The Hill - Carla’s Story (Book Two): A Paranormal Murder Mystery Thriller. (Book Two)

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The Hill - Carla’s Story (Book Two): A Paranormal Murder Mystery Thriller. (Book Two) Page 4

by Andrew M Stafford

  The words were as clear as a bell. But who was Christopher and to whom did the voice belong?

  Ben didn’t know how to answer. He’d been used to using his anger and hatred as an energy force to project his thoughts and he was aware that someone had heard him. But this was different. He felt no anger or rage, but was calm and relaxed. If it hadn’t been for the intense white light, things would have been tranquil.

  “Christopher, can you hear me? Please if you can hear me I would like you to let me know.”

  Ben focused on the words which were coming from the white misty light. He concentrated on the glaring intense luminosity and prepared his reply.

  Chapter eighty four

  Thomas Judd’s Hypnotherapy Practice


  Christopher lay in the chair and, with his eyes fixed on Judd’s, he opened his mouth to speak.

  Maria was craning her neck so she could see her son and was about to stand up. Campbell motioned for her to stay sitting down.

  And then the boy spoke.

  “I’m sorry, but who is Christopher?”

  The boy’s eyes were fixed upon the hypnotist’s. Judd had to use all his will power to stay calm.

  “You’re Christopher, your name is Christopher Jameson,” replied Judd in a quiet and reassuring voice.

  “I think you’re mistaken. My name is Ben.”

  The voice coming from Christopher was different. It had a different character. It was the same voice he used when he chanted and banged his head.

  Maria began to shake. Campbell held her hand tightly.

  “Hello Ben, do you have another name… you have a surname?”

  Christopher nodded and kept his gaze directly on Judd.

  “I do have another name, but before I tell you, would you do me a kindness?”

  Judd’s voice was beginning to waver.

  “What would that be Ben?”

  “Please could you tell me who you are, where you are and where on earth am I?”

  Judd stood up and turned away from Christopher. For the first time in his professional career he didn’t know what to do.

  Maria was sitting upright on the settee, rocking to and fro. Campbell was pushing his fingers through his dark hair and was looking at Judd.

  “Make him stop,” whispered Maria.

  Judd turned back to Christopher and began to bring him out from his hypnotic state.

  “Christopher, I am going to count backward from five and as I do, you will slowly and gently begin to wake up.”

  “My name is not Christopher and I am not sleeping.”

  Whoever Judd was speaking with was not letting him talk to Christopher.

  “OK Ben, my name is Tom and I need to say some words and I need you to listen very carefully…….”

  Judd paused and considered what to say next.

  “Ben, tell me, is there anything you can see, is there anything on which you can focus.”

  “Hello Tom, it’s nice to talk with you…. this may sound corny, but I am staring into a light.”

  “Good, that’s good. Now I want you to keep looking into the light and concentrate on my voice”.

  Judd continued to use a similar routine to hypnotise Ben as he did with Christopher.

  Within a few minutes Ben had stopped talking. Christopher’s eyes were closed and his head was gently rocking from side to side.

  Next, Judd brought Christopher out of hypnosis.

  Christopher slowly opened his eyes and smiled when he saw Judd.

  “I’m sleepy.”

  He turned in the chair and looked at Maria.

  “Was I good mummy, can I have a toy now?”

  He jumped down from the chair and, with unsteady legs, he ran to his mother and jumped on her.

  “You were brilliant darling, and yes, you can have a toy.”

  He jumped up and down with excitement.

  Judd turned to Campbell,

  “We need to speak, come with me.”

  He followed Judd to the office and gestured to Maria to stay with Christopher.

  Campbell shut the office door.

  “What just happened?”

  Judd shook his head.

  “What just happened Tom? Because if you ask me, there is no way that was Christopher you were talking with.”

  “I’m afraid I can’t help you,” said Judd. His once confident and booming voice was now shaky and barely louder than a whisper.

  “What do you mean, you can’t help?”

  “I meant what I said, I can’t help you. Look, I won’t charge for today and I’m sorry I’ve wasted your time.”

  “Tom, you’ve not wasted our time, we’ve made a breakthrough today.”

  Judd shook his head.

  “I’m out of my depth, I’ve been doing this for over thirty three years and I’ve not seen anything like this before.”

  Judd drew a breath before continuing.

  “We’ve all seen the stage hypnotists, you know, the charlatans, the ones that drag people on stage then put them in a trance and the volunteer claims he was Charles Dickens or someone in a former life.”

  Campbell nodded.

  “Well, I think Christopher really is someone in a former life, or if not a former life, then he’s definitely someone else and he’s someone called Ben.”

  Judd sat on the edge of his desk and looked at Campbell.

  “And that is why I can’t help you……I’m out of my depth, way out.”

  “What do we do now?” asked Campbell.

  Judd shrugged his shoulders.

  “I don’t know, but I’m sure there are other hypnotists that would be more than happy to take your money.”

  “But you said it yourself Tom, they’re charlatans and you, well, you’re the real thing.”

  “Sorry, but the answer’s no.”

  Campbell went back to the quiet area.

  “Come on, we’re going.”

  “What’s happening?” asked Maria.

  “I’ll tell you in the car.”

  Campbell and Maria walked out of the room. Maria held Christopher in her arms as they passed Judd who was perched on the edge of his desk. He couldn’t look at them as they left his office and climbed the stairs.

  Tom heard a little voice from behind the door leading up the stairs.

  “Thank you Tom, mummy’s getting me a new toy, thank you.”

  Judd heard the front door slam shut. He sat on the edge of his desk and was shaking. He glanced up at the cigarette and match in the little wooden case hanging from the wall and read what was written on the glass.


  Judd slithered off the edge of his desk and slowly walked to the case. He looked at the cigarette and read the words on the case out loud.

  “In Case Of Emergency Break Glass”

  He took the case from the wall and smashed it on the edge of his desk. The wooden case splintered and the glass shattered sending shards across the desk and onto the carpet.

  The cigarette lay in front of him. It was attached to a piece of card by a tiny spot of glue. He carefully removed the cigarette with unsteady hands, carefully trying not to rip the paper.

  Judd bent down and found the match which was resting on a large piece of broken glass.

  He put the cigarette to his lips and held the match between his fingers. He looked around for something to strike the match with. On his desk was a pebble which he used as a paperweight. He picked it up and felt its rough surface.

  He struck the match against the pebble. It didn’t light. A tiny wisp of blue smoke rose from the match and Judd could smell sulphur.

  He tried again and this time the match lit. He held the flame up to the end of the cigarette and drew in the smoke. It tasted stale and was at least ten years out of date.

  As he inhaled smoke instead of oxygen, he was hit by a wave of dizziness and slumped against the wall.

  He inhaled another breath of smoke and began to feel a little calmer
. Judd sat on the carpet with his back against the wall and smoked the cigarette to the butt.

  He stood up and put what was left of the smouldering cigarette in an empty cup.

  Judd propped himself up against his desk with both hands and let out a large sigh. He thought about Christopher and what just happened.

  He was certain that it wasn’t Christopher who’d spoken. Every word that had come from the boy’s mouth was far too mature to have been thought up by an infant. The boy wasn’t even three and was speaking like he was thirty three. The subconscious was a powerful thing, but Judd doubted whether it was Christopher’s subconscious that was talking.

  He thought about the little boy and how happy and excited he had been to be there and how he trusted Campbell and Maria when they let Thomas Judd, a complete stranger, perform the strange act of hypnotism on him.

  He thought about his own parents and how he’d trusted them when he was little.

  He stood up, brushed the cigarette ash away from his shirt and straightened his tie.

  He had made up his mind to help Christopher.

  Judd picked up his phone and called Campbell.

  Chapter eighty five

  Liz Mason’s home



  Saturday 12th May

  Liz Mason lay in her bed in the newly built room which had been designed and paid for by her father Terry.

  The room was an extension to the large four bedroom house in the salubrious Sneyd Park area of Bristol. Terry and Anne had wanted a room for their daughter with sleeping quarters for carers who could be with Liz twenty four hours a day, in case there were any complications. Another reason her parents wanted around the clock care for their daughter was because they wanted someone with her at all times in case she awoke from the coma.

  Liz’s new room was decorated in subtle colours and paintings adorned the walls. On her bedside table were pictures of her family and a few of her friends. Her mother had placed one of Ben Walker next to her bed, but had decided to remove it. She thought it wouldn’t be a good idea if Liz awoke from the coma and saw a picture of Ben, only to be told he was dead.

  The radio was constantly on throughout the day. Terry had decided that classic FM would be a good thing to have on. Although she was a young girl, Liz loved classical music. Terry had no idea whether she could hear the music, but there was no harm in trying.

  Liz had been in a coma for over two and a half years. She’d hardly responded to any stimulation. Apart from the occasional twitch or eye movement below her lids, she had remained in exactly the same state as when she’d been found at the bottom of the hill in Badock’s Wood in September 2009.

  The carers that her father employed had just finished making Liz comfortable after changing her bed sheets.

  Chloe Bryson and David Irvine where two of the six carers that worked shifts looking after Liz.

  David was busy preparing Liz’s lunch, which was a well-balanced intravenous solution, while Chloe was washing Liz’s face with a damp flannel.

  They’d been attending to her since February. Terry and Anne Mason had appreciated the care and hard work they’d put into looking after their daughter. Although they were employed by the Masons, the love and attention they paid to Liz made it seem as if they were part of the Mason family.

  Chloe felt Liz’s forehead as she dried her face with a hand towel. Liz felt hot to the touch and was beginning to show signs of restlessness.

  “David, I think something’s up.”

  David put down the solution he was preparing and walked over to the bed.

  “Have you taken her temperature?”

  “No, not yet, but I’m just about to.”

  Chloe took Liz’s temperature. The readout on the digital thermometer read thirty nine point five.

  “Shit,” said David as she showed him the digital read out.

  Liz became more irritable.

  “Let’s get that temperature down, I’ll get her paracetamol,” added David.

  “You’d better call Mrs Mason, don’t worry her, just tell her that Liz has a slight temperature and we’re on the case,” said David, as he prepared the paracetamol.

  Within half an hour her temperature had dropped a degree, but was still a little high.

  Anne Mason sat at her daughter’s side and was wiping her forehead.

  “If Liz gets worse, you must call a doctor,” said Anne.

  “I will,” replied David.

  “I’m sure she’ll be fine. Don’t worry Chloe and I will keep a close eye on her and if anything changes we’ll call the GP.”

  “I know, I expect she’s picked something up, Terry had a cold the other day, perhaps Liz caught a germ from her dad,” said Anne, as she brushed Liz’s hair from her eyes.

  “The paracetamol has already begun to work, her temperature should be back to thirty seven before you know it,” added Chloe in her best reassuring voice.

  What was about to happen to Liz during the next few weeks would need a lot more than paracetamol to cure.

  Chapter eighty six

  Maria and Campbell’s flat


  Campbell listened to the voicemail left by Thomas Judd.

  “What did he want?” asked Maria, as she unboxed Christopher’s new toy.

  “He didn’t say, he just wants me to call him."

  Maria handed Christopher a red remote control Ferrari. He couldn’t contain his excitement.

  “Thank you mummy, thank you daddy,” said Christopher, as he ran to the hall to play with his new car.

  Maria was shaking after what had happened that morning and Campbell had poured her a large glass of wine. He had told her what Judd had said about Christopher, and what he thought about Ben being someone from a past life.

  She didn’t accept what Judd thought, but at the same time she wondered if there was any way that her son could be possessed by something or someone. A paranormal explanation would certainly make what had been happening easier to explain.

  “Call him and see what he wants.”

  Campbell hit Judd’s number and waited for it to ring.

  “Put it on speaker,” said Maria, “I want to hear what he has to say.”

  The two of them waited silently as they listened to the ringing of Tom Judd’s phone. The only other sound was Christopher playing with his new toy in the hallway.

  “Hello, Tom Judd speaking.”

  His voice was weak and tinny over the speaker. He sounded nasally, almost like he had been crying.

  “Tom, its Campbell, I’m returning your call.”

  “Oh, hi Campbell,” his despondent tone dropped further when he heard Campbell’s voice.

  “Campbell, I want to apologise about this morning, I’m sorry, I just wigged out.”

  “Yeah, we noticed,” said Campbell in his calm Irish accent.

  “Well, like I said, I’m sorry……I’m sorry and I would like to help.”

  “What do you propose?” asked Campbell.

  “I would like you to bring Christopher back and I’ll see if I can recreate what happened this morning……….that is, if you would like me to.”

  Campbell looked at Maria and she slowly nodded.

  “OK Tom, we’ll bring Christopher back.”

  “But I’ll only do it if you agree to a few conditions,” said Judd.

  “What conditions?” asked Campbell cautiously.

  “Number one, I want somebody else present, preferably a professional of some kind, you know, a doctor or a policeman. Number two, I insist that everything is recorded, I need audio and video of whatever happens and number three, I’m doing this for free and that’s nonnegotiable.”

  Maria gestured to Campbell to come closer and whispered in his ear. Campbell nodded.

  “OK Tom, we’ll agree to your conditions, but we would like to add one of our own.”

  “And what’s that?”

  “We’ll choose the professional person.”

udd paused for a second and then agreed.

  Campbell told Judd he’d get back to him after they’d spoken with the professional.

  Chapter eighty seven

  The Awareness

  By seven fifteen Maria had put Christopher to bed and it hadn’t taken him long to get to sleep.

  As he was sleeping, Ben was waking. Earlier that day Ben had briefly made contact with Tom.

  Ben had no idea who Tom was. Ben was confused. Had it been a forgotten memory resurfacing, or had he actually been speaking to a real person? He didn’t recognise the voice and he couldn’t recall knowing anyone called Tom.

  Perhaps his cries for help were working. He was certain that he’d been heard before, but he’d never received a reply until now.

  But where was Tom? He was here one minute and gone the next.

  Ben fell back on his reserves of pent up anger and loathing for the person who had killed him to create the energy needed to speak. This time he would make a direct request to speak to the only person he knew who could answer him.

  “I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom.”

  Chapter eighty eight

  Christopher’s bedroom



  “I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom.”

  Maria tiptoed into Christopher’s room with Campbell close behind. They stood over Christopher as he rolled from side to side and banged his head against the pillow.

  “I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom - I need to speak to Tom.”

  Maria spoke to Campbell in a voice which was barely above a whisper.

  “Why don’t we try talking to Ben?”

  “How?” replied Campbell.

  “Just by talking, like we do with normal people every day.”


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