Love Redesigned

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Love Redesigned Page 13

by Collins, Sloane B.

  She glared at him. “What makes you think I did?”

  “Because you weren’t at breakfast, and I happened to see you driving up this morning, trying to cover your walk of shame with a man’s shirt.”

  Now she was angry. “So what if I did, Father? I’m a grown-damned-woman, and I’ll do whatever the hell I want.” She pointed the dripping spatula at him. “And you have no say in the matter!”

  The hurt that crossed his face made her flinch. “I don’t want to see you hurt again. But I’ll leave you alone.” He turned to leave the room.

  Guilt winged its arrow at her heart, and she hurried after him. “I’m sorry. I really am. This is just all so confusing.” She pulled on his arm, but he didn’t budge. “I can’t explain it. At first we just needed to clear the air. And once we did . . . He’s familiar and new all at once. And it’s been such a freakin’ long time since anyone . . .”

  He looked at her out of the corner of his eye. “Long dry spell? I know.” He turned around and hugged her. “You’re a strong, capable woman, and you’re so close to your dreams. You haven’t let anyone get close to you in a long time. Don’t let him hurt you again, please? I don’t know if I can stand to see you go through that again.”

  He’s right, I know he is. “I won’t let it go that far, I promise. Please don’t be angry with me. ‘Kay? I couldn’t stand to lose you.”

  He relented. “You’ll never lose me, Sugar.” He kissed the top of her head and let her go. “Now, can I lick the bowl for you?” He pasted a grin on his face, and she knew all was forgiven . . . almost.

  It was done. He had found the right place. Now all he had to do was convince Genevieve this was the right thing for her. For them both.

  He walked through his cousin’s chateau looking for her. She must be in the kitchen still making her preparations. As he neared the smaller kitchen, he smelled the most delectable scent of cake baking.

  Sure enough, there she was, working at a frantic pace, her hair pulled up in a tight knot on top of her head. Chocolate smeared her chef coat, and a smudge lined her cheekbone. He wanted to lick it off her.

  As he was about to speak, she picked up a forkful of cake scrap and ran it through a bowl of chocolate icing until it was almost dripping. She opened the oven door and looked inside, stuffing the mouthful of sweets into her mouth without pausing.

  He chuckled, and her head whipped around, her eyes glassy. Red crept slowly up her neck until her cheeks glowed. He’d forgotten that when she blushed, her neck and chest grew rosy as well.

  “What are you working on? Is the wedding cake to be chocolate?”

  “No, it’s the groom’s cake. Francois wanted chocolate.”

  “Are you hungry?”

  “I worked straight through breakfast and lunch. And sometimes chocolate is the only thing that keeps me going.”

  “Let me take you out to dinner. You need sustenance, and a break.”

  She started to shake her head, but then pressed a hand to her middle. “I guess I do need to eat. What time is it?”

  “Almost eight.”

  “That late? Alright, let me just change my clothes.”

  “You are fine just as you are.”

  She snorted. “Yeah, right. I’m a mess!”

  He picked up her hand and kissed it, then did lick the chocolate off her cheek. The flavor was intense, sweet, and satisfying . . . just like her. He wanted to dip his finger in the bowl and spread it over her body, follow it with his tongue.

  She trembled.

  Perhaps this will work. She is as affected by me as I am by her.

  “I promise I am taking you to a casual place. A t-shirt and jeans is perfectly acceptable.”

  A short while later he parked in front of an old restaurant, his favorite spot in St. Armand. Light spilled into the street, and laughter drifted on the breeze. “I will be right back.”

  “Isn’t this where we’re eating?”

  “I have to go inside a moment, but we are eating elsewhere.” He kissed her cheek and opened the door as she sat at one of the small café tables outside.

  The proprietress greeted him warmly. “Monsieur Roman, it is so good to see you! Welcome home.” She peered around his shoulder. “Is that the young lady?”

  He glanced outside. She was checking her infernal smart phone yet again. He frowned, but quickly schooled his features. “Yes, that is her. You have the dinner ready for us?”

  Madame Bertini nodded. “Oui. Everything is set for you. I hope you both like the dinner.” She patted his shoulder. “And I hope the young lady is impressed. Let me know how the evening goes. But you behave, young man,” she admonished him, smiling.

  Warmth rose in his cheeks. This woman could still make him feel like the fifteen year old she had hired to buss tables so long ago. He pulled some bills out of his wallet and handed them to her, adding an extra-large tip for the trouble he had put her through.

  He opened the door and she glanced up at him.

  “Are you ready?”

  “Starved. I was about to start eating these flowers.” She stood up.

  He tucked her arm under his elbow and led her to the building at the corner. It was perfectly situated in the center of town, and would be sure to draw a lot of foot traffic. White twinkle lights decorated the outside of the shop. It would need some work, but it looked charming tonight.

  Turning the key in the lock, he opened the door and they walked in to a fairy tale room. Candles glowed softly, romantic light filling the room. Pink rose bouquets were scattered throughout, and the wood counters gleamed in a high polish.

  Madame’s team had outdone themselves. An array of food graced the sideboard, and an elegant table was set in the middle of the room. China glistened in the candlelight, and silverware was polished till it gleamed.

  He turned to her to gauge her reaction.

  “This isn’t a restaurant, is it?” She turned to him, and her eyes shimmered.

  “No, I wanted to show you this place, and thought we could have dinner here at the same time.” He walked to the sideboard and picked up a plate. “What would you like to begin with?”

  She joined him and looked at the food. “Mmm, some of everything, I think. It looks delicious, and smells absolutely divine!” She took the plate from him and began ladling food onto it.

  He smiled, a vague memory drifting to him from the past. She would forget to eat for hours as she practiced her patisserie, and then be so hungry she would not hold back on food. She tended to burn so much energy she never became fat.

  He pulled a chair out at the table and held it for her. He poured wine for both of them, and settled in to eat. It was very cozy, this intimate setting, the two of them cocooned in candlelight.

  They talked about anything and nothing as they ate. Almost as if we are an old married couple, ending the day together. And this was something he wanted with his whole heart.

  Genevieve pushed her plate away after polishing off a decadent dessert of chocolate mousse with raspberry sauce. “That is something I never get tired of. Thank you so much for having this wonderful dinner set up.”

  He stood and held his hand out to her. He kissed her lightly on the cheek. “It was absolutely my pleasure. Now tell me,” he said, leading her to the kitchen and gesturing around the room, “what do you think of the building?”

  “It’s charming,” she said. “It has a lot of potential for a shop. But would you tear out this kitchen? It seems a shame to waste it.”

  He was taken aback. “No, why would I?”

  “Why do you need such a big kitchen in your shop?”

  Realization dawned. She thought he was opening a store here. “Nón, this building is not for my business. This would be a perfect spot for your patisserie, and to launch your cake design

  She stopped dead in the middle of the room, and slowly turned to him. “Come again?”

  “You have been so worried about obtaining the loan to start your business. I passed this building the other day and noticed it is for sale. It would be perfect for you. I spoke to the owner today, and he is ready to sell. I will buy the building and you can open as soon as everything is set to your liking.”

  She stood so still, her body rigid, fists balled at her sides. “No, thank you.”


  “No, thank you.”

  “But this way you can start your business without having to worry about a bank loan.”

  “I want to do this on my own. Why do you think I’d have agreed to this?”

  “I want you to achieve your dreams. You have vision and talent for not only designing cakes, but bringing the vision to life using nothing more than cake batter and icing. Not many people are so talented.”

  He clutched her upper arms, wanted to shake her, make her understand. “And you love France, I know you do. I have thought about you, and only you, since we were reunited. I want us to have a chance together. I still love you.”

  Chapter 15

  For one fleeting moment, her heart soared, then sank. She held still as a statue. “Roman . . . I don’t know what to say. But this—”

  His arms tightened around her. “Can you honestly tell me you do not have any feelings for me? I cannot believe that. Not with the way you respond to me.” His lips crushed to hers, anger and desperation rolling off him in waves.

  Her arms were pinned at her sides, and she couldn’t move, but her traitorous body responded. Blood thickening in a desperate need, heat coiled low in her belly. Sparks zapped along her nerve endings.

  She did want him. She may even love him still.

  Even as his lips slanted over hers, taking, tantalizing, she knew this would never work. She didn’t want to be a star, but others would see her as nothing more than a hanger-on around him. She would be eclipsed by him always.

  He tore his mouth away, breath heaving. He paced away from her, prowling around the room like a caged animal. He rubbed the back of his neck, and she could tell he was frustrated.

  She had to make him understand. “I really appreciate the offer, but I can’t be indebted to you for this.”

  “What if I am a silent partner?”

  “It wouldn’t work, not for me. If my business takes off, I’d never know if it was me or your name attached to it.”

  He faced her again. “No one has to know I am involved.”

  Her heart broke. He looked so sad, and she hated hurting him. She slowly crossed the room to him, dread filling her. She laid a hand on his arm, hoping to soothe him. “I would know. I don’t want to depend on anyone. My father dictated my mother’s life, never let her do what she wanted to. Her friends drifted away, and she was lonely. She loved me, and I think she loved him, in her own way. But I could tell. He didn’t want her to work, or join clubs. She was there to take care of him.”

  “And then you had to care for him when he became ill. He treated you the same way.”

  She jolted. Very perceptive of him.

  He trailed his finger down along her jawline. “I would never do that to you. I know how much you want this business to succeed, and I want you to shine. Did you ever think maybe I want to take care of you?”

  Shocked, she stared at him. “Why? You’re a star in your world. A celebrity. People would wonder what you’re doing with plain little ol’ me, the hick from Atlanta.”

  “You are a beautiful woman—a successful, driven, talented woman. The woman I love. This is what everyone will see.”

  She froze. The words were a balm, soaking into her. Too good to be true. Her heart floated, then sank like a stone in a pond. He loves me? This can’t be happening. Not now!

  “Besides, I think Constance would be thrilled if you moved here. She was so excited you were coming for the wedding.”

  “You didn’t even know it was me.”

  “No, I did not. But she talked about her cousin Gigi all the time.”

  “I admit I’ll miss her, but she can come visit me in the States.”

  “And me? You will not miss me?”

  Miss you? Of course I’ll miss you! It’s tearing my heart out to leave you again.

  She laid a hand on his chest. “But what about your own dreams? You told me just the other day you want children of your own. You know I can’t give them to you. You need to find someone to have children with.” Tears gathered in her eyes, and she turned away. And it’s killing me that it won’t be me.

  “I want you in my life. Please, let me do this for you. I want you to stay here.”

  “Don’t make this any harder than it is. I can’t do this.”

  “You can do this. But you don’t love me. Isn’t that what you’re saying?” He scoffed. “Of course, that’s it. I was a fool to think you could love me.”

  The hurt and betrayal on his face sliced through her, and she couldn’t breathe. Panic had her clawing at her throat. I have to get out of here.

  She hurried across the room and opened the door, stepped out into the cool night air. She gulped the air greedily, trying to center herself. Her throat closed with the tears she held back. Crossing her arms for warmth, she hurried down the sidewalk. She just wished there was some way to warm her insides.

  A car slowed next to her, and the window rolled down. “Genevieve, get in the car, please. I will take you back to the chateau,” Roman said through clenched teeth.

  Goosebumps on her arms warred with her desire to be alone. A brisk wind chilled her to the bone, and she decided this was stupid. She wasn’t even sure which way the chateau was on the dark road out of town. She stepped off the sidewalk and climbed into his car.

  She glanced at his face, his expression stony. Laying a hand on his knee, she said, “I’m sorry. I know you meant well. I just decided long ago to be completely independent. It’s what I have to do.”

  Studying him closely, she noticed a muscle twitch in his clenched jaw. “As you wish. I will not bring it up again.”

  The rest of the ride was made in cold silence. This was her fault, and she hated hurting him. But it was for the best.

  Wasn’t it?

  Roman dropped her off without saying a word, and she headed straight to her room. Opening the door, she heard Connie Sue calling her from down the hall, so she stopped, leaned her head against the doorframe. She just wanted to crawl into bed and pull the covers over her head.

  Connie Sue rushed up to her, and clutched her arm. “Thank God you’re back! I’ve been waiting for you for hours!”

  “What’s wrong? Is it Francois or the twins?”

  “No, no, they’re fine.”

  “Then can it wait till morning? I’m exhausted.” And I want to be alone.

  “But it’s a disaster! You know how I told you my maid of honor Joanie couldn’t get here until the day before the wedding because of some work thing she had to do? Well, she called me a few hours ago. She broke her leg. Now I don’t have a maid of honor!”

  She pushed Connie Sue through the bedroom door. “Alright, come inside and calm down. You’ve been doing great so far, and I’m not going to let you turn into a bridezilla at the last minute.”

  She led her cousin into the room, marched her over to a chair, and pushed her into it.

  “All you have to do is decide which of your bridesmaids to promote. Not a big deal, we’ll get through this.”

  Connie Sue breathed deep. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to get scary on you. I already know what I want to do, I’m just worried she won’t do it. I mean, everything is done, really. All she has to do is stand up there alongside me and give me moral support. Something she’s already been
doing all my life.”

  Genevieve sat down on the bed, her eyebrows furrowed. “Wait a minute . . . you’re not—”

  “Please, please, please?” Connie Sue clasped her hands together. “Please do it for me. I wanted you to be my maid of honor all along, but you said you had too much baking and couldn’t do it. But now you’re almost done with the cakes, aren’t you?”

  Genevieve opened her mouth to refuse, but the begging puppy-dog look on Connie Sue’s face stopped her. She sighed in resignation. “What do I have to do?”

  “Nothing at all. Well, just hold my hand and make sure I don’t freak at the last minute and not marry him.”

  Gigi narrowed her eyes. “Are you thinking of changing your mind?”

  “No! Of course not. I love Francois, and want to be his wife more than anything. I’m just trying to tell you it’ll be easy for you. Well, you will have to sign the marriage license as a witness, but that’s it.” Connie Sue clasped Genevieve’s hands in her own. “Please?”

  She rolled her eyes and sighed in resignation. “All right. I’m honored to be your maid of honor.”

  Connie Sue hugged her. “Thank you! I’m so relieved. This is what I wanted all along. Now I’ve got to run.” She opened the door. “Oh! I almost forgot! The only other thing you have to do is walk back down the aisle with Roman. But that shouldn’t be too hard since you’ve been seeing so much of him.” She smiled slyly and flew out the door.


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