Surrender My Love

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Surrender My Love Page 33

by Lisa Eugene

  “Come back to me, Chloe,” He whispered hoarsely, his voice catching weakly in his throat.

  He raised her hand and brought it to his lips, placing a gentle kiss on the back. He sat on the edge of the bed and started telling her about his last visit with Rose. He avoided the subject of her brother because he’d checked him into a rehab center. Richard had whined and protested his confined rehabilitation, but had been given no choice in the matter. He was lucky Brad hadn’t followed through on his threat.

  Nigel had given the police all the information they needed to arrest Mr. Fusso and the men he’d hired to carry out his ill-conceived plan. The hospital was still scrambling to work on damage control, but at least now their focus was on the right culprits. New patient safety protocols were put into place. All the wards were now locked and could only be accessed with special IDs. Security was seen making rounds more frequently and checking in with the staff, and all medication and syringes were kept locked and could only be accessed with special codes.

  It turned out that Paul had been adding Memoram to patients’ medications. He would deliver the medications to the ward and the nurses would administer it, thinking it was the patient’s scheduled medicine.

  The syringe found in Chloe’s apartment had contained Memoram. He’d been right. It was most likely the syringe she’d taken from Susan. Paul had been in Mr. Kaplan’s room that night to kill him. Fusso had wanted to make sure another death occurred during Chloe’s shift and couldn’t rely on the Memoram acting so quickly. Another death would throw further suspicion her way.

  Nurse Wall had been transferred. They couldn’t prove that she had anything to do with the scheme, but Brad had insisted on her assignment change. He wouldn’t be surprised if she’d been the one who’d planted the potassium in Chloe’s locker. He detested the woman and didn’t want her anywhere near the wards. She was now the nurse manager of an inpatient psychiatric center on Rikers Island.

  Brad sighed, thinking about the events of the past few weeks, and the futility of it all. So many people hurt, so many lives taken. He brought Chloe’s hand back to his lips, his tongue tracing her warm skin. He stopped suddenly when he thought he felt her flaccid hand move in his, giving him a feeble squeeze. His gaze shot to her face and he held his breath, afraid to hope, as her lids fluttered open. She stared up at him, her golden eyes the most beautiful gems he’d ever seen. He saw recognition light them and he smiled down at her, thickness welling in his chest.

  “Chloe, I’m here, baby.”

  The corner of her lips pulled in a slight smile that funneled warmth through him, encouraging his broken heart to beat again. But the wince that followed punched him hard.

  “Are you in pain? Do you want something?”

  “N…no dr…drugs,” she whispered hoarsely with a slight shake of her head.

  He smiled again, his heart filling with a radiant happiness that shook his fragile soul. He was full of such emotion that his voice trembled.

  “You’ve come back to me, Chloe.”

  Her wavering gaze moved over his face and the muscles of her throat contracted. Her eyebrows furrowed and her slack grip grew firmer around his hand.


  Brad’s lips tilted and he sniffled. He was forced to turn his head away as he blinked rapidly, because at that moment, he wanted to weep like a baby.


  Brad pushed open the door to the kitchen and entered his favorite room of the apartment. He smiled and glanced at the granite countertop, knowing his memories with Chloe there had something to do with the sudden appeal of this particular space. The buildings on this side of his apartment complex were low and all he could see from the panoramic windows was a large expanse of twinkling, dark blue sky. It was a welcome change, because the city had been blanketed with snow for the last week and the overhead clouds had been stuffed full and dull gray. Today more matched his mood. He hummed a low tune as he opened and closed cabinets, looking for the Perrier-Jouet champagne he’d reserved for this special occasion. It had to be here somewhere.

  He reached for a high cabinet just as a swell of boisterous chatter from the party burst into the room and he knew someone had followed him into the kitchen. He stifled a groan, hoping to God it wasn’t who he thought it was. He knew Larry had been waiting for an opportunity to interrogate him since he’d arrived.

  “Who the fuck is that with Bea?”

  He turned with a sigh to stare into Larry’s questioning face. Larry’s brow was pinched and he was an alarming shade of red.

  “You told me she was coming alone!” he continued. “You didn’t tell me she was bringing a date!”

  Brad shrugged, trying his best to appear contrite.

  “I didn’t know she was bringing anyone. She must have told Chloe. Her RSVP said one.”

  He watched his friend pace back and forth across the hard wood floors, grumbling like a wounded animal. Bea had shown up to his and Chloe’s engagement party with a very large African American man.

  The party was in full swing now and he couldn’t believe how many people had come to wish them well. His parents had even taken time from their busy schedule to attend. They loved Chloe and thought she was a good complement for him. They weren’t too happy with his career decisions though, but he was, and that was all that mattered. He’d given up the lecture circuit and slowed down a great deal at work. Chloe had been right. He didn’t need the medication. He hadn’t had a problem with tremors…or other issues in months. He smiled, filling with joy. Chloe was his cure. His love. His world.

  Larry stopped his pacing and looked at Brad, his green eyes sad and hopeless. He tossed his arms in the air. “Well, I guess I got my answer. What am I going to do, Brad? I want her so bad!”

  “Why didn’t you ask her out a long time ago?”

  Larry bowed his head in his hands. “I don’t know. I should have. Now I’ve lost her. What am I gonna do?”

  Brad shook his head, irritated with his friend’s passiveness. “Go out there and fight for her.”

  Larry’s head snapped up. “What?”

  “I said, go out there and fight for her. If you love her then go and fight for her. Love is worth it, Larry,” He said sincerely.

  Larry’s face scrunched up. “Surely you can’t be serious?”

  “Do you want Bea or not?”

  “Well, yes.”

  “Then go out there and claim her.”

  Larry’s head swiveled towards the door. “But…but that man’s huge! He must be, like, seven feet tall!”

  “So? If you want Bea, you will have to fight for her.”

  Larry’s weight shifted to one foot, his eyes wide and incredulous. “You expect me to fight Shaquille O’ Fucking Neal? He’ll kill me!”

  Brad had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. The look on Larry’s face was priceless.

  “Yes.” He managed to nod seriously. “Claim your woman.”

  He watched Larry’s chest puff out as he pulled up to his full height. He turned and shot one long look at the door.

  “You got my back, right?”

  Brad raised up both palms, shaking his head. “Dude, I’m getting married in a few months. I can’t be damaged. Best Men don’t have to worry about pictures.”

  Larry gulped nervously and Brad bit the inside of his cheek.

  “Well, Gabe Masters is here. He’s an ex-SEAL…think he’ll stand up for me? Maybe Nina’s husband, Wade? He’s a big guy too.”

  “You don’t need homies! You got this. Go, do what you should have done months ago.”

  Larry chewed his lip nervously.

  The kitchen door pushed open and Chloe walked into the room.

  Brad shot Larry a warning look, but his friend was so deep in thought, he missed it.

  Chloe walked over and Brad’s eyes drank in her beauty. She was gorgeous in a short, black velvet mini dress with a string of pearls around her neck. He groaned inwardly, thinking about what he’d do with those pearls later.
She wore a small amount of makeup, just enough to highlight her cheekbones and enhance her beautiful golden eyes. She radiated an air of confident sexiness that he loved. He wanted Larry gone. Now.

  “What’s going on?” she asked him, looking at Larry.

  Larry was frowning deeply, his brows pleated in concentration as he battled with his decision.

  Brad straightened and grabbed her wrist, pulling her against his body. He buried his nose in her neck, loving her natural scent. She purred and melted against him.

  “You’re right, Brad!” Larry declared, then marched out of the kitchen, hands fisted at his side.

  Chloe laughed and turned back to him, lacing her arms around his neck. “What’s that all about?”

  “Mmmm…nothing.” His fingers traced along her neckline, dipping under the edge of her black dress to cup her breasts.

  She moaned and leaned into him, and he seized her lips, gliding his tongue over the seam. She opened for him and he groaned low, thrusting his tongue inside, tasting her delicious sweetness. She was heaven. He knew, because he’d been to hell. He never wanted to endure the pain of almost losing her again. He’d always treasure her because he knew he was truly broken without her.

  “I love you.” He ran his fingers through her thick, shoulder length hair and stared into her eyes. “I love you with all my heart.”

  She sealed their bodies together and smiled, her eyes lighting up. “I love you too, Brad.”

  “You feeling okay?” He knew she’d say yes, but he always asked. The doctors had given her a clean bill of health over two months ago, but he always needed to make sure.

  “Yes, Nurse Markson.”

  He grinned and nodded toward the door. “When are all these people leaving so I can have you all to myself?”

  She gave him a devilish wink and ran a palm over the bulge in his pants, tugging a groan from his chest. “You’ll just have to wait a while longer.”

  “Me?” he snickered, now tracing his fingers along the hem of her dress. “You’ll be dragging me into a closet before our last guest leaves, horny girl.”

  “I already have one reserved.” Her laugh evolved into a throaty moan when he skimmed the edge of her thong and rubbed a finger pad slowly over her sensitive spot.

  “I think we should head there right now.”

  He captured her lips, slid the material aside, and delved two fingers into her moist heat, causing her to arch her back. She whispered a curse and he smiled against her lips. He fucking loved that. His body lit up in flames.

  “Please, can we tell our guests to leave? We can tell them we’re skipping right to the honeymoon.”

  His words must have brought her back to the present, because her eyes fluttered open and her gaze flew to the door.

  “Speaking of guests, we have an engagement party we have to get back to.” She sighed and took a step back, groaning when his fingers slipped out of her.

  He looked down at his glistening digits, fighting the impulse to lift her onto the counter and tuck his head under her dress. Instead, he held her gaze and brought his fingers to his tongue, purring at the wonderful flavor teasing his taste buds.

  She shook her head and smiled indulgently, but her pupils dilated with passion.

  “Did you find the champagne?”

  “No. Who needs champagne?” He gave his fingers one last enthusiastic lick and grinned. Pulling her back into his embrace, he whispered, “I’m thinking we should save it for later. For just us. I can pour it over your body and slowly lick it off.”

  Chloe laughed, her eyes wide and incredulous. “Brad! That bottle cost seven thousand dollars! I still can’t believe you spent so much on it. You’re crazy!”

  He pushed back her hair and traced his tongue along the shell of her ear, imagining her delectable taste mixed with the flavor of champagne. He’d splurged and bought the champagne almost half a year ago, the week she’d been in the coma. He’d promised himself they’d celebrate their engagement with it. He’d enjoy it more at a private celebration with just the two of them.

  Tomorrow they planned on visiting Rose at the luxury wellness residence where she now resided with twenty-four hour care, and the next few months would be busy with planning the wedding. He needed to steal any private moment he could with her.

  He lifted his head to explain when a woman’s scream and a loud crash came from the other room.

  Oh, shit… Larry!

  Chloe’s eyes snapped open with alarm. “What’s the hell’s going on out there?”

  Brad rubbed the back of his neck and raised a brow warily. “Ahhh…well, I think Larry went to fight for Bea.”

  Chloe looked horrified. “What? Fight that big guy? Where did he get such a crazy idea?”

  He shrugged innocently, but she speared him with a knowing look. “Don’t tell me you send that man to his death?”

  “He needed a little nudge.” Brad explained. “I’d be forced to listen to his pining my entire life.”

  A loud voice had Chloe rushing towards the door, and he reluctantly followed behind. He pulled up short right behind Chloe as they entered the living room, his gaze taking in the scene. The guests were all gathered around the small group, looking on with puzzled alarm.

  Wade and Gabe were on either side of Larry, each holding an arm, restraining him as he squirmed and struggled, trying to break free of their iron grip. Larry was brandishing a wine bottle, trying to get to the large man standing about fifteen feet away. The man looked idly unconcerned, probably because he knew he could level Larry with one effortless punch. He was pleasantly drinking a beer and looking around, no doubt wondering what sort of crazy party he’d ended up at.

  Bea was yelling at Larry to calm down.

  “I love you, Bea! I’ve loved you for so long!”

  Bea’s eyebrows rose high into her forehead.

  “Just what the hell do you think you’re doing?”

  “If I have to fight for you, I will! I need to claim my woman!”

  Chloe’s head twisted towards Brad, her eyes wide. “Brad! Do something!”

  Brad gasped, just then noticing that it was the bottle of Perrier-Jouet that Larry had in his hand. Acting quickly he grabbed a bottle of wine from the credenza and rushed over to Larry, switching the bottles. He stepped back, thankful no harm had come to the champagne, and shot Chloe a promising wink.

  She gaped at him, horrified. Bea’s face scrunched as she shot him an irritated look.

  “I’m sure you had something to do with this,” Bea accused before turning back to the belligerent Larry. “Are you out of your damn mind?”

  Brad stared at Chloe, chagrinned as she pursed her lips and sent him a scowl. His gaze dropped to her pouting lips and he bit back a groan as he imagined them wrapped around his shaft. He mouthed the word, closet, and winked. He could tell she had trouble hiding her smile, and he watched a pretty pink color her cheeks.

  God, I can’t wait to marry her.

  Bea yelled at Larry, drawing his attention. She was telling him he was crazy while the besotted fool looked on doughy-eyed.

  “I’m crazy in love, Bea, and I’ll fight for you to prove it.”

  “Why do you have to fight my brother?”

  “Brother?” Larry sputtered and his jaw dropped.

  “Yes!” Bea exclaimed. “My car broke down and I needed a ride here. Dr. Markson said it was okay if my brother brought me.”

  Larry turned on Brad, his red face growing redder. “You knew?”

  Brad shrugged again, his lips tilting with a sly smile. He pulled Chloe’s back against him, wrapping his arms around her waist.

  “Just ask her out already.”

  Wade and Gabe stepped back, laughing and shaking their heads. Larry relaxed, straightening his ruffled clothes. He gazed at Bea lovingly.

  “Bea, will you go out with me?”

  The entire room seemed to hold a collective breath as Bea looked on, her chocolate eyes wide.

  “I guess it’s the only w
ay to stop you from acting like a damned fool!” She smiled, her beautiful brown skin glowing. “Yes.”

  STEAL MY HEART by Lisa Eugene

  Avalable NOW!

  Maggie Lawson is an OR nurse, a certified germaphobe! She likes to keep things clean and orderly. When she meets Ex-Navy SEAL, Gabe Masters, he’s disguised as a dingy dirty hobo. She cringes as she’s forced to use her nursing skills to revive him. She soon finds that he’s a ‘dirty boy’ in more ways than one! After being forced to do his bidding, she unwittingly gets entangled in a dangerous, fast-paced, sexy adventure that tests the boundaries of her spirit and the capacity of her heart. Gabe’s passion spirals her to unimaginable heights. She soon starts to wonder if he is the real danger. Will she succumb to this ‘dirty boy’ who’s keeping secrets about his past, or will she chose to keep things clean?


  What a freakingly amazing book we have here! I swear, I could not put this down since I started it and I have not slept!

  ~ Anesha, Obsessive Bookworm

  This book will stay with me forever, I loved it, for me it was perfectly written, the writing is impeccable, the story is sooo gripping, the characters very well developed, the plot twists perfectly accommodated and, well..the story is just freaking amazing—right when I thought I knew where it was going it took another direction. It’s so well-done. HUGE congrats to the author!

  ~ Cee Sharpton


  Available NOW!

  Conservative Emergency Room Physician, Nina Henley has always followed the rules. Her life has been dictated by her unwavering commitment to medicine. Wade Connolly, renowned medical malpractice attorney and ‘New York’s sexiest bachelor’ enters her life and challenges her with his bold sexuality and intense passion. One look into his gorgeous blue eyes and Nina is forced to acknowledge needs that have long been repressed. When she becomes involved in Wade’s perilous malpractice case she realizes that she is at risk for not only heartbreak, but betrayal as everything she’s worked so hard for is threatened. Will Wade’s passion and love be enough to save her or will she lose everything…including her life?


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