of conversation was which animal, plant, bird or insect they wanted to morph into with Katera’s tutelage.

  “I’d love to be a dolphin,” Ricky whispered, “but that wouldn’t work without an ocean or even a swimming pool. What we shift into has to make some sense from an environmental perspective.”

  David nodded sleepily. “I was thinking of a male lion and kind of hoped you’d chose to be my mate.”

  “Yay, that works better than a dolphin and a lion, now that I’ve figured out we’d need an even bigger pool for two dolphins,” Ricky said with a giggle.

  David was tickling Ricky when both of them heard Moon talking to them. Could you come here now, both of you? We have something to tell you about and something to show you.

  “We’re on our way,” Ricky answered. Both pulled their consciousness out of their bodies and made the intention to be with Moon and the group. When they arrived they found Moon, Byron, Megon, Franco and Maya and another guide they hadn’t met before.

  Ricky and David changed from their bedclothes into linen tunics and trousers to match the attire of the rest of the group, and Moon gave them both hugs and wrapped them in energy of strength and comfort. They then took the two empty chairs in the circle which were between Moon and the new member of the group.

  “I can’t express how amazed we are by how you’re leading the group, especially doing all that shapeshifting with Katera after waking up with a full battery of fear bombs going off in your energy field,” Moon said to Ricky.

  Then turned to David: “You are maturing so quickly. To go from a mild interest in the metaphysical and mystical to becoming a mystic and a metaphysician in such a short time, is beyond our expectations. You certainly will be a valuable companion for my sister.”

  Both of them smiled, but Ricky knowing her sister, knew that this was the sugar to make the bitter taste easier to tolerate. “We appreciate the accolades, but you could have whispered them in our ears. What is the something you wanted to tell us?”

  First I want to introduce you to someone,” Moon answered. “Ricky and David, this is Winslow he’s one of the Record Keepers of the Akashic Records.” A tall being with a round face and body and cheerful aura, leaned towards them and offered both of them a hug which they happily received. “I’ll let him tell you about his position and what he just heard from someone that we have been observing closely.”

  “You of course have been using the Akashic Records liberally in your effort to release the enslaved disincarnates. Usually, no one is permitted to look into another soul’s records without their permission, but in this endeavor we have loosened the rules. If a ghost is in peril and is unable to move to a higher frequency to examine their own records, we allow you and the others doing this work to look at parts of the records to remedy their situation.

  “You might remember the main purpose of the Records from your time between incarnations. Souls returning after a fatal experience access their own records and go over them scene by scene to review areas where they are strong and places were improvement is needed. Often they do this with their guides, but at times, when a multi-incarnation study is needed, I and others in the same service, are called to help the soul pull up the particular life that applies to a problem in their most recent incarnation. Do you understand?”

  Ricky and David nodded.

  “Recently I received a communication from Samuel Franklin Reading of Athens, Georgia. Sam and I communicated in the past. He is a spirit-walker and was so bold as to journey to the Temple of Wisdom where I provide assistance. That visit happened perhaps a decade ago. I found him an exceptional man, although he has had problems with a prominent ego in previous incarnations. We talked several times, always in the higher frequencies, but I had not heard from him for five years as you would measure.

  “So it was at first a delightful surprise when I recognized his energetic signature, but after a few words it became apparent he was in distress. He had been caught up in the plot of the Soul Stealer. He was no longer in charge of his body. One of his more notorious incarnations had buried his present persona. He was like one trapped under a boulder, and he had been trying to dig his way out from under during all the time his persona had been silent.

  “He had remembered and perfected many higher frequency skills, but could not use them when saturated in the energy of the being he calls “The Demon Hand” which was a particularly troublesome past persona. Finally, after years of trying, Sam was successful and broke through for long enough to send me a segment from his Akashic Record. His words before the recording were: “I am trapped under Demon Hand by Titian. Look at my Akashic record from before and recently. I beg to be released.”

  “Before doing what he requested, I reviewed his previous record. It showed a powerful man with highly developed skills gathered from many higher frequencies. He was communicating with disincarnates trapped in your reality and assisting them to leave. Along with this important work, he taught others to do the same and traveled all over the world. There is a time he taught seminars with Moon Angel. Then, in the year nineteen hundred and ninety-seven, his record abruptly stopped after he had lunch with an old friend who brought someone new to the meal.

  “I had seen this before, these gaps in the record. It happens when some being becomes tyrannical and suppresses the life line of another being. The life has not ended but it is buried below a stronger persona and the Akashic Record for the present life pauses.

  “The pause ended with his message to me which was followed by a short segment of record then again silence. The Demon Hand persona seems to have again smothered my friend Samuel. Do you wish to see the segment?” Winslow concluded.

  “Oh yes, please. This is fascinating,” Ricky answered.

  “First I will show you the lunch that occurred before the record initially stopped,” Winslow said as he pointed to a space in the middle of the circle.

  A holographic projection showed the door of a restaurant in Atlanta which was called “The Singing Bird”: Sam hurried through the door, embarrassed that his friend Chester had come all the way from Minneapolis for lunch and Sam was a half-hour late. The waitress brought him back to a table in a quiet enclave and Chester stood up and gave Sam a hug.

  “Wow, ya’ finally made it, old man,” Chester said with a smirk. “Thought ya forgot. Want to introduce you to a good friend of mine.” the other man at the table stood up and offered his hand to Sam. “This is Dr. Roy Fielding. I met him in Chicago when I went to study with Mel Shank.”

  “Glad to meet you, Roy. Are you a student of metaphysics?” Sam asked.

sp; “You could say that,” Roy answered, his face glowing with sincerity. “I’ve studied with several teachers and have made some progress. I’m a medical doctor and was thinking that some of the techniques I’m learning could be applied to my practice. I work primarily with the chronically ill elderly.”

  For the next several minutes, they discussed their lunch order with the waitress, then Sam talked about his work. As they ate, Roy very casually asked if it would be possible for him to sit in at an evening class Sam was providing for his beginning spirit communication students.

  “I’m only in Atlanta for a day or so. Have to get back to the hospital in Chicago, but I’m always looking for teachers with something unique to offer. If it seems like a good fit, I’d consider taking vacation the next time you do an advanced seminar.” Roy told Sam.

  Winslow moved the action along quickly until that evening at seven. Sam is teaching and Roy and Chester have front row seats. Sam is leaving his body, and his essence is communicating with ghosts who have significance for his students.

  While Sam is outside his body, focused on his work, he doesn’t see what Roy and Chester are doing but it’s obvious in the projection. Both of the men have gone out-of-body as well. They spirit- walk to the stage and Chester latches on to Sam’s essence, as Roy attaches a ghost to Sam’s energy. The ghost is powerful and pulls Sam back into his body, but when he arrives he finds the space already occupied. Roy in one quick movement has reached into Sam’s past incarnations and has pulled up the blood thirsty mage once known as Demon Hand. Sam struggles within as Demon Hand forces him into a small recess of the physical mind, still aware but powerless.

  To the people in the group, nothing is really obvious. These are new students and they are not used to how Sam works, so they see nothing of concern, even though the Sam Reading persona is shrinking, screaming, wailing and fighting for his existence. To them, Sam is doing a remarkable job of doing nothing.

  Demon Hand speaks for Sam. It is the first time he has been awake in a century and he would insist they all bow down to him then and there. But the Mongolian Warrior who is his ghost companion reminds him to be stealthy. The changes must be small and gradual if their strategy is to succeed.

  Sam is still recording but the holograph is fading and finally disappears. He has been contained and is relegated to the role of a brain parasite in his own body.

  The holograph ends and Winslow speaks. “That was the last record generated by the Sam persona until a short time ago. Now you’ll see what I just received.” First came the audio stating he was trapped and begging to be released. The desperation in his voice was deep and real. His voice quavers when he speaks: ‘I am trapped under Demon Hand by Titian. Look at my Akashic Record from before and recently. I beg to be released.”

  Ricky shuddered when she heard the words in Sam Reading’s voice. He sounded like a prisoner in a concentration camp, but was it real?

  “Here is the visual that came up on his Akashic Record.

  Ricky, David and the guides watched as Roy Fielding and Julie Richards discussed whether or not Ricky had fearfully left the project. Roy questions Sam about Ricky’s presence at Brookfield. It is obvious Roy doesn’t know that the true Sam Reading persona is answering his question, not Demon Hand as before. The most revealing response is what Roy and Sam say at the end:

  “I have to make this happen I promised Charisa’s father I’d establish discarnacy in this reality without drawing any attention to the Prime. It would be shameful if I failed. And worse still, Beltous won’t allow me to remain her consort and merge into the family. It’s all because of stubborn women who had the gall to keep up the battle after I unbodied the more powerful of the two.”

  “Beltous and Charisa will see it as a failure, Titian,” Sam agreed. “Failure is not an option.”

  The holograph stops. “I can surmise that the Demon Hand persona overpowered Sam at that time and took back control of the body. Roy or if we are using his true name, Titian, did not notice the lapse and the Hand most likely did not want to admit to a moment of failure.”

  “Wow that is the most powerful piece of information we’ve gotten. We know his name, her name and who they are working for. We even know his goal is to create discarnacy, whatever that is,” Ricky said. “Does that mean I was living with someone from another planet?”

  “That’s possible, but being from another reality is something else altogether. Right now, you are visiting your primary reality since you are using the physical material reality as a training ground. The reality is that Spirit has used the material earth in this way for many millenniums,” Moon clarified.

  “There are multiple realities that may or may not use the physical/material frequency band to create an environment for souls. There are souls active in all of the various types of realities, except for those that are strictly physical, but no matter what the rules are, it is all made from the same universal energy,” Moon continued.

  “Our Akashic records are strictly for the souls who use the planet Gaia or Earth as their training facility,” Winslow added. “There are other Spirit training centers that provide support to the souls working in realities with other rules. I connected with other Keepers of the Record who focus on slightly different realities. I particularly chose those in which a soul could function in Earth reality without undue strain to their energy supply, and I did find a match.”

  Winslow pulled up another image. “This is a reality map. These are not exact locations since the realities are all on varying vibrational frequencies rather than in particular places. Some vibrate higher than Gaia, some lower. The beings in the higher-than-Gaia range are less likely to be ruled by physical laws. The surroundings in the higher vibrational realities may be less particular.

  For instance, you and other people who can spirit-walk take on characteristics of a more fluid reality. I see from your records you can shapeshift which is common in higher frequency environments. You are the exception on Gaia rather than the rule. You are more of Spirit than you are of body.”

  He pointed to a reality that moved in an elliptic pattern around the Gaia reality. “This is Prime. It vibrates higher than Gaia but not as high as the Spirit Reality. Within its environment, thoughts easily become things and can be created or destroyed at will. I found the records of a man called Beltous were stored there, along with that of his family, including a daughter Charisa and her consort Titian. I was not allowed to view their records because they are under the rule of another hierarchy within Spirit, but I was allowed to view their present incarnation. Within those records is a conversation that Beltous had with Charisa and Titian. I have transposed this into a hologram and translated to your language for your education.” Winslow removed the reality map and replaced it with a scene from the reality called Prime.

  A tall man with an elongated head, extended neck and a slight green tinge to his skin stands before a window overlooking a sea of purple liquid from which sprang large spouts of fluid that ebb and recede in a fine mist. He is wearing tightly-fitted clothing that encases his slim body showing bulging muscles that wreath beneath his skin.

  His features are in constant motion, his eyes change shapes, his nose moves up and down on his face. He cycles through various versions of himself as he thinks. A nest of transparent beings are attached to his energy field. One is more visible than the others and stops and whispers into the top of his head, then is replaced by another. These cycle around him as he contemplates. He then reaches out one long arm and snaps his fingers and he is no longer alone with his ghostly advisors.

  A woman with long orange hair that moves constantly on her head and eyes that are round and then slanted pops in on one side of him, she too, has a bevy of transparent advisors. On the other side appears a stockier male, who mimics the appearance of his mentor, the only difference is his transparent advisors are even more insistent on communicating.

  The first man speaks and the sound vibrates from his stomach. “I have decided to put yo
u in charge of forming discarnacy in reality Your shared role will be as we have discussed.

  “I am displeased with the actions of those within that reality. When I incarnated there in the body of an infant, they treated me with disdain. They refused to acknowledge my wishes or the presences of the elders I brought with me. They called me a stupid child that grew into a delusional man. It is time they learn the benefits of discarnacy. Their elders are being wasted, stacked one on top of another within their energy field. They have the odd belief that the old beings must be discarded as they evolve into the new.”

  Beltous turned to Titian. “I have taken you as a son and allowed you to cohabitate with my clan. You have been acting the consort with my female offspring Charisa. It is unsuitable for her to be in charge in this endeavor, so you will be responsible for the right outcome. I am patient. You can have a decade of their years to pair all beings in that reality with an elder spirit from their own history or from that of another. Speak only truth: can you do this?”

  Titian clapped his long-clawed hands together and brought his head back and then forward, in a gesture of agreement. “It will be as you said. I have been studying with many elders since the first time you spoke of this. Would you like to know my strategy?”

  Beltous stomped his left foot to indicate that there was no need to do so. “Failure is not an option. Do it as you promise. Failure is not accepted as an outcome. You will be reduced to an elder-in-waiting if it is not accomplished in ten years.”

  Titian’s head swelled noticeably in response. “I will accomplish this in five.”

  At that point, the scene ended. “So this is the guy you were engaged to before me?” David asked.

  “He didn’t look like that when I met him. That’s something else we’re learning about the folks from Prime: they’re natural shapeshifters. Wonder if he learned that from his tribe of attached ghosts,” Ricky said with shiver. “It so proves that people may not be what they seem.”


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