The Gemini Bridge

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The Gemini Bridge Page 44

by Shea Meadows

  He flinched but could not move away, trapped in the coven of Primean females. “What would you have me do?”

  “We will give you a choice: we will form an energy egg around you and entomb you in the deepest crevice in the mountains of Gerba until you figure out how to free your energy, or send you through that door,” she answered. “Which will it be?”

  He shuddered, having heard something of the terrain of Prime from Titian and not wanting to go there. He looked up to the pulsing door hanging up near the ceiling of Sam’s office and shivered at that choice as well. “What will happen to me there?”

  “If you go through with your true name, you might find compassion. If you agree to help those you have oppressed, the chance that you will be dissolved will decrease. Do you remember what your name is?”

  He nodded. Defeat shinning from his eyes, mingled with just a splinter of hope. His guards flew him to the doorway, he breathed a deep etheric breathe and said, “It is I, Damion Fellows, asking for admittance. I promise to be a worthy student of all you wish me to learn.”

  Moon stood in the doorway and took his left hand and smiled at him. As he walked away with her, he waved back at his Primean escorts with a left hand, suddenly intact.

  A round of applause resounded from the walls of the office, with the added physical clapping of Sam Reading’s hands. “Bravo,” he said. “If I felt brave enough right now, I would slip out of my body and embrace all of you, but who knows what Titian would activate if he got a hold of me.”

  Katera and her students morphed back into their regular forms. “It is amazing that The Demon Hand did not consider that we too were illusions.”

  David and Ricky moved toward Sam. “You know where we are?” David asked.

  Sam nodded. “Yes, Serene Nest Farm. He’s been watching you and your group ever since you arrived in Athens, really, longer than that. You have frustrated him grievously with your excellent shielding,” he answered with a relieved smile.

  He stood up, appearing to have trouble with his balance. He moved one leg and then the other, in an unsteady gait. “Not sure if I can drive and am rather afraid to ask anyone on my staff to take me. They all have ghosts attached. Demon Hand has been very busy relinking everyone you freed.”

  Ricky nodded. “Nothing to worry, we have shielded escorts to transport you to the Inn.

  A blue truck with Serene Nest Farm painted on the side pulled up in front of the building and Maggie got out. Jim and Bob surrounded her as she walked into the building, straight to Sam’s office. She smiled at him and gestured for him to join her. He hobbled over to her and with a sigh of relief, walked arm-in-arm with the Reynold’s brothers to the truck.

  The rest of the group not involved in the guard detail popped back to their bodies at Serene Nest Farm, and when Sam arrived fifteen minutes later, they escorted him through the door. Ricky gave him a hug, sending healing energy into his body as she had been taught by Aleese.

  Sam sat down on a coach in the grand parlor and promptly went to sleep, a serene smile glowing from his face.

  “Well there goes any chance of debriefing him,” David said with a chuckle. “Guess it will have to wait until he gets used to occupying his body again.”

  Chapter 27

  The whole group, plus a more acclimated Sam Reading, laughed and talked around the dinner table two hours later. Sam looked rested and was recounting his experience. He compared notes with Avery and Mel, as to their awareness during their captivity in their bodies, and found he was more aware than them during his five years of imprisonment.

  “So what’s the next step?” Sam asked. “We can’t stay holed up here for the rest of our lives and continue to unlink ghosts as Titian continues to have his mob relink them.”

  “We have a sense that Titian is going to make a definitive move. What you describe about his agitated state only confirms this. We are preparing ourselves in whatever way we can so we can help facilitate his neutralization,” Ricky answered.

  “You certainly did well with learning shapeshifting, and I applaud the results,” Sam said, rapping his fingers on the table. “I do have some concerns though, knowing Titian’s abilities.” He twitched nervously in his chair.

  “Even as good as you’ve become it will be difficult to match his skill. In the Primean reality, shapeshifting is a natural function. Here only a few are capable at anywhere near the level Primeans attain at birth. They flip through various bodies with little effort. They think a new form and it becomes reality for whatever amount of time it’s needed. It makes it difficult to determine who you’re talking to.”

  “So the forms we saw in the hologram-- much like the forms we created to strong-arm Demon Hand-- are not the default body image for that reality?” Katera asked.

  Sam nodded. “They are, to some degree,” he answered. “Those are the preferred forms of the aristocracy. They are fluid and constantly changing. They love to make you aware of their transparent advisors. Many of the ‘common folks’ don’t have linked ghosts or former incarnations in their energy fields. It’s like owning a Porsche or a Cadillac for someone around here. Only the wealthy and prominent have them.”

  “Could you show us what the common folk look like?” Katera questioned.

  Sam projected a library of images from Prime that had shown up in The Demon Hand’s memory. Some looked like the beings in the hologram of Titian’s conference with Beltous, with several variations. Others were small, brown and close to the ground with multiple arms. These Sam identified as the working class. Another sub-species who primarily raised the eggs, so to speak, was tall and silver, again with multiple arms and legs. There were flying variations for long distance work and aquatic types as well. Prime has a large purple ocean.

  “I’m observing that the Primeans adapt body forms in order to make the individual more efficient in their work. Is that correct?” Ricky asked.

  “It is, but those of the sub-classes are not officially allowed to morph. It is a crime for them but they do it if they can get away with it.

  Katera was recording all the holograms Sam was projecting and smiled at the new challenge of imitating the rest of the population. “I believe the aristocrats will be most important for us because Titian is of that class, but it would be wonderful to be able to shift into the other forms as well.”

  Sam nodded agreement. “You did very well imitating the royals and their advisors. Demon Hand had seen the Primeans in their preferred form many times, but did not suspect you were imitations.”

  “How are you feeling, Sam? Up for joining us tonight?” David asked. “We have been gathering in the pavilion behind the house for training every evening. We go out-of- body and work with shapeshifting skills.”

  Sam looked out the window, his hands patting his ample stomach, then rubbing his bearded face. “I would really like some time outdoors. Demon Hand abhorred nature so I was inside the office or the house on Boston Street. Is the property shielded well?”

  “Certainly is,” George answered. “Moon and the guides did a magnificent job.”

  “We’ll see to kitchen clean up,” Ricky said. “Why don’t you walk around and breathe the air of freedom for an hour.” She looked at the clock on the wall, then indicated a door at the back of the sunroom. “The pavilion is out that door. We’ll meet at seven.”

  Sam blushed. “This is embarrassing. I don’t have anything else to wear and I’ve gained thirty pounds in the last five years. Hand liked rich food and sauces. He also grew this horrible beard and hated exercise as much as he abhorred nature. Not sure what can be done; I shouldn’t complain. I should be giddy with happiness, being rescued and all.”

  Mel, Shri, Jeff and George offered some of their clothing. Sam thanked them and gratefully accepted grooming supplies from Cynda Lu that she kept for guests. The group made up a room on third floor for Sam and in a few minutes he came down, his beard gone and wearing linen pants, sandals and a tunic, borrowed from Shri. Jeff volunteered to show him the
farm, and Sam went outside, wearing the smile of a boy going on a field trip.

  Ricky pulled David, Shri, Katera and George into the sunroom. “I’m concerned about Sam. There’s something off. Does anyone else feel it?”

  Shri nodded. “There are areas of disruption in his energy field. I hadn’t commented on them since his flow has been suppressed for the last five years, and I thought such aberrations might be normal. But, you are right. It may be something else.”

  “It’s like bunches of condensed energy. It reminds me of how yours felt when we were clearing the fear bombs, like little landmines waiting to explode,” Katera added.

  “I went to a lecture of Sam’s years ago when Moon came down to Atlanta to teach,” George contributed. “He’s different then he was then. He’s helpful, grateful, genial, relieved. He exhibits all the appropriate emotions but something is off.”

  David frowned. “Coming at it from a cop’s prospective; I have to agree. He says all the right things in the right way but he reminds me of the guy who is accused of harassing his wife and is as sweet as honey to her in front of the officers called in by the neighbors. Have you checked in with Moon?”

  Ricky nodded. “She senses something is off but they haven’t figured out what. They are watching him. They agree Sam’s energy resembles the fear-bombs that Titian planted in me, but there’s nothing they can do to remove them. We have to watch him and act if needed.

  “I guess we go on, making the supposition that Sam is on the up and up and is just a bit shell shocked. When we get into the tent and start sending love energy to each other, we might get a better idea of his agenda, if he has one,” Ricky said.

  They still had an hour before the scheduled time so Ricky and David wandered around the acreage. Ricky glimpsed Sam and Jeff feeding the horses and Sam’s smile was genuine. Sam laughed when the horse nibbled on the shirt he’d borrowed from Shri. “Maybe we’re concerned over nothing,” she said. David nodded but wasn’t convinced.

  At seven the group gathered in the pavilion with their drums and a new sense of excitement. Sam looked enthusiastic about being part of their training. Shri set out the stones around the circle, Katera saged, and everyone followed Bob and Jim, the drum leaders. Sam drummed along, smiling from ear to ear.

  Ricky then instructed the group to send love to the people opposite them and then next to them, creating a grid of love energy that included everyone. Sam looked beatific in the glow they produced. Ricky’s worries decreased as she saw him blending nicely into the group. Sam had just needed a little time to acclimate to his freedom.

  “We are going to do some more work with shapeshifting tonight,” Katera told them. “We were talking about shapeshifting your physical bodies, and I still intend to do that with you, but tonight, Sam’s information supersedes that goal. My guidance tells me we should go out-of-body and work on the additional possible configurations of body types in the Prime reality. Many of you have not yet had a chance to morph into the original Primean body we were shown, so we’ll start there,” Katera said.

  The group clapped enthusiastically, although Ricky noticed Sam looked a little uncomfortable. She thought he might pull away but he smiled and seemed to accept the plan.

  “Okay, everyone, make the intention to flow to the area above the circle, and I will meet you there,” Katera said.

  All of them made the intention and moved into their etheric bodies. Ricky looked around wondering how Sam had done with the frequency change but didn’t see him.

  David tapped Ricky on the shoulder. “Look at Sam. We’ve got trouble,” he said.

  Ricky looked at the physical frequency. They indeed had trouble. Sam’s eyes were glowing red and blood was seeping from them, his skin was sloughing off, leaving the ends of bones protruding, his head was enlarging and he was screaming. He contorted around the circle in a spastic gait, zapping each of the stones in the grid with bolts of lightning-like energy and each stone popped as he did. All the while screaming “No no no no!! Please, why? Haven’t you ruined my life enough?”

  Ricky tried to go back to the physical to contain him, but was prevented by a cloud of glutinous material. Shri and the others were trapped as well. They watched helplessly as Sam destroyed the last of the etheric stones, sat down in the center of the circle and dissolved into a pile of dust suspended in a pond of blood.

  A humming began, first a low sound like a motor, but it increased in intensity, and became louder and lower. The air vibrated visibly around them and distorted their vision. Their etheric bodies flew apart and mixed together in one big confusing conglomerate, and they heard a sound like a hurricane magnified a thousand-fold. Everything went black. The blackest black ever created; tar black, asphalt black, raging thunderstorm black. No light, no sound, no form and each person feeling completely alone.

  There was nothing to see. Ricky looked around her. Her body wasn’t there so what was she looking with? She remembered the first time she went out of body with Moon, and relaxed a little. You didn’t need eyes to see, or lungs to breath or a heart to beat to be alive. She had no mouth or vocal chords but she didn’t need them to communicate.

  David? Are you there? Shri can you hear me? Dad, Katera, Cynda Lu, anyone hear me?

  Silence. A silence so deep it had waves of stillness at the bottom. It smelled vaguely of decaying flowers and had the texture of tree bark. Then, a slight ripple of movement around her.

  Ricky where are you? I can’t see anything but I heard you. That was David’s voice, his energy.

  Then another ripple: Ricky, I’m here, it’s Dad. Where are we? Do you have any idea? I heard Shri just now.

  Ricky, its Shri. Stay calm. We are between frequencies and slipped into the dimension of deep silence.

  Soon each of them checked in, one after the other. I’m here, Ricky. I think I’m Beth Ann. Imagine you can put out your hand. I reached out to Jim and he could feel my touch.

  Ricky did what her friend suggested. I’m reaching for you David. Can you feel me?

  David’s laugh reverberated through the satin silence. I can. You touched near my left thigh. You’re getting very familiar.

  Ricky laughed back. Oh, so that’s what that was. Hey everyone, reach out for someone who was near you when you disappeared.

  Waves of laughter vibrated through the dark silence, and as everyone laughed and chatted, the dark wasn’t as black as it had been, going from satin-black to thunderstorm- cloud-black that was letting in small glimpses of lighter sky.

  Ricky looked where she felt David and a silver outline began to show: his shoulders, the shape of his head, his arm reaching toward her.

  She reached with what used to be her other hand and connected with energy that felt like Vicky. Vicky, that’s you isn’t it? Who is the person next to you?

  Vicky’s southern drawl answered: It’s Cynda Lu next to me and she’s holding on to George, I think she’s smitten with him.

  Ricky laughed. Everybody: hold on to someone else with your other hand. Make the intention that we are a circle.

  Ripples of laughter vibrating through the circle, hands that weren’t evident reaching out and touching each other, some holding on to a foot or a stomach but soon all had hand to hand contact.

  Now call out your names and say one thing that is true for you. I’ll start: I am Ricky, known as The Gemini Bridge and I know you all as my friends.

  She listened: I am David. I am doing things I never imagined I could do at the side of Ricky my lover who will soon be my wife.

  I am Vicky. I am a proud black woman with awesome power who will soon reclaim my body.

  I am Cynda Lu. I am the Priestess of a Coven filled with amazing people and part of a group that will save the world.

  I am George. And I have learned much from my magnificent daughters who honor me as their father.

  I am Dylan. And someday soon I will marry Jessica, the light of my life.

  I am Jessica. And Dylan astounds me with his beauty. We are meant to
be together.

  As each person chimed in, the dark became less oppressive. Everyone cheered as each person said their name and spoke their truth.

  I am Jim and I am falling in love with Beth Ann because she is beautiful and I am awesome.

  I am Beth Ann and I return Jim’s love a thousand fold and will do my best to fulfill his image of me.

  I am Shelia and I have found my soulmate in Bob, and I truly believe in love at first sight.

  I am Bob and I can’t imagine a more lovely being then Shelia and we will live together soon.

  I am Jeff and I have loved Erna ever since I met her. And for the first time I am brave enough to say so.

  I am Erna and I feel great love for Jeff, and we will face adversity together.

  I am Mary Joy and Liam has been my lover for a year and I no longer feel alone.

  I am Liam and I am proud to share Mary Joy’s news with all of you here for our love is real.

  I am Avery and Trix and I are in love and have been for years now, but I was just too dumb to realize it.

  Ricky laughed uproariously, astounded by all the unadmitted couples that were declaring their love. The laughter was growing as Trix acknowledged her love for Avery, Job and Truman admitted they were a couple, Sarah and Ben did so as well, and all the rest who hadn’t paired with anyone in the circle, declared the things they were most proud of in their lives.

  When they got to Katera who was the last to speak, Ricky felt a glow around her as she listened to her new mother.

  I am Katera mother of Gimma and Bonta, wife of Michael, and proud soul mother of Ricky. You are the group of students that astounds me the most of all the worthy people I have taught. You are here laughing in the dark, declaring love, declaring life even without a body of any type. You have broken an oppressive silence and turned it into a joyous vibration. Look around you. We have come back to ourselves.

  Ricky looked over to where she felt David and saw his face smiling back at her. They had reclaimed their individual consciousness. Everyone else was making that discovery as well.


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