Without Missing a Bark

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Without Missing a Bark Page 16

by Stella St. Claire

  Happy to be with Andrew, Olivia was paying more attention to him than to where they were going. There was a peaceful expression on his face.

  They stopped again, the dogs seeming content to sniff around at the ends of their leashes, and she glanced around and tensed.

  "You know where this is?" he murmured.

  "The parking lot where we found Yvette." Olivia sighed. "It's still a little strange to see this spot without seeing her coffee truck."

  "It's your first mystery. Sometimes I wonder what might have happened if I'd put my foot down on your sleuthing. Our lives might have gone differently."

  He smiled, even as she tensed.

  "You think things might have been better?" she asked cautiously.

  "I'm not saying that." Andrew gave nothing else away as they started walking again. When he stopped next, she saw the sign at the edge of the town, reading Welcome to Lexingburg. "I bet you remember this."

  Olivia didn't say anything. This was where Samantha, Yvette's killer, had nearly run Olivia down in her car. That sign had been the only thing that had saved her.

  Andrew wrapped her arms around her waist and pulled her close. "This was the first time that I realized I might lose you."

  "Yeah. I guess I've put you through a lot." Guilt settled in her chest. She didn't understand what Andrew hoped to accomplish with his impromptu walk down memory lane.

  Goodwin seemed to sense her disquiet and rubbed his head against her leg. She patted him absently.

  They passed L'Amore, and Andrew chuckled. "I will never forget you, rushing past the hostess, dressed in your dog-walking outfit."

  "I know that you think I did it on purpose, but I really was just running late. It was also the first time that I learned about the seriousness of the Jacob-and-Samantha-and-Yvette triangle. It was the first step to solving my first murder mystery."

  The foursome, dogs and people, kept walking, the dogs exploring while she and Andrew talked almost fondly about their favorite moments. They walked past the wedding venue where Olivia had found the body of Lacy McBride on that cold and rainy night. The spot where Lady Celeste had held her pet-psychic demonstration. The park where Olivia had unsuccessfully tried to follow Kimberly Nesbit's ex-husband when solving her friend’s murder. The high school where she and Andrew had attended prom together after their breakup.

  They stopped at the bench in front of the school, where she and Andrew had decided to give it another shot. Andrew sat down and leaned back casually, patting an adjacent spot.

  Fender slumped to the ground with a sigh, and Goodwin sat and lifted his nose to sample the breeze.

  Filled with mixed emotion, Olivia sat down next to him. "I feel like there was a reason for this walk," she said cautiously and swallowed hard.

  "We've had some ups and downs, haven't we?" he said with a smile. "You know, for the first two years of our relationship, I thought I had you all figured out. Sure, you were a little complicated, and you were definitely a flight risk, but I just had to hang on through your insecurities, and we'd be just fine."

  "But now?"

  "You've changed, Olivia. You started investigating cases, and you changed. I thought you were going down a bad road, but then I realized that I was wrong."

  "What?" Olivia's startled gaze flew up to meet his. "What do you mean?"

  "You and Janelle had a horrible one-sided relationship before you started investigating Yvette's murder. That case helped you two grow closer, and now you're both successful business owners, and you own the building where you work. You've helped forge relationships like Derek and Delilah,” he smiled, “and the mayor and Lady Celeste.” He chuckled and added, as if to himself, “I find both of them a little strange.” Then he turned to Olivia, his tone firm again, his pride in her showing through clearly. “You've fought hard to clear people's names, and you saved Hattie. You're a remarkable woman, and I was so scared of losing you that I never even saw that happening." Andrew suddenly turned, leaned toward her, and clasped her hands in his.

  Goodwin, never one to be left out, licked their joined hands, but Andrew forged on, ignoring any distraction. "Olivia, I think that you should study and get your PI license. Make it official. You'd be great at it."

  Of all the things that she might expect Andrew to say, that was not one of them. "Okay," she said slowly. "I mean, I'm still a dog walker. I love my business, and I'm not ready to give that up."

  "You won't have to,” Andrew said, squeezing her hands. “You've been balancing both, and now that I'm freelancing, I'll be able to help out where I can.” He took a deep breath and said earnestly, “I just want you to be happy, Olivia."

  Nervously taking one hand away to tuck her hair behind her ear, she bit her bottom lip. "I would be lying if I didn't admit that I've been thinking about it, but I want you to be happy, too."

  "There's only one thing that I need to be happy." Smiling, he slipped from the bench and bent down on one knee. As if they'd practiced, Goodwin and Fender moved to sit next to Andrew, and both dogs placed their paws on the bench. "You."

  "What—? What are you doing?" Olivia said in confusion.

  Andrew chuckled. "I guess you've figured it out by now. I asked everyone to help me keep you busy so you wouldn't know what I was doing. The first time I proposed to you, I was just looking for a way to keep you. I thought that if I dragged you along kicking and screaming, you'd finally settle down, eventually. I was wrong."

  "Andrew," Olivia muttered as she put a hand to her lips. He was simultaneously ruining everything and filling her with joy.

  "But now I think you're ready.” He put a hand to his heart and said, “I want you, with all your crazy ideas and your heart full of love, forever.” He swept the sky with his hand to emphasize the sentiment. “I want to be your husband through the good times and the bad.” He brought his hand down to capture Olivia’s in a gentle clasp. “I want to be there to encourage you to be your best.” He looked at the dogs and smiled. “I want to give Fender and Goodwin a brother or a sister, the human kind, and start this new crazy chapter of our lives with you.”

  Goodwin gave a small whuffle as if in support, but Andrew was doing fine. “Will you marry me?" He pulled out a velvet box and opened it.

  Olivia took one look at the gorgeous ring and frowned. "You've got to be kidding me."

  Andrew's eyes widened in panic. "Excuse me?"

  "Stanley knew that you'd gotten a ring to propose to me. Nick and Jackie knew. Brent. Janelle. Holy crap, even Patrick knew. They all knew that you were going to propose to me!"

  He looked confused. "Yes. They did. Is that okay?"

  "They weren't encouraging me to work on this case to distract me from your proposal, Andrew. They were doing it to distract me from my proposal."

  Andrew looked even more confused. "Your proposal?"

  Thinking back to all the things that hadn't made sense, Olivia laughed and reached into her pocket. "I was afraid you weren't going to believe that I was ready. I'd been so afraid of commitment before, why would you believe that I was ready now?” She shook her head at herself. “I'd been working on this plan for weeks. I was afraid that if I did it here in town, it would remind you of some fight that we’d had. So . . . I made reservations in the city."

  "Olivia, I have no idea what you're talking about, but the fact that you're not answering my question might send me to my grave."

  Pulling out the ring she had bought, she showed it to him. "I was going to propose to you tonight. I was going to tell you that there wasn't a single doubt in my mind. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you, Andrew. I love your patience and your brilliance—and your overprotectiveness. I wanted you to know that I am ready, one hundred percent. I was going to ask you to marry me."

  "You bought me a ring?" Andrew laughed and shook his head. "You are the most amazing woman I have ever met.” He sobered again, looking intently into her face. “One who still isn't answering my question."

  "Technically, you
popped the question first, but if I hold out until you answer, then I can still say that I proposed to you."

  Olivia laughed when Andrew suddenly rose and planted a big kiss on her lips. “Anything to make my bride-to-be happy. Yes, Olivia. I can't wait to marry you."

  Giddy with bliss, Olivia slid the ring onto his finger. The diamonds sparkled on the dark surface.

  Andrew closed the box holding the ring he’d offered her and tried to pull it away.

  "No, what are you doing?" Olivia laughed.

  "Hey, I'm engaged now. I don't have to propose to you anymore. Maybe I can get my money back."

  He kissed her as she tried to reach for the ring, and she wrapped her arms around his neck. She was so busy enjoying herself that she didn't even notice when he slipped the ring on her finger.

  Breaking off the kiss, he sat back on the bench, and they held each other close. Goodwin and Fender barked happily and licked at them in excitement.

  "Next week. The park. We'll hold the reception at End Game and have Janelle bake us a cake. I'm sure Delilah will find me the perfect dress, and we won't have anything to stress about. Do you think you can get your family down in time?"

  "I told them yesterday to clear their schedules."

  "Pretty sure that I would be a yes, huh?" Olivia teased.

  Andrew tightened his hold. "I just couldn't imagine a life without you, Olivia."

  Olivia felt the same way.


  Olivia had no idea how the town had managed it, but the dog park looked beautiful. The gazebo and the benches and lawn chairs were decked out in flowers and lace. Her clients brought their dogs, and the four-legged guests played happily in the park while the two-legged guests gathered. Jackie and Janelle were her bridesmaid and matron of honor, and Brent and Nick stood with Andrew. It turned out that Lady Celeste was an officiant, and she married them in a flourish of elegance and eloquence. She didn’t forget to point out more than once that she’d foreseen this moment from the very beginning, and even though she’d had to break the bride’s curse and save Olivia’s life, she had always known that the happy couple were meant to be.

  This time, there were no whispers about the wedding not happening. Everyone was more than thrilled, and the park was packed. Dogs were, of course, welcome, and everyone was on their best behavior. Delilah decked Olivia out in a beautiful but simple ivory halter dress, and Jackie and Janelle looked gorgeous in midnight blue. Goodwin and Fender didn’t even seem to mind the midnight blue and ivory bows tied to their collars.

  There was a loud cheer when Lady Celeste pronounced them husband and wife, and more than a few people shouted, It's about time!

  End Game and Janelle had both brought specially prepared food to the park. A small band set up in the gazebo at the center of the dog park, and everyone danced and played games. There was nothing that could have made the day more perfect.

  Nothing, at least, until Janelle's water broke, and she went into labor.

  "Look at that," Olivia said with a grin. "My wedding anniversary and my nephew's birthday are going to fall on the same day. And I believe that I won the town pool!"

  "Come on, wife of mine,” Andrew said smugly, and she smacked him on the arm, but Olivia had to laugh when he finished, “it looks like we're going to the hospital before we start our honeymoon and try to make a baby of our own."

  Olivia? Add a baby to her chaotic life of dogs and mystery?

  She couldn't be happier.

  End of “Without Missing a Bark”

  Happy Tails Dog Walker Mysteries Book Six

  Stay in Touch

  Stella lives and breathes cozy mysteries! With her head always buried inside these books, it’s no wonder that she would put pen to paper to bring her own cozy mysteries to life. The words flew onto the page, and she’s already teeming with ideas for the next cozy mystery series.

  With her trusted canine by her side, it seemed only natural to be inspired by her beautiful beagle Doogle and the many hours they spent walking through scenic New England villages. When Stella’s not reading books, she’s off on road trips, exploring every nook and cranny in neighboring towns, seeking inspiration for her next book.

  She’s keen to see what her fellow cozy critics think of “Happy Tails Dog Walking Mysteries,” so please leave a review and share your thoughts on Stella’s Website, Facebook or Goodreads!

  Meet Doogle!

  I would like to thank you for purchasing this book. If you would like to hear more about what I am up to, or continue to hear about Olivia’s superb sleuthing—then please sign up for my mailing list!

  Most importantly, you will get the cutest Beagle around hitting your inbox every month. Doogle the Beagle is my awesome canine companion and not a line of cozy mystery goodness would get written without him. He's quite a talker, so I’ll let him introduce himself...

  “I’m no Sherlock Bones, but when it comes to Cozies, I know my stuff. Every plot pawblem Stella has, she comes to me. She talks, i listen and before you can say *Labracadabrador* she's off typing again. Stella and I are a pretty good team—even if i have to do all the hard work…”




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