by Sam Weller
girls as interest of, 53, 56, 72, 80, 91, 137–41
health problems of, 3, 44, 49, 311–12, 320–27
as icon, 1–2, 263, 284, 317, 319
imagination of, 20, 23, 27, 28, 29, 34, 38–39, 42, 44, 64, 95–96, 159, 168, 241, 272
Bradbury, Ray Douglas (continued)
income of, 89, 104, 107, 120, 124, 125, 144, 156–57, 160, 187, 202, 204, 212, 237, 259
inner calling of, 38, 77, 162, 177
inner child of, 4, 46, 204
insecurity of, 172–73, 206–7, 231–32, 288, 296
as lecturer, 7, 9, 92, 163–64, 194–95, 256, 289, 302, 317, 326
literary breakthroughs of, 119, 121, 124–25, 127, 134, 136, 146, 187, 298
mass-media and popular-culture influences on, 9, 27–30, 34–35, 43, 66, 70, 261–62, 330, 332
mentors of, 99, 102, 103, 107–10
metaphors of, 2, 3–4, 27–28, 31, 33, 49, 52, 84, 135, 158, 209, 215, 242, 277, 286
multitasking of, 4, 153–54, 183–84, 266
name change considered by, 119
naming of, 12
newspaper selling job of, 88–90, 98, 110, 116, 120, 125, 144
as non-driver, 8, 89, 125, 130, 174, 180
as non-flyer, 180, 212, 226, 277, 279
nostalgia and sentimentality of, 3, 9, 94, 159, 239–40, 250, 254, 291, 293, 314
as optimal behaviorist, 4–5
as outcast and outsider, 28, 34–35, 40, 86, 135, 159
pacifism of, 106, 115
painting of, 286
photos of, 74, 76, 149–50, 295, 304
as “Poet of the Pulps,” 43, 121, 134, 146
political views of, 169, 192–97, 200, 207, 234–35, 252–53, 289, 331
profanity used by, 9, 227–28
pseudonyms of, 93, 101, 104, 124, 125, 129, 282
pushy charm of, 65, 71, 76, 100
reading of, 30, 42–43, 44, 47–49, 81, 91–92, 98, 108–9, 120–21, 157–58, 174, 176–77, 229
religious experience and views of, 8, 68, 118, 147, 329
roller-skating of, 69, 70, 72, 74, 77, 82, 89, 91
school education of, 9, 12, 25, 35, 44, 63, 70, 72, 73, 74, 76, 80–84, 87, 91, 173, 261
self-education of, 9, 91–92, 108–9, 138
sense of humor of, 8–9, 85, 87, 146, 324
sensitivity of, 25, 92, 107, 135, 225, 245
shyness with girls of, 80, 81, 137, 139
as teenager, 7, 25, 68–100, 174, 238
therapy of, 120
“to-do” list of, 290–91
U.S. investigation of, 197, 252–53
virginity lost by, 80, 82
as visionary, 3, 8, 209, 303, 329
as wimp, 44, 74
as World’s Fair consultant, 262–64, 284, 296, 298
World War Two and, 106, 110, 114–18
writing advice of, 92, 104, 163–64, 165, 183
Bradbury, Ray Douglas, writings of:
early, 64, 76, 78–79, 81, 82–84, 87, 91, 93–94, 96, 99, 102–3
habits in, 92, 106, 110, 149, 150, 157, 204, 205, 320, 325, 326–27
poetry, 78–79, 82, 83, 87, 93, 101, 146, 293–94
as “purple” and imitative, 81, 93–94, 99, 103, 109, 174
rejections of, 82–83, 96, 135, 144, 151, 152, 320
themes in, 112, 113, 129–30, 155, 168, 182, 203, 239, 254
see also specific works
Bradbury, Rose M., 21–22
Bradbury, Samuel, 24, 25
Bradbury, Samuel Hinkston, Jr., 21, 24–25, 42, 78
Bradbury, Samuel Hinkston, Sr., 19–26, 29, 52, 155–56, 213
death of, 32–35, 41, 107
library of, 42–43
mining dreams of, 22, 23, 32, 35
Bradbury, Samuel Irving, 18–19, 18–21
Bradbury, Sonnie, 239
Bradbury, Susan Marguerite, 6, 31, 162, 202, 204, 234, 239, 245, 250, 266–69, 285, 286, 289, 309, 323, 331
birth of, 160, 180
European travel and, 212–20, 225, 227, 228, 231, 246, 282
marriages of, 284, 315
Bradbury, Thomas, 16, 17, 18
Bradbury, Walter, 166, 184, 187, 189, 202, 203, 256
Dandelion Wine and, 241, 242, 244, 255
Martian Chronicles and, 155–56, 159, 161, 162, 166, 182, 255, 256
RB’s correspondence with, 171–72, 182, 240
RB’s meetings with, 154–56, 162
Bradbury and Sons, 20–24
Bradbury Stories (Bradbury), 312, 326
Bradford, Mary Spaulding, 18–19
Bradley, Ray, 118
Brande, Dorthea, 92
Brave New World, A (Huxley), 174, 209
Brehl, Jennifer, 322, 323
“Bright Phoenix” (Bradbury), 199, 200
Brynner, Yul, 281
Buck Rogers, 64, 318, 326
Buck Rogers in the 25th Century, 45–47
Burns, George, 72, 74, 76–77, 83
Burroughs, Edgar Rice, 48, 64, 86, 88, 107, 154, 198, 317
Bush, George W., 330–32
Calkins, Dick, 45
Campbell, Bruce, 281
Campbell, John W., 96, 107, 115, 158
Canada, 312, 313
“Candle, The” (Bradbury), 109–10
Capote, Truman, 136, 151, 218
Captain Future, 106
“Carnival” (Bradbury), 258
Carroll, Lucy, 59
Cather, Willa, 103
Cat’s Pajamas, The (Bradbury), 132, 298, 326
Cavett, Morgan, 284
censorship, 17–18, 155, 182, 195, 198, 200, 209, 219, 229, 330, 331
Central School, 35, 39, 41
Century of Progress World’s Fair (1933), 66–68, 93, 262–63, 291
Chabon, Michael, 60
Chaffee, Roger, 278
Chandler, Raymond, 108, 109
Chandu the Magician (radio program), 64, 65
Chaney, Lon, 27, 28, 34, 49, 259, 332
Charm, 124–25, 151, 240
Chase, Borden, 234–35
Chester, Hal, 189–90
Chicago, Ill., 49, 66–67, 93, 157, 162, 214, 262–63
Chicago Tribune Magazine, 3
children’s books, RB’s writing of, 160, 236, 319
Christie, Julie, 273, 274
“Cistern” (Bradbury), 144
Citizen Kane (film), 151
civil rights, 123, 168, 182
Clark, Tom, 193
Clarke, Arthur C., 88, 159
Classic Stories 1 (Bradbury), 241
Clayton, Jack, 227, 306–9
Cobean, Sam, 142
Collier, John, 103, 251
Collier’s, 124–25, 129, 134, 142, 151
Collins, Michael, 282
comics, 7, 13–14, 30, 45–47, 64, 65–66, 70, 81, 138, 147, 229, 305, 329
Communism, 193–97, 199, 203, 234–35, 252–53
Congdon, Don, 32, 142–43, 241
as RB’s agent, 146–47, 152, 154–56, 161, 162, 166, 168–69, 176, 179, 184, 197, 200, 202, 203–4, 209, 214, 228–29, 255, 257, 259, 260, 319, 323, 325
RB’s correspondence with, 129–30, 131, 146–47
Conlon, Christopher, 254
Conrad, Pete, 276
Coolidge, Calvin, 40
Cooper, Gary, 75
Copy, 173–74
Corwin, Norman, 131, 145–46, 152, 157, 160, 161–62, 177, 192, 251, 284, 328
Cosby, Bill, 281, 282
Crane, Stephen, 177
Creatures That Time Forgot, The (Bradbury), 156–57, 165
“Creatures That Time Forgot, The” (Bradbury), 156, 165, 166
Critical History of Television’s The Twilight Zone, 1959–1964, A (Presnell and McGee), 250–51, 255
“Crowd, The” (Bradbury), 75, 116, 134, 141
Crowther, Bosley, 275
“Cry the Cosmos” (Bradbury), 264
Daily Variety, 195–97, 252
Dandelion Wine (Bradbury), 1, 8, 122, 135, 233, 24
1–45, 254, 276, 284, 292, 297
autobiographical elements in, 14, 16, 18, 19, 20, 26, 33, 42, 81, 130, 248, 314
introduction to, 33, 52
Danse Macabre (King), 180
Darabont, Frank, 317, 330
Dark Carnival (Bradbury), 34, 35, 100, 129, 131–36, 141, 143–46, 151, 153, 158, 166, 168, 314
assembly of, 133–36, 139, 141, 153, 258
dust jacket of, 131, 132
groundwork for, 122–23
publication of, 101, 103, 144, 164, 177
reissue of, 114
repackaging of, see October Country, The Dark Carnival (Bradbury screenplay), 260
Darrow, Jack, 96
Davis, George, 136, 142
Day, Laraine, 99–100, 110, 162, 269
“Day After Tomorrow” (Bradbury), 206
“Day It Rained Forever, The” (Bradbury), 251
DC Comics, 95, 147
death, 183, 325
Mexico and, 126–27
RB’s experience with, 32–34, 40–41, 55–59, 74–75, 79, 107, 126–27
“Death and the Maiden” (Bradbury), 265, 268
Death Is a Lonely Business (Bradbury), 112, 148–49, 314, 315
“Death’s Voice” (Bradbury), 83
de Havilland, Olivia, 177
Delavan, Wis., 51–54
Democrats, 169, 192–96, 229, 289
Derleth, August, 101, 116, 160
Dark Carnival and, 122–23, 132, 134–36, 143, 145
RB’s correspondence with, 116, 119, 122–23, 160
RB’s meeting with, 141–42
Who Knocks? and, 119, 122
Detective Tales, 139
“Dia De Muerte, El” (Bradbury), 144
Dietrich, Marlene, 76
Dill Brothers Combined Shows, 54–59
Diller, Barry, 306
Dime Detective, 119
Dimension X (radio program), 179–80, 237
dinosaurs, 37, 67, 90, 167, 188, 189–90, 210, 212, 216, 217
“Disease, The” (Bradbury), 161
Disney, 59, 214, 264, 304, 306–9
Disney, Roy E., 179
Disney, Walt, 4, 264, 271–72, 296–97, 303
Disney Imagineering, 296–98
Dominguín, 281
Doors of Perception, The (Huxley), 175
Doubleday, 154–57, 165, 166, 169–72, 176, 182, 188, 203, 252
Fahrenheit 451 and, 205, 208
RB’s advances from, 156–57, 160
RB’s collections of previously published work for, 263–64
RB’s disenchantment with, 255–57, 260
“Downwind from Gettysburg” (Bradbury), 272
Doyle, Arthur Conan, 81, 229
Driving Blind (Bradbury), 298
“Ducker, The” (Bradbury), 134
Du Maurier, Daphne, 238
“Dwarf, The” (Bradbury), 236
“Earth Men, The” (Bradbury), 158, 161
Eastwood, Clint, 246
Edgar Rice Burroughs (Porges), 48
Eisenhower, Dwight D., 194
Eisner, Michael, 306
election of 1952, 192, 194, 195
“Electric Grandmother, The” (Bradbury), 302
Eller, Jonathan R., 57–58, 134, 203
“Embroidery” (Bradbury), 188
“Emissary, The” (Bradbury), 116, 144, 187, 236
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 120
Engel, Joel, 264
“En La Noche” (Bradbury), 112
Entertaining Comics (EC), 153, 186–87, 190
environmental destruction, 155, 203, 254
EPCOT Center, 264, 297–98, 302–3
Esquire, 82–83, 169, 202, 320
Essex, Harry, 192
“Exiles, The” (Bradbury), 199, 200
Fadiman, Clifton, 256
Fahrenheit 451 (Bradbury), 8, 9, 38–39, 77, 198–210, 212, 213, 214, 241, 252, 274, 298, 313, 316, 330–32
as anticensorship book, 17–18, 182, 199, 219, 330
character names in, 73
cover art of, 4, 131, 237
introductions to, 199, 201
magazine serial rights for, 228–29
origins of, 166–67, 198–203, 259
publication of, 208–9, 255, 260
reviews of, 208
sales of, 209, 274
stage version considered for, 269
Fahrenheit 451 (film), 273–75, 330
Fahrenheit 9/11 (film), 330–31
Fairbanks, Douglas, 12, 107
Famous Artists, 177
fantasy, 105, 109, 154, 182
“autobiographical,” 32, 34, 112–14
RB as anthologist for, 176–77
RB’s avoidance of, 8, 176–77
RB’s writing of, 30, 32, 34, 43, 110, 112–14, 116, 118, 153, 154, 187, 188, 191, 209, 233, 263–64
stigma against, 175
see also specific works Farewell Summer (Bradbury), 14, 81, 130, 243
Farrar, Straus, 152
“Fathers, The” (Bradbury), 161
Faulkner, William, 109, 208
FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), 118, 193, 252–53
Fellini, Federico, 290, 299
Fellini’s Films (book), 298–99
Ferguson, Regina, 214–16, 219, 231
Fields, W. C., 69, 70, 85
Figueroa Street Playhouse, 72, 75–77
film, film industry, 15, 27–28, 43, 109, 190
newsreels before, 198–99
RB’s love of, 15, 27–78, 30, 31, 34, 41, 63, 66, 69, 70, 83, 91, 161, 229, 259–60, 261, 267, 271, 290, 306
RB’s screenplays for, 37, 162, 178, 189–92, 210–12, 214, 216–17, 218, 220–34, 245, 246, 259–60, 280–82, 286–87, 304–7, 316
see also animated films; specific films
“Fire Balloons, The” (Bradbury), 33
“Fireman, The” (formerly “Long After Midnight”) (Bradbury), 166–67, 200–205
“First Night of Lent, The” (Bradbury play), 270
“First Night of Lent, The” (Bradbury story), 239–40
Fishgall, Gary, 227
Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 209, 229, 306, 317
Flash Gordon, 70
“Fog Horn, The” (formerly “The Beast from 20,000 Fathoms”) (Bradbury), 37, 167, 188, 190, 212
Foley, Martha, 133, 142, 151–52, 160
Format Films, 264–65
Fourth of July, 32–33, 52
“Fox and the Forrest, The” (Bradbury), 131
France, 139, 215, 216–17, 312, 313
World War One in, 24, 25, 58
see also Paris
Freberg, Stan, 269, 329
Frehley, Ace, 98
From the Dust Returned (Bradbury), 19–20, 135, 154, 322, 324
Frost, David, 282–83
“Frost and Fire” (Bradbury), 165
Furthman, Jules, 109
Futuria Fantasia, 93, 101, 103–4, 106
“Gabriel’s Horn” (Bradbury and Hasse), 106–7
Gaimon, Neil, 122
Gaines, Bill, 186–87
Galaxy, 202
“Garbage Collector, The” (Bradbury), 188
Garland, Judy, 73, 139, 193
Garreau-Dombasle, Francion, 127, 235
Garreau-Dombasle, Madame Man’Ha, 127–28, 131, 235
Gauss, Katherine, 144
Gay, John, 244–45, 250
Germany, 100, 145, 193, 199, 202
Gernsbach, Hugo, 84
Gingrich, Arnold, 82–83, 320
Gioia, Dana, 332
“Girls Walk This Way; the Boys Walk That Way, The” (Bradbury), 291
Gold, Horace, 202
Golden Apples of the Sun, The (Bradbury), 53, 121, 167, 187–89, 197, 202, 330
mixed fiction in, 187–88, 204
Mugnaini’s drawings for, 189, 237
reviews of, 204
Goldwyn, Sam, Jr., 259
Gomberg, Sy, 259, 270, 280
Gordon, Richard, 276
Gorman, Bob, 89
Gottlieb, Bob, 260–61, 283, 287–88, 319
Grapes of Wrath, The (Steinbeck), 98, 129, 157–58
Graziani, Bettina, 235
Great Britain:
RB’s work in, 145, 181–83
see also London
Great Depression, 44–46, 51, 55, 60–66, 78, 95, 98, 110, 124, 138, 186, 198, 199, 332
Greene, Graham, 246
Green Shadows, White Whale (Bradbury), 131–32, 221, 316, 319
Gregory, Paul, 269
Grissom, Virgil (Gus), 276–78
Guggenheim Fellowship, 160
Gumm Sisters, 73
Hahn, James K., 5, 78
Halloween, 7, 13, 30, 136, 142, 153–54, 266–67, 293, 315–16, 327–28
Halloween Tree, The (animated film), 286–87, 316
Halloween Tree, The (Bradbury), 81, 128, 285–88, 319
“Halloween Tree, The” (painting), 286
Hamburger, Susan, 319
Hamilton, Edmund, 101, 107, 116, 134
Hamish Hamilton, 145
Hammett, Dashiell, 108
Handleman, Andrew, 315
“Handler, The” (Bradbury), 187
Hardy, Oliver, 71, 219–20, 295
Harkins, Donald, 70, 72, 73–74, 80, 238
Harold Matson Agency, 147
Harper’s, 142, 144, 151, 202
Harrison, Joan, 237
Harryhausen, Ray, 51, 90–91, 147–48, 174, 189–90, 210, 217
Hart-Davis, Rupert, 181
Hartrampf’s Vocabulary, 93–94, 103
Hasse, Henry, 101, 104, 106–7
Hawks, Howard, 109
Heard, Gerald, 172–75, 207, 232
Hecht, Harold, 246
Hecht-Hill-Lancaster, 244, 246
Hefner, Hugh, 198, 229–30
Heinlein, Leslyn, 98, 99, 101–2
Heinlein, Robert, 98–99, 101–2, 104, 159
RB’s falling out with, 114–15
as RB’s mentor, 99, 102, 107, 109
Hemingway, Ernest, 108, 209, 220, 317
Hepburn, Katharine, 316
“Here There Be Tygers” (Bradbury), 254–55
“Highway, The” (Bradbury), 19, 131, 166, 174
Hillman, James, 38
Hitchcock, Alfred, 237–38, 261, 287, 311
Hitler, Adolf, 85, 199, 207, 209
Hole, The (animated film), 266
“Hollerbochen’s Dilemma” (Bradbury), 87, 324
Hollywood, Calif., 69–70, 73–77, 139, 151, 177, 231, 270, 294
anti-Communism and, 193–97, 199, 234–35
premieres in, 238–39
Hollywood Hotel (radio program), 75, 76
Home Box Office, 312, 313
“Homecoming” (Bradbury), 122, 124, 135–36, 142, 144, 154, 236, 322
Hoover, J. Edgar, 193
Hornig, Charlie, 94
horror, 176–77, 180, 182
Hourigan, Kathy, 319
“House Divided” (Bradbury), 55–56
House Un-American Activities Committee, 193–94, 199, 209, 234, 252